Final Fantasy: the rise of th...

By Cool05guy2000

530 127 38

Inspired by final fantasy 6. At the Aeshopia empire, there lived the emperor's right hand man named Samuel. E... More

Chapter 1: the Amazing Veldt Sisters
Chapter 2: the commotion
Chapter 3: the rebel subterfuge
Chapter 4: the magitek research facility and new recruits
Chapter 5: Chaos in the imperial capital
Chapter 6: journey to the floating continent
Chapter 7: guarding the paths
Chapter 8: fighting and betrayal
Characters list so far part 1
Chapter 10: to this day
Chapter 11: the traveling performers at Albrook
Chapter 12: the meeting and the introduction of the vocation sphere
Finale: creating more vocation spheres

Chapter 9: unleashing magic onto the world

17 5 0
By Cool05guy2000

As Samuel walked over to the final statue, he begun wondering what will happen if he moved the statue from its position. He knows that if he did, magic will be released to the world, but there might be such consequences like causing a cataclysm. Before he can place his hand on the final statue, he heard someone shouting stop. He turned around, and he saw a trio of rebels coming up from the stairs. He can tell they were battered from their fight, and exhausted from running up the stairs.

"Ah, you must be the rebels that have caused much trouble to the empire?" He said.

"You should know that we're called "the returners", and yes we are. The Aeshopia empire have terrorized the world for far too long, and the emperor have taken my parents lives twelve years ago!" Replied the rebel leader.

"If you're here for the emperor, I'm afraid that old geezer have fallen off this floating continent. I may have been his right hand man, but I've had enough from his abuse one too many! Now, you're all too late since I already moved two statues from their original positions!" He laughed.

"What!? If you were to move the final statue, then... You might trigger a cataclysm with the return of magic!" Explain Emily.

"If I must... Then I shall! Restoring magic to the world shall revive an age where everyone can use magic, instead of few who are born with magic. Now that old geezer is killed, I am now free to do whatever I want without getting yelled at!" He replied with a grin, while brushing his mustache.

"Please! Don't do it, just think of the world as it is today instead of trying to revive the past!" Wayne pleaded.

He paused for a moment, thinking about the potential consequences of releasing magic to the world. He once read on an old book about the cataclysmic war during the time when magic was a common knowledge. During that time, monsters once roamed the world causing all sorts of mayhem while attacking the humans. At the end of that age, the warring triad realized all the trouble and deaths that they had caused, turned themselves to stone to act as wards to prevent magic from causing havoc, and causing monsters to disappear when magic was sealed.

"I have no choice, I've come too far and now to restore magic" he said as he placed both hands on the final statue.

The rebel trio rushed to stop him, but they were too late as he moved the statue away from the other two. Suddenly, the entire floating continent shook as if an earthquake had arrived. Pieces of it broke off and fell from the sky, causing the trio to rush down the stairs in an effort to escape. Then the three statues crumbled into dust, and in their place, three glowing orbs of white, green, and black have floated towards Samuel. He watched as the three glowing orbs surround him in a triangular formation, wondering what is going on.

"O visitor imbued with magicite, what dost thou have purpose to be here? Why have thou moved our forms from our position?" Asked the female voice coming from the white orb.

"My name is Samuel, and my purpose is to restore magic to the world. That is why I have moved your statues away from their original position, I just want to revive the ancient age of where anyone can use magic" he explained.

"A human seeking to restore an age of strife and magic? This confuses me, but nevertheless, we shall imbue you with our essences" said the male voice, sounding rather deep and guttural, coming from the grey orb.

"Whether you use your newfound powers for good or nil, we no longer care anymore. If humanity wishes to use magic and fight monsters, then be my guest" said another male voice, sounding rather soft yet apathetic, coming from the black orb.

"Are you the warring triad?" He asked.

"We are. For thousands of years, we have brought our battle to the realm of mortals. As we fought, magic has appeared, causing humans to have the ability to cast spells, but also birthed monsters" the white orb answered.

Then the orbs each have absorbed into Samuel, causing him to grunt in pain as they gave him their powers. He started to glow in a purple color as his brown hair changed to white, and his eyes turned purple. After that, he fell to his knees while trying to stay conscious. He watched as the entire floating continent breaks off and ready to fall to the ocean, then he saw an airship flying over to where he is at. He immediately recognized the airship being the one that brought him, his group, and the emperor. He got up, and watched as the airship docked at the edge of the floating continent. He saw his group on board, urging him to board before the ground itself give away. Then he walked towards the airship, and with each step, the ground itself crumbles away. He finally got on the airship before the floating continent fell, and he can see each member of his group are battered and bruised from fighting the rebel trio.

"We're so glad you're safe, Samuel" said Cherry.

"Yeah... I had to break the seal on magic, causing the continent to crumble away since the warring triad isn't there to maintain it" he explained.

"You did what!? You have met the warring triad, and unleashed magic!?" Exclaimed Bernard, before fainting.

"Oh come on, old man. Just pick yourself up, since it is a good thing for us" said Tsubaki, trying to to wake Bernard.

Samuel can see that the twin sisters dresses are slightly tattered and cut from where the rebel leader had fought them, same goes for Bernard and Tsubaki, but the only thing that piqued his curiosity was that Gunther is back to being naked since his waist cloth is missing.

"What happened to your waist cloth?" He asked.

"I lost my waist cloth while fighting that twerp that had stolen my armor and uniform, as it come off me, the wind blew it away" said Gunther while blushing.

"Just try and patch your wounds with bandages, you all are covered in cuts and bruises" he said.

"We can manage, after all, these are just small cuts... ow!" Said Mila, brushing her hand on the bruise at her right leg.

"The only thing I'm happy is that you're all safe, that is all that matters" he said.

Everyone smiled at him, since he cares for them. The airship headed down to back to the lower altitudes, but everyone watched as the world itself glowed in a multicolored hue. They all watched as mountains are reduced to rubble from earthquakes, then the ground of the surface exploded as the once blue sky changed to an orange color.

"What's happening!?" Asked Cherry.

"When I moved all three statues, the orbs that are actually the warring triads spirits have imbued me with their essence. This is where magic itself has been unleashed, causing such cataclysm!" Explained Samuel.

The group have witnessed the end of the world they once have known, with the magic now running rampant as it once did in the ancient past.

Authors note: this is how the current have ended, but at least magic is restored.

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