5SOS BoyXBoy Oneshots // Requ...

بواسطة ohnomarie

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Just a bunch of 5sos boy x boy oneshots REQUESTS ARE OPEN Malum Mashton Cashton Cake Muke Lashton Contains fl... المزيد

LIES - Muke
ABUSED - Malum
PRETEND - Cashton
PRETEND 2/2 - Cashton
REBELS - Malum
SENIOR NIGHT - Lashton/Malum
CLASS TRIP - Mashton/ Malum
SICK - Muke
Muke - Story Of A Fangirl
Cake - A Love Like War 1/3
Cake - A Love Like War 2/3
Cake - A Love Like War 3/3
Muke - Fuckboys
Hi or Hey!
SUGAR - Lashton
EASIER - Any Ship?
IN MY HEAD 2/2 - Cake
TAKE MY HAND - Cashton
MOVING ALONG - Muke/ Mashton
RED LINE - Lashton
BLEACH - Lashton
Shameless Self Promo
Get to know the author
Less Than Three Days Wattpad Tag

PIZZA - Muke

151 4 1
بواسطة ohnomarie


Short Summary:

Luke is a grumpy, frustrated 21 year old working in a small pizza shop. Michael is a cheerful college student and regular customer. Luke is not looking for friendships. Michael is convinced everyone needs a friend.


When Luke was younger he'd always dream about what his life would be like once he was all grown up.

He'd tell his parents he wanted to be a pilot, or an astronaut or a writer. Either way, he was sure he'd go to college and he was even more sure he'd accomplish anything he wanted to.
He'd had a ratty piggy bank in the shape of a run down and rusty car in which he would put every Penny he could get his hands on. To save for college, he'd tell his friends.

The money he'd saved over the years turned out to be just enough to buy him what it was stored in - just a bit bigger.
His ratty, run down, rusty, old Ford Fiesta was the only thing left of his childish fantasies. Though Luke was pretty sure even that'd be ripped away at the next inspection. His car was leaking oil and missing parts, and the parts that were thankfully still in place were covered in holes and making sounds they most definitely were not supposed to make.

Yes, when Luke was younger he definitely didn't think he'd be working at the shabby old pizza place around the corner at 21.

"Hemmings, c'mon man," Ryan lightly punched his arm, "I'm not paying you to stand around and zone out."

Luke huffed and put all his built up frustration and resentment into splashing a spoon of tomato sauce on the dough in front of him.
Drips of sauce went flying and landed in specks on the counter, tiled walls and Luke's apron.

"Have fun cleaning this up, mate," Ryan clapped him on the back and disappeared back into the storage room.

Luke pouted his way through putting the meat, veggies and cheese on the pizza and then shoved the pizza in the oven before returning to the service area.

"Hi Luke." A guy had appeared at the counter while Luke had been manhandling the food in the kitchen.

Luke sighed inwardly and cursed the name tags sewn to the aprons. In this case, it didn't really matter anyway. Luke was sure the guy would've pried Luke's name out of him one way or another.
Michael was a regular guest. He was in the pizza shop at least three or four times a week. Sometimes he was with friends, playing D&D in the far corner booth, sometimes he was with a pretty pink haired girl Luke suspected was his girlfriend.

Today, he was alone though. He was sitting on one of the bar stools at the counter and had a stack of books and a notepad in front of him. And he was beaming at Luke.

"Michael," Luke said flatly.

Michael appeared to be Luke's age, though they'd never spoken about it due to the lack of interest on Luke's side. Luke didn't really dislike Michael. He just really disliked people in general, and though being a very strange one, Michael happened to be one. Luke wasn't trying to be edgy or anything, he honestly, really hated people and made few exceptions.

Luke hadn't always been like this. He used to have friends and hobbies and dreams and hope for the future. Until his mum had died in his senior year in highschool. His mum had been the backbone of the family and had tied everything together. Now they were falling apart. His brothers were rarely home, his dad drowned himself in work and Luke had ditched the college applications in favor of getting a job. His dad had been disappointed. Luke was an honor student and definitely could've gotten a scholarship at an ivy uni. But Luke's focus had shifted on the day his mum had left. College applications seemed pointless when the most important person in your life was suddenly gone.
And without a scholarship, there was no way for Luke to pay for uni.

"You want the usual?," Luke asked.

"Awh, you know my order," Michael grinned.

"Yeah, 'cause you're one of the abominations that like pineapple on pizza," Luke said flatly and already turned to leave to prepare the abomination.

It was a Tuesday night and the restaurant was quiet. Other than Michael there were only two more guests Luke had to tend to and so he found himself wiping down the counter and stacking glasses while Michael ate his pizza and apparently did some sort of homework - college - study - essay - thingy Luke had no idea about.

"Your hair's getting so long mate," Michael commented, startling Luke out of his counter wiping routine.

"So what?," Luke muttered.

"It's in your face," Michael shrugged, "doesn't bother you?"

"I'm wearing a baseball cap?," Luke frowned.

"Your curls are still falling out man," Michael muttered and fumbled at his wrist.
"Here," he held out a black hair tie to Luke, "it's Crystal's," he added sheepishly.

"Hm. I'm not interested in your girlfriend's hair tie," Luke said.

"She's not my girlfriend," Michael waved the hair tie in front of Luke's face.

"I don't care."

Luke eventually snatched the hair tie out of Michaels hand and rolled his eyes. Michael watched proudly as Luke bunched up his hair at the back of his head and tied it in a short ponytail.

"Now let me work and finish whatever the fuck you're doing. I want to lock up in an hour," Luke muttered.

Michael got back to work and so did Luke. After another fifteen minutes, Michael huffed and threw down his pen.

"I can't do this anymore," he rubbed his eyes, "are you hiring? Making pizzas sounds a lot better than this stupid essay."

"We're not hiring," Luke said bored, "and if you think this crap is worth giving up Uni for then you're way stupider than I thought."
Michael pulled a face and stuck out his tongue before he picked up his pen and resumed his essay.

Michael finished quickly after that and packed up his stuff.
"Here," he said and Luke saw him shoving a piece of paper over the counter, "call me if there's a job opening around here."

Luke glanced at the phone number scrawled on the paper. "I won't."

Michael laughed. "Then call me when you need a friend or something."

"In your dreams."

"Bye, Luke."

Luke rolled his eyes and watched Michael leave the restaurant. But instead of throwing the number away, he shoved it in the pocket of his apron.


Luke hated the world.

Well, no. Luke secretly knew he was just wallowing and sulking but hating the world instead of acknowledging what he really felt was way more convenient.

It was a Friday night and Luke was looking at a work free Saturday. But his mood had been dampened by the sheer amount of college students in the shop today. They had some sort of celebration going on, Luke didn't know what it was.

But seeing them all being young and successful and happy and -
Luke was sulking again.

Surprisingly, he made it through his shift without snapping at anyone. It was nearing midnight and Luke was the only employee one left in the shop. He was ready to lock up, but his last customer wouldn't leave, making Luke more and more irritated.

"Mate, I want to lock up," Luke sighed and braced his hands on Michaels table.

"Huh?," Michael startled out of his work and glanced out of the window into the black night. "Shit," he swore, "didn't realize how late it was."

"Yeah," Luke straightened up and put his hands on his hips, "closing time."

"Sorry, yeah," Michael nodded, "I'll be gone in a second."
Luke nodded and left to the back again. He shut off the light in the kitchen and threw his apron in the laundry bin. Michael was waving goodbye and leaving the building while Luke shut off the light in the dining area.

"Where's your motorized shit box?," Michael asked while he struggled with the lock on his bike and Luke struggled with the lock on the door.

"Do you have a car?," Luke asked in return.

"No?," Michael asked, irritated.

"That's what I thought. So you don't have room to talk shit about mine."

Michael rolled his eyes and held up his hands. "Sorry mate. Didn't know you're so in love with your rolling junkyard."

Luke yanked the key out of the lock and glowered at Michael. "Piss off."

"Alright," Michael mounted his bike, "See you tomorrow."

"Unfortunately I know you mean that," Luke huffed while he moved over to his bike and undid the chain.

"Ohh you came by bike! Which way are you headed?," Michael asked.

"Not the same way as you," Luke muttered and mounted his bike too.

Michael rolled his eyes. "C'mon. Seriously, I'm headed west. Down James Street. If that's where you go then I promise I won't annoy you."

"Go, then," Luke jerked his chin.

The two boys rode in silence for a while.

"Why are you always annoyed at me?," Michael eventually asked, "I don't remember doing anything to piss you off in the first place."

"I'm annoyed at everyone. Don't think you're special," Luke rolled his eyes.

"Okay, tough guy," Michael rolled his eyes back, "so what happened to your glorious car."

"Stop making fun of my car," Luke huffed, "and I don't fucking know. Didn't start up this morning."

"Hm," Michael mumbled, "Do you think it's the battery, or the engine?"

"Why, are you some kind of mechanic?," Luke asked ironically.

"I know a thing or two," Michael said.

"Well," Luke muttered, "I'll try a new battery first. It'd be cheaper than having a broken engine."

"Sounds smart," Michael nodded, "Do you know how to change a car battery?"

"Do you?," Luke deflected.

"Yeah," Michael grinned, "want help?"

Luke pursed his lips.

"I won't charge you," Michael raised his eyebrow, "you could save a lot of money."

"Fine," Luke sighed, "come by my house tomorrow at noon."

"I don't know where you live," Michael huffed just when Luke took a right into a driveway. He stopped in front of the house while Michael kept driving down the road.

"Tomorrow at noon!," Luke yelled after Michael.

"Don't worry, I'll be there!," Michael yelled.


When Luke rolled out of bed the next morning he already regretted accepting Michaels help. Knowing Michael, he'd think that Luke and him would be friends after this.
Luke was not interested in friendships. He had enough on his plate as it was.

But he needed the car and he needed the money and fuck it. Hopefully Michael would actually show up. Could he even remember where Luke lived?

Luke decided to suck it up and text his address to Michael, using Michaels number like he swore he never would.

The reply came almost immediately

Pizza Michael
will be there in 20

Michael rolled up in front of Lukes house in a black pickup. Luke frowned while Michael rolled down the passenger side window.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping!," Michael yelled.

"We're changing my battery," Luke yelled back.

"So you bought a new one already?," Michael raised an eyebrow. Luke opened his mouth and then shut it again. Hesitantly, he walked over to the car and got in.

"I thought you didn't have a car," he muttered while climbing into the passenger side.

"I don't," Michael said cheerily, "this is my dad's. I thought bringing home a whole ass car battery on a bike would be a bit difficult so I asked my dad if I could borrow his car for a few hours."

"That's... nice of him," Luke admitted quietly.

"Yeah. So, where'd you wanna go?," Michael asked.

Luke shrugged. "Walmart? Or Costco, I don't know?"

"I mean, honestly, a Costco battery would do. But I know a small motor shop not too far from here that'd probably give me a fat discount on a battery," Michael grinned.

"Sounds shady, bro," Luke muttered.

"Nah, I worked for them during my senior year in highschool," Michael waved him off, "so I'm good with the owner."

"Oh, okay," Luke said, "Uh.. thanks man. I appreciate it."

"No worries, I'm happy to help," Michael grinned.

They had bought and replaced the battery within two hours and Luke's car was running again.

"Thanks, dude," Luke clapped Michael on the shoulder, "d'you want a beer? Maybe lunch? It's the least I can do."

"Sure," Michael beamed.

Luke led them into the house.

"My mate Cal is having a party tonight," Michael said while Luke opened two beers, "you should come."

Luke snorted. "In your dreams, man."

"Why?," Michael teased, "Do you have other plans?"

"Yeah," Luke opened the fridge, "laying in my bed."

"Okay, a date with your right hand, I see," Michael took a sip from his beer.

"Don't project yourself on me, dude," Luke shut the fridge door and opened the freezer. There was commotion from the front door and a few seconds later, a middle aged blonde man appeared in the door to the kitchen.

"Hey dad," Luke didn't look up from where he was still digging through the freezer, "That's Michael. He helped me with the car."

"Hi Michael, nice to meet you," Luke's dad smiled.

"You too," Michael smiled back.

"How's the car?," his dad asked.

"Good as new," Michael beamed.

"I wouldn't call it that," Luke muttered, "but it's running."

"Awesome. So, any plans for tonight?," Luke's dad opened himself a beer.

"Why would I have plans?," Luke resurfaced from the freezer, holding up a box of pizza pockets to Michael. Michael gave a thumbs up.

"I don't know, Luke," his dad rolled his eyes, "it's Saturday! You're 21! I don't understand why you never even make an effort to get out of here! Go live your life! Try to make an effort to be young and have friends!"

"I AM!," Luke yelled at his dad and slammed the freezer shut, "in fact, I will be going to a party with my very good friend Michael tonight! Isn't that right, Michael??" Luke rounded on him.

"Damn right, Mr. Hemmings," Michael nodded, "It's my mates birthday party and I asked Luke to come."

Mr Hemmings raised an eyebrow. "Okay. You, keep an eye on my son. And make sure he gets home safe."

"Yes, sir," Michael nodded.

"Okay, dad," Luke huffed, "I'm an adult."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you're acting like one," Luke's dad ruffled Luke's hair which left Luke seething while his dad left the kitchen.

"Are you actually coming tonight?," Michael asked small.

Luke groaned and leant his forehead against the fridge door.
"Fucking hell, now I have to," Luke groaned, "I'm so stupid."


Luke hesitantly agreed to have Michael pick him up at 9pm. They rode their bikes over to 'his mate Cal''s place which was packed with people. He was introduced to Calum, a dark haired sass monster Luke had encountered in the pizza shop with Michael before, and his roommate Ashton, who had wild curly hair and thd biggest smile Luke's ever seen, and was very probably very high.

Crystal was there, and a few of Michaels D&D friends, and Luke devoted himself to throwing back drink after drink. As long as he had a cup at his lips, he didn't have to talk to anyone.

Just after midnight, a large group of people started playing seven minutes in heaven and Luke finally decided enough was enough. He was wobbly on his legs and stumbled over his own feet but managed to wave good-bye to Michael on his way out of the door.

It was quiet outside, and Luke began to fumble with the lock his bike. It proved to be very difficult when you saw double, even triple.
The door behind him swung open, music and laughter swelled before they died down again and the door fell shut.

"Luke, what the fuck do you think you're doing?," Luke heard Michaels voice behind him.

"Going home," Luke slurred.

"Luke, no," Michael said sternly and grabbed hold of Luke's bike, "You're hammered. I am responsible for you since I am the reason you're here, and I am not letting you ride your bike home alone."

"How to get home then?," Luke slurred and swayed a bit.

"It's a twenty minute walk," Michael huffed, "you'll be fine. C'mon."
Michael grabbed Luke's arms and threw it around his neck so Luke could lean on him for support before he started navigating them down the street.
They walked in silence, Luke swaying and leaning on Michael heavily.

"Where're your keys?," Michael asked when they got close to Luke's house.

"Pocket," Luke mumbled and fumbled for the keys in his jeans pocket. Then dropped them.

"Fucking hell, Mate," Michael mumbled under his breath and picked them up before unlocking the door.

"There you go," Michael pushed Luke into the house. Luke turned around in the doorframe and looked back at Michael.

"What?," Michael huffed.

"Where are you going?," Luke asked. His eyes were wide and he looked like a kid whose parent was dropping him off at the first day of preschool.

"Back to the party?," Michael asked, irritated.

Luke blinked and Michael and then nodded, his curls flying around his head. "I'll come with you," he said.

"Luke, no," Michael explained exasperatedly, "you are going to sleep."

"But," Luke mumbled and his eyes got impossibly wider and sad, "you're my friend. You can't leave me here."

"Luke," Michael sighed but his heart melted right out of his chest at Luke calling him his friend, "you're home. This is your house."

Luke looked behind him and nodded. "Okay," he whispered.

"Will you be okay?," Michael asked.

"No," Luke teared up, "my mum died."

"Luke?!," Michael said, alarmed.

"Stay with me?," Luke asked softly.

"Are you sure?," Michael asked.

Luke nodded. "I don't want to be alone."

"Luke, I don't know. You're piss drunk and usually insult me with every other word that leaves your mouth."

"I'll be nice, I promise," Luke nodded.
Michael sighed before he decided to fuck it. He was close to a breakthrough with Luke and he wasn't gonna pass up an opportunity to be friends with Luke for a stupid birthday party.

"Okay, yeah. I got you," Michael mumbled and entered the house after Luke.

He followed Luke to a room that was most definitely Luke's bedroom. It was painted a soft baby blue and furnished with a bed, a bean bag chair, a closet and a heavily loaded and messy desk plus chair.

Luke slumped down on his bed and groaned.

"Are you feeling okay?," Michael lingered awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Fine," Luke waved a hand in the air.

Michael plopped down on the bean bag chair, still watching Luke. He didn't want to risk Luke throwing up and choking on it.

"So... I'm your friend?," Michael mumbled into the silence.

"Shut the fuck up," Luke mumbled back.

"You said you'd be nice to me," Michael said.

Luke sighed heavily. "I did, didn't I?"

Michael hummed.

"Thanks for bringing me home," Luke mumbled.

"Yeah, of course," Michael whispered.

"You're a good person, Mike," Luke whispered back.

The moon illuminated Luke's outline on the bed and the soft rise and fall of his chest.

"G'night, Luke," Michael whispered when he was sure Luke had fallen asleep and curled himself into a ball before he, too, drifted off to sleep.


"Do you remember what you said last night?," Michael asked, stretching his aching limbs out. A night in a bean bag chair wasn't as comfortable as it sounded.

"Hm," Luke mumbled, "that I'd be nice to you. I'll take that back."

Michael huffed out a laugh. "Figured. And the rest?"

"I remember what I said, Michael," Luke said, clipped. He threw an arm over his eyes.

"Do you regret it? Did you mean it?," Michael asked.

"No. And Yes, I did," Luke muttered, "you lied to my dad for me, dragged me to a stupid college party, then half carried me home after I got piss drunk and stayed when I begged you to not leave me alone. That's what friends do, so you get to call yourself my friend now. Level up, or some nerd shit."

"Yay," Michael beamed.

"Don't get over excited," Luke rolled out of his bed and groaned, holding his head, "you don't know what you've gotten yourself into."

"I think I'll manage," Michael smiled.

Michael followed Luke downstairs in search of food and painkillers.

"So, it's only you and your dad?," Michael asked, looking around the kitchen.

"Fruit Loops?," Luke held up the box.

Michael nodded and watched Luke pour two bowls of cereal.

"Are those your siblings?," Michael asked and pointed at a photo on the fridge.

"Do you want coffee?," Luke asked.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Sure."

They started their breakfast in silence. "You're working full-time, right?," Michael asked.

"Hmm," Luke mumbled.

"Why did you decide against uni?," he asked.

Luke continued his breakfast like he didn't hear Michael.

"Luke," Michael pouted, "come on! Give me something. How can I be your friend when I don't know shit about you?"

Luke let out a long breath. "Mike, if we're actually doing this, you have to promise me to not... just disappear on me one day. I don't think I could take that again."

"Luke, please," Michael mumbled, "I've been bugging you for months because I want to be friends with you. I'm not leaving."

"Okay," Luke mumbled and traced the rim of his mug with his finger.
Silence fell on the kitchen and Michael didn't push Luke to speak. He continued eating his cereal while Luke gathered his thoughts.

"My mum died," is what Luke eventually said.

Michael nodded. "That's what you said last night."

"Yeah," Luke's voice broke and he cleared his throat, "two years ago. When I was getting ready to graduate highschool. There wasn't even a warning or anything. One day I went to school, and when I came back, she was gone. Everything went to shit after that."

"I'm sorry, Luke," Michael said earnestly.

Luke shrugged. "Nothing's the same now. My siblings moved out and barely visit, my dad's always working to distract himself. And I couldn't... I was gonna apply for scholarships to go to Uni, but I couldn't bring myself to care back then. You have to understand, my mum left this giant hole in my family and I was sucked into the stupid fucking void and then half a year passed and I picked up the job at the pizza place. That was over a year ago."

"Luke, holy fuck," Michael had abandoned his cereal, "that's fucking horrible."

"I'm trying to make peace with it," Luke shook his head, "but if you couldn't tell, it kind of fucked up my head a bit. I've lost almost all my friends when they went off to college and I stayed behind and didn't leave my stupid bed for days. I am scared to get attached to people now, for some reason. I am sick of losing them."

"I'm fucked up in my head too, if that makes you feel better," Michael smiled small.

A small grin slid on Luke's face.
"I can tell. You're obsessive," Luke huffed.

"I am not obsessive, thank you very much," Michael rolled his eyes.

"I don't believe you," Luke grinned.

"Do you work today?," Michael asked.

"Yeah," Luke sighed, "three to eight. I should take a shower."

"Okay," Michael nodded, "I'll leave you to it. Should probably go home and study anyway."

"Do you live far away?," Luke asked.

"Not really. 20 Minutes by bike, maybe an hour walk," Michael shrugged.

"I'll drop you off on my way to work," Luke said.

"That's in the other direction, Luke," Michael reasoned.

Luke shrugged. "So what?"
Michael smiled.


They dropped their bowls in the sink and went back upstairs to Luke's room.

Michael sat down on Luke's desk chair while Luke dug through his closet for fresh clothes.

"Are those your scholarship applications?," Michael pointed at a stack of paper on the far corner of Luke's messy desk.

"Yeah," Luke waved him off, "been rotting there for two years."

"Which Uni did you want to apply to?," Michael asked.

"University of Sydney," Luke muttered.

"Cool. And what did you want to study?," Michael asked.

"Why don't you just go ahead and read them instead of interrogating me?," Luke huffed.

"Can I?," Michael asked, surprised.

"Pfffff," Luke huffed, "If it makes you happy. I'm going to take a shower."

And with that, Luke disappeared out of the room.

Michael became a constant in Luke's life in- and outside of work. When Michael wasn't hanging out with Uni friends in the pizza shop, he was sitting at the counter and talking to Luke while Luke worked.
On Luke's off days, Michael convinced Luke to go do 'normal twenty one year old shit', like go to the beach, shotgun beers at the park, and go to the local record stores in town.
They hung out at Michaels student dorm and listened to their favorite rock bands, and had barbecues in Luke's backyard.

Luke never would've admitted it, but he was doing a lot better since he let Michael into his life.
Michael wasn't stupid, though. Of course he knew the effect he was having on Luke. But he was hesitant to acknowledge that Luke was having the same effect on him.

It was three months into their friendship when Luke got a call just when he was unlocking the door to the pizza shop, ready to start his morning shift.

"Luke Hemmings?"

"Mr Hemmings, we are delighted to let you know that your application to the University of Sydney creative writing scholarship program was exceptional!," a female voice echoed over the phone.

"Excuse me?," Luke was rooted to the spot outside the Pizza restaurant.

"We would love to meet you in person next week to get to know you a bit more. But we think you'd be the perfect candidate for the scholarship."

"B.. but I didn't apply?," Luke stumbled over his own words.

"Oh, but you did! Your application dates back to last month," the woman said, "so, how does Wednesday sound?"

"O-okay?," Luke asked, his hands had started shaking, "are you sure you're not make a mistake?"

"Very sure indeed. We're looking forward to welcoming you on campus. See you next week, Mr. Hemmings!"

It was beyond Luke how he managed to get through his shift. He checked his phone every other minute, waiting for another call. Someone had to let him know that he was being pranked, or that there was a mixup.

But when the call didn't come, and it was nearing six pm, another suspicion bloomed in his head.

At six thirty sharp, he yanked off his apron, shouted good-bye to Ryan, and got in his car.

"Did you send out a College application in my name??," Luke asked as soon as he was through the door to Michaels dorm.

Michaels eyes widened. "Did you hear back from them?"

"Michael!," Luke yelled.

"Sorry," Michael had the decency to look sheepish, "but you never would've done it."

"You don't know that!," Luke glared.

"I'm sorry," Michael said softly, "you can tell them the truth. It wasn't my right to do it."

Luke paused and took a deep breath. "No, I... they invited me for an interview on Wednesday."

Michael perked up. "They did? Yes! I knew your essay would win them over! Luke, you're amazing!"

"You send it over unedited?"

"Of course I did!," Michael said, "it didn't need editing, it was perfect! I mean, of course I changed the date."

Luke shook his head, blonde curls flying, and sat down heavily on Michael's desk chair. "Fucking hell. I need to prepare for that stupid interview."

Luke caught Michaels radiant grin from the corner of his eyes.
He picked up a pillow and hurled it at Michaels head.

"Shove that stupid grin up your ass," Luke snapped but he didn't manage to put any heat behind his words.

"You love me," Michael grinned.

"No. And you got me into this mess. So help me prepare to not fuck up," Luke demanded.

"Yeah, for sure!," Michael seemed excited to be asked for help.

Luke spend every free minute in his next week with Michael, preparing for the interview. But still, when Wednesday rolled around, Luke felt like he had no time to prepare at all.

"You'll do great, Luke," Michael said gently when they came to a stop in front of the big entrance to the University of Sydney.

Luke wiped his sweaty hands on his pants and took a deep breath.

"Hey," Michael grabbed Luke's shoulder and squeezed it, "just be yourself. They'll love you, you hear me? Now go get 'em. I'll be right here when you're done."

Luke was too nervous to come up with a snarky remark so he just nodded and headed inside.

The next hour was excruciating for Michael and he had run through every possible scenario about the outcome of this in his head. But the moment he spotted Luke in the door to the Uni, his mind blanked and he stopped pacing.

Luke caught his eyes and a split second later, a huge grin broke out on his face.

Michael could feel all the weight being lifted off his chest when Luke came almost running towards him.

"You did it, didn't you?," Michael barely kept himself from jumping up and down, "you got the scholarship?"

Luke collided with Michael and wrapped him in a tight hug. Michael was startled by this. Luke had never hugged him before.
"No," Luke whispered, "You got me the scholarship."

Michael tightened his arms around Luke.

Luke's dad insisted on celebrating the news and promptly invited Michael and Luke's brothers over for dinner.
Surprisingly, both of Luke's older brothers showed up and Michael was pleasantly surprised how nice they were.

Luke's dad was beaming the whole night and dished out his chili to everyone who wanted seconds and thirds.

In a chaotic moment of dishes being cleaned away and beer being restocked in the fridge, Luke and Michael managed to slip away into the cool night air. They sat down on the steps of the back porch.

"Jack and Ben are nice," Michael said quietly.

Luke snorted. "To you, yeah. They were menaces when we were younger."

Michael laughed. "I'm sure you were too."

Luke took a sip from his beer to hide his smile.

"I'm proud of you," Michael mumbled.

"Gross," Luke commented.

"Jeez, you're such a moody hypocrite."

"And you're annoying," Luke took a sip of his beer.

"I know," Michael beamed, "and I pride myself in that."

Luke hummed.

"You wouldn't know what to do without me," Michael rolled his eyes.

"Life a happy life," Luke muttered, "I don't need anyone."

"Bullshit," Michael said softly, "and the more you say it, the less I believe you."

A moment of silence passed.
Luke slowly sat his bottle down and wiped his hands on his pants. Michael was watching every move. Luke grabbed Michael by the front of his hoodie, pulled him closer and kissed him.

Michael immediately leaned into the kiss. He brought up a hand and wrapped it around Luke's neck.

"Sorry," Luke drew away but Michael held him in place, "shouldn't have done that." Luke could feel Michaels breath on his lips from how close they still were.

"Shut the fuck up, Luke," Michael breathed , "for one god damn moment of your life could you stop letting your head do all the thinking?!"

Luke let out a sound between a huff and a laugh and his lips tugged up into a surprised smile.
Michael took his cue to reconnect their lips.


"Your boyfriend's here," Ryan wiggled his eyebrows and Luke slapped him with the towel in his hand.

"Hey," Luke slid into the booth next to Michael and collected a short kiss from him.

"Hi," Michael said, "quick question. Does Ryan hate me?"

Luke snorted. "Why the hell would he hate you? You're our best customer. You're here every day."

"Eh, I don't know. He's giving me a major stink eye. But maybe that's just the vibe of everyone working here."

"It is. He might be pissed that I'm gonna be cutting hours in fall when classes start," Luke smiled, excited at the prospect of starting Uni.

"Is it too late to talk you into getting a letter jacket?," Michael asked and tried to pull his puppy dog's eyes.

"I'm not interested in playing into your college jock sex fantasies," Luke rolled his eyes.

"Maybe I just want to steal that jacket so I can parade around in it and let everyone know that my gorgeous boyfriend is a student at USYD. Ever thought about that?," Michael raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know you're so possessive," Luke grinned back.

"Just like to show you off," Michael smiled innocently.

Luke fondly rolled his eyes.

Michael leant in until his lips were grazing Luke's earlobe.

"I'll let you fuck me in it," he breathed, "nothing, but the jacket -"
Luke shoved Michael away and clamped his hand over Michael's mouth.

"I don't need a boner at work," he hissed under his breath.
Luke felt Michaels smirk against his hand before he dropped it.

"Do we have a deal?," Michael wiggled his eyebrows.

Luke sighed and leant back in the booth. "Guess I'll be looking at their online store when I get back home."

Michael grinned and leant up to press another kiss to Luke's lips.
"Thought so."


Hope you liked this one! It's kinda very random. But I wanted to write moody Hemmo and sunshine Mike.

Likes and comments are always appreciated!

Requests are open, just comment or DM me! ❤️

Only Love,

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