Princess - BTS Brothers FF

By prfan123

2.1M 90.1K 29.6K

"Oppa", she called. "Yes, princess", seven voices replied back. It's a book about pure sibling bond. I don't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94 - part 1
Chapter 94- part 2
Chapter 94 - part 3
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Umm. requests maybe?
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117- Part 1
Chapter 117- Part 2
Chapter 117- Part 3
Chapter 117- Part 4
Chapter 118- Part 1
Chapter 118- Part 2
with brothers
Chapter 118- Part 3
Chapter 118- part 4
Chapter 118- Part 5
Chapter 118- Part 6
Chapter 118 - part 7
Chapter 118 - Part 8
Chapter 118- Part 9
Chapter 118 - Part 10
Chapter 118- Part 11
Chapter 118 - Part 12
Chapter 118- Part 13
Chapter 118-Part 14
Chapter 118- part 15
Chapter 118- Part 16
Chapter 118-Part 17
Chapter 118- Part 18
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
I'm just saying
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
I need help🚨🚨⚠️
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163

Chapter 145

6.2K 471 108
By prfan123

Trigger warning ⚠️

"Argh!", A groan left Aera's mouth as she sat up on the bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling now?", Jimin sat beside her, as she looked around confused.

"Are we back at the hotel?", she asked.

"Yeah, we have only a few days to return and our company branch is near the hotel. Now tell me, Are you fine?", Jimin asked touching her forehead and neck.

"Hmm. Just tired", she said as she yawned.

"Okay. Lay here for sometime. I'll get a warm bath ready for you", he said as he kissed her forehead and went inside the washroom.

She laid down as her doe eyes roamed around the room.

The door opened and Tae walked in.

"Hey babygirl. How are you now?", He jumped on the bed beside her and smiled at her.

"I'm good oppa", she said with a thumbs up.

"Let's scare Jiminie", he said mischievously.

"Really?", she got excited.

"Such a naughty baby you are", He pinched her cheeks but continued, "Hide under the bed. I'll do the rest".

"Okay", she said and hid under the bed.

Taehyung got off the bed as he stood in front of the mirror and acted like styling his hair.

Jimin came out within a few minutes.

"Babe?", Jimin called out when he didn't see her on the bed.

"Tae, did you see her?", Jimin asked in a tone that made Tae gulp.

"No", Tae answered but he knew that instant that Jimin knew everything.

Who was he trying to fool, an exceptionally trained man.

But they heard mumbled giggles under the bed.

Jimin's eyes softened as he started to act along.

"What are you talking about? She was here a few minutes ago", Jimin said in a panicked tone.

"I don't know. What will we do now?", Tae asked in a panicked tone.

"Go check in other rooms", Jimin said as they rushed to the door, but he signalled Tae to stay in place.

Aera heard the door close, and she couldn't control her laugh anymore.

Slowly she peeked out of the bed's edge as a scream left her mouth when she saw Jimin standing by the door glaring at her.

She screamed more, when he started to run towards her and pulled her out of her spot.

"Sorry oppa!", she started to apologise but it didn't work as he threw her on the bed and started tickling her.

"You are so brave trying to prank me! But it didn't work sweetheart!", He yelled holding her hands and tickling her more.

"Yah! Leave her. It's enough", Tae interrupted as Jimin left her.

She rolled away coughing while tears left her eyes.

"Babe, go, take a bath", Jimin said as she took her clothes and went in.

It was after breakfast, the brothers, Mina and Maya were huddled in a room to discuss about everything that's happening in their lives.

Aera was watching some movies in Jimin's mobile in the opposite room.

"Mina, I heard from Aunty that you are refusing to leave London?", Jin asked looking at her.

"Yes. I can't leave this place. London is all I know", Mina said as she looked down.

"You are talking about the place or people?", Namjoon asked.

"Both", she said.

"Mina, baby, please try to understand. This place is filled with trauma. These people were the ones who traumatized you", Maya said desperately.

"But mom... this is still my home. These people are still my family", Mina said as tears gathered in her eyes.

"No! Absolutely not! Home is where you should feel the warmth, love and safety. Family is not about blood. It's about trust, respect and compassion", Hobi said.

"Tell me, Mina. You were a great athlete and a martial artist. I don't understand why you didn't break their jaws? Why didn't you rebel against them?", Yoongi asked.

"You can still stand up for yourself.  You can do anything, I mean anything to them. We will support you", Jin said as he looked at Maya.

"Mina, listen to me. We can't leave this place with fear and regret. I want my old Mina back. The confident, courageous Mina",  Maya said with tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Th-that's not possible mom. I don't have confidence anymore. I lost my courage a long ago", Mina cried as she wiped her tears.

"No, don't say that. You are stronger than you think", Jimin said with a reassuring smile.

"Aunty, don't worry. We won't let your hands go. We are there for you and Mina", Jungkook said as he hugged her.

"What about the embryo?", Tae asked.

"I don't want it. I am not ready", Mina said.

"If it's what you want, we are ready to support you. You have to go through abortion and should take proper rest", Jin said as she nodded her head.

Namjoon shushed everyone.

That's when all the brothers noticed it.

"What's wrong?", Maya asked.

Namjoon opened the door only to witness Aera standing there frozen, with her fists up in the air ready to knock the door.

"Pri-", Jin started.

"No! W-what are you doing oppa?! You are planning to abort a baby?!! Really?", Aera yelled her tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Yes", Taehyung said calmly.

"What did the baby do?! It's not even born yet?! I am not understanding anything that's happening right now!", Aera cried as she looked at everyone in the room.

"Why unnie? Why auntie? Please don't do this. I'm sorry but this is cruelty", she said as she ran into the other room and locked her door.

"Don't mind her. Relax for a bit. I'll talk with her", Jin said as he ran out of the room.

He knocked on the door but she didn't reply.

Only her sobs could be heard.

"Aera, open the door for a moment", Jin said but there was no movement from her side.

"Don't you trust oppa?", He asked.

Soon enough she unlocked the door.

He stepped in locked the door again.

She threw herself upon him.

"W-why?", she asked looking at him through her glossy eyes.

He made her sit on the bed and knelt down infront of her.

He wiped her tears and held her hands.

"First, stop crying. I'll explain you", He got her a glass of water.

She nodded her head as she took a sip of the water.

"You already know that Mina is pregnant?", Jin asked.

She nodded her head.

"She is three and a half weeks pregnant by now", Jin said.

She nodded her head.

"Baby, do you know why our eomma and appa had us?", Jin asked

Aera looked at him confused.

"Because eomma got pregnant", Aera said.

"Because, they wanted us. They wanted to love us. Do you know what they wanted the most?", he asked.

"I don't know", she mumbled.

"A daughter. I mean you, Aera. They wanted a daughter so bad that they had all your brothers. But it doesn't mean they didn't want your brothers. Appa and Eomma loved us, cherished all the 8 of us. None of us were left alone. Appa and Eomma were ready to have us", Jin said as Aera nodded her head sniffling.

"None of you were jealous that they wanted a daughter?", Aera asked.

"Why would we be? It's their desire. But they never treated any boys less than a king. I still remember them saying just because they wanted a daughter doesn't mean that we are any less. They used to call us their princes", Jin said.

"They were really good parents", Aera smiled.

"Yeah. And do you know how it all happened? It's because they loved each other to the core", Jin said.

Aera sat there thinking.

"And what happens if the parents don't love each other? What happens if they are not ready for the child? Especially the mother, because she has to go through everything. Emotional, physical, environmental changes. Do you think birth is the end of pregnancy?  No. It doesn't end there. The parents should be responsible enough to give the child a good life, a lovely environment. The child should lead a good life", Jin said as she thought about everything they said.

"You lived at Auntie's house a few days, right? What did you observe?", Jin asked.

"People there were weird. Mina unnie was not taken proper care of. I don't know about her husband, but I know about her grandmother. She was not at all good. I felt weird around her father and brother. I feel like they are not nice", Aera said.

"Suppose, imagine Mina's child is born. Do you think that house is suitable?", Jin asked.

"No", she thought about what Mina told her earlier.

"Okay, let's set that aside. What if Mina doesn't want the child?", Jin asked.

"W-why would she not want it?", Aera asked.

"Guess", Jin asked.

She thought for a bit.

"I really don't know, oppa", Aera shook her head.

"Because she is not ready to have a child", he said as she looked at him more confused.

"What? Why did she conceive if she is not ready?", Aera mumbled to herself.

"Do you think everything takes place all the time with a person's consent?", Jin asked.

Aera froze on her place.

It was like someone threw a cold bucket of water on her face.

She remembered Mina's words.

'That woman is a psycho.

Consent doesn't exist in this house.

You have to do it no matter if you want it or not, if you like it or not.'

"O-oppa?!" She yelled in fear, confusion and rage.

Jin nodded his head.

She broke out in sobs as she hugged him tightly, scared to imagine what Mina must have gone through.

"I can't imagine her pain. It's cruel. Oh God!", she choked on her words.

"The child didn't do anything to anyone, but we are worried what would happen if the child is born. It's not a game where you can erase everything and play it again. Life is irreversible. That's why baby, before the embryo can take life, before it can turn into a little human, we are planning to abort it. That's what Mina wants. She is already traumatized for a long time. She suffered enough. Let's not burden her. We will support her every decision, as at the end of the day, it's her life", Jin said as he rubbed her back.

"Sorry, oppa. I didn't understand what was happening and just shouted at everyone. I am such a bad person", Aera mumbled with regret.

"It's fine. You are not a bad person. Not at all", He said kissing her head.

She calmed herself down.

"I should say sorry to unnie and Aunty", Aera mumbled.

"As you wish", Jin wiped her face.

"I'll be back", she ran to the washroom.

She came back wiping her face with a towel.

"Alright, what was the reason you came there?", He asked.

"Oh, someone named Jiwon was calling Jimin oppa continuously. I came there to give him his phone", she said.

"Don't worry. He will see about this later", Jin said as he opened the door.

Aera peeked in the room to see her brothers, Mina and Maya sitting there quietly.

"Unnie, I'm really sorry", Aera gave Mina a tight hug.

This time she couldn't control herself as her tears resurfaced again.

"It's fine. Wait, why are you crying? You are crying for me?", Mina asked worried.

"You don't deserve anything that you went through. I'm always here if you want to talk about anything. I love you, unnie. I will support you in every decision you make", Aera tightened her grip on Mina.

"Aww. I love you too, Aera. You are really a good person. Don't change for anything and anyone. Always be like this", Mina said as she wiped Aera's tears.

Aera smiled as she pulled out of the hug.

She sat in front of Maya and said, "I'm really Aunty. It's my fault. I shouldn't have shouted like that".

"It's fine, baby. Your brothers raised you very well. You are one gem of a person. You are precious", Maya smiled.

"Stop it", she mumbled blushing.

"Okay, I'm going to watch a movie. Please continue", Aera mumbled and ran out.

The room was silent for a minute.

"Mina, my baby, I know this is hard for you. But you are not alone now. The people who wronged you should suffer the consequences", Maya said.

Mina didn't reply.

She always thought about Aera as a fragile and dependent person.

But today, the way she stood up against everyone, including her brothers, for something she thought that was not right was not what Mina expected from a person like Aera.

The rage in her eyes, was really admirable.

It doesn't matter what the person's age, size and nature, if they have courage to do the right thing, they can do it.

Finally, Mina said, "I want to pay back. I choose self respect and dignity".

The Kim brothers looked at each other.

"Get ready", Yoongi said as he went to his room.

Aera laid on her bed, as tears streamed down her eyes.

People were not at all like what she thought.

How can someone be this disgusting?

How can someone hurt their own family?

Why didn't Nick didn't stop all these things happening to his daughter?

Why didn't Danny felt empathy for his sister?

Why didn't Kris love his wife?

Why didn't Julie respect her granddaughter?


Aera couldn't understand.

But she learnt one thing.

Her brothers were to be treasured.

Not everyone will be kind enough like she thought.

Not everyone thinks about others.

She learnt that life is not at all easy.

It looks easy for her because of her brothers.

The real world outside is so scary, unpredictable and apathetic.

But she wouldn't let change anything in her life.

What matters the most to her was her brothers and their happiness, cause she knew they fought with everything and made her life easy.

And Mina, after going through everything she's strong, calm and collected.

She doesn't cry for everything.

She doesn't cry for small things like losing something or for being scolded.

Aera decided to herself that she won't bother or cry for any small thing, as she witnessed a few minutes ago, like how people are strong to bear such intense trauma and could stand straight.

She decided that she won't be a crybaby.

She will learn how to control and direct her emotions.

She will make herself proud.

She will make her brothers proud, no matter what.

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