Summoning Japan: Flights of t...

Od KageNishi

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That day, iron and blood rained down on the Folk Strait... This is a fanfiction of Minorou-sensei's "Summonin... Více

Part 1: Strait of Iron and Blood | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Pearl Harbor in Another World
Chapter 3 - Border Sea
Chapter 4 - A Spinning World
Chapter 5 - Operation Saiyuki In Effect
Chapter 6 - Pearl Harbor Interception
Chapter 7 - Glory and Setbacks of the Gra Valkas Empire Naval Air Force
Chapter 8 - Common Sense and Uncommon Sense
Chapter 9 - Grade Atlastar Ablaze
Chapter 10 - A Fleet of Patchworks
Chapter 11 - The Injured Overlord and the Watchdogs
Chapter 12 - A Man's Flowery Road
Chapter 13 - Hybrid Front
Chapter 14 - The Hyūga Gets Hit
Chapter 15 - All Weapons Free
Chapter 16 - Strait of Iron and Blood
Final Chapter - Japanese Celgaia
Extra Chapter - ASM-2X Development Secrets
Part 2: Civilization in the Wake of War | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Dolphins That Crossed the Sea
Chapter 3 - The Birth of Yamut
Chapter 4 - Aluminum Storm
Chapter 5 - Dancing Meetings and People
Chapter 6 - Naguano's Adventure
Chapter 7 - The Depressing Party
Chapter 8 - Creeping Ones
Chapter 9 - Each of the Four Is Different
Chapter 10 - Second Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 11 - Geopolitical Recommendations
Chapter 12 - The Superpower's Pride
Chapter 13 - Japan's Confession
Chapter 14 - Dragon Carrier Izumo
Chapter 15 - Leiforia, Nightmare Again
Chapter 16 - Fall of Valkyries
Chapter 17 - 1:48
Chapter 18 - Shaking Bridge
Chapter 19 - The Witching Hour
Chapter 20 - Operation Super Hammer II
Chapter 21 - Eve of the Storm
Chapter 22 - Ancient Weapon Pal Chimera's Fierce Might
Chapter 23 - Footsteps of Ruin
Chapter 24 - Air Raid on Ragna
Chapter 25 - The Enemy Overhead
Final Chapter - Political Turn
Part 3: Irnetia Crisis | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Operation Ragnarök
Chapter 3 - Misplaced Buttons
Chapter 4 - Shadow of the Pal Chimera
Chapter 5 - Battle of Irnetia
Chapter 6 - The Blue Rainbow of Death
Chapter 7 - Titan of the Dawn
Chapter 8 - Red Coast
Chapter 10 - Out of Competition
Chapter 11 - The Lone Wolf Captain
Chapter 12 - The Lone Wolf and the Wolfpack
Chapter 13 - Excessive Interference
Chapter 14 - Magic Bulge
Chapter 15 - Stuck in Hell
Chapter 16 - Hell with a Chance of Silver Lining
Chapter 17 - Fire, Smoke, and Magic Bullets
Extra Chapter - The Secret Behind the Magic Bulge's Creation

Chapter 9 - Hymax

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Od KageNishi

The mage leading the experimental unit from Runesvaletta, Corcana, was in a good mood. This was because the debut of her adorable Magic Troopers was promised.

The Mirishial Army's weapon development was mainly divided among three magic academies: the Runepolis for naval vessels, the Runesvaletta for aircraft, and the Runesweaves for land combat weapons. They were neatly separated into sea, sky, and land. Therefore, when Runesvaletta which primarily focused on developing aircraft, started working on the development of the Magic Trooper, there was a sense of discomfort (or rather, skepticism) even within the military. When individuals asked the development director, Corcana, about the concept, they uniformly rejected it. According to them, "It's absurd to develop something that even the Sorcerous Empire didn't create!"

In response, Corcana said, "Thanks for the compliment!"

He would follow up with a blow to those who were puzzled by his response.

"There's no way we could defeat the Sorcerous Empire by doing the same thing as them!"

Those who were told this irrefutable argument would inevitably be left speechless. As a result, she was referred to as a "Witch" by colleagues and students—both as a form of respect and as an insult.

In reality, the concept of the new Magic Trooper, also known as the "Witch's Whim," was a bit outlandish: Magic Troopers capable of three-dimensional mobility (flying). Runesvaletta had been developing the floating ships of the heavens, and it made sense for them to have expertise in aerial weapons. But sending land weapons like Magic Troopers flying? What's the point of that? Is it even possible? Even if it were, wouldn't the Sorcerous Empire have done it long ago—such were the overwhelmingly common reactions.

In response, Corcana argued that if one could move in the air, they would have a significant advantage in speed and rough terrain traversal over moving on land, drastically increasing the unit's mobility. Everyone had to reluctantly acknowledge the validity of this argument.

However, the feasibility of the idea was challenging to counter. Initially, they tried attaching the Elpacio 3's magical chant-powered compressed air emission engine to existing Magic Troopers (the current mainstay, "Maxta"), but the engine lacked the thrust to make them fly. Attempts to lighten the Maxta's weight only resulted in a slight lift of the vehicle. Nevertheless, the Army appreciated the weight reduction, and a vehicle with only weight reduction was officially adopted as the high-mobility/support-type Magic Trooper "Maxlight."

Thus, Corcana's research reached a temporary deadlock until the solution brought from Japan—the improvement in bypass ratio. By equipping the Elpacio 3''s engine on the Maxlight, the vehicle became capable of continuous 30-second aerial movement (any longer would cause overheating). During aerial movement, it achieved a maximum altitude of 15 meters, a maximum horizontal movement distance of 400 meters, and a top speed of 100 km/h (40 km/h on the ground). Corcana named this vehicle "Hymax" and pitched it to the Army.

However, the Army was not as naïve as to jump to conclusions based on these numbers and think that mobility had increased. The magical chant-powered compressed air emission engine consumed magical stones intended for aircraft like a glutton. Continuous aerial movement was not sustainable, frequent use shortened the range, and it even decreased mobility. Moreover, many Army experts were skeptical if the cost increase due to using expensive liquid magical stones was justified by the benefits of aerial movement.

Having doubts cast on the mobility advantage she had touted, Corcana presented another benefit: its utility as an anti-tank weapon.

While the Mirishial Army had self-propelled guns, it lacked tanks due to the inability to create a high-output engine capable of moving heavily armored vehicles. Until now, Magic Troopers had been their champions of land warfare.

However, the introduction of tanks changed this dynamic. When they first learned about the Japanese Type 10 tank, she was surprised but did not take it seriously as a threat. However, upon discovering that Gra Valkas also possessed tanks, she could no longer remain indifferent. The Mirishial Army, upon realizing that Gra Valkas' mainstay tank, the "Hound," closely resembled the old Japanese Army's Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tank, requested data on the Chi-Ha from Japan and conducted simulations. The result was that Mirishial's Maxta could not defeat Gra Valkas' Hound. The critical issues were the height of the vehicle and the thin front armor; the Maxta would almost certainly be at a disadvantage, easily taken out with the first shot. For the Mirishial Army, which had been studying the Gra Valkas Empire as an enemy since the First Battle of the Folk Strait, this became a major headache.

To address this, Corcana decided to pitch the Hymax as an anti-tank weapon to the Army. Unlike self-propelled guns, the tank's guns cannot be elevated to a high angle. Moreover, the top armor is thinner than the front. The flying Hymax could avoid being shot by the Hound and destroy it without opposition.

However, the weaknesses of height and armor remained. So, Corcana cited a certain Japanese anime movie and a certain video game. After showcasing the movie and game to the Army officials, she said: "As you can see, Japan is also considering weapons with the same concept as the Hymax! If our country can put it into practical use before Japan, it will enhance our country's prestige and national interests!"

It was a ridiculous argument, but bureaucrats and military personnel who had previously underestimated Japan as a peripheral country fell for it.

Thus, Corcana's research received funding not only from the academy but also from the Army, and she was allowed to accompany the 4th Magic Fleet.

However, the Mirishial Army did not rely solely on Corcana's Hymax. The Army also took the initiative in developing a tank using the Elpacio 3''s engine. The development was entrusted to the Runesweaves Magic Academy, the developer of Maxta and the one with a close relationship with the Army. Runesweaves, feeling that their territory had been encroached upon by Runesvaletta's Magic Trooper development, worked on tank development with the academy's honor at stake. However, they wouldn't be able to meet the departure of the 4th Magic Fleet in time. To overcome this, the Mirishial Army bent its own policy and imported 84 mm recoilless guns from Japan as an anti-tank weapon. This change in policy faced opposition from within and outside the Army, but the success of the operation and the lives of the soldiers were paramount.

Thus, an ad-hoc formation of the 501st Anti-Tank Platoon equipped with Hymaxes and 84 mm recoilless guns landed on Irnetia Island.

. . .

After securing the beachhead, the Mirishial Army deployed recon teams towards the inland where the main base was located. Although a military road connected the beachhead to the main base at Doiva, as soon as the Mirishial forces took control of the positions, the Gra Valkans promptly sealed the road by constructing formidable barricades. Their efficiency suggested that they had prepared for this in advance. Furthermore, there were Hounds patrolling the area around the base.

Upon hearing the report from the returning reconnaissance team, Douglas decided to assess the unknown combat capabilities of the new force.

. . .

"Order the 501st Anti-Tank Platoon to probe the enemy."

Upon receiving the commander's order, Lieutenant Hanry, who led the platoon understood Douglas' intention.

"The enemy is using Hounds for patrols around the base. Capture one of them."

Choosing his words carefully, Hanry asked a question.

"May I ask a question, sir?"


"Do you intend to capture the Hound in pristine condition?"

"I don't necessarily expect that. At worst, it doesn't even have to move."

Hanry was convinced. What the headquarters wanted wasn't just a Hound; they wanted a record of defeating a Hound.

"How do you plan to transport the immobilized Hound here, considering we have only four Magic Troopers?"

"Well, according to the information we received, the Hound is estimated to weigh about 15 tons."

"Hmm... In the worst case, a photograph will do instead of the actual thing."

It seemed they were determined to pit themselves against the Hound no matter what. Hanry gave up on pointless resistance.

"We'll do our best."

The entire platoon saluted as they saw off their superior officer. Once the officer had completely left the room, they immediately began examining the map he left behind.

Mage Corcana returned in place of their superior. Although responsible for the experimental unit, she did not hold command authority. The top of the platoon's chain of command was Hanry. Most of them, including Hanry, had previous military service in the Army and were reservists. This participation was in the form of a reserve call-up. According to the gentlemen's agreement between the Army and the academy, the unit structure was not to be changed with regard to the experimental unit, but Douglas was willing to reorganize it if necessary. For him, it was not the testing of the new weapons that was important, but the success of the operation.

"Professor, where have you been?"

One of the squad members, Bernie, inquired.

"At the headquarters—"

Nobody was foolish enough to expect that Corcana had vouched for them with the headquarters. She was more of a Witch making demanding requests.

"—to retrieve the spoils. We need to know the enemy's technological level."

Through the door, Corcana's assistants were seen slowly and carefully carrying what seemed to be captured weapons from the Gra Valkas army.

"The headquarters wants to know our capabilities. We've been ordered to hunt down one Hound."

Upon hearing Bernie's words, Corcana cast an inquisitive glance at Hanry.

"It's a probing mission."

"I understand. Any issues?"

"If there's only one opponent, we should be able to handle it. The problem was how to transport the immobilized Hound, but we were told that a photograph would do in the worst case."

"Then I guess I can leave it to you," Corcana said, and without waiting for a reply, she turned to give instructions to her assistants who were carrying the spoils beyond the door.

The remaining platoon members shrugged.

"Even though it's our first actual battle... It would be nice if they showed a bit more concern, even if we won't be penalized," one of the Magic Troopers' pilots named Corneus complained.

"It's futile to expect something like that from the professor. She ain't called a Witch for nothing," Bernie, his fellow pilot, replied.

He was the only non-reserve member in the squad, originally a student who volunteered for the army for this mission. He was younger than the other pilots.

"I thought I could enjoy a safe second life in the rear... but my plans got messed up," Dristoy, the fourth pilot, also grumbled. "The moment those Valkies showed up, everything went awry. Reserve mobilization was bound to happen sooner or later, especially if it turns into a mainland battle."

Hanry answered this time. "Which one are you talking about?"

"Which one? Our mainland or the Valkies' mainland?" Bernie asked.


Everyone agreed with Hanry's answer. However, except for Bernie, the other three felt a generation gap in Bernie's attitude, which discussed the possibility of their homeland losing on equal terms with the possibility of winning.


Holy Mirishial Empire mainland, Army Training Ground

With a high-pitched whine, an iron box rumbled forward. Its silhouette is low, with angular projections extending from the front, resembling horns. Eight wheels gripped the ground as it tried to propel its body forward. However, when attempting to climb a slightly steep slope, it came to a halt, leaving behind a loud metallic noise.

"Not again!"

Brewer, the Chief Magical Engineer of the Runesweaves Magic Academy, cursed as he rushed towards the prototype tank. The cause of the malfunction was immediately apparent from the sound of metal breaking – the transmission was broken. The operator crawled out of the prototype tank, took off the helmet, and reported to Brewer.

"The transmission made a terrible noise and stopped working."

"As expected. It sounds exactly as I thought. Let's remove the transmission."

Brewer issued instructions to the gathered assistants. While the assistants struggled with the heavy vehicle, Brewer engaged in conversation with Rector Laurea who had come for an inspection.

"As you can see, we're struggling. The transmission is as crucial as the engine, but it's not holding up. This is the first time we've installed such a high-powered engine on a ground vehicle, and there are so many things we don't know how to handle."

"Can't you reinforce it using magical elements?"

"It's not as simple as just making it sturdy. Even though we imported Japanese cars via Mu for reference... Using the metallurgy technology of the land without magical elements, we have to admit that the Empire is considerably behind Japan."

Laurea was lightly surprised that only pessimistic words came from the Chief Magical Engineer.

"We need the practical implementation of tanks to progress quickly."

"In Runesvaletta—"

"This is not a small issue like territorial disputes among the academies. Our national interests are at stake."

The conversation escalated, and seeing Brewer's surprised expression, Laurea pressed on.

"Both Gra Valkas and Japan already have tanks. Mu also possesses them. We've decided to import the Type 20 from Japan."

He referred to an export model of the Type 16 Maneuver Combat Vehicle.

. . .

Mu had been moving to acquire tanks much earlier than the Holy Mirishial Empire (since before Japan's transference). Developing their own weapons to counter the Magic Troopers of magical engineering, they had already completed tank development. However, with the emergence of the Gra Valkas military, they shifted to importing already completed tanks from Japan.

Based on the reports of technicians dispatched to Japan, the Muish Army set its sights on the Type 74G tank and approached the Japanese government. They borrowed an actual vehicle displayed at the JGSDF Public Information Center in Asaka and conducted evaluations within the JGSDF's training grounds. The results satisfied the Muish Army. They then approached the Japanese government for the import of the Type 74G, but were promptly rejected.

Although there are almost 600 Type 74 tanks remaining in the country, all of them have hydraulic suspension systems reaching their design lifespan, making them unusable within a few years. Additionally, the 105 mm rifled guns were planned for reuse in the main gun of the Type 16 MCV. Mu's engineers proposed exporting the Type 74 without the hydraulic suspension system (which is useful for ridge shooting, but not very effective in Mu, where terrain for ridge shooting is scarce), but due to the necessity of redesigning the chassis and reproduction, Japan rejected the proposal.

As a result of subsequent discussions between the two countries, an agreement was reached to create a Muish version of the Type 16 (Type 20) and export it. The differences between the Type 20 and Type 16 were the absence of APFSDS rounds (though earlier armor-piercing shells were supplied) and the adaptation of communication devices to the Muish Army's specifications. Japan was satisfied as it could use the same parts and production lines as the domestically deployed Type 16, while Mu was content with obtaining a more robust vehicle than the Gra Valkan tanks, especially since the (vehicle itself) was as capable as the domestically deployed Type 16.

. . .

"At this rate, our country will fall behind not only Japan and Gra Valkas but even Mu," Brewer heard Laurea's sigh-laden words and thought that he himself was the one who wanted to sigh. Falling behind other countries is ultimately because the higher-ups' policies do not match the current trends. Of course, absolutely no one would expect the appearance of Japan and Gra Valkas from worlds beyond their own, so they can't blame those in power. But is it right to easily pass on the consequences to the field? After all, they abandoned their self-sufficiency with recoilless guns. Can't the homeland even import tanks from Japan?

Brewer thought so, but he couldn't say it directly to Laurea's face.

"I'll do my best, but please be prepared for the fact that it will not be ready by the time the (Magic) fleet departs."


Former Doiva City Area, Irnetia Island

The road leading from the coast through the (now rubble-filled) city to the Doiva Base was obstructed at several points by obstacles. Ordinary vehicles and even military vehicles with tracks would find it difficult. However, the people who set up barricades did not anticipate bipedal movement. Much less bipedal war machines capable of jumping up to 15 meters. Such machines were beyond anticipation and even imagination.

Bernie who piloted the Hymax Unit 2, advanced at the forefront, utilizing the remnants of buildings while staying hidden in the shadows. The high-pitched noise from the magical chant-powered compressed air emission engine faintly reached inside the vehicle. It was actually as loud as an explosion, but the volume was subdued with a silencer magic. Without it, the pilot couldn't endure the noise and it would reveal their presence to the enemy. In a reconnaissance mission like this, taking the initiative was essential.

Unit 2's movement came to a halt. Bernie reported the situation through manacomm.

"This is 2. I've spotted enemy vehicles resembling tanks. At least two of them."

"This is 1. Are there infantry on the enemy side?"

"They are on top of the tanks. About 5 or 6 per tank."

"Stand by; reinforcements are on the way."

"Understood," Bernie answered Hanry's transmission, pressed the recording button for magical video, and waited without taking his eyes off the situation. However, the waiting didn't last long.

A loud noise, like something collapsing, echoed from a little distance. Looking in that direction, Bernie saw a building collapsing in a cloud of dust. A conversation intercepted from the manacomm came in.

"This is 1, what happened?"

"This is 4. Sorry. The building collapsed when I tried to climb it."

Did Dristoy make another blunder? Naturally, the enemy noticed. Infantrymen descended from the two tanks, and the tanks began charging toward the direction of the dust.

Thinking it had become troublesome, Bernie stepped on the pedal, feeding the liquid mana to the magical chant-powered compressed air emission engine to increase its output. Exhaust producing substantial thrust was released from the nozzle, and Unit 2 jumped into the air.

The infantrymen noticed Unit 2's presence first. They looked up and shouted something. Some even pointed their rifles toward Bernie. Ignoring them, he aimed at the tanks. The second-generation Ixion anti-air autocannon roared twice in a short time, silencing the two tanks. After landing, Bernie thought about dealing with the infantry... when he spotted two new enemy tanks. They must have been nearby.

He was airborne for more than half the limit already. He could take down one from the air, but he couldn't engage two tanks. However, if he landed and engaged in horizontal firing head-on, the odds were slim. Reinforcements... it was better not to expect them.

Bernie took down the second tank in mid-air, desperately maneuvered the vehicle, and landed Unit 2 on the remaining enemy tank. He fired autocannon shots directly above the turret that rotated uselessly at his feet. The fourth tank also fell silent.

There might still be enemies around. Lingering was unnecessary. Bernie reached out to the manacomm.

"This is 2. I've destroyed four enemy tanks and recorded it. Abandoning the enemy tanks and retreating."

"This is 1. Four? Bernie, give me a proper report."

"I'll report the details later. There might still be enemies lurking. For now, I'll prioritize bringing back the footage."

"...Alright. 2, fall back. We'll expect a proper report later."

Hearing Hanry's somewhat resigned voice, Bernie felt optimistic that the report would be believed since he had the footage.

. . .

Having been shown the footage, Douglas immediately transmitted it to Runepolis. The next day, the Mirishial Army made a speedy decision to officially adopt the Hymax.

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