My Darling | Alastor x Reader

By hooman_does_cosplay

95.9K 3.1K 1.1K

"(Y/N), you are here today in front of the angelic council to discuss your placement in Heaven." Sera's voice... More

Art Credits
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Author's Note
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Author's Note
Chapter Eleven
Author's Note
Chapter Twelve
Author's Note
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Author's Note
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
🍋Chapter Twenty-One🍋

Chapter One

9K 234 405
By hooman_does_cosplay

It was a fluke. An utter fluke for me to end up here. After everything I did during my life I never would have expected to end up in heaven. I take a breath before looking up at all the angels that make up the angelic council. I flap my wings slightly before folding them in closer to my body, relaxing them.

"(Y/N), you are here today in front of the angelic council to discuss your placement in Heaven." Sera's voice booms in the open room as the rest of the council stays quiet. I simply nod, not having anything to say towards her statement. I'm not surprised they eventually found out I don't belong up here.

If my connection to my husband during my life wasn't enough for me to go to Hell after death some of my actions definitely would make a good enough reason for it. Sera cuts off my train of thought as she continues. "We shall re-evaluate your life before we vote on whether or not you have the right to stay in heaven. Before our vote you will have a chance to speak on any events that might sway our decision. Do you understand everything before we begin?"

I nod before speaking up. "I understand." She nods in acknowledgment before glancing around to make sure the council is ready to begin. She closes her eyes as her lips form a fine line. "Alright, well start from the beginning of your life and go from there." I nod once more, continuing to stand as Emily creates a projection of my life.

The first half of my life is boring and doesn't give the angelic council any reason why I shouldn't be in Heaven. It makes sense though, how often is a child ruthless enough to guarantee a spot in hell before they even hit double digits. They wont find any evidence until we get closer to my twenties. Getting tired of standing I summon a chair and I take a seat causing Sera to sigh quietly causing me to shrug.

The projection continues as I relive my early life. I look around as I get bored and it's clear the council, especially Adam, is bored to death as well. I perk up as I hear a familiar voice and see an even more familiar scene playing on the projection.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

I had been invited to a fancy party since my family is distantly related to a wealthy person. I had been sitting at the bar most of the time not knowing anyone here other than my mother who is being a bit too social for my taste right now.

Sighing I wave the bartender over and order a soda to have something to fiddle with. He quickly pours it into a glass and places it in front of me. I started to swirl my drink around in a bored manner when I spotted a tall, slender man.

We both had accidentally made eye contact with one another and he made his way over to introduce himself. "Hello, dear. I'm Alastor, and who might you be?" I let go of my drink and turned my body slightly towards him a bit more. "Why do you want to know?" I tease giving him a smile.

Alastor chuckled lightly. "I want to get to know someone as lovely as yourself of course, sweet thing." He said as he leaned closer to me.

"Well when you put it that way." I laugh slightly leaning my head against my hand. "I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you, Alastor." I finished giving him a smile.

Alastor smiled wider, and his voice had a subtle seductive tone as he spoke. He was obviously trying to flirt with me a bit. "You have a lovely name, it suits someone as beautiful as yourself," he leaned in even closer and whispered the last part, his southern accent slightly more noticeable "darling."

I feel my face flush making me lean into my hand more to try and hide it. "What brought you to this party?" I ask curiously.

At my question, Alastor chuckled and shrugged. "Well, I was invited here by a dear friend of mine, I didn't know that anyone as beautiful as yourself would be here." He replied, making my face heat up even more.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

"Ugh we're not here to watch some rom-com. Can't we just cut to the reason we're all actually here?" Adam sighs dramatically as Sera shakes her head annoyed. "I suppose." She breathes out touching Emily's shoulder indicating to her to fast forward a bit.

"Boo, I was enjoying that." I pout before grinning. "Too bad sweetheart cause we're skipping it." Adam smirks causing me to roll my eyes at him.

Emily continues to fast forward through my life until Sera stops her. The projection starts up again with Alastor and I walking on the streets of New Orleans as he leads me to a restaurant.

I start laughing and look up at Adam. "Guess you are stuck watching a rom-com after all." I joke making Adam pissed off.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

Alastor offers his arm to me and I take it as we walk on the streets of New Orleans. "So, have you met any other charming gentleman at parties or am I the only one?"

I laugh as I hit his arm slightly. "Very funny Al." I say still laughing. "I'm stuck with just you unfortunately." I joke causing him to grab his heart dramatically. "You wound me darling." He replies, acting as though his heart is actually aching.

I hold my hand to my mouth trying to muffle my laughter, failing miserably. "You shouldn't be a radio host, you should be a comedian. I've never laughed this much before." I say grinning at him.

"Ahh, so my charms are already getting to you. I knew our date was going to be a success." Alastor says with a smirk making me blush slightly.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself lover boy. We still have a dinner to get through." I hum out jokingly as we approach the restaurant doors. "We shall see where this night takes us." Alastor smiles with confidence as he holds the door open for me and we walk in the restaurant.

A small smile forms on my lips as Alastor tells the hostess about the reservation he made. The hostess shows us both to a table and walks away. As we take our seats I look around. The restaurant is packed tonight and people are filling the tables all around us. The food smells delicious and the atmosphere is romantic.

"Do you usually come to this restaurant often?" I ask while looking through the menu. "I'm not sure what to get." I mumble looking at all the options.

"Yes I've been here a few times. I enjoy the atmosphere of the place." He glances around to take in the atmosphere as he answers. "I would recommend the shrimp risotto or the jambalaya. Those are the best items on the menu here." Alastor tells me as he looks back at me.

"Hmm alright. You've convinced me." I give him a wide smile. "I'll try the shrimp risotto. It does sound really good."

"Great choice darling." Alastor says with a bright smile back. We watch as the waitress comes over to take our order. She is very attentive and makes sure we are all set before leaving to ring our orders into the kitchen.

I start to blush again at the nickname he's decided to give me. "You really like calling me your darling don't you?" I ask, teasing him.

"Darling, I find it hard not to call you that." Alastor chuckles at the sight of me blushing. "You are just so adorable, how can I not call you that my angel." Alastor says trying to make me blush even more now.

"My charm and smooth talk has only just begun darling." Alastor says with a chuckle as he reaches across the table to gently grab my hands and remove them from my face so he could look into my eyes. "As you said my job as a radio host helps me become an amazing talker. I could talk your ear off for hours." Alastor says with a charming smile.

"Oh really? Could you now?" I tease some more. "I wouldn't be opposed to that." I say as I start to fiddle with his hand in mine. He blushes from my touch before he replies. "Don't tempt me. I could talk all night darling." He grins.

We continue to talk about little nothings until our waitress comes with our food and drinks.

Our waitress comes to set our food down for us. We thank her and she walks away. As we begin to eat Alastor looks over at me with a smirk. "You want to know what's the highlight of this whole evening?" Alastor asks.

I hum in acknowledgment. "And what might that be?" I ask while taking a sip of my drink.

"The highlight of this evening is getting to spend time with you my darling." Alastor says, taking a sip of his drink also.

"Very cute lover boy." I laugh slightly setting my drink back down. "I agree, tonight has been quite enjoyable."

We both continue to enjoy our meals in the presence of each other. As we both finish eating Alastor makes his way over to where our waitress is to ask for the check. As he does that a man, who is clearly a bit too intoxicated, comes up to our table and starts to hit on me.

"Well, aren't you a looker?" The man slurs, making me uncomfortable. I turn away from him slightly trying to ignore him. Unfortunately he didn't like that and grabbed my arm pulling me up from my seat. "Look a man in his face when he's complimenting you, ya hear?" He snarls in my face. I try to pull my arm out of his grasp but to no avail.

Alastor had just finished talking to the waitress when he turned and saw the man snarling in your face. He was immediately pissed off but he kept his composure. "Excuse me sir but this woman is with me. If you don't remove your hand from her immediately I will remove it for you. Do we understand each other?" Alastor asks in a firm and threatening tone.

The drunken man looks Alastor up and down as he grips my arm tighter causing me to squirm more. "And what are you gonna do about it? You'll regret getting in my way." He snarls towards Alastor.

Alastor's voice becomes menacing and cold. "Let her go or I can guarantee you won't walk away from this altercation." Alastor says as he grabs the man's wrist and forces him to release his grasp off of you.

The man tumbled due to his grasp on me being released. He starts to mumble some incoherent complaints before stumbling out of the restaurant. I rub my arm letting out a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay darling?" Alastor is now very close to me and he has his hand placed on my shoulder reassuring me. "You're okay right?" He looks at me with a very concerned look on his face.

I nod. "I'm alright. Thank you." My face flushes noticing the other guests staring in our direction. "If the bill is all taken care of it would be nice to leave." I give him a small smile.

"I agree darling. Let's go." Alastor's concerned look softens into a smile now. He wraps his arm around my waist as we leave the restaurant. "Let me escort you home so you get back safe."

I nod once more leaning into him. "Thank you." We make our way through the busy city streets, passing other couples going out on their dates like us. Alastor walks next to me holding me close to his side. As we walk in silence I take in the night sky and the cool breeze.

The two of us eventually get to my house and its door. "Thank you for tonight. I enjoyed it a lot, even with its small hiccups." I say making light of the situation that just happened.

"It was my pleasure darling. I enjoyed it as well despite those hiccups." Alastor says as he moves his hand to your cheek brushing it gently with his fingers. "It would be a joy to take you out again sometime." Alastor says while his finger is still on your cheek.

My face lights up with a smile. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot." I grab a hold of his hand on my cheek, placing it down before kissing him on the cheek. "Good night Al. Get home safe alright?" I say as I unlock my door and open it slightly.

His cheeks redden as I kiss him on the cheek and he blushes profusely. "Good night my beautiful darling. Sleep well." Alastor says to me as I head inside. He backs away from the door and gives me a small wave before he turns around and leaves to head home himself.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

"Glad that was over cause that was torture to watch." Adam exclaims while some of the other angels silently agree. I feel my eye twitch as he is making these sweet memories less enjoyable with his comments.

"No wonder both of your wives left you." I comment, causing Adam to explode with rage. "Calm down Adam, we need to finish our review of her life." He huffs making sure to flip me off in the process.

Sera had Emily fast forward again until they got to another part of my life that might give them the evidence they need.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

I open my front door and head to the drive way to pick up the newspaper. After retrieving it I head back inside and make myself a cup of tea before I start to skim the paper.

Satisfied with the taste of the tea I bring a cup, along with the newspaper, to my den as I sit down. I place my tea cup on the table beside me as I start to open up the newspaper.

Taking sips every so often I find the paper to be boring like usual until I notice a picture of a familiar man with the headline 'Man Found Dead, Police Are Currently on the Lookout for the Killer'. I place my teacup down with shaking hands.

"There's no way. This is insane." I mutter as I skim the section once more. I immediately stand up and go towards my phone.

With shaking hands I dial his number. "Hello?" His voice resonates through the phone. "Have you read the newspaper yet today?" I ask with concern visible in my voice.

The concern in my voice makes him start to worry. "No darling, why? What is it?" Alastor asks, concern now lacing his voice as well.

"You remember that man from the restaurant right?" I start off. "Yes I do. What about him?" Alastor asks still with a sense of uncertainty. "Well," I start off before I pause to take a shaky breath. "Well, he was found dead the same night. The police just found his body. Read the newspaper, it's all in there." I say letting out another shaky breath.

The moment Alastor realizes what I meant he freezes. He takes sharp breaths trying to get himself to calm down. "What did the paper say about... the cause?" Alastor finally says, barely able to get the words out.

"Homicide." I mutter out. Alastor takes another sharp breath and swallows thick in his throat trying to stay composed. "That's... That's crazy." He says with fear clearly in his voice.

"Why are you calling me? Do you think somehow I had anything to do with it?" Alastor asks in his shaky and frightened tone. I pause absorbing what he just said. "What?" I stutter out. "Wait. Wait, did you have something to do with it?" I say panicked.

He starts to scramble as he tries to come up with a response to my question. "No, of course not." He says trying to sound confident despite how terrified he feels now. "I can tell you're shaken up over this. Let me come over so I can calm you down darling."

I lean against the wall where my phone is sighing. "Yes, yes I think that would be good. Sorry, I'm just a bit freaked out right now." I say quietly.

"I'll be there as soon as possible darling. Just stay where you are and try to calm down. I'll be there soon." Alastor says, reassuring me as best as he can while also trying to keep the fear in his voice down in a calming tone.

"Alright." I mutter. "See you soon darling." He says before hanging up the phone. I hang up as well, walking back to my chair and staring off into space for a few moments.

Not long after I hear a knock on my door and I quickly go to open it expecting to see Alastor. "Hello ma'am are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" My eyes widened a bit from surprise. "Yes, I am. How can I help you, officer?" He clears his throat continuing.

"We are looking into the murder of this man and we heard you had an encounter with him before he died. Could I come in to talk about this some more?"

I silently nod, opening my front door wider for him to come in. "Would you like something to drink? Some tea?" He nods and follows me into the kitchen. I start preparing a new batch of tea as he starts the conversation he came here to have. "While I heard you were involved in an encounter I am more interested in if you know where Alastor is."

I set down one of my tea cups a bit too hard against the counter when he says that. "What? Sorry I think I misheard you." I stutter out. "Alastor. He was with you that night was he not?" I gulp. "He was." I try to smile. "Why? Is something wrong with Alastor?

He sighs. "I believe he killed this man. No one else in the police force knows I think this but I have no doubt about it."

"Oh?" Is all I can utter out as I try to control my body from shaking too intensely. He nods again. "Yes, I'm sorry if this is unfortunate news for you. I tried going to his house before here but it seemed as though he wasn't home." The officer says, sighing.

His radio started to go off and he slightly turned away from me to mess with it. Before I knew what I was doing I grabbed a knife from my countertop and stabbed the man right in his neck. He tried to stop me but it was too late as I had it deep into his neck and all he could do was stare at me with wide eyes as I slowly pulled it out.

He immediately dropped to the floor trying to activate his radio to call for help. Due to where I struck him he began losing blood fast and passed out quickly unable to activate his radio in time.

Did I just- did I just do that? I think as I look at the bloody knife in my hand. Gasping I drop it and it clatters loudly onto the floor next to the officer's dead body. I hug my body trying to stop myself from gasping. Being right outside and hearing the commotion Alastor opens the front door looking around with a concerned look.

He notices me in the kitchen, closes the front door, and quickly walks towards me, noticing the officer and the large pool of blood beneath him. "(Y/N)..." he says quietly, causing me to glance up at him. My eyes move in every direction clearly showing how scared I am.

Alastor quickly walks over the body and holds me in a tight embrace as we both sink to the floor. "It's alright darling, it's alright." I start to sob, grabbing onto him. "He knew. He knew it was you and I didn't want to lose you. I didn't- I didn't mean to do it, I just- I need you Alastor." I sob out as he holds me tighter.

"You're alright. Everything is alright my darling. I'll handle everything. I love you darling." He hums to me holding my head tight against his body.

I pull away slightly. "Huh?" I whimper through my tears as I start to laugh. "I just- I just killed someone for you and you tell me you love me?" I continue to laugh. "And hearing that in this situation made my heart absolutely flutter. What is wrong with us?"

Alastor blushes looking down at me. "I love you so much my darling." He smiles. "I love you too." I respond as I realize I would do absolutely anything for this man. I'd even kill again for him and feel no remorse for it as long as it kept him safe and with me always.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

Sera prompts Emily to stop the projection as it's clear they don't need to see anymore. I flutter my wings waiting for someone to speak. Sera clears her throat uncomfortably, "I believe that is more than enough for the council to see" she says trying to to make eye contact with me. "Before we make our judgment is there anything you'd like to add to your case?" I stand up from my chair and fix my dress a bit before looking back up at her.

"I'd do it again." I say simply with a smile on my face. "I did do it again actually. Many more times after that. If you want to keep watching you'll see." Sera's face drops open with shock evident on her face as the rest of the council starts to whisper to one another with looks of shock and disgust on their faces as well. Adam starts to laugh maniacally before speaking up. "You're one psychotic bitch huh?" I just continue to smile as he finds this even more amusing, his laugh starting to echo in the room.

Putting a hand on Emily's back in reassurance Sera takes a breath and starts to speak again. "Well, If that is all you have to say I believe it is time for us to make our decision." Once again I nod, keeping the smile on my face. They head into the conference room attached as one angel is assigned to stay in the room with me. I have no reason to run however. I could honestly care less if they send me to Hell or keep me up in Heaven. Though I wouldn't mind being able to see Alastor again. I take a seat as I wait for the rest to come back into the room.

A few minutes have passed and the council quickly regroups all taking their seats. Their briefing was fast but I expected it to be. I would have been more concerned if they took a while to make a decision. One of the angels informs the one that stayed to guard me of the decision the rest came to.

I stand up dusting off my dress again as I look up at Sera giving her a small smile. "The angelic council has come to a unanimous decision to cast you out of Heaven. You shall be marked as a fallen angel and immediately sent to Hell where you will stay for the rest of eternity." Sera says cutting straight to the point. "Alright." I simply say with a smile still sitting on my face. "We have done you the favor of informing Lucifer of your arrival but that is the one and only thing we have done for you." She adds, most likely due to Emily requesting so. That girl is so innocent, not knowing half of the things Heaven has a hand in doing.

"While we will not strip you of your wings we will strip you of all your angelic power. Would you like any last words before we continue and send you to Hell?" I shake my head, fluttering my wings again. "Very well." Sera begins to strip all of my powers from me before opening a portal. I take one more deep breath before walking through the portal with my own free will.

I'm his darling even after death is the last thing I think before getting cast out of heaven, becoming a fallen angel. At least I can finally see my Al again.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

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