The Last Of Me

By -Eclipsenixy-

1.2K 46 6

James Boston was a student in college, soon to finish his last year before conflicts started between Humans a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

515 14 1
By -Eclipsenixy-

Year - 2050

James Boston POV

I was walking through the wilderness in some sort of peace that I haven't felt in so long.  My feet hitting the floor and dry branches breaking them in the process, I was holding an MP5 in my hands.

"Really is quiet today, wonder why?" I continue to walk further into the forest while scanning my surroundings for any animals or enemies.


I was listening to music while in class which was honestly the same shit over and over again.  Robotics class really isn't that hard when you get the hang of it, sort of becomes dry at some point.

'Really wish I took a different class now, so boring' I thought to myself while looking out the window.

"-mes....JAMES!!!!"I jumped when I heard my name being called out by the teacher, I turn to look and he was staring daggers at me.

"I'm this close on kicking you out James, pay attention!" He exclaims before turning back around to his board.

I look him up and down with a nasty look but sighed and started writing stuff down.  'Mr. Dick is one of my teachers for Robotics....or I should say wannabe teacher.  He doesn't know anything of robotics nor does he teach it.'

He's one of those "I teach and you don't learn" or whatever the fuck it is, doesn't matter to me.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by a poke on my right which turn to and see Amy, one of my few friends even if she's an anthro.

"You okay? You seem out of it ever since this morning you know." She said while looking down a little making eye contact with me.

"I'm fine Amy, just didn't sleep well last night" I reassured her with a small smile which she took and dropped the suspicions

"If you say so....midget" She said with a smug look which I give her a *Really* look.

"Just because you're taller than me huh?  Fuck you..." I flip her off in a teasing manner which she tried to hold her laugh.  I smile softly at her resistance.

Seeing her smile like that was like a ray of sunshine, almost blinding to be honest.  It was beautiful


I smile softly while remembering the good times with her in class.  "I do hope I find you one day Amy....One day" I said out loud while looking up at the sky.

I kept walking through the forest, wet noises coming from the bottom of my feet with all the mud.  I eventually stop and scout the area for a good place to rest for a little.

*sigh* "Walking for hours really is a pain in the ass, I'm almost out of water as well"
  I see a slightly plain area and approach it, setting my bag down and sitting down at a log.

Grabbing the water bottle out of the pocket of my bag and downing it all in one gulp.  "Water is out, another reason to be out here looking for resources" I said in annoyance before throwing it away and relaxing a little.

I breathe in deeply, holding it in for a few seconds before letting it go.  I stretch my neck a little and breathe in again, held it and exhaled.

I open my eyes again and inspect the area again, seeing only Mother Nature itself before spotting something on the floor infront of me.  I raise an eyebrow and stand up to inspect it.

Crouching down, I narrow my eyes at the burnt wood.  "Seems like I'm not the only one in this forest huh?"  I grab the wood ash.

'I should probably get out of here, as much as I want to find out who it is, I'd rather live another day' I stand back up and pick up my bag.  I pick up the water bottle as well and put it back inside the bag, not letting out evidence that someone else was here.

I continue to walk with more caution, taking off the safety of my MP5 and handling it with discipline until further notice.

-Timeskip an hour-

I come across an abandoned building which seems rather new in a way.  'Let's check it out' I start to walk slowly towards the front door, opening it slowly while checking my sides for anyone before entering the building and turning on my flashlight.

I walk slowly inside the house, keeping my breathing low and steady.  I head towards the kitchen, it's clear which gives me the sign of checking other rooms.

I check every room before heading up stairs. 'Every room downstairs is clear, now all that's left is upstai-'I heard a creak upstairs which makes me ADS up the stairs.

'Seems like someone else is in here or it's just a heavy ass rat' I start to slowly ascend the stairs while keeping my finger on the trigger of my MP5.

I finally reach the top of the stairs and check the masters room of the house, opening it up I see blood on the bed and wall.  'Fucking hell, what a bloodshed' I enter the room and see the source of the blood on the floor.  A male Anthro naked.

'What the fuck happened here, why is he naked' I crouch down to the body and turn it around, seeing a big cut on his neck. 'That explains the amount of blood in this room'.  I close his eyes and stand back up.

I head out and continue to search every room which all of them were clear. 'That's all of the rooms, let's loot this place and get the fuck out of here'.

I start to walk out of the room and hear the creak again getting my guard up again. 'There's an attic?' I look up on the ceiling and see a trapdoor which answers my question.

I remember seeing a ladder in one of the rooms. 'Might as well check what the hell is making that creak up there'.  I head to the room where the ladder is and pick it up, a grunt leaving me as I carry it to the trap door.

I set the ladder down and open the trap door, I sigh and start to climb the ladder slowly.  Once I climbed all the way up, I turned on my flashlight and held my MP5 up, turning around in every corner to check if anyone is here.

I see ears pointing up behind a box, I narrow my eyes and see that they are anthro and blue?  I slowly approach them.
"Gonna come out?" I said while still holding up my MP5.

I see the ears flick and go down, I see a paw coming out from behind the box. I see it hesitate for a moment before standing up.

Me being shocked was an understatement, I was flabbergasted from the height of the anthro. "'re fucking huge" I mutter under my breath before snapping out of my thoughts.

"Who are you and why are you in this house....half naked?" I asked slightly confused while inspecting her. "....I-I...I don't remember..." she answered while fidgeting a little which makes me more confused.

We both remain silent while staring at each other in the eyes before hearing another creak behind me and getting hit in the head by a bottle of glass. "Ugh....fuck..." I feel something heavy pin me down but I couldn't really see with my vision blurry.

"He should be dazed for a few minutes, tie him up" The person or anthro said while looking up at the other anthro. "What the fuck are you waiting for?!?!? GET THE ZIP TIES!!" Judging by the voice, it was female.

I start to regain my vision a little and notice little spot of red on the weight that was on top of me. "You're fucking heavy...I can't feel my hips" I stated while being dragged against the wall with my hands being tied up. "Shut it human, you'll make a great punching bag once we get to base"

I finally regained my vision and inspected the female voice. It was another anthro, red lioness. I remain silent before speaking "You could've hit me with something else you know, fuck this wound hurts like hell!!!!" I whined like a baby and stared daggers at her

She smacks my head which makes me bleed from my mouth. "I don't care about you pathetic little shits, as long as I get paid for this and discharged than you're nothing but gold to me" she grabbed my hair and stared more intense daggers at me.

"Lucy, I-I think you've done enough to him. Let him be!" I glance to the right and see the blue fox dragon anthro. "Be quiet Luna, we almost got raped because of your careless ass!!" She let go of me and approached "Luna" and stared up at her, making Luna shrink in size.

"You're nothing but a useless brat, I don't know why you joined the military if you can't even kill an anthro....more less a human" She backed off and went downstairs to do fuck knows what. "Spicy one huh?" I chuckle a little at my joke while staring at her, she flinched a little at my voice and turns around.

"Y-Yeah....sorry about her and....the zip ties" I saw a glint of guilt in her blue and purple eyes. I spit out a little blood "I don't want an apology, what I want is for me to get out of these zip ties so I can beat her ass to a pulp". My venom was clearly visible by my eye twitching.

"S-Sorry....I didn't mean to off-" before she even had a chance to respond back, I interrupted her "I said I don't want an apology, you....*I sigh* look, I'll let you live if you release me from these zip ties"
I calmly stated while staring at her.

Her jaw shivered a little before straighten her posture "I can't do more than trust a word of a human again" I tilt my head a little in confusion, again? What did she mean again?

"Fuck....fine then, guess I'll take a little a break" I leaned back on the wall and closed my eyes for a few minutes, Luna just staring at me all the time. "Your wound" I grunt at her and raise an eyebrow. "Your wound...let least treat it...I-it's the least I can."

My confusion turns into even more confusion. "Are you trying to get me on my good side so I don't kill you once I escape these zip ties?". She approaches me hesitantly and sits down infront of me, her being like 7'3 in height meant she was towering over me.

"Maybe....maybe not, who knows" she lets out a little snicker which made me huff. "Just...get it over with, it hurts like a bitch anyways" I give her the sign to treat it which she got closer and inspected it first.

We both stay silent for what felt like hours but I noticed that her hands? Paws? I don't know, could almost cover my entire face.  "Thankfully there aren't any glass shards stuck...just need to clean it, patch you up and you'll be good".  I grunt at her while looking down at my legs.

She stands up and heads to the other side of the attic, kneeling down to a near bag.  I surprised myself from how oblivious I was for not noticing that bag earlier, she takes out a medkit.

"I'm kinda stupid for not noticing that bag in the room" I said out loud and feeling embarrassed.  Luna just chuckles a little "Trust me, I was too".  She came back to me and sat close to me again "You're not a soldier are you?" She asks while opening the medkit.

"Just a random college student with enough "experience" to survive in this wasteland" I hissed at her when she started cleaning the wound on my head.  "You're a medic aren't you?" I asked her out of curiosity.  "Indeed I am...I barely got any fighting experience.  I mostly focus on my teammates than myself" I looked for up a few seconds, noticing the dread in her voice.

"Mmm...guess we're all good for a couple things." I stay silent for a few more seconds before speaking again "Thanks for...treating my head" I looked to my left, surprising myself on saying "Thanks" to an anthro.  She stops for a few seconds before giggling "That felt kinda weird to hear if I'm being honest...a human saying thank you to an anthro? You surprise me more and more Human" She grabbed bandages and started wrapping my head.

I grunt at her, still in disbelief in myself. 'I need to get out of here but it's way too cold to get out of here right now.  I can at least try to make a distracti-" My thoughts were interrupted by Luna.  "All done, just don't touch it and you'll be good" she started picking up the infected wipes, "How do you expect me to touch my head with my hands still tied?"

We both stay silent at me saying, Luna's blush grew more and more out of embarrassment.  "R-Right..kinda forgot about that" she stands up quickly and goes to pack the medkit in the bag.  I hear footsteps come up the ladder, Lucy is back....

"Alright, got word from the general that we will have to stay here for another day.  "Keep the human alive and you'll be rewarded" ass" She says out loud and I kept staring at her, with disgust and hatred.

She sits down across me and stares at me with a nonchalant look.  "What's your name human?" I kept eye contact with her "None of your business, I ain't saying shit to y'all". She remained stoic and unphased "Have it your way then." She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

I kept staring daggers at her but decided to drop it.  I look around the attic to see if there's anything sharp, I can't risk on trying to get my knife out of my shoe.  'Come on, come on THINK DAMMIT!!!'

I sigh and look and decide to drop it for now, I look at both Luna and Lucy.  Luna was a shark anthro, 7'3 or 7'4 in height.  Blue skin with white on them, looks like she suffered heavy injuries by her scars around her body and shit.  She has features of shark but also with Leopard ears and tail.

Lucy on the other hand was a Red fox anthro, amazing color to join the army by the way.  Typical fox features until her tail comes in play, looks like some kind of....wolf tail.  Interesting.

"Both of y'all are different species combined huh?" I spoke my thoughts out loud which made both of em look at me confused then weirded out.

"You're staring that hard at us? That's kinda fucking creepy don't you think Luna?"  Lucy turns her head towards her with a still disgusted face.  "K-Kinda, yeah".

"I ain't staring at y'all because I wanna fuck, I'm studying you whore.  Are y'all gonna answer my question or not?" I had no shame to admit that I was staring at their bodies, better to be informed than not to be.

They stay silent for a few moments before Luna sighing "Y-Yes, W-We both are different species combined...."  I nod my head at her before sighing.  "That's all I wanted to know". I laid my head back and closed my eyes.

"Weirdo" Lucy says before closing her eyes again.  I heard Luna walk for a few seconds before I hear wood creaking. 

'It's gonna be a long night'

-Timeskip to a few hours later-

Luna POV

"Lucy, are there no other spare clothes?" I was slightly shivering by how cold it is, I glanced at the human who was sleeping and surprisingly not cold whatsoever.  "None that fit you, I looked around the whole house and found nothing for you Luna."  She shrugs and goes back to closing her eyes.

I huff at her before standing up and heading towards the stairs. I start to descend slowly and embracing myself because of the cold. "Kinda surprised it's more cold down here than in the attic, wonder why". I continue to search for clothing in every room that I could find.

"No luck for me then....fuck" I descend down to the first floor to see the front door wide open, I raise an eyebrow and before approaching it,


I was knocked out cold

James POV

I jolt awake and look around me, noticing Luna isn't here I was panicking.
"Hey....wake up!!!" I was whispering loud enough for Lucy to wake up. "What do you WANT!?!?!" I shhh her up before locking eyes with her, guess she took that as a sign because of my panicked state.

"Listen, I know I'm a human and everything but listen to me. There's other people in the house. Downstairs and....heading upstairs" I whispered to her before we both looked at the ladder going to the attic.

"Luna...whatever, fuck her ain't no one gonna miss her anyways" Lucy stands up and grabs my MP5. "HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SAY THAT ABOUT YOUR TEAMMATE!?!?" I whispered yelled at her.

She didn't even answer me and started heading down. 'That is some teammate right there' I roll my eyes and put myself into a crouching position, using my mouth to grab the hidden knife inside of my boot.  I have a little trouble unpocketing it but I eventually take it out with a few grunts.

I drop the knife which makes a loud noise but everything was quiet....very eerie and creepy.  I hurry up and jump a little to grab the knife with my tied hands and I start to slowly cut the zip ties.  "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck come on come on..."


Those two shots make me panic more and I look towards the one.


I snap out of my trance and continue cutting the zip ties. I was panicking and I could feel my heart beat through my chest, the rope cuts and I immediately unpocket my handgun.  'These two don't know shit about unarming enemies...could've killed them more early but it's whatever'


I instinctively crouch down and keep my aim on the stairs, I keep my cool and breathe slowly.  'It would be nice to see if it's humans but judging by their footsteps, most likely anthros'

The gunshots get more and more active


Everything goes quiet, more footsteps walking but I noticed it's less than last time.  '2? No 3 of em'

????: Agh fuck....that bitch really did a number on us...
????: yeah yeah, just shut up and're injured so stay here.

A male voice speaks to a feminine one, seems like whoever the female one is injured badly.  'I can take advantage of this'

I was still up in attic and think of an idea. I purposely take a step to make a creak. There was no reaction until one of em spoke

????: You heard that Sargent?
????: Yes'sir, another anthro probably?
????: Shhh

Their footsteps get more silent which makes it harder for me to listen.  'Come on round is already excited' I smirk as I hear footsteps coming up the ladder.

I take the safety off the gun, seeing ears pop up the attic door


The anthro falls down the stairs making the other fall with him as well which gives me an opening.  I run and peek the attic door


Two more shots go off which kills the other anthro underneath his teammates.

????: FUCKKKKKK!!!!! SIR!!! SIR!!!!!!! GET UP PLEASE, BLAKE!!!

She goes silent once she feels a barrel against her head, tears rolling down her face.  "Hey Buddy, ready to go with em?" I glared at her deeply and she didn't even respond.  "Well I'll prepare you then" I pull the trigger and she falls limp.

I wipe some of the blood off my face and sigh.  "So much for one day" I start to think how they found this house.  Was it coincidence? Probably not...Report? Most likely but yet again there's a blizzard so the coincidence part could still be up.

"Ugh..." I whip my head around and aim down sights down the stairs, seeing Luna still unharmed but with a gun wound in her shoulder.  I exhale and start to head downstairs, being as cautious as possible.

"Luna? You still here?" I crouched down and pushed her to the side for her to be facing upwards. 'Minor injuries, only major injury is the gunshot wound on her shoulder pierced right through her'
She grunts in pain which knocks me off my thoughts.  "Alright alright, let me fetch some bandages". I run off to the attic again.

-Luna POV-

My head was pounding, I could barely see.  I hear footsteps run up the stairs? Even I wasn't sure but my vision kept coming back to me slowly.  I see a silhouette on top of me, speaking to me.  "What..?" I was weak and could barely even feel myself talk.

"-ed to get you treated!" My vision came back and I see the human with a slight worried expression on his face.  I was confused and started slightly looking around, I was in the living room?

"You still here?"  I looked back to the human who was looking down at me.  " head still hurts a lot, what happened?"  I try to sit up but my body gave out.  "Woah Woah relax there Tank, you're badly injured and in no condition to stand up. I'll explain everything once ur patched up"

I couldn't speak but I had one thought in my mind, Why? 'Why is this human helping one of its enemies when they could easily finish me off, not only that but take advantage of me as well'

I kept looking up at him, I saw one thing in his eyes...genuine fear.  Before asking anything else everything goes dark

-Time skip to the next day-

-Lunas POV (still)-

I wake up by the blinding light coming from a window?  I grunt a little and notice that I'm inside of a room.  I sit up and try to rub my eyes but the I instantly regret with a sharp pain hitting me waking me up immediately.

"Agh dammit...what happened?" I was still disoriented by everything that's was going on at once.  I hear the door opening which I snap my head towards to and see the human coming in.

"You're finally awake, been sleeping for a whole day now."  He stays at the door looking at me with his arms crossed.  "Sleeping for a day?  What happened?" He stays silent for a few seconds before sighing "We got attacked, or you guys got attacked.  You were knocked out by a gun bashed to ur head and shot at ur shoulder.  On the other hand, ur teammate? Deceased"

My eyes widen a little before they shrink again "Lucy is dead?", he nods his head.  I look down on to my feet under the covers. "I don't know whether I should be happy or sad right now" I asked myself out loud.

"Feel whatever you wanna feel, I don't care.  Let me see the shoulder and change ur bandages" he approaches me and grabs a roll of bandages on the night stand.  "Why..?" I ask out of the blue.

He stops un bandaging and looks up at me "Why what?" He raises an eyebrow before continuing to un bandage, noticing him being as gentle as possible.  "Why are you helping me, matter of fact why did you help me?" He stays silent for what seems like minutes before sighing.

"I don't know...why am I helping you?" He states before finishing un bandaging. I stay silent again before hissing a little at him starting to clean it "Probably because you remind me of someone I used to know back in my college life and shit."

I raise an eyebrow at him before flinching again at the stinging "Who if I may ask?"
"Amy was her name, Pink Dragon with wolf features as well. My one and best friend ever....I don't know what happened to her after all of this shit started happening" He finishes cleaning the wound.

He starts to wrap it again which was difficult on his angle. "I'm sorry to hear that happe-" I got cut off by him "Stop apologizing, just because I'm treating you don't mean we're in good terms." He has a little venom in his voice but not as much as before when we were in the attic.

We both remained silent, he finishes bandaging me up and sighs "Don't move your shoulder to much and you'll be good" He starts backing up while cleaning the dirty cleaning supplies "T-Thanks" that's everything I could say to him.

He doesn't say anything and starts heading out of the room before stopping at the door, he turns his head towards me "You hungry?" I nod my head excitedly. "Mmm...stay here then, I'll bring something to you" he gets out the room and I hear his footsteps go down the stairs.

I stare at the entrance of the room 'Why am I not feeling sad about Lucy's death? She was my teammate and yet here I am....not feeling one bit of sadness for her death. I never got the humans name did I? Or did I forget?' My head was still hurting and I couldn't really remember what happened, only bits of it.

'If he has no reason on helping me, then why is doing it in the first place? Why didn't he kill me? I'm still an anthro and even if I reminded him of someone that doesn't make sense...maybe he's trying to trick me? Let my guard down so he can see the fear in my eyes? Poison me?'

I realized immediately that he might try to poison me with the food which gets me scared a little.

*Knock knock*

I snap my head towards the door and see him holding what seems to be a plate?
"Isn't much but it'll have to do" he enters and I flinch back a little which he raises an eyebrow to. "You good? Your shoulder still hurting?"

I was shaking a little but refocused and took the plate from his hands, I looked down and it was just a simple lunch. "Not a lot of food in this god forsaken house so eat up or else I will" he grabs a chair and sits down. He stares at me intently waiting for me to take a bite.

"I-I...I'm not hungry anymore" This catches him off guard and he gets a little annoyed. "You were out for a day Luna, eat." I felt a shiver run down my spine when he said my name, to say I was scared was an understatement...I was terrified.

" I said I'm not hung-" my stomach growls a little which makes me instantly shut up. He just stared at me before holding back a snicker "Your stomach is saying otherwise, you think I poisoned that shit?"

At this point I had an embarrassed blush on my face but I nod my head which makes him roll his eyes. He snatches the fork out of my hand and picks up a piece of pineapple and eats it.

"Mmm haven't had pineapple in a while, kinda forgot ho-" I snatch the fork out of his hand and start digging into the food.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see him start to smirk, I didn't really care cause I was to busy fucking the food up. "Glad you like it"

I finish eating the food and stare at the empty plate for a few seconds before another embarrassed blush comes to me "Thanks....sorry you had to see that" He grabs the plate and doesn't say anything.  He goes out and downstairs which gives me more embarrassment.

I lay back down and look out the semi open window

-James and Luna together-

I place the plate down in the sink and sigh

James: "Maybe..."
Luna: "Just maybe..."

"She isn't that bad"
"He isn't that bad"

End of chapter 1

Alright so this is my first ever book and I plan to keep it published, it's just for shits and giggles but if it does do well then I'll give it a try and shit.

I'm not the best writer and I still have a long way to improve that. If you guys will point out the grammar and better shit I can implement in this story then I will greatly appreciate that.

Last but not least, I'm new to writing in general. I made this story just to spend the time but decided to take it a little serious for now at least.
Anyways enough of my yapping. Cya ✌️

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