Hell upon the Avatar (Male Sp...

By Ignjat_igi_1234

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Y/N L/N A.K.A Spawn lived in a little village. He had a beautiful girlfriend and he was happy. Until fire na... More

The beggining
Old man,village moving and trouble in city
Who is the spirit
Getting captured and Prince Of Fire Nation
Fall of Ba Sing Se
I made him Scream

The night of reckoning

354 11 4
By Ignjat_igi_1234

Are you sure you know the difference between good and evil?

As you race around trying to put food on the table,or pass your exams, or make love.

Are you confident that you can distinguish the forces of light from the forces of evil?

There is probably nothing on Earth that is all black or all white.

Human good always has a germ of evil inside it, and evil just a touch of good.

Take Spawn, village's soldier in life, hell's soldier in death.

Not exactly boy scout material.

But if you consider he made his choices for Love.

The love of if his village and the love of his girlfriend

Well, you begin to see he's a little like you and me.

Just another poor schmoe walking on the razor's edge.

All hell pushing one way, and Heaven pushing the other way, and him stuck in the middle, trying not to get cut.

And now Spawn...so turn of your lights

Sokka:Sometimes I just can't believe them,I mean, I put a lot of time and effort in my posters, too much for them to just dismiss it. Aang and Katara don't realize we should not draw attention, they never stop to think about those things, I do!

Toph: Ugh, yes, You're totally the victim here, snoozles. Now, if you're done complaining, we still have a lot of posters to hand out before sundown. Appa is missing somewhere and the best you can think of is-... Wait...

Sokka stopped his advance, spinning on his heel, finding Toph kneeling on the ground with her palm pressed against the land.

Sokka:What is it?

Toph:There's a lot of people gathered nearby, Like a crowd or something.

Sokka:Great! We can ask for Appa there! Where?

Toph:Close, just around the corner.

Sokka spun again while Toph rose from the soil, then both started sprinting forward, turning right in the next street.

However, as soon as they entered the alley, a plethora of men, women and children obstructed the path ahead. A thousand voices, demands and profanities echoing at unison.

Beyond the seemingly-displeased mob, Sokka spotted a group of Dai Li blocking the road leading to the public square.

Sokka:Huh, that's weird.

He mumbled, raising an eyebrow.

Toph:Well, the townsfolk sound angry.

Sokka:The Dai Li are blocking the street. Not sure why, though... Hmm... Let's ask that merchant.

After that, Sokka and Toph approached to an old man with a grey beard wearing yellow, loose garments, standing beside a vending cart filled by several cabbages.

Sokka:Excuse me, mister, Do you know why the street is closed?

Man:Oh, hello there! Don't you know what happened in the square last night?

Sokka and Toph shook their heads, not saying a word.

Man:Well, it was something... terrible, to be honest... I arrived to the fountain first hour in the morning. By the time I got here, the Dai Li were already patrolling the place. They kicked me out, but I was able to get a small glimpse. Not too much, just enough.

Sokka:A glimpse of what?

Man:Two dead bodies were found in the square. One was in the fountain with his head under the water, missing an arm.

Sokka:Oh, that's uh... That's an awful way to leave this world.

Man:Believe it or not, that was the lucky one. The other was... something nobody should ever see... The corpse was smashed together, beaten to a pulp. Its arms and legs were twisted around the torso like a pretzel, there was blood everywhere! In all my travels, I've never seen something like that before.

Toph:That's horrible...What kind of person would do something like that?

Sokka:That doesn't sound like a person, maybe an animal but, if you ask me-

Toph:I didn't.

Sokka:This has 'spirit shenanigans' written all over its face!

Toph:Uh, spirits usually don't meddle with people. Especially not in such a barbaric way.

Sokka:It doesn't matter!Whoever, or whatever committed those murders is still out there. We should hurry to get out of its way so, you know, we don't end up the same way.

Toph:Wow, so brave, 'Captain Boomerang.

Man:But that's a wise choice, actually,something strange is happening on Ba Sing Se, I can tell. And I'm afraid we all will be caught in the middle of something far greater than ourselves...

Sokka's eyes snapped open at the sentence, his skin grew visibly paler as his body froze out of sheer dread. Toph simply gulped, maintaining silence in a way that was way too uncommon for her.

Man:But enough of that. Now, how about some cabbages to brighten your mood!?

Sokka:Um, maybe another time, thanks...

Sokka replied a bit awkwardly. The man gave a displeased huff and spun, facing his vending cart.

Sokka:Let's go back, Aang needs to hear about this.

Toph nodded, and the two of them quickly returned from the way they came, exiting the blocked alley, fading in the distance.

*Time Skip*

It was a quiet day in the 'Pao family' tea house.

The last customer had just left. Zuko picked up a couple of dishes on the table, placed them in a tray, and dragged his feet towards the counter.

Iroh:This is strange, usually, we get more customers at this time of the day.

Zuko:Good, that way we'll have less busybodies sniffing around.

Iroh didn't answer, he simply let out a deep sigh, watching as his nephew scrubbed a table with needless roughness.

But then, a sonorous creak echoed, and the front door slowly swung open.

Zuko raised his sight, huffing, mentally cursing at the idea of dealing with another annoying customer while he still was figuring himself out.

However, a freezing shiver traveled across his spine when he laid eyes on the newcomer who, much for his utter dismay, resulted to be that girl from last night, 'Jin', stepping into the shop.

Zuko grimaced and quickly lowered his head, hoping she wouldn't recognize him.

Surprisingly enough, there was no greeting or salute gesture.

They didn't even cross gazes as Jin walked to the corner table, sat down, then hugged herself while remaining crestfallen.

Unconsciously, Zuko stopped cleaning, fixating his gaze on her.

He wouldn't say, by any means, that he knew that girl, but he could tell there was a something wrong with her. Based on the attitude she displayed during their date, and her sudden change from being bubbly to... well, gloomy, in just the span of a single night.

Zuko looked above his shoulder, spotting his uncle Iroh at the back of the shop, flashing a wide smile while giving him a thumbs-up.

He sighed heavily, rolling his eyes. Both of them knew what he had to do, she deserved an explanation, at least.

Thus, Zuko inhaled deeply, straightened his posture, and gathered enough nerve to approach Jin's table. Once there, he audibly cleared his throat, making his presence known.

However, that caused Jin to jump slightly in her seat as she released a small gasp.

Zuko:Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.

Jin:Oh, h-hi Lee, I-It's alright, don't worry about it...

Zuko:So, um... Would you... like some tea?

Jin:Y-yeah! S-same as always, please.

Zuko:Right, um... yes. Uncle! I need-

As soon as Zuko turned, Iroh was already standing beside him, holding a tray with a teapot and a cup filled by steaming tea.

Zuko:It's good to see you again, Jin, here you go.


Jin grabbed the cup with her trembling hands, taking it to her lips, spilling a little in the process.

Iroh:I'll be on the back if you need something else, excuse me.

Following the sentence, Iroh bowed slightly, spun on his heel, and walked towards the counter, leaving the scene.

After that, a long, unpleasant quietness seized the atmosphere as Zuko nervously scratched the back of his head, while Jin kept her gaze down on her teacup.

Not a sound echoed in the air for what could only be described like a fleeting eternity.

Zuko:I'm sorry, for running away. I was a little... confused.

Jin:Don't apologize, It was my fault for being too straightforward. I should've respected your space... I still enjoyed our date, though.

And she fell dead-silent again, with her sight lingering on the table, completely lost.

Zuko arched an eyebrow, taking notice of the way her hands shivered around her mug.

Zuko:Is everything alright? You seem nervous.

Before replying, Jin looked at their surroundings in a suspicious manner.

Jin:If I tell you a secret, you promise to keep it?

Zuko nodded, staying quiet.

Jin:Something strange happened right after you left, It was dark, the wind just blew out all the lights in the fountain. When I decided to go home, two men holding knives ambushed me... and they...

Zuko:Did they do something to you? Are you hurt?

Jin:I'm fine. They tried to hurt me, but... there was... something, in the shadows...

Zuko frowned, tilting his head to the side.

Jin:Chains... Long, living chains came out from the shadows and... k-killed those men... Teared his arm off and drowned him in the fountain! And they dragged the other into the alley... Then the chains just smashed his whole body together like clay... I-I could see his bones, his insides... There was so much blood... I... I... I'm sorry, it's too horrible!

Jin's voice cracked and she broke into sobs, burying her face between her palms.

Zuko:Hey, it's alright, I'm sorry you had to go through that...

Jin:I-It's okay... the living chains actually saved my life... But what they did to those men...

Zuko:Listen, you don't have to keep talking about this if you don't want to but, do you remember something else about the... 'living chains'?

Jin:There is one thing... Before I passed out in the street, remember seeing a couple of green eyes shining in the dark, approaching to me. When I woke up, I was in my room, and the Dai Li were at my house talking to my mother. I came here for a cup of tea, hoping it would calm my nerves, but I don't think it's working, heh...

Zuko:You should go home, you'll be safer there.

Jin:Maybe you're right...

Jin stood up as well, and reached down for one of her pockets.

Zuko:Don't, it's on the house.

Jin:Thank you, for the tea, and for listening.

Zuko gave her another light nod, forcing a faint smile.

But suddenly, Jin threw herself against him, wrapping her arms around his torso in a tight embrace until she pulled out a few seconds later. Then, she waved him goodbye, approached to the door, and left the shop.

Meanwhile, Zuko's smirk immediately became a scowl as he spun on his heel, tore off his apron and dropped it to the ground.

Iroh:Zuko, what happened?

Zuko:I don't know, but I'm going to find out.

*Time Skip*

Y/N L/N. Spawn. Was sitting in the alley with other homeless people, not talking to anyone

Then something happened

Three young men dressed in Earth Kingdom soldier uniform approached Asahi, they saw his golden ring he had since marriage with his late wife.

As they knocked his table down, letting the food hit the ground.

As he tried to go after it, one of them kicked him, making him fall to the ground.

Punk 1: Nice ring, I think I'll take it for my self.

Punk 2: And don't try to fight us.

Punk leader: We are  Earth Kingdom soldiers so we don't have to worry about someone like you hurting us.

You: *cold tone* Then try me out for size.

As the three of them turned to see a dark being with green eyes and red flowing cape looking dead at them

Punk 1: W-who the fuck are you!?

As one of them tried to stab the hellspawn, as the knife went into his chest.

As he then slowed pulled it out, dropping it to the ground. And with his cold tone responded.

You: Your worst fucking nightmare.

As he then let his chains out, as it smacked the leader in the face, causing his jaw and teeth bleeding, as he was sent into a wall.

Punk 2: What the hell?!

As the second one tried to stab him, the hellspawn then ducked and drove his fist into his stomach, causing him to fall and cough blood.

Last one tried to hit him with a mace, but Spawn grabbed it and snatched it from Punk's hand

Then he ripped out Punk's heart and shoved mace where heart is supposed to be

Spawn turned towards homeless people

You: They won't bother you anymore

Later at night Dai Li were investigating murders in the alley

Dai Li 1: Man these people had a bad day

They heard noise from the darkness

They all took fighting position

Dai Li 2: We know you're there! Come out!

Spawn came out of shadow

You:By your looks, and the way you speak I take it that you are the law-enforcers here... If this is about the goons I took care of, you don't need to thank me. All I want in exchange is some peace and quiet.

Dai Li: In the name of the Earth King, you are under arrest for the crimes of murder, unprovoked assault, disturbance of peace and inducing mass hysteria. Surrender yourself at once, or the charges will be expanded with resisting arrest.

You:Those bastards had it coming, and unless you wish to end like them, I suggest you to beat it.

The Dai Li exchanged contemplative looks between each other, and they assumed a fighting stance.

Following a swift, steadfast motion, the stone gauntlets around the earthbenders' fists were propelled forward, resembling arrows cutting through the air, aiming for the entity.

Immediately after, the fabled, living chains emerged from the blackness, striking the volant gauntlets like a whip during their short-lived flight, so only debris remained.

Dai Li:What the-!?

You:I warned you...

While the Dai Li endured astonished, the chains rapidly lashed towards them, and surrounded their whole bodies as a constrictor serpent from top to bottom, in the blink of an eye.

The earthbenders forcibly struggled against their restraints, squirming like worms on the mud. Yet, their tethers persisted immovable, growing increasingly tighter by the second.

It wasn't over, though...

With a strong pull around their ankles, the chains brought both Dai Li to the ground at unison, slowly dragging them into the back of the alley.

And they were gone from sight.

That's when it all began...

A thunderous ruckus filled the quiet atmosphere, loud sounds of fighting echoing in tandem with rock-shattering reverberations.

Dai Li, lying prone on the ground with a blank expression tainting his battered, bruised face. His eyes, white as bone, fixated in the sky. Some teeth were absent from his bloodied mouth, while his hands and feet were missing their usual stone cladding.

It was then, that something else came forth...

From his hiding place, he peeped out into the bottom of the alley, spotting the other Dai Li, severely brutalized, hurriedly crawling away on all fours, seeking to escape the darkness.

Nevertheless, the chains returned, accompanied by a new monstrosity...

A large, crimson shroud waving, expanding in the air as the sail of a ship.

Within a heartbeat, the living cape enveloped the Dai Li's body like a red chrysalis, leaving only the top of his head bare.

The chains created a second encasing, then lifted the earthbender above the soil, forcing him to look at the glowing, acid-green eyes that had manifested once more amidst the obscurity.

You:Let's try again, you listening?

The Dai Li nodded feverishly.

You:Good, 'cause there's a message I need you to deliver. You're going to tell your boss or your king or whoever you lick the balls of, that from now on, this alley is beyond his jurisdiction. You're going to tell everyone what happens when busybodies come here uninvited, understand?"

The earthbender gave a couple of additional nods in compliance, grunting and sweating below the shroud.

You:Great. Now, get lost!

With that, the living cloak swiftly unfurled, the chains loosened and retreated into the darkness of the alley, not before mightily tossing the Dai Li atop the other, where he finally lost consciousness while the phantom glow vanished from existence.

And the fountain square grew peaceful again not a single

*Time Skip*

The front door unexpectedly swung open.

Katara turned, rising from her zabuton, finding Sokka and Toph storming inside their house in the upper ring of Ba Sing Se.

Sokka:Where's Aang?

Katara:He hasn't returned from dropping the leaflets,what's wrong?

Toph:We came across something he needs to know.

Katara:Is it about Appa?

Sokka:No, it's more of an 'Avatar' issue, about spirits.

Katara:Spirits? In Ba Sing Se? How do you know?

Katara arched an eyebrow, crossing her arms.

Sokka:We don't, it's an educated guess, we don't know the whole story yet, but it's definitely something to be in the look-out for.

???:Look-out for what?

As soon as the familiar voice sounded, everyone's attention headed towards the entrance, spotting Aang standing beneath the doorframe with a confused look in his face.

Aang:Any news about Appa?

Sokka:Not really, haven't you been in the lower ring lately?

Aang:No, this is a huge city, you know? I just came here for a short rest before heading out again. What happened in the lower ring?

Sokka:There's probably a spirit in Ba Sing Se.


Toph:We heard it from a merchant, two bodies were found in the firelight fountain this morning.

Aang:I'm... sorry to hear that, but spirits just don't go around murdering people. Maybe stealing their faces, but still...

Sokka:No, no, no, you don't get it, the bodies were ripped apart. The merchant said one of the corpses had his head in the fountain, below the water, as in 'being drowned by someone else.

Katara:That's horrible...

Katara trailed off, covering her mouth with her hands.

Aang:It is, but that still doesn't prove a spirit did it. Did you see the bodies?

Sokka:No, the Dai Li were blocking the street by the time we got there, but tell me that's not indicative of something weird going on.

Aang:Perhaps, but we're not the authority here, and Joo Dee said we should watch our step around the lower ring. I think we should focus on finding Appa before anything else.

Katara:But what if the spirit, or the animal, or whatever is loose in the fountain attacks again? Innocent people could be hurt, or worse, killed!

Sokka: Those weren't victims of a simple crime. If it is a spirit, the Dai Li won't be able to stop it. Aang, we have to act.

Toph:As much as I hate to agree with snoozles, he's got a point, but there's one little detail you guys seem to be forgetting... What makes you think the Dai Li will just let us in to snoop around?

Aang:Maybe if we ask nicely?

Aang shrugged lightly, forcing a smile.

Sokka: Toph's right If we're really doing this, I think we should go during the night, wait a bit longer for, you know, see if the dust settles so we get a better chance.

Aang:Alright, we'll wait one day and we'll look into it. In the meantime, we keep looking for Appa.

The trio nodded silently, all of them sporting a serious expression.

Aang:Good. Now, I'll go out to cover more ground, you try to stay out of trouble until then.

After that, Aang spun on his heel, unfolded the fan-like wings inside his airbender staff, then leaped into the sunlit sky with a strong current of wind, leaving the scene.

Meanwhile, Sokka, Toph and Katara walked into the house, sitting around the large table in the main hall, waiting... hoping no more lives would be lost until the moment of truth arrived.

*Time Skip*

Beneath a bright half-moon, Ba Sing Se lied dormant under a silver light blanketing the earth.

Long, wide shadows crawled all over the soil, warping across the surrounding houses, to the point of mismatching the buildings they spawned from.

During their silent advance towards the firelight fountain, Aang looked up at the darkened sky, seeking guidance in the countless stars sprinkling the cloudless celestial vault.

He inhaled deeply as he glued his back to a wall within reach, cherishing the calm before the most-likely storm.

With the advent of a foe they knew almost nothing about, aside the fact that their lives were at risk simply becau-.


Aang snapped out of his trance, his pulse quickening while his muscles tensed.

He immediately turned, tightly clutching his staff, finding Sokka behind him with his palms cupped around his mouth.

Aang:What are you doing!?

He yelled in a whisper.

Sokka:It's a signal!

Aang:Yeah, now the Dai Li will know we're here.

Aang rolled his eyes and spun again, cautiously peeking beyond the corner concealing them.

At the other side of the empty square, two silhouettes emerged from a nearby alley, which resulted to be Katara and Toph walking into the moonlight.

Katara:There they are, coast is clear, let's go.

They hastily abandoned the shadows, gathering with the girls at the center of the plaza.

Katara:What was that noise?

Toph:It sounded like a sick bird begging for its misery to end.

Sokka:Don't look at me, I told Aang it was a bad idea.

Aang:What!? Me!? But you were the one that-

Sokka:Nevermind that, now we need to focus on the task at hand, finding that spirit.

Katara:And how are we exactly going to do that?The merchant said the bodies were near the fountain, but there's nothing here.

Sokka:The Dai Li must've cleaned all clues by now... Hmm...

Katara:We have to call it. Summon it.

Toph:And how are we going to do that if we don't even know its name?

Katara:Hey, I'm just trying to help, there's no need for you to be all cranky about it.

Sokka:Maybe if you didn't try to boss everyone around!

Katara:What!? How do you expect me to act after you dragged us here without having a plan first!?

Toph:Could you guys stay quiet!?

Toph stepped between the siblings, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Toph:The Dai Li could pop out of nowhere at any moment, and you two knuckleheads decide now's a good time to brag about who's in charge!? Which, let me tell you, neither of you are! I swear you are driving me nuts! Were it not for the war, I would've-

Aang sighed heavily, remaining silent while the argument continued.

A soft breeze unexpectedly enveloped him, flowing across the empty, serpentine streets. Then, his attention was drawn to a solitary leaf navigating the wind as a firefly.

Bewitched by the spirit of inquiry, he followed the meandering petal leading him far from the fountain.

At some point, the leaf disappeared amidst the duskiness inking the environment, leaving Aang alone in the dark, standing before an obscure alley. Through its walls and soil coursed a blackened web of deep crevices, like the bloated veins from a rotting corpse, permeated with a washed-out crimson.

Aang:H-hey, guys! I-I think I found something!

It wasn't long until his friends joined him at the entrance of that street.

Sokka:What did you- Oh...

Sokka trailed off when he arrived to Aang's side, his eyes widening.

Sokka:Well, s-something definitely happened here...

Katara:I-Is that what I think it is?!

Katara moved a shivering hand in front of her slightly-parted lips.

Toph took a step forth, and began scenting the air.

Toph:Yeah, it's blood. Not fresh but still recent. Our spirit friend has been busy.

???:It's way past your bedtime, kids...

A rasping, husky whisper rumbled in the atmosphere, echoing throughout the alley.

The wind's blow suddenly ceased.


Toph:I-I can't feel anything, there's no one here but us! I don't know where that voice is coming from.

???:Don't you know what happens in these alleys?

Despite the chilling tremors gnawing at his skin, Aang managed to gather some bravery. He stared upwards, audibly cleared his throat, and raised his voice.

Aang:We-We know, and that's why we're here. Spirit, my name is 'Aang'. I'm the Avatar.

???:I don't give a damn who you are.

Aang pouted his bottom lip at the response, narrowing his eyes, but he quickly shook away his discontent.

Aang:Please, let me ask you something, two people were murdered in this alley a night ago. Tell me, were you the one who killed them?

???:Yes, it was me... And you know what? It felt good to make them suffer. But so what if I did?

Aang:I don't know if those people offended you in some way, but violence is never the answer.

???:I have nothing to explain to you, boy! Why don't you ask what happened to the last couple of turds who came here looking for a fight? I'll give you a hint, they're gonna' have to be spoon-fed from now on...

Toph:Aang, we should go, he clearly doesn't want to be bothered.

Aang:You took their lives, you had no right!

???:I'm just taking out the trash, and you're out of your league. I really don't wanna' have to hurt you. Leave, and don't ever come back here.

Aang:We won't let you go around killing people on a whim.

???:Alright, then. Don't say I didn't warn ya...

The shadows fell silent, the air endured static, and the temperature of the square dropped significantly in just a second.

Anxious gazes surveyed the reddened pathway from end to end once, twice, thrice, yet no visible threat manifested on the vicinity.

The stillness was unnatural, abhorrent, like a downpour birthed by a clear, sunlit heaven.

The obscurity that shrouded the alley proved to be far more sinister than the mere absence of light.

Katara:You guys see something?

Sokka:No, we shouldn't-

But then he hushed.


And he fell prey of dread upon encountering a dark silhouette of broad shoulders looming above a petrified Sokka, greatly surpassing his height.

The somber entity possessed two eyes shining in a bright shade of green, and was enveloped by a long, vermillion cape undulating as if a strong zephyr flowed through it.

However, there wasn't any breeze at the moment...


Sokka stammered, retracing a few steps before tripping over his feet and falling to the soil, landing on his backside

Nonetheless, even fallen, he continued retreating while the mysterious figure slowly grew closer.


Sokka:It's here!

Sokka's scream awakened Aang from his fear-induced catalepsy.

A marked frown tainted his face as he hastily lifted his staff, and swung it with all the strength he could muster, unleashing a powerful wave of air towards the spirit.

Tempestuous winds made the earth tremble, dust swirled across the alley like a swarm of buzzard wasps.

Yet, the entity remained rooted to the spot, unfazed by his attack...


Aang unconsciously lowered his staff, tilting his head to the side out of bewilderment.

That blast would've been enough to move a huge boulder, or sweep away an entire platoon of armored soldiers.

And the Avatar, master of the four elements, only managed to billow its voluminous shroud...

Which, surprisingly enough, unveiled a human form....

An athletic body of lengthened, muscular limbs, with a white stripe flowing across his chiseled torso, similar to a sharp fang pointing down.

Such figure was concealed under a plethora of ominous ornaments.

Skull-shaped medallions held its cape, as well as what appeared to be living chains curling around it.

Lastly, the spirit's crimson-gloved hands had beastly claws instead of nails.

Biceps, knuckles and calves were encircled by red-steel bangles embellished with iron spikes, clearly designed for battle.

Eventually, the shroud touched firm land, concealing the entity's physique anew.

Aang gulped audibly, his knees quivering when the spirit released a low, wry laugh that reverberated inside his mind...

You:My turn!

Beside him, Toph stomped the ground and threw her fists forth, summoning a wide stone-pillar from below, striking the dark figure.

The entity yelped in pain as it was knocked backwards.

The battering ram of rock shattered into a million pieces after the clash.

Numerous pebbles were scattered throughout the street, followed with a thick mist of powder obscuring the scene.

Every soul in the group began suffering a coughing fit elicited by the fine dirt engulfing them.

Closing his watery eyes, Aang started waving his free hand to disperse the raising dust, but that didn't work.

So instead, he slammed the bottom of his staff against the soil, creating a vortex that instantly cleansed the ambient, and dissipated as fast as it appeared.

When the air filling his lungs became fresh again, Aang blinked a few times, steadying his breathing.

Later, he glanced at his companions approaching him, cured from the croup.

Nevertheless, the spirit was nowhere to be seen...

Sokka:He's... gone...

Toph:What!? No way! I hit him, I'm sure of it! Is he-

You:About to punch your lights out.

A dark blur manifested on the corner of Aang's sight, triggering the fight-or-flight response in his system.

He instinctively turned.

It was already too late, though...

Since the living chains rose from the shadows, rapidly trapping Toph and Sokka without them noticing, wrapping around the torso of each like lianas encompassing a tree.

They fiercely kicked, writhed, even cursed. However, the chains weren't budging...

Crippled by trepidation, Aang could only watch his friends being lifted far above the soil, leveling with the malformed shade of the shrouded entity towering over them.

Toph:Put me down!

You:I will if you promise to behave.

Toph:I promise to stick my foot right in your-

Before that sentence ended, the living chains slammed Sokka and Toph's heads together in a swift, powerful move, immediately rendering them unconscious.


Aang yelled, scowling, tightening the grip on his staff while he explored his options.

Earthbending would probably endanger them more due to collateral damage, and the spirit had endured Airbending of the highest caliber.

Aang (in head):'Maybe a distraction? A quick maneuver to get its attention? But those chains are very fast, too. What if I can't surpass them? I can't let Katara fight this monster alone!'

Unexpectedly, a second blur traversed his flank, and the noises of breaking glass jangled his nerves.

Soon, Aang noticed that the chains had been partially covered by fuming ice.

He looked to his side, finding Katara casting a long tentacle of water from her canteen.

Katara:Let them go!

You:As you wish, missy...

The chains waved amply, effortlessly shattering their frost coating. In that moment, the dormant bodies of Toph and Sokka were thrown forward.

Taken off guard, Katara was knocked to the ground by her unconscious brother, also spilling her water in the process.

Meanwhile, a still-fainted Toph pierced through the wind at full pelt, resembling an arrow aimed towards Aang.

Yet, he did not falter, for he quickly dropped his staff, lightly spun his heels to arise a stone encasing on his feet, and braced for the impact.

Despite the rocky anchors keeping him in place, Aang wheezed when Toph's body crashed against his, mightily pushing him back because of the overwhelming collision force.

Landing on his rear, he shook his head repeatedly, hoping to reduce the severe pain plaguing him.

Once his senses recovered, he glanced down at the sleeping earthbender resting upon his lap, breathing softly with an almost serene look in her face, devoid of any discernible wounds.

Aang let out a relieved sigh. She was safe, that's what truly mattered to him now...

But then, a faint tinkling sounded. A ferrous, barely perceptible rattle...

Suddenly, a strong grip surrounded his ankle, making his whole leg go numb.

And within a mere heartbeat, Aang was torn from the land, he screamed as everything around him turned into fuzzy smudges.

Subsequently, his elevation stopped, allowing the young Avatar to find himself hanging upside-down, held like a fishing trophy by a long chain encircling his left calf.

The idea of undoing those tethers couldn't even cross Aang's mind when the massive, undulating crimson cloak abruptly enveloped his entire being, leaving only his eyes and nose visible.

He forcibly squirmed, fought the suffocating shroud with his last energies, to no avail, for the red cocoon suppressed all his efforts of bending or escaping.

He was effectively restrained, defenseless...

You:Now, let me show you why I killed those men...

The entity abandoned the darkness, approaching at a snail's pace, bringing to sight its vermillion claw that emanated a blinding, spectral-green glow.

Uncapable of fighting back, Aang clamped his eyelids shut and gritted his teeth behind the accursed cloth.

Cold sweat drenched his nape, his skin becoming white as paper while the spirit's shining palm slowly descended over him.

This was it...


After the echo of that woeful cry vanished, the world entered a stationary state.

Cautiously, Aang opened one eye, then the other. A mix of joy and perplexity invaded him with the realization that he was alive when he probably wasn't supposed to be.

Nonetheless, the cloak still imprisoned him.

Only... no further confrontation ensued.

In fact, the spirit simply stood there, completely motionless before him, seemingly lost in thought.

Turning as much as he could, Aang looked to the same direction the entity was staring at, spotting Katara, on her knees upon the ground, extending her hand in plea.

Katara:We'll leave you alone...

She croaked raspingly, tears traced her cheeks, dripping into the earth.

Katara:But please... don't hurt him...

His gaze darted back to the entity, expectant of its next action.

Surprisingly enough, the shroud did the unthinkable, and began unfurling...

Aang inhaled profoundly, relaxing his muscles as the cape released him, and the living chains gently flipped his posture, putting his feet on the soil anew.

The pressure in his head finally eased, causing a mild feeling of dizziness.

You:Get out of here, and for your own sake, stop sticking your noses into other people's business.

With that, the stygian entity made a slight squat, and leaped to the heavens, disappearing amidst the obscurity.

Remaining apprehensive, Aang froze in his stance for several seconds, his focus fixated on the area where he lastly saw the spirit.


Swiftly spinning, he rushed towards her side without hesitation.

Aang:Are you alright?

As soon as he reached her, Aang took Katara's hand, and assisted her to rise from the land.

Katara:Y-yeah, just a little sore...

Sokka: Man... What did you hit me with? I had this crazy dream where we fought an evil spirit with a long cape, then some living chains appeared and then-

Katara:Sokka, that just happened a few minutes ago!

Katara retorted, placing her hands on her hips.

Sokka:Oh... That explains the pain.

Aang couldn't help the tiny laugh that left his lips.

Even in the presence of the most absolute adversity, Sokka would always find a way to crack a bad joke and brighten the dire mood.

It automatically reminded him the amazing feats they have experienced together during their journey across the globe.

Which in turn served him to recall that his staff was missing. A quick glance at the vicinity exposed its location.

And something more....

While he walked to retrieve his staff, Aang discovered a gleaming object beneath it.

Overtaken by curiosity, he crouched and picked up the mysterious item.

Upon inspecting it carefully, he realized that it was a necklace, which had a engraving on it.

'Y/N and Emi forever'

Utterly intrigued, the young Avatar continued examining the peculiar finding through narrowed eyes.

Aang(in head):'Where did you come from? Could it be....

Toph:Ugh, my head... I honestly didn't see that coming... Now what?

Aang:Stay here, I'll go find the spirit.

Aang answered earnestly, putting a necklace in his pocket, then standing from the soil to face his friends.


The group yelled at unison.

Sokka:You can't be serious! We just got our butts whooped from left, right and center, and you still want to go after that thing!? I thought I was the one who had hit his head!

Toph:He's right, twinkle-toes, I'm not sure about you, but I can only take so much beating.

Aang:You said it yourself, I'm the only one who can stop that spirit from hurting more people.

Katara:Aang, please...You can't go on your own, it's too dangerous.

Aang:I have a hunch, trust me.

Biting her lip, she let her vision fall and linger quietly.

Following a moment of contemplation, Katara looked upwards anew, displaying a serious, yet calm expression.

Katara:Just be careful, alright?

She said after a bit, tightly surrounding Aang's torso with her arms.

Aang:I'll be back soon, I promise.

Thus, everyone retraced a step when Aang spread out the wings within his staff, repositioned himself underneath it, and jumped towards the moonlit firmament by conjuring a thunderous wind to guide his ascend.

Sokka:You shouldn't have let him go.

Katara:He promised to be back...

Toph:Wait...Someone's coming.

The trio wasted no time in assuming a fighting stance against whoever, or whatever stalked the street.

???:Stay calm, kids...I am not your enemy, neither is the 'spirit' you think you face.

The nocturnal, ivory light revealed an old man wearing a lengthy, worn coat above dark, saggy clothes, quite unlike the traditional garments of any nation. His wizened face peered from under a black hat.

And his beard, so long that it reached his chest, was as thick as a broom with bristles sticking out in all directions.

It was Cogliostro

Sokka:Who are you, old man!?

Toph:And why do you talk like you know what's going on?

???:Because he and I come from the same place. And carry the same burden...

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