We Take The Risk No-one else...

Od Dredagoat03

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Living their ordinary highschool lives as students. Six students suddenly have to survive in a world where an... Více

The Undead Rises
Finding Each Other & Making A Plan
The Big Escape
Seperation Leads to Desolation
Survival of The Fittest
The Safe House
The Choices We Make With The Dead
Armed to The Teeth
Love Blossoms Over Blood
Working Against The Dead
The Takagi Estate
Revelations of The Dead
The Night Before The Storm: The Apocalyspe
Trouble in Paradise
Side Short: Zompedia 101
Updated Info
Updated Group Info
The Mall

Another Hard Earned Days Work

103 7 10
Od Dredagoat03

(A/N: This chapter contains strong language, blood and gore depictions, and violent actions. I hope you enjoy the story with interest and a great idea of the chapter. Feel free to comment what you think and what you like about the story. If you feel that there are somethings wrong with it, please let me know. Don't forget to vote the story and recommend if you can. I hope you all enjoy it.)

After exiting his car, Souchiro Takagi stood on the yard of his own estate. All of the survivors he housed here at his own refugee shelter, and all of his men including his wife stood around him. Looking over he saw his daughter including the rest of the group standing on the balcony to the large home just behind the people, but close enough for them to witness his testament.

From behind him, the men of Ultra-Nationalist Organization came out and stood behind him. The sound of an engine caused them to step out of the way as a forklift carrying a large cage with someone inside it, or rather something. Sitting in the cage was one of his men, a bandage wrapped around their left arm presumably where he was bitten. Costing him of his humanity as he was turned into one of 'Them'.

As the people all stared at him in fear and confusion. A question all on their minds that they all shared 'Why did he bring one of them here?', was the question. And it was an answer to their question that they were about to receive.

Souichiro: This man's name is Testutaro Odoi.

He stated, hearing the name Izuku stared wide-eyed at the undead before him in shock.

Izuku: "Wait! That's Testutaro?!"

He questioned in his mind shockingly. Staring at the man he once worked with only to see him as one of 'Them'.

Souichiro: He's the former retainer of the family, who had served the Takagi Family. He has been my best friend for over 25 years! Today, during a rescue operation in an effort to save his associates. He was bitten. Cursed with the mark to turn into one of 'Them'. This is the ultimate case of self-sacrifice.

He says as the people begin to murmur about what was being told to them. The man infront of them who had risked his life paid to the ultimate price.

Souichiro: What he did was something noble. Something any human being is capable of doing. However, he is no longer a human. He's become something extremely dangerous.

He states as the undead clashed against the cage keeping it from escaping. Releasing a horrifying, yet unsettling groan from its lips causing the people to jump at the sight of it.

Souichiro, knowing what he must do reached for his sword hoisted in its sheath on his waist. Turning around he went to go and stand on-top of a platform where the cage was lifted to be at said height.

Souichiro: That's why...

As he pulled the sword out, the light from the sun reflected on the steel of the blade as he held it firmly in his hands. The group watched as he held the sword over his head for an overhead slash as he stated,

Souichiro: As a man of the Takagi Family. I shall fulfill my obligation of the retainer! And show the strength of our friendship!

He said.

As Yoshika walked forward to the cage he held the key to unlock. Sparing no glance at what was once his friend. He unlocked the lock as he removed it from the cage. Quickly the cage slammed open as the undead rushed out from within. Its hands stretched out reaching for Souichiro as it snarled. Blood dripping from its mouth wide open to gnaw on his flesh.

With one quick movement, Souichiro brought his sword down as the sound of a baby bottle dropping to the ground broke over the sound of the decapitation.

The mother who was nursing her baby quickly covered the baby's view as to not see the horror infront of them. Souichiro quietly stood over the now restless body of the undead with its head resting by his foot. Sparing a glance he saw that though it was decapitated, the head was still moving its mouth. Still trying to get a bite at his ankle. A scene that struck distaste in his eyes.

Souichiro: Even when seemingly dead it still tries to bite.

He said with a scowl before raising his foot and skull smashing its head as blood shot out and dripped to the ground. Smearing his shoe he raised it away before stomping it down making sure no brain matter was stuck to his heel.

Souichiro: This is what the world has come to. And so!

He turns to the crowd of refugees and to the group who watched from the balcony. Shizuka covered her mouth at the scene as she held up Rei on her side. Saeko held no sign of distaste toward the scene, narrowing her eyes at the head he had crushed after seeing it still try to bite at his foot.

Souichiro: Even if they're your wonderful friends, beloved family members, and people you once loved. You must defeat them without hesitation.

He said, hearing the last part Takagi looked over to Izuku who was covering Eri's eyes from the sight while Kohta covered Alice's. Remembering how he was bitten the thought still lingered if he was not able to survive the bite would be had been turned into one of 'Them'.

Would she had the will to kill him too?

Souichiro: If you want to survive, YOU MUST FIGHT!

He tells them. His words indenting themselves into the heads of the many people below him. As he stepped down from the platform he sheathed his katana and walked over to his wife who stood by his side. With that the two left to return to his quarters inside the house. Watching with concern as all of this went down, Takagi held what her father said in thought. Still wondering if what choices she had for the group would be inscrutable or not.

Feeling her hand being grabbed. She looked down to see Izuku holding her hand with his left hand. Looking to him he nodded sharing a look of reassurance as she held his hand tightly, understanding what he meant.

Takashi: What's the matter Hirano? You don't look so well?

He asked.

After removing his hands from Alice, Kohta stared at the crushed head of the undead after witnessing what Souichiro did with his sword.

Kohta: Swords are incredibly inefficient.

He says.

Takashi: What are you talking about?

Kohta: I said there inefficient!

He shouts.

Izuku: Rei, take Eri and Alice back in the room and close the doors.

He told her seeing where this was going. As Rei guided the two girls back inside, she closed the doors behind them. Leaving the others alone on the balcony.

Kohta: A Japanese sword can break if it hits bone. It's useless after slicing three or more people.

Saeko: Don't speak in what you do not know, Hirano. Even in the way of the sword. Numbers determine your strength.

She says looking at him out of the corner of her eyes. Speaking with a calm tone that carried knowledge in what she spoke.

Saeko: The swordsman's technique, the quality of the sword, his mental strength. If these three elements are taken at a high enough level, then you won't lose your strength no matter how many people you have to fight against.

Kohta: But once the sword has blood on it, then it's impossible-!

Saeko: It's the same as cooking. A good cook will never leave unnecessary grease on a good kitchen knife. That applies to swords as well.

She says using the analogy of a 'Cooking Knife' to better support her claim.

Still in disbelief, Kohta found that hard to believe compared to using guns.

Kohta: But, but!

Takashi: Kohta calm down dude-!

He says attempting to place his hand on his shoulder only to have his hand be smacked away.

Kihta: Don't touch me! You don't even know how to shoot a gun properly you can't even tell me which is better!

He says abruptly.

Izuku: Kohta! You need to calm down.

Kohta: Calm down? Calm down?! You're all trying to tell me that using a sword is a better weapon than using a gun which is capable of shooting with enough force to put a hole in a truck. A sword can't do that. It can't!

Takagi: Hirano you need to back off.

She tells him.

Seeing that he was getting nowhere with them, Hirano turns and runs away back into the room leaving the group behind on the balcony to watch as he left.

Takashi: Wait, Hirano!

He runs after him.

Watching as they left, Saeko sighed to herself.

Saeko: One big happy family, right Midoriya?

She says to him. Turning she left back through the doors as Izuku stood with just Takagi and Shizuka on the balcony.

Takagi: *Sighs* I'll go and find Kohta.

Izuku: Okay.

He said as he watched as she left.

Shizuka: Hehe.

She chuckled catching his attention.

Izuku: What's the matter Miss Shizuka?

He asked with a raised eyebrow as she held her hand over her mouth as she calmed down.

Shizuka: I was just thinking. I'm really glad I came along with you guys. I really have a lot to thank you for as well Midoriya.

She said.

Shizuka: Even though the world has turned upside down, and is being overrun by 'Them'. Yet, you remained truthful, determined, and kind. You didn't let the outbreak change the way of who you are. Youth is still wonderful!

She says confusing Izuku as he wondered what she was saying, what she really meant.

Izuku: What are you saying Miss Shizuka?

Shizuka: I told you already!

She blushed as she turns around towards the balcony. Hiding the tears that threatened to leave her eyes as her lips quivered. Izuku could tell by her body posture that something was wrong, something she didn't want him to see.

Shizuka: You know, Midoriya. I'm getting my clinical training at the college hospital to become an official nurse, by being the school's temporary nurse. When I'm dispatched elsewhere I'll have to make a lot of decisions that'll later impact my career...*Sniffs* my future.

She says as Izuku understood what she meant.

Izuku: Meaning you'll probably be leaving soon.

Shizuka: That's right. So, please Midoriya. Ask me. Ask me for any advice you might need. So, things can be how they always were.

She said as she held herself with her arms.

Izuku: Miss Shizuka, you don't need to worry about the group breaking apart.

He said as he walked up and placed his hand on her shoulder as she slowly looked over to him. As she looked at him she could see the determination in his eyes.

Izuku: Kohta just needs to calm down. He believes that people are saying another choice of weapon is better than the ones he know is insulting. But that doesn't mean he won't come back around. I'm a man of my word when I said I'd keep us together. That's a promise.

He said to her, his words reassuring her as she softly smiled placing her hand on his.

Shizuka: I hope you keep well on your promises. I really have come to like you all, you care about one another and don't act like people who are like Shido. And Alice and Eri, their just little girls who're afraid of what the world is becoming yet their stirring themselves to keep up with us and not be afraid. They sort of look up to me as a parental figure, like a woman. I've never had this feeling before.

She said with a small smile, voicing how she truly felt. Hearing her Izuku nodded as he removed his hand from her shoulder.

Slowly footsteps suddenly approached the balcony as they looked back to see who it was.

Dr. Lee: Midoriya, I knew I'd find you here.

Izuku: Dr. Lee? Did you need me for something?

He asked.

Dr. Lee: Yes. I do, if you don't mind if this was a bad time or something?

He said as he looked at Shizuka and him sensing the atmosphere around them.

Izuku: Oh, sure. I'll see you guys later in a bit, Miss Shizuka.

Shizuka: Wait, where are you going?

She asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

Izuku: You'll see when I get back.

He said as he followed Dr. Lee back into the house.

Shizuka: Midoriya?

She called out to him as he stopped.

Izuku: Yeah?

Shizuka: Call me Shizuka. I know the first time I told you, I wasn't really in the right of mind. But you being formal with me after everything that's happened shows you are respectful. You earned my trust.

She told him as he nodded before walking away.

Rei: So now all of the boys got problems of their own to deal with.

She said as Shizuka smiled to herself before turning around to look at the sky.

Shizuka: Yeah, I guess they do but their men. It's just how the opposite sex do things.

She says.

After chasing Kohta through the halls, Takashi lost him as he sighed to himself in disbelief. Standing by the side, he was about to punch the wall in anger before his name was called.

Alice: Takashi!

She called out to him.

Looking back he saw Alice run down the hallway with Zeke tailing behind her as she ran to stand infront of him.

Takashi: Alice? Where's Eri I thought she was with you?

Alice: Eri went to go and find Kohta with Zeus.

She told him as he looked away with a side glance.

Takashi: Okay.

Alice: What's wrong, Takashi? Did you have a fight with Kohta?

She asked innocently.

Takashi: No. He and I just, yeah, I guess I did.

He confessed taking a breath. Knowing after everything she's been through lying would only confuse the poor girl and make things worse. Smiling she grabbed his hand as he looked down at her.

Alice: Okay, I'll tell you something good.

Takashi: What?

Alice: You need to talk to him again. You just need to talk to Kohta some more and then you guys can figure out what's wrong.

She said.

Thinking about what she said, Takashi knew what she was saying. Meaning, the boys would have to put down their pride in order to talk like real men.

Takashi: So, you think I can?

Alice: Sure you can. After everything that's happened before we got here. You two can't have a fight now.

She says as her words go stuck to his head like glue. Making him realize what she meant.

Takashi: After everything's that happened?

Alice: Mm-hmm. The three of you have been too close to be mad. Together, Kohta always been like the glue keeping you together. I'll tell him you want to talk. Come on Zero!

She said as she went to go and find Kohta as the dog barked following behind her. Leaving Takashi in his thoughts as he stood in the hallway recounting everything that has happened up until this point. Her words as well as Izuku's from earlier still lingered like a ghost in his head.

Izuku: "You're not the only one who gets to come up with these choices and have to deal with the consequences! We all do! When one of us makes a choice that seems right, we all go with it and do it together! We're a group! A family!"

Remembering that, he recounted how they were always by each other's side even when they didn't know enough about each other they still stuck together. They supported each other when their backs were against the wall. And was always there when the other person needed them. After everything they really did grow close to each other in just five days of the Apocalypse. Something that reminded him of a particular subject he taught way before the outbreak even started.

Takashi: 'Mutiny on the Bounty'.

He spoke to himself.

Takashi: "I remember back when I was in the 8th grade. Just before the school let us out for Spring Break. Our Teacher, Mr. Wuseong Tamaro, loved going over events that took place in history. One of his favorites was about this ship, in 1788, after a rough voyage. A British military ship named 'Bounty' reached the island of Tahiti, the paradise in the south Pacific Ocean."

He thinks as he walked down the hall towards the stairs leading towards the dining hall.

Takashi: "The ship left Tahiti after spending about six months there. Within a month after that a mutiny broke out. After months in paradise the crew couldn't take the life they once knew onto the Bounty. Mr. Wuseong, made the comparison of the holiday weekend to Tahiti, and us to the crew of the Bounty."

He thought as he walked out of the house to the front. Standing there he looked up to the sky to see how the sun was beginning to set. Feeling the wind brush against his face he closed his eyes for a moment as he could feel the stress slowly fade with the wind.

Takashi: "I didn't understand what he was talking about then, but yet, I didn't too much care. None of us did. But now...I'm starting to realize what he meant."

He thought to himself.

Dr. Lee: Alright lay back here.

He said as Izuku laid his back onto the bed.

The two were in the room which was used for Izuku when he was in recovery. In the room, there were papers lined up in the desk all with instructions on something to build and make. There was also a table that had pieces of metal, wires, screws and bolts, and some tools that would be needed for what was to come as well as something wrapped in a black blanket.

Seeing all of this Izuku raised his eyebrow questionably.

Izuku: So, Doc you want to run by me what we're doing again?

He asks.

Dr. Lee: Oh, yes sorry. Ahem, do you remember what I had told you back at the building when we first met. I told you I had an idea about doing something for your arm since you saved me.

He said as Izuku recounted what he said when he stood in his research room back in the building.

Izuku: Yeah, I remember now. So what exactly did you want to do? I doubt you can make a bionic arm out of scrap metal.

Dr. Lee: Haha! See you should never doubt the mind of a genius.

He said as he walked over to the table and placed his hands on the sheet that was hiding something up underneath it. Looking back at Izuku he smiled.

Dr. Lee: I present to you...

He says as he removes the sheet to reveal a metal arm which was almost completely done but it looked highly advanced.

Dr. Lee: My Bionic Arm! The Mark S1, New Fist prototype limited edition.

Izuku: Woah!

Dr. Lee: The arm is designed to give you enhanced physical strength to withstand against the undead outside the gates. It's made out of titanium steel. Its dexterity is very strong if I may say so myself. If they try to bite you or you come up against those Ravager outside the walls this arm can shatter their teeth like nothing and even deflect bullets. Heh, I even had spare time to test it against an anti-tank rifle.

Izuku: And how did it go?

He asked intriguing.

Dr. Lee: Let's just say the military would have a hundred of these on their soldiers if the outbreak hadn't happened. The arm also has some other implants I added into it myself, but I'll let you know the rest after the surgery.

Izuku: Wait, surgery?!

Dr. Lee: Yes, to physically connect the arm to you I'll half to perform surgery on your arm but I earned by doctorate degree which is why I have the Dr in my name, and I have performed advanced surgery on multiple patients with prosthetics before so there will be no problems. Trust me, It'll prove very effective along your travels to wherever your group maybe set off to go.

He simply states much to Izuku's awe as his mouth hung impressed.

Izuku: This is incredible. I can't wait, but first I have to find my friend.

Dr. Lee: Friend?

Izuku: Yeah, he's an expert firearm nerd of the group though we all came from school.

Dr. Lee: Wow that's impressive for a boy at such a young age.

He complimented.

Izuku: Yeah, well we sort of had an argument about which would deal more damage between a sword and a gun and he didn't take that too well. So now the groups trying to find him so we can finish planning on our next course of action together.

He said as Dr. Lee stood quietly for a moment before he took a seat.

Dr. Lee: Wow. Well, if you need time to find your friend you can leave. But I do have a question to ask you before you go.

Izuku: Yeah? What is it?

He replies.

Dr. Lee: Well if you remember when we fell into the sweat from the hole in the building. And you suffered from falling at such a height your bones should have cracked or collapsed. You stood back up as if it was nothing and fought a zombie with nothing but your bare hands and snarled as if you were one of 'Them'.

He says as Izuku sat up seeing where this was going.

Dr. Lee: I just have to know. Are you immune by chance?

He asked.

Thinking for a moment of the outcome if he was to tell him that he was immune to the virus. He wondered what would happen.

Would he go out and shout out to the world that he's immune to the virus?

Would people start to berate him or call him a freak since he can't get infected and suffer like the people who had fallen before him?

Would he get casted aside and offered up to become a living vaccine pool to get everyone's hands on his blood in hopes of becoming immune to the virus as him? Incapable of becoming a freak, a monster who thrived on nothing more than gnawing at the flesh of those like themselves.

Swallowing the spit in his throat he looked to Dr. Lee as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his head. Thinking to himself for a moment before he opened his mouth to say his next words carefully.

Izuku: If I was to tell you I was. What would you do with that sort of information?

He questioned him as Dr. Lee sat up in his seat. Fixing the glasses over his eyes as a small smile came.

Dr. Lee: Seeing how you are reacting means that you wouldn't want anyone else to know am I right?

He asked, getting a nod from Izuku as a reply as he took a breath in before breathing out letting out a sigh.

Dr. Lee: My goodness. I can't believe it. You're the first actual human to be immune to the outbreak virus. This is incredible! With your blood there's a chance of a vaccine being possible of development.

Izuku: About that, there's also something else.

He said causing the researcher to stop as he raised his eyebrow questionably.

Dr. Lee: What do you mean?

Izuku: Well, while I am immune to the virus I was bitten just two days ago before I came here.

He said moving his arm to roll up his sleeve to show where he was bitten only to be revealed a small scar.

Izuku: Right here, I was bitten by one of 'Them'. I thought I would have changed but I didn't because I found out instead of turning into one of 'Them', I was becoming something else.

He said holding up his left hand.

Izuku: Something inhumane.

He told Dr. Lee as he seemed to take everything in that he said. His perspective of Izuku changed in his eyes as everything was starting to add together.

Dr. Lee: So that means, the virus isn't affecting you as it should but rather it's changing you from within. Your aggression, that strength and tenacity, and even...I don't know how to even describe it. But your change. It's like you're some kind of zombie-human hybrid. You're like a living-undead. Like some kind of Revenant.

Izuku: Revenant?

Dr. Lee: Yeah. They're a person who has returned from presumably being considered to be dead. Those things out there are the walking dead, once you get bit you turn into one of them, but you. You didn't turn into one of them. You're becoming something else.

He said as Izuku thought about the name of what the researcher had just said.

Izuku: A Revenant?

He said pondering on the name.

Suddenly the door to the room opened as Eri and Zeus came into the room.

Eri: Big Brother!

Izuku: Eri? What's wrong?

Dr. Lee: Wait! That's your sister and what's with the horn?

He asked as Eri looked at him and instantly felt scared as he pointed at her horn causing her to hide behind Izuku's leg as Zeus barked at the researcher who jumped out of fright.

Izuku: Calm down Zeus. Dr. Lee she doesn't like people talking about her horn, but I will get back to you about it later.

He says as he then turns to Eri and crouches down.

Izuku: Eri what's going on?

Eri: It's Kohta. Me and Alice found where he was and he's in trouble. She went to go and find Takashi, and I followed Zeus to find you.


Looking over to the dog Izuku patted his head as he turned back to Eri.

Izuku: Where is he?

He asked.

Alice: Come on Takashi! Hurry up and come with me!

She told him as she held his hand.

Takashi: Alice what's going on?

Alice: Kohta's in big trouble. We have to go to him now.

She told him leading in the direction where Kohta is as he started to hear voices the closer they got.

Meanwhile, walking on the other side of the house. Takagi was searching for Kohta as she looked around for him on the backside.

Takagi: Where did he go? Geez, he moves kind of fast for a fatass.

She remarks as out of the corner of her eyes she looks over to her left. Sitting by a pond sat Saeko as she stared into the water. Seeing her, Takagi approached her wondering why she sat over by the pond. Though, Saeko heard her footsteps knowing that she was there.

Saeko: These German Koi are simply beautiful. You don't get to just see this anywhere. It's quite unusual.

Takagi: Hmph. You're an expert in kendo, and you have a part-time job at petsmart. Sounds like you got it all figured out.

She says, as Saeko looks over her shoulder at her before she sighs and turns back to the small pond before getting up. Slowly the wind begins to pick up blowing against the trees and them as Saeko pushes her hair back.

Saeko: I'm good at a lot of things. But how'd you know what I sound like?

She asks as Takagi could only stare at her as she turns to face her.

Kohta: Nngh! No I won't do it!

He shouted talking to his knees as he carried all the guns he had took from Rika's house. Around him stood the guards and Yoshika as they stared at him.

Guard #1: Give me a break!

Guard #2: Hand it over fat boy.

The two men voiced out, only to stop when Yoshika spoke.

Yoshika: Come on. You know what's going on out there. One person shouldn't hoard all of these weapons like that. Hand them over to us.

Kohta: I said no! I'm borrowing these from someone, and besides...there's no-one who can use them better than I can.

He said holding the weapons closer to him as he didn't want to give them away willingly. This act only made the men even more angry.

Guard #1: You selfish little brat, Yoshika asked you nicely so stop being so selfish.

Guard #2: We only want them so we can protect everyone here!

They yelled at him as Kohta only kept his eyes shut as he held the weapons in his hands.

Guard #3: Hey, he doesn't even care. He wants to keep them all to himself.

Souichiro: What is all this commotion about?!

His voice ranged through the air like an alarm. Getting their attention as they looked back to see him, Yuriko, and Jeong. From the side Takashi and Alice had just made it in time just to see what was happening.

Saeko: I don't think the mood we have here is acceptable as it is.

Takagi: You know the reason for that don't you? Today is no different than yesterday. And naturally, tomorrow will be no different from today. There are no more koi ponds and kendo tournaments. Those days are over.

Saeko: Probably, forever. The world that we once enjoyed...that world is long gone.

She says.

Saeko: So tell me, you still have something you want to get off of your chest?

Takagi: I do. Do I come with you or do I stay behind? Regardless of what I choose to do nothing will be the same. It's as Izuku said earlier.

Saeko: Hmm, then you need to ask yourself then. What would Izuku want you to do?

She asked as the wind begins to blow harder as Takagi held her arms thinking to herself.

Izuku: "So the next time you think that you're alone in doing this, you look around and see who's around you. Who's standing by your side. Who got your back in case anything else fails!"

Remembering what he said she sighed to herself.

Takagi: Just when I thought I could understand the thought of the world we now live in, papa gave that demonstration. Is it really okay to be carefree like this?

She questioned.

Takagi: We've still got a while until we'll be considered adults. Even in a world that's overflowing with 'Them', it's still possible to feel happiness, shame, and love.

She said recounting the times she spent with the group, and the passionate night she shared with Izuku. A growing blush appearing on her face.

Saeko: And fun as well. Though, I have robbed someone who wasn't 'Them' of that privilege.

She said remembering the boy she had killed so that he wouldn't turn into one of them back at the school.

Saeko: It was supposed to be assistance in suicide. But no...helping with suicide is not something that a child should have to go through.

Takagi: In order to save my life, I left my classmates behind to find Izuku. Out of everyone in that class he had a hunch of what was going to happen. Though because I was alone and I didn't have anyway of defense, I found Kohta and brought him with me out of pity for saving a life. But now, I regret I ever felt that way in the beginning after the many times he's saved mine. I don't think what I did was wrong to leave the others but the 'justice' that kids are taught about...

She says, as suddenly Saeko looks over to her left towards the gates. She saw a figure of a shadow standing there out of the corner of her eyes yet they almost looked familiar. This didn't go unnoticed by Takagi as she looked towards her.

Takagi: What's wrong?

Saeko: I, I thought I saw someone I knew.

She said.

Izuku: Takagi, Saeko, you're both here.

He says running over with Eri and Zeus behind him.

Takagi: Izuku? What are you doing here?

Izuku: Kohta's in trouble. Eri told me her and Alice found him-!

Souichiro: What is all this commotion about?!

His voice echoed getting their attention as they looked over towards where he was.

Takagi: That's over by the shack.

Izuku: Let's go.

He said as the five ran over to where they were.

Standing there, Souichiro looked over to Kohta who still sat on the ground with the weapons still in his hands. Safe guarding them with his life as he hadn't dared to move even when he heard Souichiro's voice that sent a chill down his spine of fright. Slowly, his head looked up to see him walking over as all the other men that surrounded him stepped back.

Guard #1: Master?!

Guard #2: Its just a kid sir. He doesn't have any business with these guns.

They voiced out to him as Yoshika stepped back allowing Souichiro to walk past him as he stood infront of Kohta. Folding his arms his impending figure blocked the sunlight as it overshadowed him. His sword at his side presenting the strength that he wields it. Creating an illusion of authority and fear that made the men quiet and Kohta sweat from just his presence alone.

Souichiro: I am Souichiro Takagi. Former Lord of Tokonosu. The Master of Tendo-Souganroo. What is your name?

He asked after introducing himself to Kohta who shivered upon being spoken to.

Kohta: Ki-Ki-Kohta Hirano! I go to Fujimi Academy, I'm in class 2-B, register number 32.

Souichiro: Do not speak so boldly, Hirano. Something tells me that you have spirit. I'm quite sure you went through a lot on your way all the way over here. Something tells me that you don't intend on handing over those weapons?

He questions with a stern gaze.

Kohta: No sir! I don't want to! Without the guns..I...I'LL GO BACK TO WHAT I ONCE WAS!

He shouts in disdain as tears fell from his eyes as he held them shut.

Kohta: Don't make fun of me again! I was done with the old me! I don't want to go back there! I finally figured out what I can do!

He cried out, though his cries did nothing to Souichiro as he remained unfazed.

Souichiro: What exactly can you do?

He questioned. As Kohta continued to lay his head down with his weapons.

Souichiro: TELL ME!

He commanded as Kohta raised his head like a dog at his command as he stared at him with teary eyes.

Kohta: W-Well I can...I..I can...I-!

Takashi: He can protect your daughter sir!

He spoke aloud.

Turning around everyone saw Takashi running forward as he stood infront of Kohta.

Kohta: K-Komuro?

Souichiro: Komuro. Interesting, yes that name sounds familiar. You were friends with my daughter, and that boy Midoriya since you were little were you not?

Takashi: Yes sir. Still am. But Hirano has been the one protecting her, and still has. We all have done so together sir.

Izuku: What's going on here?

He spoke running over as he walked to stand infront of Kohta.

Souichiro: Midoriya.

He spoke his name.

Alice/Eri: Kohta!

The two ran over as they stood beside him as Zeus and Zero barked at the men as they stood beside Takashi and Izuku respectively. Coming around Shizuka who assisted Rei walked over to Kohta as they looked at Souichiro.

Saeko: I'll have you know I've seen his bravery with my own eyes.

She spoke, walking calmly over to them without her presence even being sensed by the other males much to their shock.

Takagi: Me too, Papa.

She spoke.

Hearing the voice of his daughter Souichiro turned around to watch as Takagi walked past him to stand infront of Kohta beside Izuku and Takashi.

Takagi: He's just a loser, military otaku. But without him I would've been one of those zombies by now.

She said as the others stared at them with the same resolve as her, confirming what she was saying was true to her father.

Takagi: That's right. He was the one that has been protecting me. He did your job.

She said pointing at her father.

Izuku: Kohta may not look like but he's one of the best sharp shooters I've seen since the start of this outbreak. He keeps the guns as long as I'm around to say so, or anyone else from this group. If you got a problem with that say it now.

He stated as Zeus growled as Zero barked. Jeong and Yoshika stared at Izuku impressed by his backbone as well as the others to standup against the Don of the estate. Yuriko couldn't help but smile impressed that he daughter and her friends were doing all of this for their friend as he sat on the ground.

Hearing all of this, Kohta couldn't help but cry tears of happiness. Hearing how these people, no friends, no his family were standing up for him and his right to have these guns.

Kohta: T-Takagi, guys, thank you.

He said gratefully.

But the state down of parent and child had just begun as Takagi stood there against her own parents as they looked at her.

After a while, time had passed and everyone returned back inside of the house. As the clouds begin to roll in, grey clouds begin to paint themselves over the cascade blue sky. Signaling the sign of a storm coming through. But that wasn't all that the clouds were signaling.

???: Yes, that's correct.

Someone spoke, sitting down by the side of the building out of view and out of sight. One of the students who had decided to stay on the bus with Shido had managed to sneak through the security as a refugee. Holding his phone up to his ear he spoke through to the other side.

Student: Right. I'm preparing my escape now. I think if we ask for help now, I'm sure they'll let you in they seem nice.

He said, unnoticed by him a spider was crawling down a web to him as it reached the top of his head before crawling through his hair.

On the other line of the phone, Shido stood holding the phone up to his ear as he smiled.

Student: *Mr. Shido.*

Shido: Mmm-hmm.

He hummed.

As rain began to fall from the sky tattering against the ground and the bus they still drove in. Disgusting and unspeakable acts were happening inside of the bus.

Standing in the middle of it all, Shido watched as his students played with each other as he closed the cellular device in his hand. Upon doing so the boy smiled as he closed his phone.


Student: Ow!

He groaned.

Smacking his hand quickly he pulled it away to see that he was bitten by a spider. Swaying his hand he dropped the spider, as down came the rain and washed the spider away.

With that he ran away as to not be seen, as on the inside Izuku laid down on the bed as a mask was placed on his face by Dr. Lee. Beside him on the table was the arm he was going to switch out with Izuku.

Dr. Lee: Alright, Midoriya this treatment will only take up an hour. The process will be painful which is why I'll have you under some anesthesia. Once you wake up, your arm will be as good as new for your journey ahead. Are you ready?

He asked.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts and to ease his conscience. Izuku breathed a relax sigh as he looked to Dr. Lee and nodded his head. With that he pumped in the anesthesia as Izuku looked up to ceiling lights as his vision started to blur. Within moments he completely fell asleep as Dr. Lee started the procedure.

As he was doing so, the Doctor that had worked on him before, stood behind the thick walls separating him from the room. His hearing excelled beyond that as he smiled deviously.

Doctor: It's time to proceed with the next step.

He said as he looked over to his nursing bed and saw Eri asleep with a mask on her face. Walking over to her he grabbed a scalpel and cut into her arm as a trickle of blood slid down her arm and to her finger as it dripped into a vial slowly filling it up with blood.

As the doctor watched as it did he then looked back at her arm as he slowly saw how the wound began to close up, healing almost automatically. With a smile he wiped the bloodstain from her arm and then moved the vial of blood over to another row of blood he collected from Eri. By holding a syringe with Trigger he dropped a drop of it into each vial one by one.

Coming over to the final one he dropped more than just a drop inside of it as he closed each of the vials up. Putting it into the rotation machine he allowed them to spin as he sped up the reaction inside of the vials. As it does so, all the doctor could do was just stare at the machine with a smile. Planning dark thoughts in his mind of what he was going to be capable of doing with this blood.

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