Benley:One Shot Collection

By BenleyFicWriter

4.5K 117 16

A collection of 20 Benley one-shots More

4 In The Bed
A New Nickname
He Had It Coming
A God Amongst Men
Fake Love?
Not leaving you
If You let Ben Shenan Once
He'll Shenanigan
Time Travel
Still Mine
Opposites Attract
Space Love

Doctors Make The Worst Patients

276 7 0
By BenleyFicWriter

Ben taking care of a sick Miranda.
There's a saying doctors make the worst patients. They always try to be ahead of their own care instead of letting someone care for them. And for Ben, it was 10x worse because his wife was a very stubborn woman. Miranda started feeling unusually nauseous and complained about a persistent stomachache. Ben, concerned for his wife's well-being, suggested that it might be food poisoning from the restaurant they had visited.

As the day progressed, Miranda's condition worsened. The once-vibrant and energetic doctor found herself bedridden, unable to keep even the simplest meals down. Ben, growing increasingly worried, insisted that Miranda visit the hospital for a thorough examination, fearing it could be more than a bad case of food poisoning. But she insisted that she was fine and didn't need Ben to take care of her and she certainly didn't need to go to a hospital.

"Miranda are you okay" Ben knocked on the bathroom door
He was only greeted with groans and he opened the door. She was lying on the bathroom floor staring up at the ceiling. Her eyes were blank and she was groaning

"You still think you don't need me to take care of you"

"Ben, is that you" She tried to sit up

"Are you feeling delirious?" He asked

"I don't have the energy to think so yes" She slowly blinked her eyes

"You need fluids" He rubbed his face "Want me to take you to the hospital"

"I am not keeping up from this floor. If I move I will throw up"

"I don't think that's how that works"

"Ben, don't tell me how things work" She groaned "And can you bring me a fan? I am ridiculously hot"

"You're only in a bra and underwear"

"Ben, who are you? caption obvious. I am hot. I am throwing up and I am lying on the bathroom floor. What do you expect me to be wearing? A ball gown"

"I'm just going to get you a fan" He nodded and walked out. When he walked back in Miranda was now in their bathtub with water running on her

"Umm" Ben looked at her "Still insist, you're fine," He asked

"Ben, it's just food poison. It needs to run its course"

"In all my years of practicing medicine. I'm not sure I've ever seen food poisoning make someone get in a tub of water in their underwear" He shook his head

She covered her mouth and pointed to the trash can. Ben handed it to her and she violently threw up.

"Okay I am concerned" He crossed his arms "We should go to the hospital"

"Ben, I swear if clothes touch me I am going to burst into flames"

"This is not normal. And I'm not going to stand by and let you suffer. I'm going to call someone" He took his phone out of his pocket "What if it's appendicitis"

"It's not" She groaned before throwing up in the trash can again

"Yeah, you can't even protest" He nodded "I'm calling Maggie just in case"

"Look at me" She sighed "Don't call"

"Well then what do you suggest"

"Let it run its course" She leaned against the wall

"You're throwing up, sitting in our tub, wearing nothing but a bra and panties, letting the water run. I am done letting this run its course" He called Maggie and waited for her to answer. Once she did Ben briefly explained the situation and let her know that they were heading to the hospital. She let him know she'd be waiting for them.

"Okay up" Ben walked over to his wife and helped her out of the tub

"Ben" She groaned

"Nope, we're not staying here" He grabbed a towel for her. He dried her off and grabbed her some underclothes.

"I can dress you, carry you to the car, and force you into the hospital if you prefer" He looked at her

She rolled her eyes and got dressed. Stopping to throw up several times before they finally left their home. Ben pulled up to the ER and Maggie was waiting there with a wheelchair

"You said this was food poisoning," Maggie asked

"At first it seemed like it, but now I'm not so sure. Her heart is racing and she's exhausted this has been happening for days"

"I am fine" She groaned

"Miranda, don't start that with us" Ben sighed rolling her into the ER

"Is it her heart?" Maggie asked knowing that she called out sick shortly after the whole issue with Grey and insurance fraud and the article.

"We should admit her and run tests"

"She's likely dehydrated and needs fluids" Maggie nodded

Miranda protested "I am a doctor. I don't need you fussing over me. It's menopause and food poisoning"

"We are doctors too" Ben sighed

"Respectfully, you're a patient" Maggie pointed "You're a patient's husband and you don't even work here " She pointed at Ben

"I'm the chief" Bailey protested

"You're home sick today" Maggie started her IV drip "I'm going to run some tests" Maggie nodded

After ensuring her heart was fine she sent some blood down to the lab "I'll be back"

Maggie left and Ben was sitting next to Miranda. She was still violently vomiting and he was insanely worried about his wife. Finally, his wife fell asleep but Ben figured it was out of exhaustion rather than being at peace. He looked over her. The exhaustion and lack of nutrition were wearing on her. Ben couldn't help but feel a knot in his stomach, fearing the worst. After what felt like an entirety Maggie returned. Her face was unreadable by Ben. He noticed Carina Deluca was also with her

"Well," He asked

"She should be awake for this" Maggie looked at Miranda

"She's just so weak, she can't keep her eyes open and yet she insists it's food poisoning and I'm doing too much"

"Doctors make the worst patients" Maggie nodded

"I'm your boss, and I'm your wife" Miranda weakly said opening her eyes

"How are you feeling" Maggie asked

"Like throwing up. The IV helped though" She nodded "Why is Carina here"

"Well I have your results" Maggie clutched the tablet in her arms

"And," Ben asked

"It's not food poisoning"

"It's not" Miranda was surprised

"Then what's wrong with her" Ben asked

"Well...." Maggie hesitated

"Spit it out"

"You're pregnant" Carina shared the information

"You said what" Miranda looked at her "No, it's menopause and food poisoning"

"Well, no food poisoning. You are perimenopausal but you're also pregnant" Maggie nodded

"Pregnant" Ben just stared into space. He couldn't believe it. "Pregnant"

"Pregnant" Carina repeated

"Everyone stop saying it"Miranda sighed "Please don't tell me this is what I think it is then"

"Hyperemesis gravidarum" Carina sighed

"Damn" Miranda sighed

"Okay, we can deal with that" Ben rubbed her hand. They had not been planning for a baby, and the suddenness of the news left them feeling overwhelmed and anxious. But as he digested the information, he began to feel a sense of excitement and joy for the new life growing inside Miranda.

"This couldn't be worse timing to not only be pregnant but also be diagnosed with a vomiting disorder" She sighed "This is just perfect"

"We can come up with a treatment plan" Maggie offered her a smile

"I will be spending more time here than I would like as a patient won't I" She sighed

"Afraid so" Ben kissed her hand "But I will be right by your side"

"Ben, I love you. But you may want to move and hand me that basin" She pointed

He handed it to her and she immediately threw up. He held her hair and patted her back. He exchanged a concerned glance with Maggie and Carina. This was not going to be easy. A complication like this could be serious for both Miranda and the baby. Ben knew she was going to continue to try to push herself to go to work and get through this Grey thing but he wanted more than anything for his wife to stay home and rest. But he knew that was wishful thinking. Instead, he made a silent vow to constantly check on her. He didn't care if she insisted he didn't. He would anyway. He had to look out for her as her husband and had to look after their unborn child. Moments ago he thought his wife was suffering as a result of a bad meal and now he was facing the reality they were going to become parents.

Over the next few weeks, Ben took on the role of a caring husband and a vigilant doctor. He made sure Miranda followed her treatment plan and offered unwavering support. At first, it annoyed Miranda to be treated like a patient 24/7 but eventually, she learned to accept it. She was the patient here. Ben also did whatever he could to make her feel comfortable and at ease, knowing that the stress from her condition could worsen her symptoms.

They tried to keep it hush hush but, word managed to spread around the hospital especially as the pregnancy progressed. Eventually, Miranda's condition improved with the help of medication and rest. She was also advised to follow a special diet that would help her keep her food and liquid down. So course Ben made sure to prepare meals that were easy on her stomach and also provided her with small snacks throughout the day to keep her energy levels up.

They also had the added support of family and friends who were there to lend a helping hand whenever needed. The journey was challenging, but their love for each other only deepened.

The day finally arrived when Miranda went into labor. Ben, filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness, held Miranda's hand as they made their way to the hospital. In the delivery room, Miranda gripped Ben's hand tightly, her face a mix of determination and anticipation. However, she still managed to boss everyone around.

Ben stood by her side. Thinking how just a few months ago he brought his wife to the hospital with food poisoning and now suddenly they're about to be parents to a little girl. He offered words of encouragement to his wife. "You're doing amazing, Miranda. Just a little more, and we'll get to meet our baby,".

"Ben, I know how labor works" She snapped

"Right sorry, you got it" He nodded "I'm just here for support"

After what felt like an eternity, the moment finally arrived. The cries of their newborn filled the room, a sound that brought tears to both Ben and Miranda's eyes. Carina carefully placed the baby in Miranda's arms, and Ben looked on in awe. "It's a girl," She said with a smile

Tears of joy streamed down Miranda's face as she cradled their daughter. Ben leaned in, gently kissing Miranda's forehead. "She's perfect, just like her mother."

Miranda chuckled through her tears. "You're right" She nodded.

As they marveled at their tiny, fragile miracle, the room filled with a sense of overwhelming joy. The shared experience of bringing a new life into the world strengthened the bond between Ben and Miranda. In the quiet moments that followed, Ben spoke softly to his newborn daughter, "Hey there, little one. Welcome to the world. Your mom and I are so happy you're here.

Miranda looked at Ben with gratitude in her eyes. "We made her. Can you believe it?"She chuckled"I thought I had food poisoning"

Ben leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss on Miranda's forehead. "I'm glad she wasn't just a case of food poisoning."

As they held their newborn daughter, Ben and Miranda embraced the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, filled with love, laughter, and the shared adventure of parenthood.

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