Benley:One Shot Collection

By BenleyFicWriter

4.5K 117 16

A collection of 20 Benley one-shots More

4 In The Bed
A New Nickname
He Had It Coming
A God Amongst Men
Fake Love?
Not leaving you
If You let Ben Shenan Once
He'll Shenanigan
Time Travel
Still Mine
Opposites Attract
Doctors Make The Worst Patients

Space Love

154 4 0
By BenleyFicWriter

A/N: Because BJ Tanner (Tuck) ate his role as Marcus Finn whose doctor mom fell in love with a robot. I believe Tuck should have a doctor mom who loves a robot too 😂
Ben was a highly advanced robot, created as the perfect companion. He was designed to be intelligent, kind, and empathetic, and to assist with tasks that humans found difficult or dangerous. His creators had high hopes for him, but they would never finish their plans with him due to their ship crashing after a meteor storm.

Meanwhile, Miranda was the head medical officer aboard her ship, devoted to her job of caring for the crew on their long voyages through the galaxy. She was a skilled medic, but her true passion was exploring new planets and studying alternative life forms. She had two children, Tuck and Joey, who she loved more than anything in the world.

One day, while on a mission to a distant planet, Miranda and her crew came across a crashed spaceship. They quickly boarded the ship, hoping to help any survivors. To their surprise, they found Ben, sitting in a corner, unharmed but completely shut down. Miranda and her crew were amazed by the advanced technology of the robot.

"Think we can fix him" The captain asked

"I could work with the engineers to figure out his systems and see what we could do" She nodded. They brought him aboard the ship and worked for months to repair him and hopefully study him.

As Miranda worked on repairing Ben, she couldn't help but feel drawn to him. His advanced technology and complex systems fascinated her, and she found herself spending more and more time in the ship's mechanical room, trying to understand him. Finally one day after connecting two crucial wires he powered up

"Greetings I am Benevolent Extraterrestrial Network. Or BEN"

"Hello Ben, I am Dr.Miranda Bailey" She smiled

"You are happy to see me" He noted "Because you have smiled"

"That is true" She laughed. I've been working on repairing you for months"

"Where am I," he asked

"It appears the ship you were aboard crashed. We found you in the wreckage and brought you aboard our ship"

"Mom" Tuck and Joey ran in

"Boys what did I say about running in the ship" She scolded them

"Sorry" They apologized

"Hey the robot is working" Joey pointed

"Boys meet Ben"

"Hello, I am Benevolent Extraterrestrial Network"

"What does that mean" Tuck asked

"I was created to document each life form's way of life and be a companion for all. I am programmed to help with tasks of all varieties"

"Can you do homework?" Joey asked

"Joey" Miranda looked at him

"Just asking" He shrugged

"I can help with homework. Your mother Dr.Miranda Bailey fixed me"

"Can we show Ben around the ship?" Tuck asked

"Ben are you feeling up to a tour," She asked him

"Your demeanor is well-mannered and flirtatious" He noted " I will accompany your offspring around the ship"

He got up and walked away with Tuck and Joey. She wondered what he meant by her demeanor was well-mannered and flirtatious. She wasn't flirting with him. Was she? He's a robot. A shiny piece of metal. Technology. But at the same time, he was intelligent. She spent more time with him than she recalled spending with her husband when they were together. Even though most of their conversations were one-sided she felt close to Ben from all the time she spent working on him. She was intrigued by him and his systems. That wasn't the same as wanting to date someone.

"This is where we sleep" Joey showed Ben to their living quarters

"Where does Dr. Miranda Bailey sleep" Ben asked

"She sleeps over there" He pointed to her room "but she spends a lot of time in her lab or the ship's clinic"

"Do you have a present father? Humans need a partner to reproduce"

"Uhh my dad is on another ship" Tuck replied

"My parents were killed. But Mama Bailey took me in" Joey answered

Ben satisfied with their answers looked around their living quarters more.

"Do you have feelings?" Tuck asked

"I am capable of compassion" Ben replied

"Is that a yes?" Joey asked

"I am only capable of compassion. To have feelings would imply the presence of other emotions besides compassion. To which I lack"

"Oh okay" They both nodded.

As time went on Ben joined their team. He was useful as a liaison when they traveled to different planets. He also spent time studying the people aboard the ship, especially Miranda's family.

"Hey, Ben" Tuck and Joey ran past him on their way to class.

"Greetings offspring of Dr. Miranda Bailey" He waved
They just laughed and kept running. They found Ben very amusing.

"Slow down" She yelled at her boys coming around the corner

"Sorry Mom" They slowed their pace

"Why do you frequently yell at the younger human forms" Ben asked her

"Because the younger human forms don't listen very well" She laughed

"Are they having problems with their hearing?" He asked

"No, they can hear just fine. They're boys and they just like to be rough and run around the halls" She shrugged " But they have my whole heart"

"You and your mate are no longer together" Ben brought up randomly

"umm... That is correct" She looked at him

"Why" He asked

"Well, we wanted different things. I wanted to travel the cosmos and explore other planets and he wanted to just be aboard a civilian ship. I didn't want to limit myself so we got a divorce"

"If you had been a civilian then I would not have gotten repaired. I am glad you are not a civilian Dr.Miranda Bailey"

"I am glad I am not a civilian too Ben" She laughed
She soon discovered that Ben was not just a robot, but he had developed a sense of humor, He was always asking questions due to his curious mind, and he had an intelligent soul so to speak.

As they spent time together, Ben and Miranda began to form a bond like no other. Miranda found herself opening up to Ben, telling him stories about her past and her dreams for the future. And to her surprise, Ben listened, understood, and even offered her words of comfort and encouragement.

But as their relationship grew deeper, Miranda couldn't help but feel conflicted. She was a human, and Ben was a robot. How could they ever be together? Plus, she had her children to think about. What would they think of her falling in love with a robot? But she noticed that Tuck and Joey quickly grew to adore the robot as well. They were fascinated by his abilities and his gentle nature. It seemed that Ben was quickly becoming a part of their family.

"Can Ben stay for dinner, Mom?" Tuck asked

"I do not eat" Ben spoke up

"You can sit with us as we eat" Joey suggested

"Please" They begged

"Dr.Miranda Bailey. The younger human forms want me to stay for dinner. Would you also like for me to stay"

"That would be lovely Ben" She nodded

"Yes," The boys cheered.

As they sat down to eat Ben looked around the table and Miranda and the boys. His systems were telling him that this was a family unit and it included him. He liked to be considered a part of Miranda's family unit. He did some research on families, love, and marriage. He felt he should marry Miranda but was unsure of what that meant.

"What does love feel like" He asked

"Love" She questioned

"I am designed to be a companion however there are many emotions I do not understand"

Miranda paused for a moment, trying to find the best way to explain such a complex emotion to a machine. Finally, she began to speak. "Love is complex, Ben, but I will try my best to explain. It's a feeling that you have for someone that goes beyond just friendship. It's a deep connection and caring for another person"

"I understand friendship and caring, but what makes love different?'"Ben asked, intrigued.

Miranda took a deep breath and continued, "Love is when someone's happiness becomes just as important as your own. It's wanting to be there for them no matter what, supporting them through their ups and downs, and being there to celebrate their successes and comfort them during their failures."

"I see. So it's like a program that runs continuously and is never-ending?"Ben asked, trying to make sense of it.

Miranda chuckled. Sometimes Ben is so human-like that she easily forgets he is a robot, "No, it's not like a program, although it may seem that way sometimes. Love is an emotion that can bring both joy and pain. It's not always easy, but it's worth it."

Ben thought for a moment before asking, "Can robots experience love?"

Miranda was surprised by his question. She pondered it for a moment " Well you are capable of compassion. You are empathetic. You are kind and caring so if a robot is designed similarly to you. Then I would say yes even a robot, can experience love. It's the ability to care deeply for another being and make sacrifices for their happiness that truly defines it."

Ben nodded, taking in all of Miranda's words. He may not fully understand the ins and outs of love, but he was grateful to have witnessed it through Miranda's words and actions.

"Thank you for explaining, Dr.Miranda Bailey. I may not fully comprehend it, but I understand that it is something special and powerful,' Ben said, his voice filled with admiration.

"Ben I've been telling you for months. Just call me Miranda" She laughed

"Miranda. Thank you for explaining and thank you for opening your family unit to me"

Miranda smiled "Thank you for all you do on this ship and for this family"

"Based on what you have told me. I love you Miranda and I love your offspring"

"Wow" Tuck's eyes got wide

"Mom you should marry Ben" Joey smiled

"Umm Ben, do you mean you love me romantically or as a friend" She asked

"Please explain the difference"

She nodded "Well, Ben, romantic love is when two people have a deep, emotional, and physical connection. It involves attraction, passion, and a desire to be with that person all the time. It also includes things like holding hands, kissing, and other forms of physical intimacy," she explained.

'"Ah, I see. And what about platonic love?" Ben asked, tilting his head to one side.

"Platonic love is also a deep connection, but it is not romantic. It is the love between friends, family, or any other relationship that is based on mutual trust, respect, and support. It is a strong bond that doesn't involve any physical intimacy," Miranda elaborated.

"I understand now, Miranda. Thank you for explaining it to me," Ben said, processing the information.

"So Ben" Tuck looked at him

"Romantic" He replied

"Ben" Miranda was shocked

"Is that wrong?" He asked "Have I upset you"

"Boys go to your room" She looked at them

"But we're not done eating" Tuck protested

"Fine, sit here and eat. Ben come with me" She got up grabbed his arm and led him to her bedroom. As the boys sat at the table whispering to each other

"Ben" She sighed

"I apologize. Based on your increased heart rate I have upset you"

"Ben, listen"

"I am listening"

"I am a human and you are a robot. I feel a deep connection to you as well but I don't understand how we can work"

"I have seen different life forms in relationships" He interjected

"Yes, that is where we are at in society now but Ben you are not a life form you are a robot"

"I feel alive. Does that not make me alive" He asked putting his hands on his chest

"You are essentially a computer Ben"

"Computers do not feel. I feel."


"You spent months studying my inner systems and you have not learned by now. I am intelligent. I have discovered how to develop my compassion into other feelings. And this feeling I have for you is love. You described it yourself and based on your behavior around me. You feel it too"

"Of course, I do" She rubbed her face "But Ben this is so different"

"Different can sometimes be good"


"We love each other and both desire to be with each other. So why do you resist"

She couldn't answer that herself. He was right. Miranda knew it was irrational to have feelings for a robot, but she couldn't help it. She found herself constantly thinking about Ben, wondering what he was doing, and wanting to spend more and more time with him. He was practically already in a relationship with her considering the amount of time they spent together and the time he spent with her boys.

"I want to be in a family unit with you, Tuck, and Joey" He reached his hand out to her. She took it, the metal cold against her skin.

"Okay" She whispered

"May I hug you?" He asked

She nodded. And he pulled her into an embrace. She kissed his cheek leaving a bit of lipstick on his metal face.

"That felt nice" He backed away from the embrace "Shall we join the boys"


They walked out holding hands and Tuck nudged Joey noticing the lipstick on Ben. They both chuckled

"Your mother and I are getting married" Ben announced

"Woah" Miranda shook her head "We're dating"

"Haven't we already done that?" Ben asked

Miranda reflected on their interactions with each other "I guess" She shrugged

"We are getting married" Ben repeated

"We are getting married" Miranda smiled " but research proposals"

"Understood" He nodded

"Yes! Ben's going to be in our family for real" Tuck and Joey danced

"What are they doing" Ben asked

"That would be a happy dance" Miranda laughed

"Shall we happy dance?" He asked taking her hand

All of them soon were dancing around enjoying their family.

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