Ma Neteyam

By _watuluv_9

25.8K 465 1.1K

Enemies to Lovers Neteyam story... NETEYAMx OC...just give it a try trust me😋 Forgive me if I get languages... More

The Trauma
Characters pt.2


508 12 16
By _watuluv_9

" Ow...ow....- -ak-  stop that it hurts!"

" Quit whining like a child and stay still."

" Funny you should say that when just this morning it was you acting like one."

Vareya applied more of the bark onto Neteyams cut, causing him to wince and send a low hiss her way. She stayed completely unfazed.

" Relax prrnen, I'm using yalna." she said plainly.

" You're using yalna? Isn't that supposed to sting less?" he said, remembering what his sister had told his grandmother after the accident back home. Yet he flinched again when she applied the treatment to the cut on his lip.

" Exactly, so the fact that you can't handle simple medicine like this shows just how weak you really are." 

Neteyam went to look away but Vareya wouldn't let him. Instead, she roughly grabbed his face to turn it back her way, allowing her to examine him throughly for any more wounds she may have missed.

And although she was only holding him with one hand, her grip was strong, he couldn't move his head even if he wanted too. So when a satisfied expression flashed across her face, Vareya finally let go of him.

" All done prrnen." she hummed as she stood to make her way towards her collection of baskets. Tidying up all the materials she had used to mend up Neteyam.

" Stop calling me that. You're making me regret coming here..." he said lowly.

She didn't look at him, only carried on busying herself with arranging her things. " Really? How so?"

" For one, I've felt more pain here than during the actual fight-"

" Prrnen." she purred.

" And second-" he said louder, cutting her off. " I expected some kind of teasing and ridiculing from you but it seemed that I have doubted my skill of patience to handle this amount."

Finally, she turned to face him. Twisting on her toes in a liquid smooth motion, then flashing him a mischievous smile that made his skin crawl.

" Oh no, we haven't even gotten to the best part. In fact, the real ridiculing hasn't even begun."

He sighed defeatedly, " Fine then, just get it over with already."

Taking a seat in front of him, she began her questions. " Perfect soldier boy not as perfect as one may think?"

" I never said I was perfect."

" Really? Because your high self esteem will make anyone think otherwise."

With a roll of his eyes he answered, " Just continue."

" How fun. Who started it?"

" Your cousin and his friends. They were picking on my sister, I had to defend her."

" In such a noble way too."

He pointed a finger at her, " Hey that wasn't my choice. I had handled everything perfectly fine through communication. It was Lo'ak who started the fist fight."

" And of course big brother had to jump in."

" What did you expect me to do? Stand back and watch those bullies hurt my siblings? Besides, it wasn't so bad getting a few hits on those guys." he added, smirking at the memory.

" Ooo, it has a temper."

" Your one to talk."

" I'm not the one who beats up a bunch of Na'vis for fun."

" It wasn't for fun-"

" Especially," she cut him off, " The son of the chief who, oh so kindly welcomed your strange family into his peaceful clan."

He sighed, defeatedly silenced one again. " I know."

" I suppose Toruk Makto wasn't too happy about that, hm?" she asked in a low voice.

" No, no he wasn't. My brother got most of the blame though. In fact, at this very moment he's probably apologizing to Aonung. Dads order." Neteyam shrugged his shoulders, " Who knows, maybe they'll make up and become friends as my father expects them to be."

Vareya scoffed, " Yeah, as if that's going to happen."

Neteyam scrunched his face, " What's that supposed to mean?"

" You don't know Aonung like I do. I know what your thinking, that how could I possibly know if I live such a secluded life. But I'm extremely observant and quiet. If I want, I am very skilled at getting around without being seen."

" I'm not following."

" My point, is that I have seen things. I have observed Aonung long enough to know that he won't take something like this lightly. If you and your brother really did mess him up as well as you say you did, then he's going to want revenge of his own."

Neteyam straightened his back, " Let him try, we can take him in another fight."

Vareya glared at him, " He may be an idiot but he's no fool. He knows there's no chance of winning on land, especially with you around. He would plan it out to be on his own turf, away from bothersome peering eyes such as yours or parents. He likes his prey vulnerable. Alone. Easy."

" So what are you saying? That my brother is in danger at this very moment?"

Vareya shrugged, " Perhaps. How would I know? Most likely Aonung would wait till the perfect moment presents itself before he strikes. When that would be? That's for him to look for and Lo'ak to find out. So just saying as a fair warning, I'd keep my eye on those two for a little while."

" Why Lo'ak? What's stopping him from coming after me?"

Vareya gave him a look. " Don't act all naive now monkey boy. You very well know who of the two brothers they respect the most. You're the eldest, a warrior, more experienced, and closer to a real Na'vi. He's younger, irrational, careless, and a half breed with five fingers. I've already said it, Aonung likes easy prey. You are nothing close to easy."

Hearing that only left Neteyam more worried and frightened. She was right in every way. Lo'ak is super frail compared to him. More mentally than physically.

He hates being wrong, hates being brought down or having the feeling of being belittled. He acts and speaks without thinking and does whatever he wants. He has no fear of anything or no one, so he wouldn't back down from any given situation. With the right words to lure him in, Lo'ak could be controlled with a flick of a finger.

" Thanks for the warning, I should be heading back then. Just as a precaution." Neteyam stood, " Besides, Lo'ak took the blame but I wasn't let of the hook entirely."

Vareya nodded her head, standing herself before pointing to his face. " Wash that off in a couple of hours. It should have healed most of it by then but if the pain is still there, I can do some subtle work on my own that won't raise any suspicions."

Of course when Neteyam came to Vareyas hut with his small wounds, he wasn't expecting her to use her abilities. His wounds weren't life threatening in the least first of all. That fight only left him with some bothersome cuts and bruises.

And secondly, in this case too many people had seen him hurt and scathed for her to heal him completely like she had in the past. To others they would probably bypass it, not pay much mind to his suddenly clear face . But he knows Lo'ak.

He would notice, then he'll ask questions and get suspicious. And luckily, so far Tsireya has been able to keep him distracted enough that his focus is not entirely on where Neteyam sneaks off too.

Because his eyes are not ones you want to catch the attention of. So besides the point, Vareya performing her abilities on him again was not needed for this situation.

Why and how he managed to end up here? He was still trying to come up with a non desperate and decent answer other than the fact that he wanted to see her again.

Because that's the truth. Right after his father dismissed him, the first person that came to his mind was Vareya. Then before he knew it, it seemed his legs started to head in the direction of Vareyas home on their own accord.

It's actually surprising how much has changed in a particularly short amount of time. Before she was this mysterious Na'vi who wanted to end his life the minute she saw him.

Now she's...Vareya.

She's someone who he wants to be around all the time, someone who keeps him on his toes. Someone that
tells him the truth, and is mean, and smart, and witty, and beautiful all at once.

It's emotions he's never experienced or felt before, but he's willing to explore them in the future when the time is right. When things aren't so unclear, and new, and thrilling. For now, he wouldn't dare mess up what he had worked so hard to achieve. Their friendship was something he will cherish and protect.

Something he wouldn't let some childish feelings get in the way of. He's sure it's bound to wash over. Besides, if it doesn't, he's gotten good at biting his tongue.

" Thank you for uhm- this." he told her, pointing to his bark and leaf covered face.

" It's no problem." she said, giving him a tight lipped smile before rubbing her arms. Her mind looked busy, as if there were lots of things running through it. And the way she couldn't stand still and looked shockingly uncomfortable, made Neteyam feel like an intruder.

An irony for sure, but Neteyam came unannounced for typically no reason. Technically he was breaking the agreement and the set of rules she had set down when they started this.  And she explained how strict she was about them.

Since things have gotten more civilized between them, as hard as it is to believe, she's probably embarrassed to tell him to leave. She was probably enjoying her time alone when he came complaining like a baby about his little problems.

Taking another step back to leave, now feeling shameful, he spoke softer as he said, " No no, I came to your hut outside of our meeting times. I apologize for breaking our arrangement so carelessly."

Vareya opened her mouth to speak then shut it again when Neteyam continued on, " I'll see you tonight?"

She nodded, " Yes, I'll uhm-see you tonight."

Neteyam made his way to the opening where he was about your head back down but halted when he heard Vareyas hesitant voice behind him.

" You should know, I didn't exactly mind having you show up. Unannounced. With no specific reason. And outside of the arrangement." she looked extremely uncomfortable now but her words only confused him more.

" What?" he asked.

Vareyas let out a deep breath and spoke slower, " If random visits are necessary then you should visit when they are needed and well... necessary."

" I don't think I understand-"

" I'm saying it's okay you incomprehensive skxawng!" she spit out louder this time, " If you need something, or want to get away, or you acted like an idiot again and need me to mend you up I'm telling you that you can come here. I'm telling you that you should come here because I don't care, I don't mind. So come to my hut for whatever and whenever. There! Did you understand that?"

By the time she finished her yelled rambling session, she was breathing heavily. Her chest was rising and falling quickly as she looked at Neteyam with , waiting for an answer or some kind of response.

Instead, he just stood there blatantly stunned while staring at her. Neteyam wasn't sure if he should talk because he was afraid the laugh he's trying so hard to contain might slip out. Not because he was mocking her, not in the least. It was because she had just made another confession without realizing it. The laugh just so happens to be from the satisfaction and joy that her words brought to him. Biting his tongue, he couldn't help but smile.

" I'll be sure to find the time to see you Vareya."

Neteyam once again made his turn to leave, only this time he didn't stop when she spoke again. Or shall he say, attempted to speak...

" Okay good- hey wait that's not- where are you going?" she yells chasing after him, but by then she's too late. He was already sliding halfway down the rope by the time she reached the entrance of her hut. " Get back here monkey! We're not done talking!"

He looked up at her, his grin wide and flashy, " What do you mean? I finally understood you!" he yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth so his voice echoed.

" Do not be mistaken! It's not for me at all, if it was my decision I would never see you! Ever! Don't forget that!" She bellowed hastily.

Neteyams smile only grew, so much that his cheeks began to hurt. " I'll see you tonight!"

Despite him turning his back to leave, he still felt Vareyas glare boring into him. He could only imagine how she was feeling right now. She must be just as confused as him regarding the growth of their friendship over the past weeks. He believes it bothers her that she's realizing seeing him isn't as begrudging of a task as it was before.

Neteyam doesn't want to assume or speak for how she's feeling, but there has to be some part of her that enjoys having company around. Specifically his, he hopes. But he can only reckon that after years of living in seclusion, no matter how much she may deny it, it took a toll on her. He doesn't know her fully yet nor does he know her whole story. Although thanks to Tsireya more things have become clear, there are still things she admitted to leaving out or simply not knowing.

Yes, perhaps his curios personality, while not as bad as his siblings, is making him want to ask for answers every time he sees her. And while a part of him wants those blank spaces filled, that's not the only reason he pushed so much to see Vareya.

Not even close. She's not a distraction, not even remotely close to an excuse just to get away or to feel a rush of adrenaline. He's beginning to realize himself, that perhaps the pull he felt ever since he saw her on the beach was for a reason. That maybe in a way, they were meant to fine each other. To help each other.

He scoffed at himself as he traveled further away from Vareya and closer to the village. Thinking so deep into this so soon is making him feel silly and childish. Makes him feel as if he's hoping or forcing some kind of bond between the two that isn't there.

None of this was supposed to happen, it was all a coincidence, he reminded himself. They left their home involuntary so that their people will be safe, they came uninvited and had to beg for their stay, and then he was the one who drove Vareya mad until she had no other option but to say yes.

Wiya, this was making his head ache. He must be delusional thanks to the lack of sleep he's been getting from all this running and sneaking around early hours in the morning and late into the night.

And speaking of sneaking around, he had to get back to his families Marui before his Dad notices his disappearance and so he can check up on Lo'ak. Make sure that Vareyas conspiracy theory was wrong and that his brother wasn't lured into some kind of trick.

He'll deal with his own problems later....


Eclipse had already begun to cast its shadows on the island when the first horn vibrated from the sandy shores all the way into the forest.

Vareya walked to the opening of her hut as she stared out at the scene before her. Most of the beach was covered thanks to the seclusion of the many trees, but she had a clear view of the sea.

Usually by night, the waters were empty apart from a few fisherman that may want to catch creatures that only come out at certain hours. The clan would have already gone on land as they prepare for dinner and an early rest.

But now things were different. There were several Metkayinas out on their Ilu's and skimwings, each of them scattering in different directions as their loud voices chanted the same phrase over and over.

What exactly? Vareya wasn't too sure. Yes indeed they were loud, the loudest she's ever heard them, yet not loud enough that from her distance she could hear exactly what they were saying.

But tsahey, did she have a good idea of what all this ruckus could be about. Quickly grabbing the things she needed, she headed straight for the commotion.

'Aw txon kä nìmwey, that's all she wanted.

Since the Sullys arrived, it seemed to much to ask.



Yayayay It didn't take me two months to post this woohooo!!

It's super late right now but like always I want to thank you guys so much for reading this, writing this is sooo fun and I really hope you guys are enjoying this! As you can see we are reaching a bit more of the dialogue and storyline from ATWOW butttt there will still be some mix-ins of my own.

Again, please I love reading your comments and thoughts on this(good or bad) as that gives me motivation to continue writing this... Jkjk!! But I really do love it !!!

Sooo thank u again to my new and old readers for supporting and reading my little fanfic, till next time lovelies!!!

love, _watuluv_9


don't forget to follow so u get reminded whenever I post :))

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