Bring Me Light [Editing]

By WritingGeeks

944 66 31

"I always believed that there's only one person out there for you, and that once you find that person, w... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Elena
Chapter 2 - Jackson
Chapter 3 - Elena
Chapter 4 - Jackson
Chapter 5 - Elena
Chapter 6 - Jackson
Chapter 8 - Jackson
Chapter 9 - Elena
Chapter 10 - Jackson
Updates and Bad Feelings
Chapter 11 - Elena
Chapter 12 - Jackson
Chapter 13 - Elena
Chapter 14 - Jackson
Chapter 15 - Elena
Chapter 16 - Jackson
Chapter 17 - Elena
Chapter 18 - Jackson
Chapter 19 - Elena
Chapter 20 - Jackson
Chapter 21 - Elena
Chapter 22 - Jackson
Editing and New Book!

Chapter 7 - Elena

37 2 1
By WritingGeeks

You should live in the moment, and not in the past.

Jackson's words kept running over and over in my mind, like a broken record. I can't believe Jack would tell me that reality is a good thing, though. He doesn't understand what I've been through. How hard reality really is for me. If he knew about my past, he wouldn't say that.

You should live in the moment, and not in the past.

Jack's words replay, once again, in my mind. Well, maybe what he's saying is true. Maybe I should live a little. Wait, live a little!? I am living. Just not well. God Jackson, what are you doing to me?

"Elena, are you okay? You've been staring off into space for a good 15 minutes now," my mom says, a worried expression on her face. I'm actually sitting down at the dinner table with my parents tonight, but I haven't been able to eat anything. Jackson's words are nagging at me, and I can't figure out what to do about it.

"Yeah mom, I'm fine. I just need some time to myself," I grumble, trudging over to my room, not bothering to excuse myself, or take my plates to the sink. I'm tired, and don't want to do anything, nor do I want to talk about anything. I close my bedroom door behind me, and flop down on my bed, falling into a deep slumber.


Ring-ring! Ring-ring!

One eye open, I feel around for my phone, which, is ringing and vibrating like crazy. I can feel the vibrations. I answer the call, too annoyed at whoever it is to even check the caller ID.

"What?" I almost yell into the phone.

"Good morning to you, too, Elena."

Jackson's voice is on the other end. Wonderful.

Note the sarcasm.

"What do you want Jack?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today. We could go to the museum, or park, or go out to lunch? Whatever you want."

"What if I say no?"

"Elena, do you really want to stay cooped up in your room with Netflix and Wattpad eating Pringles and Skittles all your life?"

Gosh. This guy reads me like an open book. How does he know my hobbies?

"Maybe I do," I say quite matter-of-factly.

"Elena, I know you don't. I'm coming over. You better be ready by the time I get across the alley, because if you aren't, I think I'll just have to drag you out into public in your pajamas."

I open my mouth to say something back, but the line goes dead. Well, I guess I'm left to find something to wear. Wait, what should I wear? Did Jackson just ask me out? No Elena, a boy would never ask you out. Don't think that. Jack is just being your friend, and wanting to hang out. Nothing more.

I sigh, and pick out a white blouse, and some dark blue jeans and combat boots. This will have to do. And that's when I hear the tapping on my window. I look over to see a smiling Jackson, right outside my bedroom window. I walk over to the window, opening it for Jack.

"Tell me Jack, why can't you just act like a normal guy and walk around the house to the front door?" I ask, hands on my hips.

"Well, I'd tell you, if you'd let me in. You know, this is actually quite convenient, Elena, your room is on the first floor, making it easy to break in," Jack smiles mischievously.

"Don't even think about it. Now go around to the front of the house, or else I'm not going anywhere with you, mister," I reply, pulling the window shut.

At that, I turn around, and smile, proud of myself for being able to boss around a guy. Wait, did I just smile? Jackson, what you do to me. I feel like I can tell you anything, be myself, and not have a care in the world. Why do you make me feel like this?

"Elena! You have someone at the door for you!" I hear my mother call. Great, now my mom is gonna pester me with questions about Jack.

I walk out to the entry way, seeing a smirking Jack in the doorway, and a beaming mom at the door.

"Uh, yeah, Mom, I'm gonna go hang out with my friend here for a bit. I'll be home later."

Cue the awkward silence. My mom is still beaming at me, looking between Jackson and me. God knows what embarrassing thing she's already told Jack about me. And Jack's not helping in any way, because he's just standing behind me in the doorway, an amused smile on his face.

"Okay.....yeah bye Mom!"

I quickly shut the door behind Jack and me, and lead him out  around the house to the alley, where I'm assuming his car is parked.

"Thanks for the help, Jackson," I grumble.

"You looked like you were handling it just fine by yourself. I didn't want to interfere. After all, you were the one who told me to come to the front door, anyway."

I just let out a sigh, feeling defeated.

I step into the alley, to find a beautiful Mercedes in front of me. This guy must seriously have some money to own this gorgeous of a car. God, I don't know if I even could sit inside this thing.

"Once you're done ogling over the car, feel free to actually sit in it so we can go somewhere," I hear Jack say before getting into the driver's side of the car. I give him a glare, and make my way over to the other side.

Maybe making just one friend like Jackson won't be all bad, I think to myself before being driven off into the city.



Okay, I'm just going to say, I had SERIOUS writer's block this chapter, so if you don't think that it was as good as some of the others, than I apologize.

Also, Elena and Jackson seem to be attracted to each other a bit, don't you think? Tell us what you think of them, by commenting and voting.

100 reads! Thank you guys so much for the support!


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