Summoning Japan: Flights of t...

By KageNishi

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That day, iron and blood rained down on the Folk Strait... This is a fanfiction of Minorou-sensei's "Summonin... More

Part 1: Strait of Iron and Blood | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Pearl Harbor in Another World
Chapter 3 - Border Sea
Chapter 4 - A Spinning World
Chapter 5 - Operation Saiyuki In Effect
Chapter 6 - Pearl Harbor Interception
Chapter 7 - Glory and Setbacks of the Gra Valkas Empire Naval Air Force
Chapter 8 - Common Sense and Uncommon Sense
Chapter 9 - Grade Atlastar Ablaze
Chapter 10 - A Fleet of Patchworks
Chapter 11 - The Injured Overlord and the Watchdogs
Chapter 12 - A Man's Flowery Road
Chapter 13 - Hybrid Front
Chapter 14 - The Hyūga Gets Hit
Chapter 15 - All Weapons Free
Chapter 16 - Strait of Iron and Blood
Final Chapter - Japanese Celgaia
Extra Chapter - ASM-2X Development Secrets
Part 2: Civilization in the Wake of War | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Dolphins That Crossed the Sea
Chapter 3 - The Birth of Yamut
Chapter 4 - Aluminum Storm
Chapter 5 - Dancing Meetings and People
Chapter 6 - Naguano's Adventure
Chapter 7 - The Depressing Party
Chapter 8 - Creeping Ones
Chapter 9 - Each of the Four Is Different
Chapter 10 - Second Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 11 - Geopolitical Recommendations
Chapter 12 - The Superpower's Pride
Chapter 13 - Japan's Confession
Chapter 14 - Dragon Carrier Izumo
Chapter 15 - Leiforia, Nightmare Again
Chapter 16 - Fall of Valkyries
Chapter 17 - 1:48
Chapter 18 - Shaking Bridge
Chapter 19 - The Witching Hour
Chapter 20 - Operation Super Hammer II
Chapter 21 - Eve of the Storm
Chapter 22 - Ancient Weapon Pal Chimera's Fierce Might
Chapter 23 - Footsteps of Ruin
Chapter 24 - Air Raid on Ragna
Chapter 25 - The Enemy Overhead
Final Chapter - Political Turn
Part 3: Irnetia Crisis | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Operation Ragnarök
Chapter 3 - Misplaced Buttons
Chapter 5 - Battle of Irnetia
Chapter 6 - The Blue Rainbow of Death
Chapter 7 - Titan of the Dawn
Chapter 8 - Red Coast
Chapter 9 - Hymax
Chapter 10 - Out of Competition
Chapter 11 - The Lone Wolf Captain
Chapter 12 - The Lone Wolf and the Wolfpack
Chapter 13 - Excessive Interference
Chapter 14 - Magic Bulge
Chapter 15 - Stuck in Hell
Chapter 16 - Hell with a Chance of Silver Lining
Chapter 17 - Fire, Smoke, and Magic Bullets
Extra Chapter - The Secret Behind the Magic Bulge's Creation

Chapter 4 - Shadow of the Pal Chimera

270 13 0
By KageNishi

Ragna was in the midst of chaos. Therefore, when Navy Minister Caesar heard the report that contact with the Doiva Base had been cut off, it was already a week after the aerial bombardment. Upon hearing the report, Caesar checked the map to confirm the Doiva Base's location. Upon realizing it was on Irnetia Island, he couldn't help but reprimand his aide.

"Why didn't you report this sooner!?"

He then issued an order to Mirkennes, the commander of the Eastern Fleet.

"Recapture Irnetia Island at all costs."

Upon receiving this order, Mirkennes stormed into Caesar's office and shouted.

"Caesar! Not only you took away our logistics, next you gave me an order like this!?"

At that moment, Caesar pondered whether recommending Mirkennes as his successor was a mistake.

"We absolutely need an effective control of Irnetia Island."

Confronted with the challenging mission of persuading a woman, Caesar had no choice but to face it.

"Do you think it's possible without supplies from the mainland?"

"Use all the supplies accumulated in the Leifor Territory if necessary."

Caesar's firm statement left Mirkennes perplexed.

"Why are you so fixated on that island?"

"I cannot allow it to be occupied by Mirishial. If they establish a base on that island and those flying wheels are stationed there, imagine what could happen."

Upon hearing this, Mirkennes understood. The distance between the Holy Mirishial Empire's mainland and the Gra Valkas Empire's mainland was about 15.000 kilometers. However, the distance between Irnetia Island on the west coast of the Mu Continent and the Gra Valkas Empire's mainland was only about 5.000 kilometers. If the Pal Chimera were stationed at such a close distance, the entire Gra Valkas territory could become a wasteland.

"...It might lead to surrender instead of peace. Wouldn't it be better to seek cooperation from the Army?"

"Good idea," Caesar replied and reached for the phone.


At the Japanese Ministry of Defense, Yokota and Horiyama were analyzing satellite images.

"There's movement near the former Leifor."

"Yes, nearly 30 combat ships and at least 5 transport ships have set sail. Heading west."

Yokota checked the map.

"The possible destinations could be around Irnetia or Paganda."

"Is there no escort line for the supply convoy? They must be struggling without supplies. Maybe they went to meet a supply convoy at sea."

Upon Horiyama's suggestion, Yokota reviewed other satellite images.

"Hmm, I can't find a large Gra Valkan convoy. Besides, the scale is too big for an escort, and it's inexplicable to have transport ships in tow."

"In that case, it's still likely to head to an island?"

"Wait. Irnetia Island was bombed by the Pal Chimera during Operation Super Hammer II, right?"

Having analyzed this much, they reported their findings to higher-ups.


Lettal Kauran received the news at sea once again. Seeing his stern expression as he read the message, the captain of the flagship Scathia spoke up.

"Commander, is it bad news?"

"Yeah, it seems Japan's Mystar has caught wind of Gra Valkas' movements. The Gra Valkan fleet is heading from former Leifor to Irnetia Island. They probably intend to reclaim the island."

"With our current position, the enemy will likely reach the island first. An amphibious assault operation?"

"Before that, there will be aerial and naval battles. The enemy fleet consists of about 30 ships, including three aircraft carriers."

The captain turned sullen.

"Our recently reorganized fleet is facing a heavy burden. Can't we seek assistance from allied nations?"

In response to the captain's suggestion, Lettal shook his head.

"We've been instructed to handle this operation independently. There are diplomatic reasons for it, I hear."

Upon hearing this, the captain reluctantly agreed.

. . .

For diplomatic reasons, Prince Aethes was on board the Scathia with Lord Bealey.

"After transferring through several flying machines from Japan, we are finally boarding this magic battleship by small boat. With this, we can finally return to our home," Prince Aethes remarked with emotion.

"Once we land, we will proclaim our independence to the entire world using the manacomm. Please look over the draft carefully."

Lord Bealey also expressed optimism about the situation.


However, Runepolis did not view the situation optimistically. Emperor Mirishial VIII summoned the chief diplomat Liage, Defense Secretary Agra, and Intelligence Bureau Director Arneus to Castle Albion, his residence, to examine the information brought from Japan.

"Are you sure about the information from Japan?" the Emperor reminded.

"The information from Japan's Mystar is accurate, as demonstrated in Operation Super Hammer II," Agra replied.

"According to Japan in the recent meeting, the logistics of the Gra Valkan forces have collapsed, and supplies from the homeland have been cut off. Can they still mobilize their fleet?"

"The supplies accumulated in former Leifor will be enough to fight for a while. However, it won't last long," Arneus responded.

"How long can they sustain it specifically?"

To Mirishial VIII's question, Arneus couldn't provide an answer.

"...We lack information to give clear numbers," Arneus surrendered.

At that moment, Liage came to his rescue.

"Japan proposed an operation to inspect and destroy the supply points in former Leifor using reconnaissance aircraft. It's an operation to aid the Muish army's counterattack. If we can expedite this operation, it will indirectly support us."

"I see. If Mu launches a counterattack on land, it might disperse the Gra Valkans' war efforts."

Agra was impressed.

"However, the actions of these allied nations are solely for their own interests, not directly to support our country."

Agra's words determined the Emperor's stance.

"Liage, can you negotiate with Mu and Japan?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Emperor turned to Agra, "Can we dispatch a reinforcement fleet?"

"Considering the defense of the mainland, one fleet might be the limit."

"That's acceptable. Dispatch it immediately."

Finally, Mirishial VIII ordered Arneus. "Collect information from Japan and thoroughly assess the Gra Valkan forces' sustainability in the war."

The three who received the orders left Castle Albion, leaving the Emperor alone with his musings.

"The enemy noticed before our allies did... I wonder how long the Four Nations Alliance will hold."


Having traveled from the Holy Mirishial Empire to Mu over several days using the floating ship of the heavens, Asada received an unexpected call from Ambassador Kayama at the Japanese embassy in Otaheit.

"Eh, from Ambassador Kayama?"

Asada felt a stirring in his chest. Did something happen in the Holy Mirishial Empire after he left?

The document sent by Koyama was matter-of-fact.

- The Gra Valkans have dispatched a fleet to reclaim Irnetia Island.

- There was an unofficial contact from Mirishial implicitly urging a counterattack from the land.

- Furthermore, they asked for information about the Gra Valkans' logistics.

- There were signs that one Mirishial fleet was about to launch a sortie.

Reading this far, Asada thought, "Mirishial seems to have a considerable sense of crisis and determination to liberate Irnetia." However, the last item left him shocked.

- According to Mitsugi, Mirishial may be planning to station the Pal Chimera on Irnetia Island.

That's right. When he thought about it calmly, there was no way the Holy Mirishial Empire would be working for the Kingdom of Irnetia's benefit out of pure goodwill. They must be considering their own interests.

So, what would Mirishial gain by stationing the Pal Chimera on Irnetia? Deterrence against the Gra Valkas Empire? Certainly that might be the main purpose. But it was strange that it wasn't mentioned in the meeting.

"Could it be... Mu? Are they intending to intimidate Mu?"

Ambassador Kayama's words echoed within Asada's mind.

"Their emperor must have seen it as magical versus nonmagical civilizations."

If seen from that perspective, Irnetia Island becomes a geopolitical key point that can simultaneously restrain the two major powers of nonmagical civilization. With a slightly dizzy head, Asada went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mu for a briefing on the counteroffensive operation.

. . .

"Yes, our country has also been urged by Mirishial."

Audigus, the Muish diplomat in charge of the division that dealt with the superpowers, readily made an admission.

"This request for indirect support in occupying Irnetia Island is quite blatant, isn't it?"

Asada decided to boldly broach the subject.

"If Mirishial were to station the Pal Chimera on Irnetia Island, how would it be for your country?"

"We have also noticed that possibility. To put it plainly, it's a dilemma. If it happens, it might force substantial concessions or possibly even surrender from Gra Valkas. However, the Four Nations Alliance would be completely under Mirishial's control. At least for Mu, there's no way to overturn that."

Audigus paused. However, he quickly continued.

"Mirishial might be planning to make the nonmagical civilization countries face the brunt during the final war against the Sorcerous Empire. By wearing down these countries in this way, they might intend to maintain the position of the world's strongest even after the war. The insights gained after defeating the Ravernal Empire would be usable only by Mirishial. It is exactly what they have been doing all this time."

Asada recalled the history of the Central World he learned since his transfer.

The Holy Mirishial Empire was also initially a small nation. However, by advancing through harnessing the Sorcerous Empire's relics and excavating relics within those neighboring territories, they expanded. If they were to gain magical technology in active use instead of relics, there was certainly no denying that Mirishial's civilization might advance rapidly.

Audigus continued speaking.

"But that's if the Mirishial forces can occupy Irnetia Island alone. Gra Valkas also noticed that possibility and is coming to recapture the island with full force, right? We can conduct a counterattack from the land while glancing at the island and push the remaining Gra Valkans into the sea."

Once again, it seemed that, for Mu, the top priority was to eliminate the Gra Valkans from the Mu continent.


Cielia became depressed as she read the telegram.

"Irnetia might become a base for those flying battleships!?"

Cielia's outburst didn't escape the attention of Alkaid and Luxtal.

"Are you serious!?"

The two bombarded her with questions, making her flinch for a moment.

"It's not confirmed yet. There were vague reports on the ground after reclaiming Irnetia Island, which is now a gap in our forces due to the flying battleship's attack. The information suggests that Prince Aethes, supported by the Mirishial forces, is heading to the island to liberate it."

Alkaid turned pensive. "That itself could be unreliable information, couldn't it?"

"But Mirishial's flying battleship did attack and wipe out the Doiva Base. We can't deny the possibility that it was a preparation to occupy the island."

Luxtal attempted to counter the argument. While Luxtal himself didn't believe in the unreliable information, it wasn't a problem where a conclusion could be reached without sufficient evidence. However, with limited material, the discussion did not progress further.


Arlie Trigger was perplexed by the sudden summons from the Office of the Sovereign. He was a high-ranking officer in the Army Air Corps, a position far from lowly. However, he had no clue as to why he was being summoned.

Trigger was dedicated to Project GM, a development plan for a strategic bomber originally conceived in their previous homeworld, Yggdra. It aimed to fly at altitudes unreachable by enemy planes, circumnavigate the planet without landing, and bomb the heart of enemy nations. When the project was announced, it garnered significant attention due to its audacity. However, the technical hurdles soon became apparent, and the enthusiasm faded. The specifications for the bomber turned into a monster of a six-engine aircraft with a 6.000 horsepower engine. Furthermore, no one had ever done a bombing run from the stratosphere before, and deficiencies in navigation and bombing accuracy were also concerns. Of course, with enough budget and time, these issues could eventually be resolved. However, it was believed that Yggdra would be unified before that could happen.

Nevertheless, Project GM was not canceled because the technology for large aircraft could easily be repurposed for civilian use. Whether for passengers or cargo, aviation demand was always on the rise, and this was expected to continue even after the world was unified, if not increased. Conducting risky research in the private sector made sense through a war as a public project.

Trigger had only one thought about why he was summoned: the air raid on Ragna by the Pal Chimera. It wouldn't be surprising if the Emperor, after experiencing the power of strategic bombing firsthand, thought of doing the same.

However, this reasoning made Trigger melancholic. The bomber was far from completion, and the resolution of technical issues was not in sight. There were only two significantly downsized technical verification models. The Emperor's whims needed to be understood as impractical, akin to proving his own incompetence. Fortunately, Trigger did not have the honor of an audience with Gra Lux. It was Siegs who was waiting for him.

"Can we use the bomber?"

Asked directly by Siegs, a puzzled trigger explained the situation.

"No, the bomber doesn't even have a definite form yet. There are only two significantly downsized technical verification models."


"Here it is."

Siegs read through the documents handed to him.

- Length 30 m, wingspan 43 m, height 8,5 m

- Takeoff weight 63,5 tons, combat weight 43,7 tons

- Engines: 4 × 2000Bhp

- Maximum speed: 640 km/h (at 9.000 m)

- Maximum ceiling: 12.000 m

- Cruising range: 10.000 km

- Bomb load capacity: 4 tons

Trigger sweated nervously, waiting for Siegs to finish reading the documents. The specification, significantly inferior to the concept of circumnavigating the planet (Yggdra) without landing, was enough to earn disappointment from the other party.

However, Siegs' reaction was unexpected.

"It works."

"What? Sir, what did you just say?"

"It works for the objective. Have both aircraft ready for deployment within a week."

"...What are the operational objectives?"

"I can't tell you yet."

Trigger left Ragna with a touch of anxiety.


The Mirishial 4th Fleet was preparing to launch the first attack group towards Irnetia Island. Three fighters were about to take off from the aircraft carrier Shalhout. In the cockpit of the state-of-the-art fighter, Elpacio 3', squadron leader Taurus conducted the final pre-flight check.

"The engine is in good order."

"Understood. Prepare for launch."

Elpacio 3' was a modified version of Elpacio 3 that incorporated improvements based on advice from Japan. The changes included improving the bypass ratio of the engine and altering the shape of the air intake.

Initially, the Runesvaletta Magic Academy, the developer of Elpacio 3, did not take Japan's advice seriously. However, under the Emperor's decree, they reluctantly worked on improving the bypass ratio. The results were dramatic, significantly boosting the thrust of the magical chant-powered compressed air emission engine. Surprised engineers reverted the modified engine to the Elpacio 3 airframe, but when flown, they found a series of problems other than with the engine.

First, there was insufficient air intake. Even during the development of Elpacio 3, there was an issue with the inadequate amount of air intake from the air intake port. This problem resurfaced with the increased thrust of the engine. However, Japan had anticipated this, advising even on the shape of the air intake port. The engineers accepted this advice with mixed feelings and implemented it. As a result, the air intake problem was splendidly resolved, and Elpacio 3' achieved a maximum speed of about 100 km/h higher. If improvements to the engine had continued, it might have been possible to further increase the top speed. However, various issues were found in the aircraft, not just the air intake port, making it necessary to abandon the idea. Redesigning the entire aircraft would take too much time, and it wouldn't be ready for the current battle.

Taurus' plane was on the right flight deck of the catamaran aircraft carrier. His section, consisting of three aircraft, had one each on the left and right flight decks as backups.

"Jam Section, you're cleared to launch."

"Understood, launching."

Taurus visually confirmed the safety on the flight deck and then, with a burst of the engine at full power, the Elpacio 3' took off at an acceleration inconceivable for an Elpacio 3 and climbed rapidly to the planned altitude, which was also a rate of climb inconceivable for an Elpacio 3.

Upon reaching the planned altitude, Taurus leveled the plane into horizontal flight. Soon, the wingmen following him caught up, taking positions to the left and right behind. Satisfied with the sight, Taurus activated the manacomm's switch.

"This is Jam Section. We have successfully taken off. Heading towards the target."

Following the Jam Section, the main force for the attack was expected to take off.

There was, of course, a reason why this section preceded the main force. They were tasked with scattering chaff to interfere with the Gra Valkan radar.

Of course, Mirishial had no technology to create chaff. The chaff dispensers were made in Japan. This was a request from Mirishial to Japan. Using Japanese literature as a reference, Mu was independently developing fixed electronic jamming devices, but Mirishial, which only knew about magical institutions, couldn't even imitate them.

Taurus confirmed the distance between Irnetia Island and the main force. The main force consisted of conventional Elpacio 3 and Zigrant 2 aircraft. Taking into account the speed difference between the Jam Section and the main force, he confirmed the timing for their approach.

"This is Jam Leader, commence the operation. Spread out and disperse the chaff."

. . .

A radar operator noticed an anomaly at the makeshift Doiva Base.

"Echo to the southeast, quite large."

The superior asked for details. "Distance and numbers?"

"Approximately 50 kilometers, numbers unknown. It looks like a fog."

"Fog? How big is it?"

"Diameter approximately 250 to 300 meters."

Recalling recent news, the superior blurted. "Could it be the flying wheel that appeared in the Capital!?"

The tense atmosphere spread throughout the base with these words. The superior then issued the next command.

"Issue an emergency alert!"

Sirens echoed within Doivaa Base.

"Emergency alert, emergency alert! Unidentified echo approaching from the southeast. Distance 50 kilometers, altitude 200 meters. Approaching at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour. Possibility of enemy aircraft that attacked the Capital. Air units, launch immediately!"

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