Son of Iron Man (Male Reader...

De HyperSaiyan19

12.6K 301 54

A teenage boy named (Y/n) Stark, an Avenger and son of Tony Stark, A.K.A. Iron Man, went to Jump City to figh... Mai multe

Chapter 1 (S1): Divide and Conquer
Chapter 2 (S1): Sisters
(Y/n) Stark's Origin
Chapter 3 (S1): Final Exam
Chapter 4 (S1): Forces of Nature
Chapter 5 (S1): The Sum of His Parts

Chapter 6 (S1): Nevermore

641 29 6
De HyperSaiyan19

In the night sky above Jump City, Robin, Starfire and Cyborg saw an armored truck flipped on its side in the distance on the street. gold bullion were spilled on the ground. They face off against a villain. A bearded man in a skintight black outfit with a light bulb on the chest, named "Doctor Light". Both of his hands are glowing with energy.

Doctor Light: Your pathetic skills can't outshine the brilliance of Doctor Light!

He brings both hands together and shoots a laser beam, when the three Titans dodge, exploding the ground. Robin jumps high and throws a birdarang at the bad guy, who jumps down to avoid it.

Doctor Light: You're fast, but I doubt you'll enjoy moving at the speed of light!

He touches the light bulb on his chest, causing it to glow and emit a blast, hitting Robin off the roof of a building.

???: Well, I didn't think you'd be Thomas Edison.

He looks back to see the armored Titan in midair, shooting a repulsor at him. Doctor Light skids across the straight.

Doctor Light: Iron Man?!

(Y/n): Ding. You are correct.

You open smart micro guns from your shoulders and shoot, when the enemy creates a light barrier to guard against them. You got down to the ground, overwhelming him with martial arts, which Doctor Light couldn't counter. With the energy he has, Doctor Light emits a bright light, having you blinded by the brightness, and sent flying back by his powered up punch.

Doctor Light: That advanced armor of yours couldn't comprehend the power of light, Stark!

Beast Boy charges, turning into a wolf, when the robber ducks the attack.

Doctor Light: A wolf is no threat when it's blind as a bat!

He throws a barrage of glowing orbs at the animal Titan. They explode into several flashes of light like a flash grenade. That left Beast Boy dizzy, reverting him back to human form.

Starfire throws a barrage of starbolts in midair, but Doctor Light shields himself again, tossing a device on the ground, as it opens to emit a barrier, trapping her inside.

Cyborg: Watch yourself lightweight.

He holds half of one axle with a tire.

Cyborg: Things are about to get heavy!

He swings the axle, while he misses, but it was enough to make the enemy drop to the ground from the impact. Doctor Light faces his hand, projecting a beam, as it breaks the makeshift club in half. He laughs, while creating a red projectile and throws it at Cyborg, while it hits the truck behind him and explode. When the smoke clears, Cyborg was stuck in stone, with only his head and hands free.

Cyborg: Hey! Let me...

He sees Doctor Light approaching him.

Doctor Light: Now if nobody minds, I'll be taking the gold.

Raven: I mind. Azarath Metrion Zin-

Before she casts a spell, a beam hits her, sending her to the ground. He walks up behind her, when she stats to get up.

Doctor Light: Bit of advice.

He warms up energy on both hands.

Doctor Light: Find shorter magic words.

Raven's glow white, using telekinesis on a motorcycle nearby, launching it towards him, only to be destroyed by one blast. Doctor Light hits her with another blast, sending her flying and down. He steps forward to her, when you got in front to defend her, with repulsor charging from your gauntlet.

(Y/n): Take one more step, and it'll be last thing you ever do.

He stops.

Doctor Light: What's the matter? Afraid of the light.

You get ready to shoot a repulsor blast, until Raven's eyes glow red, when she passes you, rising up, towering of Doctor Light. Tendrils shoot from underneath her cloak. He fearfully backs up

Doctor Light: No! No!

The tendrils ensnare him, sparks appear from his suit.

Doctor Light: My suit! What are you- No, stop! You win, I surrender

He gets dragged in, when the hybrid demon sorceress smirks viciously at him.

Raven: What's the matter? Afraid of the dark?

Doctor Light: I surrender! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

(Y/n): Raven! That's enough!

Her eyes return to normal in a flash, gasping. She returns to normal size, along with her cloak to reveal the defeated enemy, curled up in the ground, shivering in wide eyed. Robin and Starfire run to him.

Robin: It's okay. You're going to be all right.

Doctor Light: It dark... Make it stop... Make it stop...

You retract your helmet. You turn to Raven and approach her.

(Y/n): Raven? Are you okay?

She turns to you, preventing herself from snarling at you then walks away.

Beast Boy: What's her deal?

(Y/n): I don't know.

You worried for her.

Raven walks into the dark alley, and soon lost out of sight.

The next morning, everyone is back at the tower. You, Robin, Starfire and Cyborg are sat the table.

Beast Boy: Rise and shine, amigos.

He was cooking food in a pan.

Beast Boy: Breakfast is served.

Robin: Thanks, Beast Boy. Everything looks great.

Beast Boy puts the pan on the table.

(Y/n): It better not be tofu again.

Starfire: On my planet, such a feast would mark the arrangement of a marriage. Tell me, Beast Boy, to whom are you engaged?

He gasps in surprise, you laugh.

Cyborg eats food from his plate, then spits it out

Cyborg: That's not eggs! That's that tofu stuff!

(Y/n): Knew it.

You throw away the plate, shattering against the wall.

Cyborg drinks out of a glass, but spits out the liquid along with the food.

Cyborg: That's not even real milk!

(Y/n): Note to self, never trust Beast Boy to make breakfast for us.

Beast Boy gives a frown, then the doors open and Raven comes in. She paid no attention, and heads to the counter.

Robin: Hey, Raven. Want breakfast?

She took a coffee pot, pouring into a cup. Beast Boy came up to her holding the plate of tofu.

Beast Boy: It's good. Wakey-wakey, tofu eggs and bakey.

Raven: Herbal tea.

Beast Boy: Come on, just one little taste. You could use a little food after the way you were about to cook Doctor Light.

She looks at the animal Titan with eyes turned red.

Raven: No!!

Beast Boy gasps in fear, when her power controls the plate and explodes the eggs like volcano, leaving him covered with his own cooked food. Raven storms out the room, when the doors close behind her.

You sigh in annoyance.

(Y/n): You just had to bring that up, didn't you? Beast Boy, I always knew you were an idiot.

Robin eases over.

Robin: Maybe you should go apologize.

Beast Boy: Me? I'm not the one who just turned breakfast into a battlefield.

Cyborg join them, carrying the dishes.

Cyborg: Yeah, but after the weirdness that went down last night, you should know better than to go messing with her.

He heads to the sink.

Beast Boy: I was trying to be nice.

Starfire comes over.

Beast Boy: But no matter how hard I try, she still treats like tofu eggs!

Cyborg washes the dishes.

Beast Boy: You know, she's never once laughed at any of my jokes.

Cyborg: 'Least she listens. I kinda tune you out.

Starfire: Raven is complicated. There is much about her we are not meant to understand.

Beast Boy: Then how are we supposed to deal with her? How can we even trust her? I mean-

(Y/n): She's our friend. What else is there to know?

Later, Beast Boy is standing in the hall, scratching his head in front of Raven's room. He slowly raises a fist, turning his head away, bracing himself, and knocks the door once. He shrugs.

Beast Boy: Oh, well, nobody's home.

He whistles about to walk away, bumping into a blue metal armor

Beast Boy: Ow.

He looks up at Cyborg glaring.

Cyborg: You might want to knock a little louder.

He puts a hand on Beast Boy's shoulder and turns him to the door, walking him to it. Beast Boy groans, when Cyborg knocks the door instead. Suddenly the door falls, leaving the two Titans with sweat drops.

Beast Boy: Now we both have to apologize.

Inside Raven's room, it is dark with shelves filled with old books, four-eyed tragedy and comedy masks on a pedestal, a mirror on the wall, chalices and braziers, ancient chests, lamps, and a bed into the far wall.

Cyborg: Uh, Raven? Sorry about the door. Raven?

Beast Boy: Dude she's not here. Come on.

He walks into the room, looking around.

Beast Boy: Looks like Halloween came early this year.

Cyborg: We're in Raven's room. We should not be in Raven's room.

He whispered, walking in slowly.

(Y/n): What are you doing in here?

Both screamed, seeing at the door wall.

(Y/n): You guys know Raven's gonna kill you if she finds out you're in her room. Ever heard of privacy?

Beast Boy: It's not what it looks like. I wanted to apologize to Raven, but she wasn't here?

(Y/n): So you decided to snoop around in her room?

Beast Boy: Okay, it is what it looks like. But look what I found.

He picks up a mirror.

Beast Boy: Check out this beauty mirror. Who would have thought Raven spends time sprucing? Ah! Is that a zit?

He presses on his face. You came to look at the mirror, when there are four demonic red eyes appear. You know something bad is about to happen.

(Y/n): Beast Boy, put that down!

You take the mirror from him and put it down. a crimson energy shoots right out of the mirror, forming a giant hand and grabs you, then you reach your watch.

(Y/n): I.R.I.S., send me armor 1!

I.R.I.S.: 'Copy.'

The main armor flies right to the room, you reach your hand out, when the armor successfully grabs your hand. The giant hand pulls you into the mirror.

Beast Boy & Cyborg: (Y/n)!


Within the vortex of darkness, you, then the Iron Man armor are swept into view at the far end.

The vortex opens, as you fall out. The armor opens itself from the front. It gets closer where it connects to your body and closes on you, then the helmet with the face plate closing from the top, as you hit the ground. You pick yourself up with a groan and look at your surroundings. You are in a space dimension where it's filled with red stars and asteroids.

(Y/n): I.R.I.S., do you know where exactly are we right now?

I.R.I.S.: 'Negative, sir. I have no reading on this world. According to my calculations, you're in Titans Tower.'

You retract your helmet.

(Y/n): Where am I? How do I get back?

The sounds of crumbling was heard. In the middle of the void, several rocks form a path.

(Y/n): When I get back, Beast Boy is dead.

???: Turn back.

A feminine childlike voice was heard. You look back cautiously

???: Turn back.

(Y/n): Please tell me this isn't a real life horror movie.

On a rocky arch over the path were three small black birds with large red eyes, who were repeating "Turn back".

(Y/n): I suppose you guys know if there's a way to get back. I must be asleep to actually believe I'm talking to animals.

You smack yourself in the face. Suddenly five birds have gathered near your feet.

(Y/n): Whoa!

Birds: Turn back.

That was all they could say. Next, they sprout sharp fangs which they eyes split into two smaller ones and snarl, making you surprise.

(Y/n): All right, I spoke too soon.

You put on the helmet and start shooting repulsors blasts at them with them moving around and attacking you. You then shoot a blast at the ground, crumbling beneath you, as you slip but hover with your jets by the ledge.

???: Hey, Iron Man.

A familiar figure came by who's upside down. Instead of blue, it's a pink cloak, wristbands and boots.

(Y/n): Raven?

Raven: What's up?

(Y/n): I don't know anymore.

When you notice she's not hanging upside down, you are.

(Y/n): Whoa!

You hit the ground. She giggles as you stand up and retract your helmet.

(Y/n): Is that really you, Raven? How come you're wearing pink?

Raven: Because it's my favorite color.

(Y/n): Is this a nightmare?

She happily pokes your nose.

Raven: This is the real deal, silly.

(Y/n): Well, I guess pink does look well on you. So, um, do you know if there's a way to get out of here?

Raven: The forbidden door.

She pointed to the path.

Raven: It's the only way out, but you don't want to go there. Not now.

(Y/n): I'll take my chances. I've been through faces of danger along with the Avengers, like Ultron.

Raven: 'Kay, but don't say I didn't warn ya.

She runs ahead down the path, making airplane sounds and stretching her arms out like wings.

(Y/n): Have I ever seen her this happy before. Eh, still like her anyway.

You walk through the stone arch. On the other side, there's a meadow filled with grass and trees, the sky is yellow with a small strawberry floating past you.

(Y/n): Now, I feel like I'm in Wizard of Oz right now.

Raven appears next to you and laughs.

Raven: Good one!

(Y/n): She's laughing at my joke too? Should I be happy or freaking out.

Raven: I always thought you were funny, (Y/n).

She laughs and takes her leave, with you scratching your head.

(Y/n): That was unexpected.


Outside of the tower, Raven was meditating on the roof.

Robin: Raven, have you seen (Y/n)? We stopped at your room and the door's been knocked down. found Cyborg and Beast Boy saying all kinds of nonsense, so I was wondering if you had any ideas.

He and Starfire came to her. Raven's suddenly eyes pop open and laughs uncontrollably, making Robin and Starfire jump. Raven claps both hands over her mouth, cutting herself from laughing. She blushes.

Raven: Need to be alone.

She gets up and hurries back inside.

Starfire: Many of your Earthly ways are still strange to me, but that was...just plain freaky. Correct?

Inside, Beast Boy and Cyborg looks at the mirror.

Beast Boy: So, how are we going to get him out of there.

Raven appears outside of her room and notices them both in here.

Raven: You guys went into my room, didn't you?

She glared at them.

Cyborg nervously chuckled.

Cyborg: I tried to stop Beast Boy from entering, but he did it anyway.

Beast Boy: Dude!

He was shocked.

Cyborg: Sorry, but you know how she is when gets mad.

The bionic Titan whispered.

Raven: Why?

Beast Boy: Because I wanted to apologize to you for what I said this morning. I was acting like an idiot, not as a friend. I'm sorry.

Raven looked at him then sighs.

Raven: Apology accepted.

She uses telekinesis on the door, bringing it back up.

Raven: Where is (Y/n)?

The boys point at the mirror.

Raven: No.

She said horrified.


Meanwhile, you were strolling along the path.

(Y/n): I wonder where Raven could have gone. It was really weird how she was wearing pink and feeling happy all of a sudden.

As you walk through, the void dissolves back to the outer-space region you were in before.

Raven pops in front of you. Her cloak is gray and she looks fearful.

(Y/n): Oh, Raven. So, you've changed out of your pink robe to gray now. I thought you said pink was your favorite color.

When you step up to her, she nervously backs away.

(Y/n): Raven? It's okay, it's me, (Y/n). Is this the forbidden door?

You pointed at the direction. She nods nervously.

(Y/n): Thanks.

Then giant metal walls springs up to block your path. You start your jets to take flight to the top, but feel and electric shock, as it forces you down and hit the ground. You try repulsors to shoot the walls down, but couldn't penetrate.

Gray Raven: It's a maze. You can't get out. You have to go through. I can show the way, but when we reach the end, you won't like me anymore.

(Y/n): Why would you think I wouldn't like you anymore?

She walks ahead.

(Y/n): Raven, wait.

You and Raven walk together. You have your helmet on.

(Y/n): I.R.I.S., find a path that leads the way out of the maze.

Your A.I. searches the area, then tracks the right path.

I.R.I.S.: 'The path has been found.'

(Y/n): Good. Raven, let's go.

When you got to the end. The gray Raven waves her hand towards the wall, and it slides open like doors to reveal the way out of the maze to the forbidden door. There are two tall stone statues.

Gray Raven: That's the end.

(Y/n): Perfect.

You head there, but she doesn't join you.

The eyes of the statues glow red. Both slam together back to back, turning to happy face on one side and frown on the other side. Each hands materializes long swords.

You groan.

(Y/n): Great.

Gray Raven: Told you, you wouldn't like me when we got here.

She drops out of sight.

The stone statue advances towards you.


Inside the tower, Robin was changing tv channels. Starfire was pacing around, then stops at Robin from behind the couch.

Starfire: May we go see if she is feeling better?

Robin: She said she wanted to be alone.

He changes the channel again.


You shoot repulsors, but was blocked from the sword. You avoid a strike coming from the statue swinging their sword, before getting caught by their free hand.

(Y/n): Not today.

You open smart micro-guns from your shoulders, shooting one statue's face, disarming from their grasp.

???: Yo, eight-eyes!

Another Raven swoops in, with a green cloak this time, launching herself for a flying kick.

Green Raven: Hai-yah!

The kick landed on the statue's face, sending them toppling to the ground.

Green Raven: Whoo-hoo! In your faces!

She leaps at the foe, now back on their feet, and dodges one sword swing, and the following swings. She zooms with her index and finger on one hand extended together, bringing them down. The statues were sliced in half and drop down.

(Y/n): Whoa.

You were amazed by the incarnation of your partner.

Green Raven: Hoo-ah! High five! Come on.

You hesitantly hold your hand in, which she high fives it.

(Y/n): That was freaky. You know, I can't really tell if you're actually Raven anymore.

Pink Raven leaps in and the gray one slinks up.

Green/Pink/Gray: I'm Raven.

Your helmet comes off.

(Y/n): Happy, timid, brave.

You pointed at each of them.

Pink Raven: You forgot cutie.

She giggles.

(Y/n): So, you girls are different sides of Raven's personality. Which means...I'm in her mind?

???: And you need to get out.

The blue girl drops in, when the duplicates fade away.

Raven: The mirror those idiots accidentally sent you here is for meditation. It's a portal into my mind.

(Y/n): Right. I figured. When we get back, remind me to kill Beast Boy

The raven birds who were watching fly away, squawking.

Raven: You have to go, now.

(Y/n): Hold on, what's going on here?

Raven: Last night, lose. Something bad.

(Y/n): What are you talking about?

An unholy roar was heard across space. A giant black vortex was formed over the horizon with the birds flying into it, forming into giant supersized humanoid demon male with red skin, white hear and four glowing yellow eyes, wearing a black and gray loincloth, steel wristbands, and a belt that matches the one Raven wears, especially the jewel on his forehead.

Demon: Hatred shall rule.

You and Raven stare up his size and back away. You suddenly remembered the time you went with your dad, raiding Hydra to get Loki's scepter, then saw a vision of the giant shadowy monster of the same resemblance.

Raven: Let's just say, I have issues with my father.

(Y/n): Wait. So you mean tell me that this giant minotaur is your dad?

Raven: Yeah...

(Y/n): Wow... Just wait till you meet my dad one day.

The giant steps up and leans down with a roar. His roar throws a scare into you both, but still hold your ground. A strong blast from his four glowing eyes hits the ground in front of you both, forcing you and Raven to jump.

She gets into view facing her father.

Raven: Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

She builds a shield around herself, you and the forbidden door.


Robin is still changing channels.

Starfire: May we now go see if Raven is better?

Robin: She wants to be alone.


The giant demon fires another blast. Raven couldn't hold on much longer.

Raven: Get out of my mind, now!

(Y/n): I'm not going to leave you here alone with that!

Raven: It's my problem. I'll deal with it. If I lose, you'll be stuck in here forever.

The demon brings his hands together, producing a ball of energy and launches it towards his daughter. The shield was disarmed, when the smoke clears, Raven was shown still on her feet and arms crossed to protect her head.

She swings one hand with a wave a telekinesis.

Raven: Go!

You were flung back towards the portal, but skid to a stop in front of the mouth of the portal. Raven flies to her father's level and fires black shots from her hand. The demon tries to swat her down, when her evasive maneuvers overwhelm him, especially him missing the eye blast.

You watch then look to the exit. You shook your head and fly towards the fight.

Raven dodges the demon trying to crush her between his palms and lands a shot on his chest. She is behind his head in an instant, but he whirls and scores a hit that drops her down unconscious. He catches her in hand.

Demon: Rage shall consume you.

(Y/n): Hey, ugly! Let her go.

You zoom towards them, shooting a repulsor blast at his face with great force. He tumbles backwards, letting go of Raven, and topples over the edge of an asteroid then fall down into an empty space.

You catch unconscious Raven in your arms bridal style, then descend to the ground, as Raven starts to wake up with a barely audible moan. You lay her down gently, still having her close to you.

Raven: You stayed? But why?

You smiled.

(Y/n): Because I want us to go back home to the Titans Tower together. Can't have you getting hurt, not on my watch.

She blushes then hesitantly smiles back.

The growling demon rising up slowly over the ridge.

Demon: Feel my fury!

Lasers from his four eyes shot again, blowing up the ground, you and Raven take to the air with your helmet back on, shooting repulsor blasts and black shots. You grab his arm, before he lands a powerful punch.

(Y/n): Activate full thrusters!

The jets on your boots powers up, pulling his arm back, sending the giant off balance and crash down among the rocks. He gets up and shoots at you, who flies away.


Robin is still watching tv.

Starfire: May we now?

Robin: No.

He answers the same, and she frowns, then changes the channel.


You and Raven with her hood off were heading behind a small ridge, when you scan the demon's power, and the results are too high.

(Y/n): He's really powerful.

Raven: Even with your help, I cannot defeat him.

(Y/n): What about all the other you's?

You gave her a suggestion.

Raven: It still wouldn't be enough. None of my other sides have the kind of power need.

(Y/n): Not alone, but together. They're all apart of who you are, right?

The giant was shooting lasers at random areas.

(Y/n): Go for it! I'll buy you some time.

You fly over to distract the demon.

A small smile crossed her face, then disappears when she closes her eyes and begins to concentrate. When opening her eyes glowing white, she crosses her arms in front as a gust of wind stires the dust at her feet, and her other selfs rise from the ground.

Other than, pink, gray and green, there is yellow with the glasses, brown, and purple. The orange shows up in front, looking lazy and burps. All seven of Raven's form a circle around the real Raven, then they all rise in the air, and the sevn starts to spin around her, with colors blurring, as the formation turns white, and a big flash shines.

You launch a missile at the giant demon from your wrist, exploding in his face. He sends a flock of birds to you.

You sigh in annoyance.

(Y/n): Again?

The flock surrounds, while you shoot repulsors at them, but there so many of them. The demon smiles evilly at you, then not notices Raven rising behind him. He turns around to look her face to face at the same height, with the wind blowing her cloak to reveal that is colored white.

Raven hurls a power black magic energy which forms into a band that encircles her father's body.

Raven: You are going back where you belong!

Her voice was deep.

Demon: Never!

He breaks loose her binding spell.

She crosses her arms in front, and eyes and mouth start blazing with the dark magic from her hands, releasing two dark beams. Her father fires two giant beams from both hands towards his daughter. Both beams meet, struggling to push each other.

You electrocute the birds with the EMP, building an electrical barrier and take them down, then they suddenly disappear.

Back to Raven, she slowly brings her hand, then accelerates with a strong push, as her beams get bigger, overpowering the giant and hits him. When the light dies down, he has turned into another version of Raven, who's in a red cloak with red eyes. Red Raven drops to the ground in front of the white Titan, with four glowing eyes. Her body disolves into bolts of energy that merges into Raven's, turning her back to blue and human size.

In a brief moment, she moans weakly can collapses backwards only to be caught by you from behind with your helmet off.

(Y/n): It's okay. I got you.

She blushes and rubs her head.

Raven: Thank you...(Y/n).

She hugs you, then you return the favor.

(Y/n): Anytime.

You smirk.

(Y/n): So, we're on a date?

She blushes more and slightly flustered.

Raven: Stupid.


Starfire's hand was reaching for Raven's door, while Robin's was trying to prevent her from doing it.

Starfire: Please! Let us simply-

Robin: Cyborg and Beast Boy told us not to disturb Raven!

Starfire: Should be weeping and-

Robin: I don't want to bother her! But if we merely-

The door opens. Starfire relaxes, seeing Cyborg and Beast Boy wide eyed, then she gasps, Robin gets up wide eyed.

You and Raven were kissing with your arms around her waist, her arm arounds your neck. Her big soft breasts were pressed against your chest plate. You both pull away, then realize the Titans standing in front of you. You and Raven were shocked.

(Y/n): You didn't see anything.

Robin: Where have you been, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Long story.

Starfire: Come, friends, We shall prepare a new breakfast feast.

(Y/n): Star, you mean dinner?

Raven: Actually, breakfast sounds...nice.

(Y/n): Well, if that's what you want, then sure. But this time, I'm the one cooking. No tofu!

Robin and Starfire walk ahead, then Beast Boy and Cyborg.

You look at Raven with a smirk, having your arms around her waist, seducing her.

(Y/n): Well, Rae Rae. This is still some time left. What do you think?

You get closer about to kiss her again, but she stops you with one finger pressed on your lips.

Raven: Don't get the wrong idea, idiot.

She walks off, then puts on her hood to hide a small blush on her face.

You shrug, still smirking that you had your first kiss from Raven, and you took her first kiss.

(Y/n): Eh, she'll come around.

You follow.

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