The American's kids

By KirishimaArk

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I have no idea why I did this- I made a country that helps America with their states, don't ask- America, a l... More

Chapter 1 : V.1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Bonus 1: SKITS!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
NOT a chapter! (Ranting)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
NOT a chapter!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Bonus: Fem!America & singing
Chapter 11
So hi, again-
Small accident-
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Mother's day special~
(Late) 4th of July special~

Chapter 1 : V.2

590 15 1
By KirishimaArk

(America's pov)

The light poured in from the windows, I rolled over and smacked my alarm off the nightstand. Opening my eyes the light blinded me. I looked over at Lectwist who was facing her closet and away from me.

I get up from the bed and walked over to my closet, grabbing my usual clothes, a black turtleneck with green camo undersleeves with green camo pants and my brown belt, along with the fishnets I wore on my hands that extended to my upper arms and legs.

I looked down to see what gender my body chose today, with a sigh I grabbed the binder.

Walking into the bathroom, I removed the hoodie I slept in and wrapped bandages around my chest then I slid the binder on, the bandages to make it more comfortable to wear. I then put my actual clothes on.

Grabbing the clothes that lay on the floor now and tossing them into the hamper I walk out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. I looked over at Lectwist who's still asleep and walk out of the bedroom.

Reaching the office doors I push them open and grab my things, shoving random documents into a briefcase in an unorderly fashion, closing and latching the briefcase. I looked over at the clock sitting on my desk. 6:45 it read, grabbing my briefcase and leaving the office.

Walking into the foyer I set the briefcase down on the floor.

"I'm leaving!" I yelled out to the family.

"Have fun!" Confetti yelled back, a few states snickering. I sighed and fastened the platform shoes I wore.

Opening the door I exit the house, reaching my car I see Hawaii and Alaska rush outside.

"Ma!" They both yelled in unison.

I looked over at them with a puzzled expression.

"Can we come with you?" Hawaii, the youngest of the kids asked me.

I watched as Amethyst walked out of the house, picking up Alaska and Hawaii.

"What has mom said about following ma?" Amethyst asked her younger siblings.

I chuckled and got into the car as Amethyst reprimanded her siblings. Starting the car I drove off to the meeting building.

(Lectwist's pov)

I wake up to the sound of yelling throughout the house, getting up I roll over to see America isn't in bed next to me. Looking at the alarm clock that now lays on the floor I pick it up and look at the time. 8:30 it read, setting the alarm clock back onto the nightstand I got up from the bed finally.

Walking over to my closet and grabbing a light blue pair of ripped jeans and black fishnets with a black hoodie that has a faded out american flag printed on it. Walking into the bathroom and changing, tossing the clothes I wore to bed into the hamper.

Stepping out of the bathroom I walked back over to my closet and closed the doors, going over to America's to close theirs I noticed one of the binders they have missing.

'Well, their screwed-'

I thought to myself as I closed the closet doors. Grabbing my crown and fan from my nightstand I put my crown onto my head and shoved my green and red fan into my pocket. Opening one of the drawers to my nightstand I grabbed my contact lenses since I'm going out. (Her eyes are pure black like America's but she has blue crescents, she does have a human form but her eyes won't change.)

Leaving the bedroom I walked down stairs and into the family room. I see Texas chasing after Florida with a revolver. Ohio's sitting on the couch with Amethyst, Hawaii and Alaska all watching Lilo and Stitch.

Idaho and Georgia are fighting over potatoes and peaches, debating which ones are better. New York and Virginia are on their phones. Kentucky's sitting in a corner eating a bucket of KFC. Delaware and Pennsylvania along with Massachusetts are sitting at the coffee table with Para and Emerald helping them with homework.

I couldn't find any of the Carolina or Dakota twins anywhere along with the others, walking into the kitchen I see Rhode Island and New Jersey trying to get into the sweets cabinet. I cleared my throat, their eyes landing on me with guilty expressions. I watched as they scampered out of the kitchen, I walked over to the fridge and started breakfast.

My eyes landing on the clock periodically to check the time. Once it hit 10 exactly I called the kids into the kitchen.

I watched as most if not all of the kids came running in and grabbing the plates. None of the twins were seen.

"Where are the twins?" I asked Utah, he simply shrugged.

I walked up the stairs and into the shared bedroom of both sets of twins, neither of them were there.

"South Dakota, North Dakota, South Carolina, and North Carolina! Where are you four!?" I ask, checking all of the nooks and crannies of their room. I pulled out my phone in a panic and called America.

(America's pov)

I stood outside the meeting hall. Putting on my fake smile I burst in through the doors.

"The hero has arrived!" I yelled out, the other countries looked over at me.

"About time, fat pig." England, the man I called my brother said. I felt a little hurt over his words but I ignored them, sitting down at the chair I designated my own.

Canada looked over at me, I quickly smiled and he simply nodded, Australia however, shook his head, along with New Zealand, Germany and Japan.

"Well then, since America has now arrived we'll start the meeting." UN said, the organization taking charge.

We all nodded and listened quietly, a few countries butting in or throwing opinions out there during conversation. I looked over at the clock on the wall and it read 8:30. I groaned internally since the meeting would go on until lunch.

~Time skip to when Lectwist calls~

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, pulling it out I read the caller ID. 'Lectwist, this isn't good.....' I thought to myself, getting up from my seat I answer the phone. Her voice comes over in a panic.

"<America! We have problems!>" Lectwist yelled at me in her own language in a panic.

"What happened?" I ask her, concern writing onto my face and into my voice. The countries and organizations pause when they hear my voice.

"<I can't find any of the twins! They've gone missing and no one has seen them at all today! I feel like a horrible person!>" Lectwist said, still in a panic.

"You're not a horrible person. Just listen to my voice okay?" I say to her, my voice calm and soft.

(The bi- *ahem* I mean England's pov)

We all watched in complete shock as the loud American spoke in a soft and calm tone for once, like he was an actual adult for once.

"<Love>, please relax. I'll look for them, don't worry." America said, I stared at him in shock at the sounds of a different language. My eyes darted to the others, checking their expressions to see if anyone understood what was said. No one did.

"I'll handle it, just go calm yourself down." The American said to the person over the phone, Canada and Mexico looked puzzled at the sound of the panicked voice they heard. "Just speak to <Confetti>. I'll try to get into contact with the four, alright?" The American spoke again, his voice soft and considerate.

The countries still stared at him in shock that he could sound like an adult.

We watched as he pressed the hangup button and the ding resounded throughout the meeting hall. He quickly dialed another number. A few rings were heard before the sounds of vibration hit the vents above us.

(North Dakota's pov)

I sat in the vents with my twin and the other twins. I saw mom hangup on ma and then called one of us. I heard the vibration of SC's phone ring, NC quickly crawled over to him and snatched his phone. I looked down at the countries who heard the vibration of NC's phone. I groaned silently.

"They heard it, it's no use....." I whispered to my siblings, they nodded and their heads drooped down.

We all looked down at the countries, ma looked increasingly pissed. I looked over at my siblings and fear washed over them when we heard the sounds of creaking from the vents, I looked down at the bottom of the vent and it started dipping down from the weight of us all.

I gulped when I felt the vent give out beneath us, we came crashing down onto the table. SC and NC looked like they fainted on impact, ma came rushing over to us, panic evident in her voice as I groaned.

The other countries just stared in shock at the kids that came falling onto their table, I groaned and rolled onto my side, I looked over at ma and gave a meek smile before succumbing to the blackness that clouded my eyes.


Dunno if this counts as a cliffhanger or not-

Anyways, I'll be posting saturdays and sundays unless I become dangerously ill or injured! So be expecting that! Another thing, I have no idea how many parts this story will have so I'm very sorry if I drag it out.

For clarification, Lectwist and America call each other by pet names on the daily, this isn't for romantic purposes at all. I just thought it would be cute, kinda like how best friends are with each other.


Word count: 1533

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