Queen of Kings

By DeniseDavis30

20.4K 1.3K 210

Every Queen needs a King. And every King needs a Queen. Just read and find out!! More

Stand On Business
Boss Mode
Meet and Greet
Solo Trip
Time To Self
Phone Call
Out For Blood
How It Started
Observing The Room
Show Time
Open Me Up
New Year
It's beauty
Lunch Date
Welcome Home
Morning After
I Got You
Ultimate Betrayal
Making Plans
Fatima's Birthday

Surgery Day

568 42 5
By DeniseDavis30

It's going on 3 house and Fatima was sitting in the chapel when in walks Zac

Zac: Hey baby, I been looking everywhere for you. Why aren't you answering your phone?

Fatima: Hey baby, i'm sorry baby, my phone doesn't have reception down here.

Zac: You okay?

Fatima: I'm okay, This just feels so familiar.

Zac: I keep hearing your family say déjà vu a lot when it comes to you, what that about?

Fatima: Well as you know kidney failure runs in my family. My father had it one of my brothers had it and my younger brother passed last year from it.

Zac: Is that's the one you have hanging up in the house?

Fatima: Yes, he was so full of life and love. And he loved him some football and basketball, he was good at it too.

Zac: What happened?

Fatima: One day he was in the middle of a game and all of the sudden, he collapsed on the gym floor. He was rushed to the hospital unconscious, and by the time he got to the hospital, he had fell into a coma. He was on a ventilator for two weeks. And it wasn't no used in keeping him on any longer because he wasn't getting any better and his organs were failing. I was literally watching my brother die right before my eyes, and it wasn't anything I could do about it. Later on we found out that he died before he even made it to the hospital. They were just trying to make money off him by putting him on a ventilator as long as they could.

Zac: So they knew that he was gone but yet still put him on a ventilator to make it seem like there was hope.

Fatima: Exactly what they did. Plus they missed diagnosed him. Myself alone with Ty, and Dee were all tested. Trey and Dee are the only two that had it along with my father. And last year we found out that Trey had it all alone.

Zac: Wow, baby I'm so sorry.

Fatima: Now you know why I can't give up.

Zac: Well just know that I got you.

Fatima: Thank you baby.

Zac: You're welcome baby, I love you.

Fatima: I love you too baby. ( they kissed )

Zac: You wanna go get something to eat?

Fatima: I don't have much of an appetite right now.

Zac: Baby you didn't eat breakfast, you gotta eat something.

Fatima: As soon as they come out of surgery and I know they're okay, I will eat.

Zac: Promise

Fatima: Baby I promise you.

Zac: Okay then.

Fatima: I guess we can head back out here to see what's going on.

Zac: After you my queen.

They headed back out to the front.

Violet: I see you found her.

Zac: Yes ma'am

Fatima: Hey family.

Violet: Hey baby you okay.

Fatima: Yes ma'am, I'm okay.

Violet: Okay then.

Fatima: Have the doctor said anything yet.

Violet: Not yet.

Fatima: What's taking them so long.

Violet: Everything okay baby, stay calm.

Jackie: You have a beautiful family.

Violet: Well thank you. So do you.

Jackie: Thank you as well.

Tia: They need to hurry up and tell us something, i'm being inpatient.

Violet: Baby it takes time. You want everything to go smoothly right?

Tia: Ma but-

Violet: We will know something soon okay.

Tia: They got thirty minutes, or else ima start asking questions.

Jackie: Strong women I see.

Violet: Them two, yes.

20 mins later the doctor comes out.

Doctor: Wilson and Johnson family

Tia: Well it's about time.

Fatima: Yes, how's are they?

Doctor: Well surgery went great. There wasn't any complication with either of them.

Violet: That's amazing.

Fatima: So when can we see them?

Doctor: They're in recovery right now, but as soon as they wake up, we'll get y'all back to see them.

Fatima: Okay, thank you.

Doctor: You're welcome.

Doctor leaves

Violet: See I told y'all they were good.

Fatima: You did. I just need to see the faces.

Violet: And you will.

Fatima: How are you so calm right now?

Violet: Because why get our pressure up when it's all in Gods hands.

Jackie: Amen to that.

Fatima: Ma'am please don't let my mom fool you. At the end of the day she's a mother, and what mothers do?

Tia: Worry!!

Fatima: Ding ding ding, correct!!

Tyrell: They gotcha on that one baby.

Violet: Whatever!!

Zac: Baby you ready to go eat now?

Fatima: I guess!! Y'all want something back?

Violet: No baby we're good?

Fatima: Anybody?

Jackie: We're good as well.

Fatima: Okay then, don't say I never ask.

Dee: Ima come with y'all

Tia: Well that's the case, I'm coming too.

Fatima: We kinda wanted some alone time.

Tia: Okay then..

Fatima: But come on.

Dee: It's all good.

Fatima: Bring y'all ssa on before I change my mind.

Tia: Fine,

They left to get something to eat.

Dee: Sis you good?

Fatima: Yes I'm okay?

Dee: I was just checking on you.

Fatima: I'm not trying to be rude or even sound mean. But I'm just tired of people asking me the same question.

Dee: I'm sorry

Fatima: It's okay bro. It's nothing to be sorry for. I appreciate everyone's concern but I'm okay. And when I'm not, I promise y'all will know.

Dee: Okay then.

The car was silent for a min

Fatima: It's the awkward silence for me. Y'all didn't have to stop talking.

Dee: I'm mean we didn't want to get cussed out.

Fatima: Boy whatever.

Dee: I'm just saying.

Fatima: T, I know it's been a lot the past couple of days, and I just wanna check in to see how you feeling about everything.

Tia: I mean I'm not sure how to feel. But he's my man, and I love him. And regardless of what it is, I'm sticking with him through thick and then. She's his daughter that can't be changed, so if she's apart of his life, she's apart of mine as well.

Dee: I respect that.

Fatima: Wym by that?

Dee: Because most women don't want men that have kids.

Fatima: I get your point, but everybody and they momma got kids now and days.

Tia: True

Fatima: And plus this isn't a simple minded female we're talking to, this is a fully grown woman we're talking to.

Tia: Facts.

Fatima: But I have a question for you men.

Zac: I already know what you're going to ask.

Fatima: Do you?

Zac: You going to ask if the shoe was on the other foot, if I'll stick around or walk away.

Fatima: So would you?

Zac: Hell yea I would. Especially if she was you.

Fatima: Baby I'm being serious.

Zac: Me too. See what people fail to realize is that, regardless if kids are involved or not, if you really love and care about that person, then you're going to stick around through it all. People walk out on their blessings like that. And they wonder why they keep running into dead ends with people. It's because the person God had for you, you walked out in. So why would he give you want you want when you couldn't even appreciate what he gave to you.

Tia: Okay then pastor.

Fatima: Im saying that kinda turned me on.

Dee: Okay you doing too much now.

Fatima: Well would you?

Dee: I don't know if I would. A child is a lot.

Fatima: What's the difference in y'all having a child or kids together.

Dee: Key word our kids. Her kids not my kids. My kids wouldn't be her kids.

Fatima: I forgot who tf I'm talking to, because clearly you have a lot more to learn about life brother.

Dee: What you mean?

Fatima: Nothing, conversation is over. We're here anyway.

Dee: Sis I was just playing.

Fatima: No you wasn't, now get out the car.

Dee: I was.

Fatima: Dee just get out the car.

Dee got out the car

Zac: Baby he's young, you can't be so hard on him.

Fatima: Young my ass, let's go eat.

Zac went around and opened Fatima door.

Zac: After you my queen.

Fatima: Thank you baby.

Zac: You're welcome baby.

Tia: See Dee you can learn something from Zac.

Fatima: Sis please don't get him started.

Tia: Okay, I'll leave it alone.

They went inside the restaurant.

Over at the hospital

Jackie: So Ty is the oldest?

Violet: Yes, then Fatima, Dee, and my late son Trey.

Jackie: I'm sorry to hear that.

Violet: Its the smallest things that you miss the most.

Jackie: I can't imagine losing a child.

Violet: It has been tough but we hanging in there.

Back with Fatima, Zac, Dee, And Tia.

Zac: Baby you good?

Fatima: Yes baby I'm good. Just ready to get back to the hospital to see about Aaliyah and Ty.

Zac: Well baby we almost there.

10 mins later they made it back to the hospital and went to see Aaliyah and Ty.

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