She's Special

By SarahGalaxy2

200K 5.6K 2.1K

What if Ciel didn't made a deal with one demon, but instead he made a deal with two demons? Expect this one d... More

Love Interest
His Butler, Able
His Butler, Strongest
His Butler, Omnipotent
His Butler, Capricious
His Butler, Chance Encounter
His Butler, At The Funeral
His Butler, Merrymaking
His Butler, Training
His Butler, Phantom Image
His Butler, On Ice
His Butler, However You Please
His Butler, Forlorn
His Butler, Freeloader
His Butler, Supremely Talented
His Butler, Competing
Black Butler, The Book Of Circus
His Butler, Taking The Stage
His Butler, Employed
His Butler, Colleague
His Butler, Taking Flight
His Butler, Liaison
His Butler, Careful Tending
His Butler, Sneering
His Butler, Serene
His Butler, Fulfilling His Duty
Black Butler, The Book Of Murder
A Suspect Murder
Finding The Earl's Bedroom Key
Examining The Bodies
Catching The Culprit
The Real Truth Of The Murder Case
The End Of The Murder Case
Black Butler, The Book Of The Atlantic
The Aurora Society
The Undead & Ronald Knox
The Massacred
The Disaster & A Familiar Face

Two Murders At One Night

2K 88 21
By SarahGalaxy2

Y/n could feel her body tremble lightly of seeing the dead body of sebastian as ciel face is filled with disbelief and shocked of seeing the butler on the ground, dead.

He slowly walked towards his butler, but mey-rin grabbed a hold of him behind. "No, you can't! You and y/n can't come in here, young master!"

"Get off me!" The earl struggle in the maid's arm as finny came over to try and stop ciel from going any further to sebastian "don't! Young master!!" He held his master back, trying to help mey-rin.

"Don't order you master around!" Ciel angrily told them, pushing them away as he gets himself out of his grip as y/n eyes shadowed, bard came over and wrapped his arm over y/n's shoulder, holding her close.

The young boy walked over to his dead butler corpse, causing some blood to splatter on his feet when he stepped on the puddle of blood. "sebastian... how long are you going to fool around? The floor can't be that comfortable. How long do you intend to play dead? You're even making y/n upset."

"Young master..." the chef muttered, hugging the (h/c) haired maid close who kept gazing at sebastian's dead body as the blonde man rubbed her arm up and down to comfort her.

Ciel stepped on the butler's body, keeping his blue eye on him. "Can't you hear me, sebastian? I told you to get up." He growls lowly as he grabbed hold of the firepoker, pulling it out of his body having blood to sprayed out from the wound and this had y/n 'flinch' of seeing that having bard to hugged her closer, frowning at the master is action.

"Earl!" Arthur exclaimed shockingly.

Ciel grabbed hold of sebastian's collar, glaring at him angrily. "This is an order! Sebastian, get up this instant!" He demanded, shaking him."You dare disobey my orders!?" He slapped sebastian across the face, which had the guests to be a bit stun of seeing that

"Who said you could die!?" He once again slapped him and kept repeating it."I won't allow it, sebastian!! Wake up!!" He went to smack him, but a hand grabbed a hold of his wrist, having him turn to bard.

"Young master. That's enough. He's already..." Bard let go of his wrist, going on his knee."Dead... you shouldn't have done that in front of y/n."

The young earl gasped, his eyes widened, and looked over at his maid, who was quivering lightly. "y/n... I..." But she didn't answer to ciel and just went towards sebastian, causing Bard to gently pull ciel away from the dead butler to give some space for y/n.

"Sebastian..." the maid's voice is heard shaky and a bit broken which had finny, bard and mey-rin heart to ache as y/n lowered herself causing the blood to soak the end of her skirt as she place her hands on sebastian's cheeks.

"You promised me that you will stay by my side until the very end... you said that you will continue to be there, never leaving me and the young master so why..." she clenched her jaw, closing her eyes as she tried to hold back 'tears' as she buried her face into his chest, her body shaking gently.

"Sebastian..." she muttered his name out sadly, gripping his outfit as the guests had sympathy on their expression of seeing this scene. They frowned sadly as they felt bad for the young maid.

The servants were sobbing as ciel frown, looking down as he clenched the edge of the long shirt, he had a shadow over his eyes as y/n sniff, continuing to hold sebastian but she then opened her mouth, muttering him something with a tiny hidden grin on her lips then she took the pin from his coat without anyone noticing.

"Y/n..." she felt a hand on her shoulder making her lift her head up, sitting up a bit and gaze at her master who had a unreadable expression on his face as y/n sniff, gently closing sebastian's eyes as ciel helped her up, holding his maid close as he rubbed her back, trying to comfort her while he was also 'grieving' too for his butler.

Bard felt sympathy for y/n. He knew how close y/n and sebastian were, so it must've taken a huge toll on her of seeing him dead.

"If we leave him here, he'll start to rot. It'd probably be better if we moved him." Charles said, his tone monotone and empty as he had a blank expression on his face, his arms crossed as he then gazed at y/n who kept gazing at sebastian's dead body.

"Right." Bard agreed with the silvered haired butler as y/n had secretly given the pin that sebastian had to ciel without anyone noticing having him to quietly thank her.

"Oh yeah... the earl was locked up all night, so he couldn't be responsible for this murder." Lau grinned, opening his eyes."This is getting interesting."

Arthur gasped, his eyes widened before turning around and looking over at y/n and ciel as finny came over to them putting a coat over the young earl and a blanket on y/n's shoulder having her to thank him gently, her eyes dull.

"Earl... y/n..." Arthur muttered with pity as he could see their bodies trembling. The young boy gripped his maid's hand tightly, his thumb rubbing her knuckles.

Y/n gave his hand a light squeeze as she stayed close to her master.


Arthur started to examine sebastian to see the cause of his death. "There are signs of trauma on his head. He might have been hit from behind while clearing the ashes." He explained to the guests who looked at the dead body.

"But that didn't kill him, so they tried again. So, that means the killer finished him with a poker to the chest."

"Or they just attacked twice without checking his pulse. Two blows would certainly be more effective..." Charles said as y/n side glance at him, she could seeing a bit of confusion in his silver eyes of the way of how sebastian were killed having her cover her mouth with her hand to hide the grin that eas lightly spreading on her face, so it seems she was right of who it was that was responsible of this.

"Or maybe..." The brunette man looked over at the group."There's more than one killer." This shocked and stun everybody of the words that came out of the professor mouth.

"Even if the blow to the back of his head wasn't fatal, i can't see why they would stab him from the front. In that case..."

"It's natural to assume there were two. Hmph. I see." Charles muttered, holding his jaw, thinking of it."With or without an accomplice, I don't sense an ounce of mercy or hesitation. The culprit managed to kill that butler, so they must be pretty-"

Finny interrupted Lau before he could finish his sentence. "Stop it already!!" The gardener shouted, hugging y/n and ciel close to him with tears in his green eyes."Talking like that while the young master and y/n are here... think how they must feel!"

Y/n sweatdropped, patting finny head as an appreciation as ciel stayed close to his lovely maid, holding her hand.

"Finny!" Mey-rin exclaimed. She bowed down to the guest."Please excuse him!" She apologized to ciel's close colleague."Well, he's got a point. We can't stand around this corpse forever." The queen's butler said, agreeing with the blonde man as he rubbed his head behind."Let's just take it to the basement, for now."

"You're right. Haste will get us nowhere." Lau agreed.

"It's decided, then! You guys take care of that thing, okay?" the silvered haired man said, turning around with his hands behind his head as he walked to the exit but halted and turned to the servants."Oh, and you better make breakfast, too." Tanaka bowed down, and the servants nodded.

Charles, along with Lau and ran-mao, walked out of the room as the other guests followed behind them as well, exiting the room.

"They're right. Take sebastian to the cellar." The earl looked away with a frown."Sorry for losing my composure." He then looked at his maid with a guilty expression on his face."I'm sorry for acting like that in front of you, y/n. You didn't need to see me like that."

"That's not..." mey-rin trailed off "young master..." finny muttered with sadness.

Y/n frown, looking at him as she wrapped her arm over him as she held him close. "It's okay, young master. We understand why you acted like that. You didn't think that sebastian would be the next one to be killed and died. I should've controlled my emotions and been there for you, but..." she looked away with 'sorrow' in her red and (e/c) eyes.

"It's understandable that you felt like that to sebastian death cause you two are close and always been there by my side, so don't apologize for that." The young boy told her, placing a hand on her cheek making her flinch a bit, and he gave her a small smile before pulling his hand away and gazing over at the old butler.

"Tanaka." He walked over to the man, glancing up at him."sebastian is dead. As of today, you are my butler. I entrust you with managing the manor and its servants with y/n. This pin, too..." he held out the pin in his hand to Tanaka, who gazed at it,"is yours once more."

Y/n smiled softly of seeing this as she held the blanket over her shoulders. She knew why ciel wanted to have Tanaka as his butler.

"The first head butler's pin?" He smiled softly of the fainted memories he had of the days when he was once a head butler back in the old phantomhive mansion."How nostalgic. I'm not sure a dotard like me can fill the position. I mean, after all, Miss y/n will be the right role to it since she is the second headed servant."

The maid kept a gentle look. She gazed at the pin on her outfit as she and sebastian were the heads of the servants since they do well of taking care of the manor and its servants.

"It's just until I find a replacement. But I know that y/n is able to do it well but I'm sure after today of what happen, I would like to have her by my side at all time and i do need someone to take care of other things while y/n is with me." He told the old man who hummed, nodding of understanding.

"Understood. I will keep it safe for you."

The earl gives the pin to Tanaka, putting it on his outfit before turning to face the servants as he clapper his hands. "Then, first, we shall prepare the morning bath. May-rin, the hot water. After you two move sebastian, please carry the hot water to the young master's bath."

"Yes." The servants nodded then Tanaka gazed at the young (h/c) haired maid "lady y/n, please go change into something clean and when your finished, prepare breakfast for the young master and the other guests and bring it to the dining room." He gently told her.

The (h/c) haired woman nodded with a small smile, she gazed down at her outfit to see some blood on it even on her skirt making her sigh but either way, it isn't the first time, she had blood on her outfit.

"Young master, let's start with a change of clothes. The master of phantomhive manor can't afford to waver at the mere death of a servant." The old man advised ciel who kept his eye on sebastian corpse as y/n went to her master, rubbing his head behind, having him lean against it, and lay his head on her shoulder.

"My master would never lose his composure over something so trivial." The elderly butler told him, ciel looked over at Tanaka with a smile on his lips."You're as strict as ever, old man." Y/n giggle lightly."Well, someone has to be strict with you sometimes, my lord." She smiled softly.

Ciel huffed lightly but gave a sweet look to his maid.


Ciel and the other guests were in the dining room, ready to eat their breakfast that the servants had brought and place on the table as y/n had changed her bloody outfit into a clean one and made sure that she didn't have any blood on her before helping the servants to serve the meal.

"Thankfully, sebastian and y/n made the days preparations in advance."

"This smells good! Let's eat!" Charles exclaimed happily, but before he could dig into his meal, Arthur voice halted him."Please wait. That seat is..."

Y/n was in the dining room with them, standing beside ciel as she gazed at the empty seat. She realized that one of the guests isn't here 'sir. Phelps isn't here... how odd. Now that I think about it, he wasn't even in Lord siemens room with the guests when they went to see sebastian body...'

Irene looked at the empty seat beside her. "How strange... we're all here, aren't we?" She gasped of realizing who was missing."Oh! Mr Phelps isn't here!"

"He's so quiet, I didn't even notice." Grimsby said as Woodley had a small smile on his face."He's having quite a lie in..." he chuckled, Arthur stood up abruptly, causing everyone to look at the brunette man."Excuse me!"

The man glances at ciel. "Would you mind if we check? His room, that it." This had ciel squinted his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed as y/n frown, gazing at her master who gave her a glance.


Ciel, y/n, and the others headed down the hallway and to the stairs. "Wasn't Mr, phelps..."

"He refused to stay next to lord siemens, so he should be sleeping in mine."

The group has arrived at the door of ciel's room, halting themselves. "Mr Phelps!" Arthur knocked on the door,"Mr Phelps!! If you're in there, please answer!" He tried the doorknob, but it was locked, having him turn to ciel."Earl! Where is the key?"

"Sebastian or y/n managed a key to my room. But since it was Sebastian turn to manage my room, only he knew where it was kept. Now that he's dead, even I don't know where it is..." The earl looked over at his maid who gazed at him."y/n, do you know where he would have kept the key?"

"I probably do, but sometimes he would put it somewhere else that I don't know where he will keep it in." She turned to the door."I could open the door."

"I got this beautiful. How about you move aside so we could hurry it up since we haven't had dessert." Charles said, holding a plate in one hand with a fork in his mouth as he held his sword in the other hand but before he could break the door, y/n had her hand glow lightly (f/c), her eyes glowing red for a second before she summon a dagger, swinging it to the door.

She sent multiple slices to the door, causing it to break and shattered down. She then looked over at Charles with a smirk. "Guess you don't need to, Charles."

The silvered haired man was surprised but grinned, looking at the maid with amusement and awed even the guests were impressed of how the beautiful maid managed to break the door, ciel grinned lightly at his maid.

Arthur quickly runs to the door that leads to ciel's bedroom, he open the door quickly. "Mr. Phelps!" He called out only to look down and gasped, his eyes widened of seeing Phelps on the floor that had the blanket, he had his eyes widened and mouth open as there was a small wet spot beside him, like he has drooled a lot.

Y/n put into more thought of Phelps expression. It's like those type of looks when people are experiencing a horrible pain of something agonizing in their body.

That had her realize that he must've been poisoned but by who and what kind of poison.

"Mr Phelps..." Arthur went to the lifeless corpse, checking to see of how he had died.

The group were shocked and disturbed of seeing another murder had happen, y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, she saw Charles looked puzzled and shocked of seeing Phelps is dead body which is the first since he never reacted to seeing sebastian and siemens dead body.

The young blue black haired male was also puzzled and surprised. "Why..."

"Rigor mortis gas already set in... so he's been here awhile. I don't see any signs of physical trauma like the others, but..." the professor gasped, moving the collar of the shirt to reveal two marks on the side of his neck.

"It looks like something pricked his neck... these are from a needle?" He looked over at the group."Was he poisoned?"

"Earl, you live in such a nice room!" Lau compliment from the outside of ciel's bedroom having him and y/n to go over to see ran-Mao and Lau going through his closet as ran-mao was trying on some of the earl's clothes.

"Don't search my room without permission!" He exclaimed, annoyingly as an irk mark appeared on his head."Hey! You kept the dress I gave you! Did you wear it?" Lau held up a short red dress that had the design flowers of the Cherry blossom.

"Of course not!!" He saw that his colleague wasn't listening having him more irritated as y/n sweatdropped of seeing this."Did you have your maid wear this? I bet she'll look amazing in it." Lau grinned, and ciel blushed. His eyes widened a bit of the thought of his precious maid wearing it, but he let out a frustrated snarl."No, she didn't! And she won't wear something like that!" He glared at him.

"Listen when I'm talking!" He scoffed of seeing that Lau was ignoring him having him sigh and y/n shaking her head, sighing deeply before rubbing the young earl's head before they looked over at the dead body of Phelps.

"These wounds also resemble a bite mark." He explained having y/n to narrow her eyes of hearing this. She knew it must be some kind of animal but has to be a short and sharp teeth.

She then realized of what animal could make those types of bite and could give poison which had grin of what she was thinking in her head 'so it seems, he's finally here and found us huh?'

"Bite marks on the neck... it's just like carmilla."

"Le fanil's vampire, camilla?" Ciel guessed of who Irene was talking about."Yes." She nodded."You're familiar with the tale?"

"You're saying he was killed by a vampire!?" Woodley exclaimed, and this had y/n to roll her eyes, scoffing of how ridiculous that is. Sure, there are angels and demoms, even reapers, but a vampire? She could've had sense it beside she hadn't ever encountered a vampire at all in all of her many years in this world.

"Don't be absurd! It's the 19th century! It couldn't be anything so blatantly unscientific!!" Woodley continued speaking as Arthur stood up from his crouching position and walked over to see a broken clock on the floor that had stopped on a time."2:38... he probably knocked it over while afflicted. I believe it's broken."

"Which means. Mr Phelps died at the time shown on this clock."

Arthur nodded, agreeing with the earl as he picked up the damaged clock before standing up and turning to face the group. "Why don't we take a moment to analyze the situation? We need to go over the time and order of each murder... and discuss who had the opportunity."

Ciel looked at the professor. "That seems wise." He looked at his butler."Tanaka, show our guests to the drawing room."

"As you wish." The butler bowed down to his lord and started leading them to the drawing room.

"Y/n..." ciel looked at his precious maid who gazed at him, he give that expression that she knew only, and she smirked lightly and nodded, bowing down a bit with her eyes closed.

"Of course, young master." She stood up, opening her eyes that were both red, the pupils slits.

'Time to find an unexpected guest here.'

[Hello everybody, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry that this is sorta short but I thought this was good way to end today's chapter but don't worry, the next chapter will be longer also thank you all so much for 80k views, I'm very thankful of you all is support and love. I love how this book is getting more support and a lot of appreciation. You all are amazing and fantastic. Again, I thank you very much, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Have a fantastic day/night!]

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