Hell upon the Avatar (Male Sp...

By Ignjat_igi_1234

3.2K 78 14

Y/N L/N A.K.A Spawn lived in a little village. He had a beautiful girlfriend and he was happy. Until fire na... More

The beggining
The night of reckoning
Who is the spirit
Getting captured and Prince Of Fire Nation
Fall of Ba Sing Se
I made him Scream

Old man,village moving and trouble in city

435 11 1
By Ignjat_igi_1234

A/N:Before we start  i wanted to say that Reader was like Al Simmons, type of soldier for his village. So he killed people and that's how he ended up in hell

What would you do if in the moment of death, a voice from the darkness offered you a chance to live again?

Have your answer

There is no time to think about it

You're a heartbeat away from flat line

Quick! What's the answer!?

I hope you consider the question i just posed, because the man named Y/N L/N didn't

When the question got popped to him he signed like some stupid rookie in blood

See, Y/N had qualities he didn't even know he had, a special kind of wiring, that Malebolgia the devil looks for.

And when he said "yes" to that voice, he signed on for a lot more than he bargained for.

So before you find yourself in a similar situation, and a voice calls to you in the darkness, think of Y/N

Or as you may see, you'll have all eternity to think about your mistakes too.

And now Spawn...so turn off your lights
You: Who are you?

Old man: I was called many names but you may call me... Cogliostro

Cogliostro: So,you are his new apprentice aren't you?

You: What?

Cogliostro: I am...was just like you, Y/N.

You: How the hell do you know my name?!

Cogliostro:I have lived long enough to see the events that occurred in this world. Events that left many innocent lives in tragedy and death, events that have left the world burned and forever scarred, I have seen the events that have happened in this millennium so far.

You: So you've seen all of the tragic events of humanity. Am I supposed to believe you in that as truth or are you just off your rocker? Secondly what do you mean you were like me?

Cogliostro: You may find it hard to believe or not believe it all, but I assure you I speak the truth, and as for how i was like you, I was HIS slave at once.

You: His slave?

Cogliostro: Yes, who do you think wrapped that shroud around you and cursed you to back from the dead to the land of the living? It was Malebolgia!

You: So he wanted me as his new slave and for his own bidding? How do I know you were just sent by him to trick me and kill me?

Cogliostro: I would have killed you while you were occupied with your training, as for your powers you shouldn't waste or overuse your nercoplasm up, or else.

You: Or else what?

Cogliostro: It will lead you to eternal torment and hell! But I can help you break free from Malebolgia and not be a slave just like I did, however.

You: However what?

Cogliostro: You must let your past go, as well as your grudge against Ren

You:Let go... after what he did?

Cogliostro: Yes... it's the only way to free yourself

Spawn started thinking about it

You: And what about Emi and...and my child

Cogliostro: You must let them go. When you died all hope of future with them died with you.

You: No.no.NO! It can't be real!

Cogliostro: Unfortunately... It is. If you keep following this path and you kill your old friend, he will come back as powerful as you

Spawn was just standing there in silence until he spoke again

You: What did you mean...when you said you were like me?

Cogliostro removed his coat revealing same M symbol Spawn had on his chest

You: You really are like me...

Cogliostro: Indeed, but i broke free. You can as well

Spawn said nothing and looked towards where Emi and his daughter were

Cogliostro: You love and care about them don't you?

You: Of course! More than anything.

Cogliostro: Well if you go to them they will be in danger.

You: What do you mean?

Cogliostro: Right now...you're defying hell, that makes you their enemy and since you're a Hell-Spawn you're enemy of heaven too. If you go to them you will endanger them from both sides

Spawn started breathing heavily

Then he took a deep breath trying to calm himself

You: Okay...

Spawn said looking at the ground

Cogliostro nodded his head

Cogliostro: Good.

Then everyone in the village taking their stuff and going

You: Where are they going?

Cogliostro: They are in too much danger because of Fire Nation. They all moving to Ba Sing Se

Spawn thought for a moment

You: Then i'm going there too. Maybe i'll find out what to do there.

*Time skip*

After some power lessons from Cogliostro, Spawn teleported to the city of Ba Sing Se

You: So this is Ba Sing Se?

Cogliostro: Beautiful isn't it?

You: I always wondered what it looked like.

Cogliostro: While you're in here i should warn you...Avatar is back and he is in the city

You: Avatar eh? So now he decides to come back.

Cogliostro: It's not exactly his fault

You: Whatever you say old man

*Time Skip*

As the hellspawn was currently sleeping under a bunch of trash, what he calls a bed, as he was having a nightmare.

Nightmare of him making the deal with Malebolgia, seeing his love, Emi. In front of him, as he dreamed for her.


You: EMI!!! EMI!!! EMI!!!!

Violator: She doesn't love you no more!~

As he was being dragged by the neck by the Violator. As for what seemed like an endless loop, he then woke up, pissed off and angry.


You: EMI!!! ARGH!!!

As he shot up from the trash pile, as he grabbed one of the nearby homeless men by the throat.

???: It's me!! Remember your friend, Asahi!

You: A...A...Asahi, i...had a nightmare, I'm-

As the old homeless man, wearing a green Earth Kingdom coat, worn down shoes, stained Brown shirt with holes

Messy hair, wrinkled skin and tattered pants looked at the hellspawn.

Asahi: You going to let me go?

Spawn removed his hand from Asahi's throat

You: Sorry

Asahi: Meh, don't worry about it kid. We all have nightmares

*Time Skip*

Zuko: It's complicated. I have to go...

And before she could say anything, Zuko ran away, keeping his back turned on her as he faded in the depths of the streets.

Jin let out a heavy sigh, dropping her gaze to the ground while she stood frozen, thinking...

Jin: (In head)What did I do wrong?

She made her move too soon? Perhaps... but if that was the case, he wouldn't have kissed her back, right?

Jin:(In head) Then what was it? I don't understand...

She wondered as she revived the whole thing in her mind, pondering about the moment where everything seemingly went wrong....

Jin: (In head) Was it something I said? Maybe I just-

Suddenly, Jin's train of thought was severed when a powerful gust of wind flowed across the plaza, one strong enough to frizz her hair and extinguish the lampposts around the firelight fountain, as well as the lanterns floating within it.

After that, the air-current vanished, leaving the square submerged under nigh-absolute darkness, barely countered by the dim glow of the moon hanging over the clouded, starless nightsky.

Jin: Ugh, great.

Jin released another deep breath while she palpated her body with her palms, wiping dust off her clothes.

Then she spun on her heel, and walked crestfallen in the opposite direction.

Moonlight only made act of presence upon the city, outlining the buildings and lighting the road ahead.

The rest, however, was occupied by obsidian, misshapen shadows obscuring the alleys.

Ba Sing Se was a jovial, safe and welcoming place during the day, but that all changed when the sun hid behind the mountains.

Aside from her footsteps, the square remained completely silent, not even a soft breeze kept her company.

Jin hugged herself, hastening her pace, glancing at her surroundings with a mix of fear and expectation.

Fortunately, the way home wasn't long, but being alone in this dark place, with no other soul in sight, didn't help to soothe her nerves.

???:Well, well, well...

She stopped dead on her tracks, her eyes widening as plates when a tall, bald man emerged from the corner before her, blocking her path.

Thug: What is a girl like you doing in a place like this?

The man whispered in a husky voice, walking closer with a wide smile on his scarred face.

Jin:I-I don't have any money! P-please-

Jin stammered, taking a trembling step back.

Thug:Oh, but we don't want your money, sweetheart...


Upon hearing that sentence, she immediately looked over her shoulder.

There was another man standing behind her. This one wore a gray robe and had a quite-lengthy braided beard.

Thug 2: Yeah, we mean no harm,we just wanna' help you. It's not safe for a lady to be out in the streets at this hour, all alone...

Jin's breathing became erratic, she knew perfectly well what they wanted, but she had no means of defending herself.

Zuko was long gone by now, and there were no Dai Li in the vicinity.

Thug: We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. You decide, lady.

Jin:N-no... Please...

Both men continued growing closer.

Jin gulped as she anxiously scanned the environment again, searching for somebody who could help her, anything that could get her out of this crossroads in which all ways led to the worst fate a person can suffer.

However, she was truly alone, at the verge of tears, with only the moon as her witness....

Or so they thought...

A faint, metallic hiss echoed in the bottom of a nearby alley, earning the thugs' attention.

Thug: Scream or move and I'll gut you.Sao, go check it out.

The robed male nodded, pulling out a dagger of his own from within his loose sleeve, then parted to investigate.

Thug 2: Hey! Whoever's in there, you better come out quickly, or we'll make you regret it!

There was no answer, no movement. Nothing but an unbearable quietness seizing the atmosphere.

Thug 2: Are you deaf!? Come out or I'll-Argh!

Out of the sudden, the man was cut off when a long set of iron chains emerged from the alley, and rapidly entangled themselves around his ankles, knocking him over, dragging him into the darkness.

Thug 2: W-wait! What are you-No! Please no-!

Questions quickly became pleas, pleas became long, piercing screams of pain, followed by loud, crunching sounds reverberating across the square for what seemed to be an eternity.

But soon, the tortuous cries became muffled groans, then soft gargles, which shortly later drowned into unintelligible hums.

And silence reigned once more.


The bald man called, yet the noiselessness endured.

The wind began to blow gently on the streets...

Thug:Sao!? Are you in there!? What happe-

Something flew off from the alley. A hazy, shadowy mass traveling through the air, landing in front of the bald man with a sonorous, wet 'thud'.

Thug:What the-!... S-S-Sao-o?

Jin gasped loudly, covering her mouth with her hands, her eyes snapping open at the nightmarish image of an amorphous, bloodied pulp before her feet.

Flesh and bones tightly compressed into a rock-sized mush.

Arms and legs were twisted around a limbless torso like a wringed piece of cloth, crowned by an incomplete head above the meat-pile.

The skull was visible in some parts, missing the jaw, and the eyeballs hung loosely from their sockets.

???:Let her go...

A low, raspy whisper was heard in the chilling breeze.

A tremor ran down Jin's spine, cold-sweat formed on her forehead while she wandered with her gaze across the buildings, becoming more concerned for whoever, or whatever spoke in such guttural, inhuman voice, rather than the thug beside her.

That was until...

Thug: By the spirits...

Two green eyes burned brightly at the bottom of the alley, looming tall over them, surpassing their height, by the very least, an additional meter.

It was Y/N L/N. Hell-Spawn

On that moment, the bald man stepped behind Jin, wrapping his free arm around her neck in a chokehold, keeping his knife near her face.

Thug: S-stay back! Or I'll kill her!

He yelled between chattering teeth.

No response came from the dark.

Instinctively, Jin's hands clamped on her captor's forearm in hopes of undoing his grip.

She squirmed, writhed, dug her nails into the skin within her reach, but the suffocating clutch surrounding her throat remained immovable.

She screamed to the top of her lungs. However, only a hoarse whisper left her lips.

She couldn't breathe, her strength was fading and tunnel-vision started seizing her sight.

Jin:Please... Help me...

Suddenly, the living chains appeared again, waving in the air like a flying serpent, swiftly enveloping the bald man's arm.

A deafening crunch thundered throughout the streets, alongside a sharp, painful cry when the chains tightened in a constricting fashion, breaking the thug's limb, tearing it off with frightening ease.

Jin fell to her knees, suffering a coughing fit while she rubbed her throat, but she was free...

Once her breathing stabilized, she glanced to her side, facing the bald man holding the fleshy stump that used to be his right arm, lying in a puddle of his own blood as he wailed and whimpered.

It was then, that something on her peripheral vision caught her attention.

A fast blur, which resulted to be the chains coming back, surrounding themselves around the thug's neck and effortlessly lifted him in the air.

He cried, kicked and begged as he was raised from the ground, fruitlessly since he couldn't avoid being taken away.

The chains led him to the fountain, and forcefully sank his head below the water.

Petrified, Jin watched the bald man do everything he could to undo his shackles, shaking spasmodically, yet the chains kept him in place firmly.

The fountain continued bubbling as if it was boiling.

But eventually, the gurgling sounds in the water ceased while it turned red, and the thug's convulsions finished with one last shudder.

Only after that, the living chains released him, returning to the dark alley they spawned from.

Anew, an eerie calm settled upon the streets.

Unable to spot further threats, Jin desperately glanced at the square, searching for whatever terminated those criminals.

At first, she thought herself alone, for there were no other signs of life, just an omnipresent blackness tainting the plaza.

But then, she found it...

Her heart began racing beneath her chest.

Jin:What... is... that?

Was the only thought she could articulate when she saw the towering pair of glowing eyes slowly approaching towards her.

Unexpectedly, all her energies vanished.

Jin tried to scream, but her throat went dry, and her vision attenuated into darkness.

Every fiber of her being yelled 'move!'.

However, her limbs weren't responding accordingly, as if her head and her body were two completely different entities, oblivious to each other.

Then her arms started trembling, making her fall to the ground while consciousness abandoned her.

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