Cinema (Winter x Male Y/N)

By nagisasrevenge

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Y/N, a newly fresh out of high school boy rents out a room so he can attend his new college nearby, gets the... More

chapter 1 - no surprises
chapter 3 - class
chapter 4 - he's mine
chapter 5 - merry christmas
chapter 6 - happy new birthday?
chapter 7 - daisy
chapter 8 - withdrawn
chapter 9 - misunderstanding
chapter 10 - goodbyes and visits
chapter 11 - hurt.
end scene
end scene (director's cut)

chapter 2 - stuck with u

489 19 0
By nagisasrevenge

After that sudden emotional morning.

Here I was in the shower, washing away the little bit of shame from earlier. I haven't cried in ages, and in front of her no less.

I sighed while I ran my fingers through my hair, the warm water splashing on my face indulged in my thoughts.

Putting my hand into a fist, I lightly punched the wall while I whimpered thinking about the stupidity I face

Y/N - goddammit.....

Lightly putting my forehead against the shower wall in front of me, I turned off the running water with my hand before putting my head back up and getting out of the shower. I grabbed my towel and dried myself off.

I headed back to my room after covering myself up, but before heading inside my room. I knocked on her door

Y/N - hey shower's free.

I heard her say alright in a not too loud voice as I grimaced to myself and walked into my room.

I put on some clothes while I came up with a plan in my head for the day. I grabbed one of my camera's off the shelf.

Y/N - A polaroid wouldn't hurt.

Setting it down on the bed. I put on the rest of my clothes while I looked out the window. It's not raining at least, but it's cold. It's winter after all.

Getting up from my bed, I looked through my closet and then suddenly, it just fell apart.

The shelves and the rod fell onto the closet as it made a loud noise, as I watched and stood back watching itself fall apart like dominos.

I put my hand on my hip, putting my hand on my mouth wiping it as I whispered to myself

Y/N - fuck.

The door suddenly opened as I looked towards it to see Min-Jeong run in a towel, darting my eyes away


It was the loudest I've heard her, but in the current moment I could care less right now

Y/N - Min-Jeong!

I put my hand on my eyes to cover them

Y/N - I'm okay! Please just go back out!

Win - oh sorry!

Realising why I covered my eyes, she closed the door. But I took a few more seconds before taking my hand out of my eyes again. Sighing, as I looked at the now collapsed closet.

Y/N - well fuck.

I scoffed squatting down, grabbing my clothes out first and putting them on the bed. And then grabbing the now broken pieces of wood.


Dealing with the wood, I brought it downstairs from the apartment complex to throw it away.

I headed back up into the apartment, where I saw her on the couch.

Y/N - quick shower huh?

I closed the front door behind me, turning her head at the sound of my voice

Win - mhmm. What happened?

Y/N - the closet just suddenly fell apart, it was so weird, random actually. I don't know what caused it

I walked towards her and sat beside her on the couch, suddenly putting her head on my shoulder as she made a cute eep sound while we looked to the wall, the tv off but only focused on her each other

Y/N - it was creaking before but I don't know.

Win - It was there before I bought the place, it was the old owner's but hey. I guess it was it's time

Y/N - yeah.

I glanced at her legs to see that she was all dressed up in jeans which made me want to ask her a question

Y/N - where are you going?

Win - I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me

Y/N - oh. I was gonna go out anyways, do you want to go out anywhere specifically?

Win - I was gonna ask you

Y/N - oh.

Win - you weren't ask me to go out with you?

Y/N - I was. But I thought you would be busy

Win - I'm on break right now from the company and my job so I'm all yours this Christmas and new years

Y/N - oh right. I forget it's December.

Win - so what's your plan?

Y/N - I was gonna go out and take pictures, maybe go to a cafe. Chill out. But now, I guess I need a new closet

Win - can we still go to the cafe together?

Y/N - of course, it's not like we can't

She smiled to herself as I took a risk

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, I thought to myself she would reject it since I was just being friendly, y'know since we were close and stuff

But she accepted it rather warmly, snuggling herself into my arm quite well, and also grabbing my hand that was on my lap and hugging it with her two hands

Win - you're warm

Y/N - I'm wearing a sweater after all

Win - could I steal one off you?

Y/N - you can have my cardigan since this is my only one but it's a warm one

Win - hehe thank you

We softly laughed, sitting on the couch for a while since the cold was gonna hit us once we were out so we figured it would be great just for a bit.

After taking that short while, we eventually got up and went to our rooms. I grabbed my polaroid, a shoulder bag and put on my jacket while also grabbing that mentioned cardigan for her. I got out of my room as she did too while we locked eyes with each other

Y/N - here ya go

I gave her the cardigan which she immediately put on after taking off her jacket, putting it over her top and putting her jacket back on as we smiled at each other

Y/N - you look great in it

Win - thank you, do you think that bag can hold some stuff?

Y/N - mmhm, your wallet I presume?

Win - yeah, I thought I would be holding it but that would be great

She gives me her wallet and put it in my bag as we walked towards the door, squatting down to put on our shoes before looking at each other and nodding

Y/N - ready?

Win - mhm, let's go

I unlocked the door and let her out first before locking it myself, we walked down the the bottom floor and made our way outside as then, the cold chill of the wind hit our faces

Y/N - oh wow, it is pretty cold

I looked at her and then back at my bag. I unzipped it and took out a beanie as I whistled at her to get her attention

She turned, putting the beanie on her.

She was quite surprised as I adjusted it on her hair as she smiled cutely at me

Y/N - there you go. Now you won't be as cold, your nose still get a bit red when it's cold right?

Win - mhm

She smiled big at me while I did too.

Win - thank you~ what about you? Aren't you gonna need it?

Y/N - ah it's fine. You need it more than me

She blushes, putting my attention onto the road with cars passing by

Y/N - any cafes nearby?

I put my attention back on her as I catch her looking at me still

Win - t- there's some. I can show you

Y/N - cool. I can take pics of you while we walk if you like

I reached into my bag, unzipping it. Grabbing my polaroid out and zipped the bag and put the strap around my neck

Win - oh you really brought it

Y/N - well, I was feeling a bit inspired today so. You can be my muse

Win - can I be your muse always?

Y/N - who else could be? We're gonna be around each other for a while.

Win - hehe

We started walking while I eyed spots to take pictures in while she talked to me.

We talked while we walked until a certain spot caught my eye

Y/N - Min-Jeong-ah, do you mind going over there?

She looks to me while I pointed to the spot while she smiled

Y/N - do what you can, play with the tree or something?

She does what I say while she softly laughs while I put my eye up to the camera while I smiled to myself, touching into my feelings for her while I looked through the lens.

A camera can show you what a moment felt like. It can display thousands of different emotions but, it couldn't show you what I felt right now. My cheeks felt smooth, hot even. While my chest swam in butterflies, taking in her beauty while she posed for me for one perfect shot.

She smiled at me through the lens while I had my finger set on the shutter. And like that, I took a photo.

The film came out nice, while I held onto it to dry. She walked back to me, as we continued walking on by

Win - did it come out nice?

Y/N - we'll wait and see, it still needs to develop so we'll keep on walking

I smiled as we walked for a while where we came upon the cafe she talked about

We walked in and made our orders while we found a seat for ourselves.

Win - did it finally develop?

I gasped, forgetting about it. I took the polaroid out from my bag, putting it on the table

She grabs it as she smiled

Win - wow! It came out so well!

I smiled to myself, she looked happy while I just. Looked at her. She was always someone that caught my eye even when we were kids. Maybe I was just never really thorough with myself after all

I clicked my tongue to get her attention, she looks up at me while I give her a small smile

Y/N - so, how's it been with everything. We sort of touched on it last night, but I'm more curious since we're just waiting around

She kept her smile as she looked at me, putting her hair to the back while she held the polaroid

Win - I guess I explained mostly everything. I mean- it's hasn't been much since the last time we last talked which-

Y/N - was years ago

Win - yeah.

We lost contact with our eyes as I fiddled with my fingers but then I looked back up at her, she kept her gaze on me which in fairness, made me feel less awkward

Win - I never expected to be a trainee at all, or try to be an idol. It just sort of happened you know? An actress would've been nice or been like everyone else in the family. Just ended up in the military but I'm fragile.

Y/N - you wouldn't even hurt a fly Min-Jeongie. I know how you always been

Win - mmhm

Y/N - so what made you just give up being an actress and just pursue being an idol?

Win - you know how I always sang when we used to have those parties in my house with my family and yours?

Y/N - yeah?

Win - I mean Mom encouraged me to try, I always did showcases and stuff in school and my teachers and friends encouraged it so I figured why not?

Y/N - yeah. I remember.

Win - you do?

Y/N - just because we didn't talk doesn't mean we didn't see each other.

Win - why couldn't you just go up to me?

Y/N - it's complicated Min-Jeong-ah

Win - I mean I couldn't just avoid you, we went to the same middle school, high school.

Y/N - but in different classes. You're smart, you were in those honour classes.

Win - but you would brush shoulders with me or just keep your eyes away from me when I used to walk past you

Y/N - Min-Je-

Win - I would wave but you ignored me all the time

Y/N - it's not like that-

Win - but what is it then?

I sulked a little looking down at the table putting my finger on the surface and started to circle my finger around while I was trying to gather an answer for her. She seemed confrontational all of a sudden and I couldn't give her a proper answer as to why.

The worker came to us, putting my head up as they gave us the drinks as we thanked them

I awkwardly sipped on my drink while we looked at each other but I suddenly lose contact with her gaze making me look down at the table once more but then I turned my head towards the window as something catches my eye

Y/N - c- can we not do this? Right now?

I looked back at her as she suddenly sulked and in the moment of ourselves being comfortable as we always were. We attracted attention to ourselves from our bickering.

Win - y- yeah. I'm sorry.

Y/N - I'm sorry too. I did- didn't mean it like that

Win - I know. We can talk back home instead

Y/N - yeah. Look about last night.

Win - yeah?

Her gaze become more curious as I turned to her as I took another sip from my cup

Y/N - You were my best friend Min-Jeongie, when were we ever separated from each other?

Win - never, we always held hands going to school and our classmates would tease us for it

Y/N - hm, I still see you as that friend, that girl I've always known okay? I didn't lie when I told you I love you, but you understand that I don't mean it like I want to start anything with you, it was out of admiration and the comforting presence we've had with each other even when we saw each other again

She just hummed in agreement, I gave her a soft smile as she cleared her throat

Win - me too. I love you still. Yeah maybe it surprised me to see you all grown up but in the way that I always saw you but not with each other. You're still Y/N to me like I alway have known.

Y/N - you're still Min-Jeongie to me.

We smiled as we softly laughed, I diverted my eyes to the polaroid that she held tight in her hand which gave me a reassuring feeling that I think we could fix things properly once everything was held in place after this.


After having that small talk in the cafe, we headed outside where we continued walking, with her by my side. We stayed silent now unsure of what to say or do but we were in the direction of IKEA

She stayed closed to me, even almost bumping shoulders but I felt a tug on the sleeve of my jacket making me look down, she held my sleeve tight with a few fingers which made me smile putting my eyes onto her while we walked

Y/N - you okay?

Win - hm?

She looks down to see her fingers on my sleeve which makes her back away, letting go out of fear

Win - sorry!

I let out a small laugh, putting my hands into the jacket, giving her my sleeve

Y/N - it's okay, you still have problems walking straight?

Win - a little.

Y/N - it's alright, just hold on like you always did

She doesn't say anything to think for herself but she gives in and grabs my jacket again which makes me wholeheartedly smile now

We continued walking while with one hand put away my polaroid figuring that maybe, I'll consider taking pictures next time and put my relationship with her first.

We made it to IKEA, going in and looking around at everything with her staying close. We didn't really talk but just made small sentences as we looked in awe with everything

Y/N - hey do you need anything?

I looked at her as she looks back at me shaking her head

Win - no I don't think so, should we look around at the closets?

Y/N - sure

We made our way around the big place that it was, going through each section until we found the closets

We looked through each of them while we told each other our opinions

Y/N - hey you won't care what I pick right?

She tilts her head as she puts a finger on her lip which makes her think

Win - ummm, I mean. I'll probably be in training for a couple years and your course is how long?

Y/N - 4 years since I'm doing film

Win - oh wow

Y/N - yeah so I mean you'll watch my movies when I get famous right?

Win - and you'll watch my group when I get famous hm?

We both laugh while skimming through the closet picks till we settled on one

It was fairly around the same size as the old one but more modern looking as we looked at it

Y/N - this one?

She nods as I just smile at her while I looked into it

Y/N - extra drawers.... Big space.... Yeah I think this would fit

Win - but you're gonna assemble it, can you handle that?

I look back at her as she does a smug smile making me sigh

Y/N - of course I can, you got a toolbox or anything?

Win - no. but we can find one here right?

Y/N - well. Yeah, we can. This is gonna be a pain to carry back home

Win - can't we just deliver it to the place instead? It took us a while to get here to walk and I don't want you to carry it all the way home.

Y/N - you're right, I'll just find a employee and maybe we can just get it delivered

We both softly laugh, making our way to an employee.

Long story short, we asked the employee for help, made the arrangements to deliver it, all that jazz and once we were done with paperwork and paying. We just left and it was expected to be delivered by the next day.

On the way home, I spotted a convenience store which gave me an idea.

Y/N - hey, mind if we stop there real quick? I wanna grab some stuff

Win - sure. Lead the way

We walk up into the convenience store while I eyed a particular aisle to which I go to and grab some drinks

Win - really? Alcohol?

Y/N - hey, it's for tonight

Win - what's tonight?

Y/N - nothing, felt like drinking.

Win - oh seriously? Can I atleast join in?

Y/N - I'll grab some extra, how many bottles can you take?

Win - one bottle of soju

Y/N - weak haha

She cutely punches me in the arm while I laughed

Y/N - Miahne, I'm joking. The rest is for me and also the beer is also for me since I can take my stuff well

Win - just don't make me take care of you if you get drunk.

Y/N - I won't, have some faith in me

We laugh it off as I paid for it in the counter and made our way back home which wasn't as long as I thought it would be

We finally reached the apartment, making our way inside. I held the bag full of alcohol in my hand to which I made my way over to the kitchen, setting the alcohol on the kitchen counter.

I sighed to myself since now I just wouldn't know what to do. The closet is arriving tomorrow, I don't have any work to do and it's already too late to go try to look for a job since the darkness has already seeped into the day.

I turn around and look for my room but in the corner of my eye is Min-Jeong putting her chin on the couch as she sighs in exhaustion

Y/N - hey, you okay there?

She groans and to that response, she puts up her arms begging for something

Win - lift me up~~ I'm too tired~~~

I smile at her cuteness and I give in to her cries of help. I grab her arms and lift her up gently making her face me as we both blush as her eyes were half closed so she was unaware of what she had suddenly done

She wrapped her legs around my waist before she suddenly realised what she had done making her drop to the ground on her own accord, and to my response, I just turned around and scratched my head

Win - s- sorry!

Y/N - i- it's fine! I'll just go to my room!

I passionately marched to my room in an awkward way, I just jumped on my bed forgetting about my bag and just put my pillow up to my face. I scream into it and then suddenly stopped after a few seconds as I looked up to face the headboard of my bed

Y/N - goddamn it Min-Jeong,,,,,,

An hour passed eventually as I was in my bed asleep. Shortly after that weirdly awkward encounter with Min-Jeong, I had fallen asleep after feeling a bit drowsy since walking for most of the day took out my energy.

I had my face down on the pillow, my snoring was as quiet as ever. But something had caught my ear. My door opened slowly, healing the door knob creak but out of fear. I had not moved.

I had let whoever or whatever crawl into my bed.

But all of a sudden.

I felt it grasp around my body in a very familiar way.

And at that point, I had already had a small feeling on who it was

I opened my eyes to see Min-Jeong staring at my face blankly

Y/N - hey.....

She smiled putting her arms around my neck and without a word, I accepted it without argument since I guess she didn't want to talk

She cuddles up to me pretty well, she gets more comfortable wrapping her legs around mine as I paid no attention to her wants of sudden affection eventhough our relationship wasn't just there yet again like it always was, but was I to really break the moment right now?

Not at fucking all.

Win - sorry about this Y/N

Y/N - it's fine Min-Jeongie, are you cold?

Win - mmhm, and I wanted to see what you were up to since you were being really quiet after you went in your room

Y/N - sorry, I just fell asleep.

She softly smiles as she coddled herself up to my neck even more, our faces just mere inches away from each other

Win - about earlier....

I sighed knowing that she was just trying to act cute so I wouldn't get mad at her

Y/N - look..... Ever since that day, I just didn't know how to face you

She eases up with me with a more calmer face compared to her trying to be cute one as I give her my sorrowful yet sad look since now the atmosphere had completely changed

Win - what do you mean?

Y/N - about that fight, about the words I said. They weren't any nice to you and I felt like a shitty, mega asshole from it. It's the whole reason why I just avoided you

Win - but-

Y/N - you even got angry at me remember? You told me that you didn't want to see me again and that you hated me and then you blocked my number

Min-Jeong started sulk in regret as she suddenly went down memory lane as she remembered what she had said and done

Win - yea- yeah but I got over it after a few months-

Y/N - we didn't see each other till the next school year.

Win - oh-

Her feelings were truly seeping in with the realisation of what she had also done as well. Her own actions and words affected Y/N as much as he did too.

She looks down on her fingers trying to think of more to say but Y/N chose to speak up more

Y/N - I ignored you because I thought you hated me or that you were just trying to use me for something, yeah you would wave and whatnot but I couldn't trust it. I always knew what I had done to you every time I saw your face at school. It made me-

Win - hm?

Y/N - hateful. Of myself. It's why I'm still the Y/N you remember but I look different.

But it was true, I looked drastically different than all those years ago. I was always so negative of my views of my own body and that fight happened, It made me realise that I had to change.

Y/N - I couldn't bear to see who I really was in the mirror. A miserable fat fuck, that also used to take advantage of your kindness, and in return for what? I wish I could remember what it was but that's- that's not me anymore.

I had looked from the wall back down to her, her mouth fully frowned, she looked like she was about to burst into tears

Win - I- I- should've just told you that I wanted us to be together again-

Her tears just started to fall making me panic and holding her closer

Y/N - I didn't mean to make you cry-

She hugged me tight with her arms around mine. I just gave in and started to pat her head as I gave out a small smile

Y/N - still such a crybaby~

Win - y- you always make me cry!

She started to sob as I comforted her with my soft and gentle caresses on her hair where soon after she looks up at me

Win - I should've just told you I was sor- sowy!

I let out a small laugh seeing how cute she was when she cried, and that she truly felt bad for saying the words that she did as well. We were both in the wrong, we both said awful things to each other that night. And now seeing the fruition of the conclusion of our long absence from each other, the awkwardness now felt like comfortable air.

Y/N - I know~~ I know~~~

I caressed her hair even more as I suddenly kisses the top of her head

Y/N - I shouldn't have ignored you all this time. You're my best friend, everyday without you was just. Not worth living for but.

She looks up at me, snotty nose, tears still dripping down her eyes, I put my hand, my palm on her cheek. Feeling her soft cheek as the water from her tears touch my skin

Y/N - I'm happy we got to reunite like this. At least I know, you don't hate me, and that my Min-Jeongie grew up to be a mature woman like I always knew she would

She sniffles giving me another hug as she lets out more cries as I just smiled

Win - I am your Min-Jeongie! *sniffle* I'm sorry! I would never hate you oppa!

Y/N - oh so now you call me oppa?

Win - *sniffle* I only like to call you but your real na- name- be- because- I love you-

I softly let out a hearty laugh as I caressed her cheek again, pushing her bangs to the side

Y/N - I love you too Min-Jeongie, we were kids. I thought you hated me all this time, turns out you never did.

Win - I- I- I never wou- would hate you *sniffle*

Y/N - me neither. Me neither.

I hugged her closed as we embraced warmly in each other's now apologetic and loving arms until the doorbell suddenly rang out

We looked at each other in confusion

Y/N&Win - who could that be?

I helped her wipe her tears and gave her my hoodie, making our way out of my room while she fixed herself up in the bathroom. I opened the front door to see a girl

? - oh! Who are you?

Y/N - woah, wait. Who are you? Are you here for a delivery or?

? - I thought u- uhm- Kim Min-Jeong lives here?

Y/N - she does.

I crossed my arms out of curiosity but to her, her eyes fell into fear

? - I di- didn't know she had a boyfriend......

Y/N - I'm not. I'm her roommate

Her demeanour suddenly changed to a curious one as she suddenly eased up. I kept my eye on her while I waited for Min-Jeong.

Win - hey who is i-

The girls suddenly shout in excitement to no surprise I didn't flinch since I was used to loud noises making lift an eyebrow out of confusion on who she was

After they have their small little reunion, they both face me as Min-Jeong cleared her throat while she held her friend's hand

Win - this is- uhm-

? - Yeah, who is he? Last I remember, you're basically inept to even to talk any boys

Win - yah!

She hits her friend's stomach softly which makes her laugh as she gets red in embarrassment.

She clears her throat again as she puts her hand to introduce me to her

Win - this is L/N Y/N, he's my roommate and best friend of many years

Her friend softly claps and cheers softly while I give her a bow

? - I'm Ning Yizhou, hello!

Y/N - Nice to meet you Ning, got a Korean name?

Ning - Jeo Ye-tak, but I prefer if you just called me Ning

Y/N - great, oh how old are you?

Ning - I'm 18 (Korean age)

Y/N - I'm 20, just only a year older than Min-Jeong here

I look at her as she turns red, since in fact. I really was only a year older than her, but we managed to grow up together in the same neighbourhood and weirdly enough, she graduated before me. Because she was so high in her grades and such, she was able to skip a year ahead of me since we were in the same grade before she went up higher so she was able to graduate first. But I'm envious because she was always the smarter one.

I closed the front door after realising it was just open the whole time. I turned to them as they talked amongst themselves.

Y/N - I'll just be in my room, gonna work on some stuff before college starts, so if you girls need help or anything just yell for me.

They both nod their heads as I let them be, they walked to the couch and started to talk while I went to the fridge to grab some beers back to my room.

I headed inside of my room, closing the door softly. I sighed as I laid slumped in my chair as it creaked as soon as my butt got on it.

I put my hands to my face holding the cans in my arms, I looked up to the ceiling trying to understand how I felt right now

Y/N - Am I in love with her? Or am I leading myself on?

I made a brrr sound with my lips before straightening up and putting the cans on the table and opened up my laptop.

I cracked a cold one and took a sip out of it as I did a satisfying 'ah' sound

Y/N - let's get to working first.

I looked down by my knee to see my other bag that I kept underneath the table which held my video camera. I opened it up and skimmed through the insides looking for a specific thing

Y/N - come on....

I finally got a hold of it and took it out, it was my hard drive since I kept everything on there for what I needed.

I connected it to my laptop and started to get to work on the current project I was doing. It wasn't anything major, just a personal project. One I've been doing for years.

I looked through the files and saw the old videos of memories I wish I could go back to.

"Hey look, say hi to Min-Jeong!"

My mom held my tiny hand in the air waving to baby Min-Jeong as I looked on with relief in my eyes.

We all grew up too fast.

Our father was in the back drinking soju having a laugh at their kids getting along, and then her older brother showed up with mine. Holding our tiny hands makes us hug each other. I laugh at it, but without knowing. I left a tear down my cheek, the video made me reminisce of a time I wish I could remember but could only see and hear through a video from years ago. Something I wish that couldn't get wiped out within an instant, because I just want to relive them over and over again.

The door suddenly opened which made me put down my laptop in a instant to see the two girls in the doorway

Y/N - wh- what's up?

I wiped my eye as they stood there

Ning - you okay?

Y/N - yeah, just some allergies. What's up?

Win - oppa come join us~~

Y/N - calling me oppa again?

Win - but I like calling you it~~

Ning nudges her since she was just teasing me but I gave in and sighed as I got up from my chair

Y/N - alright, got bored already?

They both nod as I grabbed the cans and my opened one as I followed them to the living room where we all sat

I laid the cans on the coffee table as I turned to Ning

Y/N - so, whatcha do?

Ning - oh, like what I do for work?

Y/N - mhm, I mean. No offence, you're 18 and you're friends with Min-Jeongie here so I expect that you're a trainee or something like that?

Ning - ding ding, correct. I am a trainee just like Min-Jeong unnie

Y/N - wow, and at your age too? Impressive. How long have you been training?

Ning - just over a year now, I came in the same when Min-Jeong unnie joined as well

I turned to Min-Jeong but she quietly drank out of her own can without saying a word

Y/N - well damn, you girls really do impress me, I wish I could sing and dance

Win - but you can sing....

Min-Jeong whispers to herself but we manage to hear her which makes Ning curious

Ning - she just said you could

I laugh awkwardly to try to get out of it but Min-Jeong gives me her puppy eyes to look at me. I gave in itself as I sighed

Y/N - alright. Don't we have a microphone here or something?

Min-Jeong pointed the cabinet to the bottom of the table where it held the tv as I checked the cabinet and grabbed the mic which was just laying by itself.

I turned it on and to intuition I figured out how to use it

Y/N - oh it has its own speaker in it, it's one of these ones

I was impressed by it as I sat back on the couch

Ning - you gonna pick a song?

Y/N - ye- yeah, Jeongie, the remote?

She passes me the remote, turning on the tv. Putting on Youtube as I picked out a song

Y/N - alright here's one

They just sat there quietly, watching me sing. I just did my best as I could, letting it flow as it were.

The two just swayed their bodies back and forth just listening to my voice. I swayed my arms back and forth trying to remember the lyrics in my head while I just let out my voice.

I look at them giving me thumbs up while I just thought I wasn't doing as good in my head, I never really sang in front of people and only for myself so I wouldn't know if I was doing okay or horrible.

The song soon ended as I just took a deep sigh and made an unsure face as I looked at them.

I held a worrying look on my face but they started to clap which made me confused

Win - wow oppa you can actually sing really well!

Ning - yeah! You sure you don't wanna be an idol?

I scratch my back feeling unsure of the sudden compliments which made me feel a bit awkward

Y/N - n- no I think I'll pas- pass-

I was blushing a little from their compliments as I turned off the microphone and put it back in the cabinet.

I joined them again on the couch, grabbing my can on the way and chugged it

Ning - woah oppa, you okay there?

I finished the entire can and squeezed the can, crushing it and faced the both of them

Y/N - yeah I'm okay, I'm just gonna grab another can.

I let the girls talk amongst themselves while I grabbed another can and chugged it again.

But after that second can, I just slowed down while I quietly listened to them. I didn't want to butt in their conversation so I just let my thoughts run through my head.

And just like that, 2 hours had already passed by and someone tapped my shoulder

Win - Y/N.

I looked up at her as Ning stood beside her

Ning - you okay?

Y/N - I'm okay. What's up?

Ning - I'm leaving now

Win - come see her out with me

I stood up with them as me and Min-Jeong led Ning out the door

Ning - thanks for having me here unnie

Win - no problem, you can come whenever. Y/N doesn't mind

Y/N - yeah, it's no problem. It's her place not mine haha

Ning put out her hand as I shook it

Ning - it was nice meeting you Y/N-oppa.

Y/N - and per the same Ning, I hope we get along well.

She smiled to which Min-Jeong suddenly cleared her throat

Win - it's getting late Ning, go catch the bus

She lets go of hand as we wave her off.

Min-Jeong closes the door as she sighs, she looks at me. She puts the back of her hand on my forehead as she goes on her tiptoes to examine me

Win - you're all red Y/N. you're drunk

Y/N - I'm not.

She lets go of her hand on her forehead as she goes over to the kitchen while I made my way to the couch and grabbed another can and chugged it.

Win - yah, stop drinking more

Y/N - no.

I was feeling stubborn. I was stubborn when I drank so you're just gonna hear me be bashful for how long I would be conscious

Win - here drink this

She hands me a cup of water, but I ignore her and opened another can and chugged it down while she visibly got more annoyed

Win - yah L/N Y/N, drink the damn water

Y/N - no. I like this more

I shaked the can but in response, she smacks it out of my hand as she got closer to me

Win - drink the damn water Y/N!

She puts it against my mouth and she forcefully makes me drink it and to no resistance I accept it.

I gulped all of the water in an instant as I just looked at her face.

I wiped my mouth with my arm, softly smiling. Min- Jeong was just a little curious on why

Win - you okay now?

Y/N - yah~~~ When did you become so pretty~~~

She became flush red when I said it, she set down the glass. She softly hits me on the chest in response to it

Win - Hajima~~ you're just drunk~

Y/N - b- but~

I let out small giggles while she enjoyed my new drunk self. Something she has never seen

Y/N - it's t- true~ you're so pretty Min-Jeong-ah~~

She just got more quiet trying to think of what to say next but I just laid my hand on the couch

Y/N - it's too damn hot in here

I try to take off my t-shirt but Min-Jeong stops me

Win - Y/N!

But it doesn't go well and I end up shirtless, she eyes my body up and down making her gulp.

Win - o- oh my god-

I let my body be like air and dropped myself onto the couch, closing my eyes, going to sleep in an instant.

*Winter's perspective*

And he's fallen asleep.


Dammit. And he's shirtless too

I facepalm, he starts to talk in his sleep which gives a reason to get up from the couch. I went into my room and grabbed two blankets and headed to the couch.

I put one over him and grabbed one of the couch's pillows and put it under his head.

Win - I never knew you were this cute....

Putting my hand on his cheek and slowly brushing against his hair, I ruffled his now long grown hair softly. I compared it in my head to when I last saw him, which was....


It was only our grade and our parents were there, but in the far entrance of the hall. I remember when I got up to accept my certificate.

A boy, laying his back against the wall right beside the hall's front door. His arms were crossed but I could see clearly as day who he was.

He doesn't know the real reason I smiled when I went up there, not because of my family. But because he showed up. I was aware of what happened years prior and even after years of trying to fix our relationship.

He stood there with a small smile like he was proud of seeing me up here.

His hair was shorter, more shorter than it was now. His hair was blonde, it was obvious he dyed it and it was turning a little ginger at some parts since he never really had access to the necessary stuff to keep its colour.

His hair was a little crispy since from what I could remember from his parent's social media. He went purple I think? After I graduated and now he's back to normal black and it's healing now but it's gone long, a little shaggy as it's reached his shoulder. But I like it

I laid on him and put a blanket over myself, feeling his skin on my face. I just let it soak all in my face with a big smile.

Win - good night Y/N.

I happily closed my eyes and got comfortable as he suddenly wrapped his arms around me as he sleep talked all of a sudden

Y/N - n-ngh- M- Min-Jeon- Jeong-

He goes back snoring while I, happily quietly went to sleep. 

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