end scene (director's cut)

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(A/N: I don't usually do this at the start, but it's the exact same chapter, but there's more where it was supposed to end, thus the meaning of director's cut. So where it was supposed to end, is a continuation. this is the alternate ending. Please enjoy) 

2 and half years later.

I found myself after leaving the military.

I took along Dae with me, with him by my side we became the film industry's new powerhouse.

We wrote, directed, and shot our films with each other as partners.

Yun-Seo-hyung did what he promised.

He got us back on our feet after we left.

Straight after stepping out of the barracks and out back to Seoul. I got a call from him.

We agreed to meet up, bringing Dae with me.

We talked, agreed. Shared memories.

Even when I lost everything, he did too. But we weren't just partners, a mentor and his protege. But like father and son. He gave everything to me, the assets, money.

Just so me and Dae could start up our own production company which rivalled A24 in it's own right.

And then a couple of paperwork, deals. here we were.

Back to where we started except at the expense of a pretty nice office.

Y/N - yah, would you fucking stop?

He was busy playing on the gaming setup in our office, a VR headset on his head. Frustrated, I threw a piece of candy at him.

He takes it off in frustration, pausing the game, turning around to look at me.

Dae - what?

Y/N - dude, we got shit to do.

Dae - ah fuck, we don't got any new movies man, nothing. We're already at the top of our game man.

Y/N - we have to like to take care of our clients and our in-house directors man, we can't be on our asses all day

Dae - blah blah, we already got that deal with Jordan Peele so we could combine our company together, we'll be fine

I scoff, he puts his VR headset back on and continues playing.

Our office was situated in Korea, it could've been in the US, London, anywhere. But this feels like home, and it always was.

Me and Dae had been everywhere but we always came back home to here so, this is where we stood.

I leaned back on my chair, my pc off. Kicking my legs up on the desk, I look out the window, the sun shining on me.

The phone suddenly rang and I immediately went back to working mode and picked it up while Dae played.

Receptionist - uhm PD-nim? Someone from SM entertainment is calling for you

Y/N - alright bring it through.

I cleared my throat, wanting to always make a good first impression.

Y/N - hey this is P/C (Production company) here, this is L/N Y/N speaking, what can I do for you?

? - hello L/N Y/N, you are THE L/N Y/N correct?

Y/N - yes ma'am. How can I help with you with this inquiry?

? - I'm from SM and Lee-Soo-man, you know who he is correct?

Y/N - Yes ma'am of course.

? - We want to hire you, specifically you by the team over here at SM to direct a music video for us.

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