chapter 4 - he's mine

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I laid my head down on my laptop.

I was answering questions from an online exam while we were in the lecture room. Today was the last day of the year.

I/N did say there would be an exam but luckily I did study even though I knew most of it already.

I sighed as I answered another question

"One more question"

I breezed through it easily as I answered the last question.

I had finally finished the exam and if you finished early, you could just leave.

So, I closed my laptop and put it in my bag. I walked down the aisle down to the lecture room door, nodding to I/N on the way as he gives me a thumbs up

"Dae will probably take long"

I reassured myself since Dae was a pretty slow guy, and learner.

I headed towards the cafeteria to grab a bite, I went up to the deli and ordered myself a sandwich. After getting that, I went to go grab a coffee. And after getting that, I realised.

Where am I supposed to go?

Usually I would just go out to the gates with Dae, have him drive us somewhere for lunch and then drop me off home but. He's not here, and he's busy.

So. I took the opportunity to go look for a place to eat.

I headed outside of the college to some trees. I started walking among them as I admired the loss of leaves and now of what remained, it's bark. The brown withering branches all alone without what makes it whole.

There wasn't really much of anyone around since it was exam day so I kept walking.

But in the distance I saw Aeri on a bench. But it looked like she was crying, so in curiosity and also because I didn't want to be alone. I decided to maybe try? Comfort her?

I walk to her, she put her head up wiping her tears quickly

Y/N - Hey.

Gis - o- oh hey Y/N.

Y/N - mind if I sit beside you?

She nods her head as she made some space for me, I put my cup on the ground, putting my focus on her

Y/N - what's up? You don't look too good

Gis - oh- it's just-

She wiped her eye as I took out some tissues from my pocket and gave some to her

Gis - just the training-

Y/N - oh you had some training? Idol stuff?

She nods her head once more as I pitied her for whatever she was going through

Gis - they told me I looked overweight

I grimaced and grinded my teeth, how could they say that to her?

Y/N - you don't though

Gis - I was dancing- an- and I had my evaluation- and- they told me I didn't- l- look so good- they told me I loo- looked wide- and-

She sobbed once more allowing me to take out more tissues

Y/N - you look perfect to me Aeri, I'm sorry you had to go through that.

Gis - A- Ani, it's fine.

Y/N - hey, look. You shouldn't listen to what they say, I don't know what it's like but, they're assholes telling you that. They shouldn't be allowed to comment so harsh like that

Cinema (Winter x Male Y/N)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora