Worlds Collide

By fastreddragon

261 12 0

(Final Entry in the Danganronpa Trilogy) Everything is in ruins, a truly malicious plan is set in motion, and... More



75 2 0
By fastreddragon

The headquarters of the Future Foundation. An organization that was created by former principal of the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy, Kazuo Tengan. During his last days at the school, Hope's Peak Academy experienced an event that would later be known as the biggest, most awful, most tragic event in human history. 

The school was turned into a massive battlefield, many of its students were forced to kill each other, and in the end... most of them ended up killing themselves. But it's not like they had a choice in the matter. The Ultimate Despair, Junko Enoshima, was the main cause of the Tragedy of Hope's Peak Academy. She used a killing video she created to brainwash the students in the Reserve Department, and she obtained that video by observing and stealing the Ultimate Animator talent from a student named Ryota Mitarai. 

Many people died that day, and the carnage that engulfed Hope's Peak spread across the entire world. After accomplishing her goal, Junko and her sister, Mukuro Ikusaba, decided to stay at Hope's Peak. They found out that the principal at the time, who was known as Jin Kirigiri, was trying to turn what was left of the school's main building into a shelter for survivors. Those survivors were known as the seventy-eighth class. Hiding among them was easy for Junko and Mukuro, mostly because they were members of that class. But Junko's goal wasn't to survive, it was to create a killing game with the survivors as contestants.

Fortunately, Junko's plans were foiled... and it ended with her facing her own execution. Unfortunately, out of sixteen students in the seventy-eighth class... only six survived. Members of the Future Foundation saw the survivors exit the school and enter the dangerous scenery that the outside world has become, and they didn't waste any time when it came to rescuing them. Sadly, the seventy-eighth class wasn't the only class that had to deal with Junko. There was another class... the seventy-seventh class.

While the seventy-eighth class consisted of six students that survived Junko's messed-up game, the seventy-seventh class consisted of fourteen students. Ryota Mitarai was a member of this class, but he ended up deserted his friends because of how afraid he was of Junko. There was another member of the class, a girl by the name of Chiaki Nanami, but sadly... she was brutally killed by Junko in order to turn the rest of the class into her followers. From that moment on, the seventy-seventh class of Hope's Peak Academy would officially be known as the Remnants of Despair.

With Junko Enoshima no longer in the picture, the Future Foundation was slowly able to try and fix the damage that Junko and her despair had brought to the world. The world was currently a wasteland, buildings were destroyed and tilting to the side while countless deaths would be occurring every single day. Right about now, the Future Foundation would be getting ready to send a few members into the city... but something was preventing that.

All members of the Future Foundation were currently being kept inside their main building. They weren't being held hostage, but if the threat they're currently facing are able to take over the Future Foundation's headquarters, it'll become a hostage situation pretty soon. 

Members of the Future Foundation consisted of men and women wearing black suits and sunglasses. When it comes to weapons, it depends on the threat they're facing. Against robots, like the Monokuma bots, they would use the megaphone hacking gun. It sends out programming codes in an electromagnetic wave, allowing it to hack into the target's mechanisms from a distance. The hacking gun's abilities seem to depend on where and for what the converting tactical operations they were created for. But against other human beings, like people who follow Junko's example and cause despair, the Future Foundation would use regular firearms. In this case... the Future Foundation was dealing with both.

Future Foundation Member #1: "What the hell is going on!? Where did all these things come from!?"

Future Foundation Member #2: "This can't be happening! How did they even find our headquarters!?" Three members of the Future Foundation were currently trying to keep the main doors of the building closed, three other members were holding megaphones and guns, just waiting for the enemy to barge in. Everything that was just said by the second Future Foundation member was true, the headquarters of the Future Foundation was meant to be hidden from the outside world.

Future Foundation Member #3: "From the looks of it, those things made it here using one of our boats."

Future Foundation Member #2: "Monokuma bots can't drive boats! You guys saw those people leave that boat before we ran back inside, they must be following someone's orders!"

Future Foundation Member #4: "But whose? Junko Enoshima is dead. And it can't be Mukuro Ikusaba either, we watched Junko kill her during the killing school life at Hope's Peak."

Future Foundation Member #2: "I don't care how they got here, the point is that they ARE here! With our location compromised, it's only a matter of time before they break in and take the building for themselves!" Suddenly, they heard something break, and not just that... but they also heard someone's voice. Looking towards the source of the sound, they could see Future Foundation Member #1 leaning against the main door... with three massive claws stabbed right into his skull. 

It took a second for the moment to fully set in, but once it did, the other members quickly moved away from the door. It looked like one of the Monokuma bots was able to break through the door and create a small hole, but the hole was big enough for the bot to stick its paw through and attack one of the members. Unfortunately, with nobody blocking the door anymore, there was nothing stopping the Monokuma bots from breaking it down.

Future Foundation Member #5: "Shit! They've broken through!"

Future Foundation Member #6: "Stop complaining and start shooting!" The remaining Future Foundation members quickly grabbed their hacking guns and started shooting the Monokuma bots that have entered the main lobby. With only five of them there, the members knew that they were outnumbered. Even though their hacking guns were working, it was only a matter of time before they followed in their friend's footsteps and died an agonizingly painful death. "Shit, shit, shit!"

Future Foundation Member #5: "There's too many of them!"

Future Foundation Member #2: "What can we do!?"

Future Foundation Member #3: "One of us needs to get upstairs and tell Tengan what's going on! They must have most of the floors on lockdown, and the members of the board are strong enough to properly fight back!"

Future Foundation Member #4: "Yeah... but who would willingly leave us behind?"

Future Foundation Member #3: "Dammit, I'll do it! I'll run as fast as I can and let everyone know what happened!"

Future Foundation Member #2: "Okay, but you need to hurry up!" With that being said, Future Foundation Member #3 quickly ran away from the fight and headed towards the elevator. But thanks to the building being attacked, ways that would help you ascend the building without any effort were offline, including the elevator. With no other option left, Future Foundation Member #3 was forced to use the stairs to ascend the many floors of the building. "Okay, we're two men short now, but I'm sure we can keep this up until reinforcements arrive."

Future Foundation Member #6: "These little shits are a handful, but even they can't withstand a shot from these hacking guns!" With confidence in their weapons, the remaining members kept shooting at the many Monokuma bots that made their way into the lobby. Everything was still pretty bad, but it looked like they were doing a good job at keeping the bots at bay. "Haha! Take that, you freaks!"

Future Foundation Member #2: "Yeah, we're a lot harder to kill when we know your weakness!"

Future Foundation Member #5: "No matter how many of you there are, there's no stopping the Future Foundation!" Their defence was working very well, but once the Monokuma bots stopped moving, the members of the Future Foundation were left confused. "What the hell? Why did they stop?"

Future Foundation Member #2: "Who cares!? Just keep shooting!" Future Foundation Member #2 was about to keep the assault going, but that's when they heard footsteps approaching their location. The Monokuma bots actually started moving out of the way... making a clear path for a certain someone to walk into the lobby. "Oh shit... it's him."


About five minutes after leaving the lobby, Future Foundation Member #3 was running up the stairs, trying to make his way to the top floor as fast as possible. After running up multiple floors, he quickly opened the door at the top of the stairs, entering the floor where the ones in charge were located.

Future Foundation Member #3: "I hope the others are okay." With no knowledge of how his friends are holding up, he quickened his pace and finally made it to the conference room. "Hey! Open the door! I need to talk to Mr Tengan!"

????: "What a coincidence... we need to talk to Mr Tengan as well." Startling Future Foundation Member #3, a new voice was heard, and it was coming from down the hallway. All that could be seen was a pair of red eyes, so Future Foundation Member #3 tried to run away. But once he turned around, something sharp was stabbed right into his midsection. While he was distracted by the voice and eyes, someone else snuck up from behind and struck Future Foundation Member #3 when he turned around. Only having enough strength to look down at his wound, Future Foundation Member #3 could see a sword's blade in his midsection, and with that sight... he took his last breath.


Inside the conference room, four different people were listening to what Future Foundation Member #3 was saying on the other side of the door. One of those people was the chairman of the Future Foundation, Kazuo Tengan.

Tengan: "This isn't good. If this keeps up, we'll be outnumbered." The other members in the room were standing out with their unique looks and even more unique talents. One of them was wearing a white suit and had neat-looking hair, that person was Kyosuke Munakata.

Kyosuke: "Only a handful of us are left. We thought things would be different with Junko gone, but there's clearly someone else trying to finish her work." Another member of the group was a woman with red hair, this woman was known as Chisa Yukizome.

Chisa: "This is a nightmare... everything is just getting worse. For some reason, the deaths have drastically increased since Junko's death. Makoto and the other survivors haven't been seen since the attack here began. So many members... dead." The final person in the room was a brute. One wrong move, and he'd make sure you get a punch in the gut. This final person was known as Juzo Sakakura.

Juzo: "Koichi, Seiko, Ruruka, Izayoi, Daisaku, Gozu... all dead. Somehow, those Monokuma bots were able to kill every single one of them. One small mission in the city... and it ends like this."

Kyosuke: "It won't end here. Even with only four of us, we will walk out of here alive." What Juzo was referring to was a mission that took place a few days ago. Even though it was meant to be a small mission, most of the important members of the Future Foundation went to solve the problem that started in a certain city off the coast of Japan... Towa City. Unfortunately, that small mission turned out to be an ambush. The members Juzo just mentioned were killed during that mission, and only the four currently here made it out alive. "The Future Foundation is strong, and this won't be our last stand. We will destroy the Monokuma bots and defeat the ones controlling them."

Juzo: "Can't really argue with that, especially if you're the one saying it." With those encouraging words, Juzo was ready to get into the fight. Chisa was scared, but she's been following Kyosuke since their time as students at Hope's Peak Academy.

Tengan: "No matter what happens here, I need to let you all know something. Even with the odds stacked against us, if there's a chance that we'll survive this... then we will. We've lost so many people, and many more are currently missing, but even that won't stop us."

????: "Excuse me!" Once a new voice made itself known, Tengan and the remaining Future Foundation members looked towards the locked door. It wasn't too long ago that Future Foundation Member #3's voice was heard, but then it went silent. This voice sounded almost innocent, not to mention it was a girl's voice. "Are you guys gonna open the door for us... or are we gonna have to do it ourselves?"

Juzo: "You even try to open that door and I won't hesitate to put you down!"

????: "Ooh, so scary. I guess that means you're not gonna open the door. Oh well... just remember that I gave you a choice." Hearing those words indicated that whoever was on the other side of that door was about to try and break it down, so Kyosuke quickly grabbed the closest weapon to him, a weapon that he tends to use often... a katana.

Tengan: "Prepare yourselves!" Kyosuke, Tengan, and Juzo got into fighting stances while Chisa slowly backed away from them, quietly hiding in the corner. Instead of knocking, the person on the other side of the door used something to make a hole in the door. That certain something was a sword, the same sword used to kill Future Foundation Member #3. "Here they come!"

????: "Yep, here we come!" With incredible strength, the sword was used to not only create a big hole in the door, but it was also used to slice the door into pieces. It was as if the door was made of paper, and that sword made quick work of it. Once there was nothing keeping whoever was outside the conference room from entering the room, all that was seen was darkness. The hallway's lights must've been taken out before they went for the door.

Kyosuke: "Stay vigilant!"

Juzo: "Bring it on!"

Chisa: "..." Within that darkness, a pair of red eyes were seen. Just when they thought things couldn't get worse, another pair of red eyes appeared in the darkness... and then another pair.

????: "The Future Foundation. The ones who'll save the world." As Kyosuke and the others listened to this girl's voice, the source of the voice was slowly making her way into the room. And when she did, the members of the Future Foundation knew exactly who they were dealing with.

Tengan: "You... you're a-"

Hiyoko (Remnant): "Remnant? Give the old fart a prize! It's a real honour to meet you guys. I must say, I thought it would be more of a challenge to get here. But after watching our Monokuma bots tear your friends apart, I guess it's my fault for expecting more from you."

Kyosuke: "Hiyoko Saionji. If you're here, then that means the ones attacking us are-"

Hiyoko (Remnant): "Yep, the Remnants of Despair! Now that the introductions are out of the way, I suppose it's time to get down to business. I should let you know that it's pointless to mourn your friends, after all... you'll be joining them very soon." Her words pissed off Juzo to the point where he felt his body move on its own as he rushed towards Hiyoko, just dying to throw a punch.

Juzo: "You little bitch! No one threatens us like that and gets away with it!" In that moment, Juzo completely forgot about the other two pairs of red eyes in the darkness, and that proved to be a huge mistake. There was actually three red eyes, but there was a clear explanation to why that is. Those other two people in the darkness ran into the room and immediately went to protect Hiyoko from Juzo's attack. One of them was a boy with an eyepatch, he quickly grabbed Hiyoko by the back of her kimono and pulled her towards the exit. The other person was the one responsible for slicing the door apart like it was nothing, and it was another girl.

Juzo: "AAAHHH!!!" Before Juzo could lay a hand on Hiyoko, the girl with the sword stabbed Juzo in the stomach, immediately stopping him in his tracks.

Tengan: "Juzo!" Kyosuke jumped straight into the fight and swiftly kicked Juzo's attacker in the gut, pushing her towards the exit. With the sword no longer in his stomach, Juzo tried his best not to fall to the ground, but he was forced to use the main table in the middle in the room for support.

Kyosuke: "Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, and Peko Pekoyama. I can only assume that the rest of you remnants are here?"

Fuyuhiko (Remnant): "That won't matter in the end, it's not like you'll be able to leave this building alive." Without giving them a chance to attack again, Kyosuke went to attack Fuyuhiko, but Peko was able to block his attack with her sword. "Haven't you learned anything? Wherever I go, she follows."

Hiyoko (Remnant): "Struggle as much as you want, it's all gonna end the same way. We'll be victorious... and you'll be dead." Kyosuke used all his strength to keep pushing Peko into the hallway, and now they both had more room to use their swords. Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko were about to attack Kyosuke from behind, but Tengan quickly used a weapon that he grew accustomed to. A chuusen, which was a weapon hidden under his sleeve. It basically looked like a small bracelet that shot out small knifelike projectiles, but they mostly looked like needles. Tengan used this weapon to shoot a small needle at Hiyoko and Fuyuhiko, only for one of them to make a hole in Hiyoko's kimono. "You bastard! This is an expensive kimono!"

Tengan: "Sorry, but I'd prefer it if you let this be a fair fight."

Fuyuhiko (Remnant): "With one friend occupied and another friend injured, you're on your own against me and Hiyoko. This is anything but a fair fight... just the way we like it."

Tengan: "Chisa, take care of Juzo!" With those words said, Tengan ran straight into the hallway and pushed his enemies out of the way. Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko chased Tengan as he ran down the hallway, leaving Kyosuke in the hallway with Peko, and also leaving Juzo and Chisa in the conference room.

Juzo: "Shit... I can't believe... I let my guard down." The former Ultimate Boxer was feeling a lot of regret for making such a rookie mistake, focusing on only one player instead of the entire team. Chisa looked like she was hiding in the corner, but in reality... she was preparing herself to fight back. "I need... to help Kyosuke... no matter what." When Juzo tried to move towards the exit, he could feel Chisa holding him back. As expected, he thought she was keeping him from fighting because of his injury. "Don't worry about me... I'll be just-" His sentence was interrupted once he felt something sharp place itself against his throat, and before he could say anything... that sharp object quickly slit right through his throat. 

The pain from his stab wound in his stomach was no longer present, as of right now, he couldn't feel any pain at all. Juzo was in shock as he felt blood gushing out of his throat, and the person responsible for it was standing right behind him. He used all the strength he had left to turn his head around and look at the culprit, but once he saw who it was... his entire world fell apart.

Juzo: "C-Chisa... you're..." That was all he could say before his soul left his body. Turns out that Chisa was in the corner in order to discreetly pull out a knife. And once she was left alone with someone, she chose to strike. Chisa Yukizome had just murdered one of her best friends, and there could only be one explanation. At some point during her time at Hope's Peak Academy... Junko was able to get into her head. In the end... Chisa was no longer the woman Juzo once knew.


Tengan was currently running down a hallway, trying to find a place to hide from his pursuers. He knows that he can rely on Kyosuke to deal with Peko, and he can also rely on Chisa to make sure that Juzo was okay, so all he had to do was deal with Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko. No matter how fast he ran, he could hear people running behind him. If he kept running, it was only a matter of time before they catch up to him, so he was forced to hide in one of the many rooms around him. Tengan found himself in the monitoring room, exactly where the intercom and broadcasting system is located.

Without bothering to look around, Tengan quickly jumped behind one of the many desks in the room and waited for Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko to run past. Slightly peeking around the corner of the desk, Tengan could see Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko by the entrance to the monitoring room, it looked like they were talking about where Tengan might be hiding. Much to his relief, Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko ran in a different direction, thankfully giving Tengan some breathing room.

Tengan: 'Okay, I should try and make it back to Kyosuke and the others.' Tengan was about to get up and head towards the hallway again, but then he felt something wet the moment he placed his right palm on the ground. For some reason, the ground felt damp. Once Tengan looked at his hand, he could see a red liquid smeared all over his palm. "Blood? Why... would blood be in here?" Taking a look at the area where the blood was located, he could also see a trail of blood leading to the corner of the room, exactly where the main broadcasting table was. 'No... don't tell me...'

If seeing Juzo getting stabbed right in front of him was too much, then what he saw in the corner was absolutely horrifying. The blood was leading to a body that was placed in the corner, and that body... belonged to one of the killing school life's survivors. Right there, in Tengan's field of vision, he could see the dead body of Yasuhiro Hagakure. It looked like he was stabbed in many different areas of his body. The very sight made Tengan want to throw up.

Tengan: "N-No, it can't be." Seeing the Ultimate Clairvoyant's body was already something he probably won't be able to recover from, but it just kept getting worse. Yasuhiro's body wasn't the only one there... there were others. The body of Toko Fukawa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy, was placed a short distance away from Yasuhiro's body. Her body looked even worse than Yasuhiro's, it looked like she was stabbed right in the middle of her head. "I-If they're dead... then does that mean-"

????: "Yes, I made sure of it." This new voice was coming from right behind Tengan, and once he turned around, he was greeted by someone much shorter than him, but still very threatening.

Teruteru (Remnant): "Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko are the least of your worries, because now... you have to deal with me." Hiyoko, Peko, and Fuyuhiko weren't alone on this floor, there is now four Remnants of Despair officially on the top floor... not including Chisa. "Young Toko and Yasuhiro just screamed and screamed as I stabbed them both with an iron skewer, but the others were much more enjoyable. Aoi was crying as I ripped her stomach open, and Byakuya's pride was quickly deflated once I removed a certain... part of him that resulted in him bleeding to death."

Tengan: "...Teruteru Hanamura."

Teruteru (Remnant): "Kyoko put up one hell of a fight, but that didn't last. It's pretty difficult to fight when your arms and legs aren't able to move. And finally... the Ultimate Hope himself." During his monologue, Tengan failed to notice two certain things that Teruteru was holding in his hands. In his left hand, he was holding a massive meat cleaver. In his right hand, he was holding something round... and it was bleeding. "Makoto Naegi was brave until the very end... but even bravery isn't enough to survive what I did to him." Teruteru moved his right hand, and what he was holding in said hand, up towards Tengan, and the face Tengan made showed nothing but fear. Teruteru was holding... the severed head of Makoto Naegi by his hair. "The survivors of the killing school life sadly didn't have what it takes to proceed to the next stage... and neither will you."

Tengan: "Y-You... you'll never get away with this!"

Teruteru (Remnant): "And you won't get away... at all." Tengan tried to use his chuusen to shoot Teruteru, but something stopped him. A loud sound was heard, and at an incredible speed, Tengan could feel something go through his head.

Fuyuhiko (Remnant): "That's unfortunate, I was hoping we could take our time with him." Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko were standing by the entrance to the monitoring room... and Fuyuhiko had a gun in his hand. Smoke was coming from the gun as Tengan's body fell to the floor. One single shot to the head... and the head of the Future Foundation was put down within a few seconds.

Hiyoko (Remnant): "Don't get upset. Once we're done here, we'll be able to do this kind of thing over and over and over again. We got a lot of work to do, and this is just where it starts." Hiyoko, Fuyuhiko, and Teruteru had just killed Kazuo Tengan. All that was left... was Kyosuke Munakata.


Kyosuke was trading blows with Peko, strike after strike, Kyosuke and Peko would suffer minor injuries at the hands of their opponent. It must've been around five minutes since Tengan led Fuyuhiko and Hiyoko away from the conference room, and Kyosuke also noticed that Chisa and Juzo haven't left the conference room since his fight began.

Peko (Remnant): "I have to admit, you're pretty good with a sword. But I'm afraid that I'll never let you hurt my young master."

Kyosuke: "After what you did, I'll make sure to take him down after I'm through with you." With all the anger stored within him, Kyosuke struck Peko with a strong slice of his sword, strong enough to knock Peko off her feet. Once her back hit the ground, Kyosuke didn't waste any time in trying to kill her.

Chisa: "Kyosuke!" Out of nowhere, Chisa left the conference room and ran towards Kyosuke, he wasn't able to kill Peko as he felt Chisa hold him from behind. "This is our chance! We need to get out of here!"

Kyosuke: "Chisa..." Without looking away from Peko, Kyosuke and Chisa slowly made their way down the hallway, trying to run towards the stairs that would lead them down to the lobby. "If we're quiet and careful, we might be able to escape and find a boat."

Chisa: "But... what about Juzo and Tengan?"

Kyosuke: "Knowing Juzo, he told you to leave him there, right?"

Chisa: "Yes. I tried to stay, but he demanded that I find you and try to escape."

Kyosuke: "As for Tengan, he's a very difficult man to defeat in a fight. If I were the remnants, I'd stay well away from him."

Chisa: "But there's still others in this building, like the survivors of Junko's killing game. What if they're in danger?"

Kyosuke: "Makoto Naegi and his friends were able to defeat Junko Enoshima, someone even we couldn't stop. They're probably hiding somewhere, so I doubt we'll have to worry about them for now." While holding her hand, Kyosuke guided Chisa down the stairs and towards the bottom floor. As they opened the door leading into the lobby, they were greeted by multiple dead bodies on the ground, all of them belonging to Future Foundation members. If it was just that, maybe they'll be able to handle it, but their path was blocked by a small army of Monokuma bots.

Chisa: "Oh no..."

Kyosuke: "Dammit."

Hiyoko (Remnant): "Going somewhere?" Kyosuke and Chisa turned around to see Hiyoko, Fuyuhiko, Peko, and Teruteru walking down the stairs. It was official... they were boxed in, and there was nowhere left to run. "We enjoyed the chase, but I think it's about time we end this."

Kyosuke: "I couldn't agree more." With his sword at the ready, Kyosuke was prepared to fight and protect Chisa from the Remnants of Despair. "Even when I'm left weak and helpless, I refuse to let despair take my hope away. I won't give in, and I won't stop until I eradicate despair from this world."

Fuyuhiko (Remnant): "Nice speech, and I bet we'll be hearing more of that crap in the future, but I believe you're in store for a few surprises before you die."

Teruteru (Remnant): "Tell us something. Do you like your meat cooked... or raw?"

Chisa: "W-What?"

Teruteru (Remnant): "In my personal opinion, human meat is much better when it's cooked properly... I can only imagine what your chairman will taste like." Hearing him say that made Chisa's eyes widen, it also made Kyosuke's anger intensify to a point where an erupting volcano would just pale in comparison.

Kyosuke: "You... you didn't."

Hiyoko (Remnant): "Oh, but we did. And that's not even the tip of the iceberg."

Fuyuhiko (Remnant): "It sucks when our prey just dies before we're done with them, but at least those who survived Junko's game were satisfying to kill."

Chisa: "W-Wait... you're saying-"

Teruteru (Remnant): "That the survivors of the killing school life are all dead? But that's exactly what we're saying! Those kids were just the best, and now I can enjoy turning their bodies into the best meat we'll ever get to taste!"

Kyosuke: "You... YOU SICK BASTARDS!!!" Kyosuke heard enough, he took his sword and immediately tried to stab any one of the remnants... but someone else struck first. Kyosuke felt something being stabbed into his back, and when he looked behind him... he saw Chisa.

Chisa: "It's a real shame... but I'll never let anyone hurt my precious students." Her eyes told the story, it was as if hope and despair had been cruelly mixed together. Kyosuke fell to his knees as Chisa and the remnants gathered around him.

Kyosuke: "C-Chisa..." Seeing someone he's spent so much time with act this way made tears fall down his face. They went to Hope's Peak Academy together, alongside Juzo. Now that Kyosuke thought about it, if Chisa showed no hesitation in literally stabbing him in the back, then leaving her alone with Juzo was a terrible idea. "J-Juzo... what... did you do to him?"

Chisa (Remnant): "Come on, do I really have to answer that? Isn't it obvious?" All that answer did was make Kyosuke cry even more. The Future Foundation was basically destroyed within a few days after Junko's death, all of Kyosuke's friends were brutally murdered, and now... the woman he loves has revealed to him that she was also exposed to despair.

Kyosuke: "It can't... end like this."

????: "But it will." Once again, a new voice made itself known. Once that voice was heard, the remnants slowly smiled and moved away from Kyosuke. They watched as a certain someone walked over to where Kyosuke was kneeling down, and this someone was the one in charge of the Remnants of Despair. The very sight of the leader made Kyosuke start to fear for his life.

Kyosuke: "You're... you're him." Standing in front of Kyosuke was the embodiment of hope itself, but in this case, he was better known as the embodiment of despair. Once known as mankind's hope, but after meeting Junko Enoshima at Hope's Peak Academy, this person embraced the idea of being known as mankind's despair. "W-Wait!" Without even listening to Kyosuke's words, the leader of the Remnants of Despair reached down and placed both of his hands on both sides of Kyosuke's head. The remnants and Monokuma bots watched in amazement as Kyosuke was lifted up to his feet, and then he was pulled up even more, to a point where his feet weren't even touching the ground anymore. "S-Stop... don't do this! You're meant to be mankind's hope! Don't let Junko's despair get to you! Izuru Kamukura... please spare me."

Izuru: "..." Nothing. Just nothing. It looked like Izuru was about to say something, but then he let his actions speak for him. With all the strength he could muster, which was a lot, Izuru began crushing Kyosuke's skull.

Kyosuke: "AAHH!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!" It would've been a cold day in hell the day anyone would hear Kyosuke Munakata beg and plead for anything, but Izuru was making it look easy.

Around the time Future Foundation Member #3 left the lobby, Izuru Kamukura entered the building and watched as the Monokuma bots surrounded and killed the rest of the members that stayed behind. He then decided to let Fuyuhiko, Peko, Hiyoko, and Teruteru go up the stairs to the top floor and take out the threat for him. The other remnants were most likely taking control of the rest of the building by now. The Future Foundation refused to let him and the remnants in, so he used brute force and excessive violence to get what he wanted. 

What's better than doing the dirty work yourself? Making someone else do it for you.

As Izuru continued to add pressure to Kyosuke's skull, he watched as his victim started to bleed excessively. Fuyuhiko watched with a smile as Teruteru was eagerly anticipating the ending. Peko watched with no emotion, pretty normal for her. Hiyoko did look a little grossed out as blood was making its way out of Kyosuke's eyes and ears, but it wasn't enough to make her look away. Finally, Chisa did look a little sad... but her frown was slowly replaced with a terrifying smile, indicating that her sweet and innocent persona was long gone.

Kyosuke: "AAAAHHHH!!!" With one final cry of agony, Izuru then pressed his hands into Kyosuke's skull even more, ending with a scene that resembled a watermelon getting crushed in a vice. Blood began pouring out of Kyosuke's scalp as his body hit the ground hard. As of now, the Future Foundation was dead, the survivors of the killing school life were dead, and now... the Remnants of Despair were the only ones left standing.

Hiyoko (Remnant): "That was... AMAZING!!!"

Teruteru (Remnant): "Hahaha! I don't think I've ever felt this good before! Not even killing, cooking and eating my own mama could compare to this!"

Fuyuhiko (Remnant): "With the world in ruins, and no one left to stop us, anything we want is right for the taking."

Peko (Remnant): "Everything changes after today, and the choices we make now will affect what the future has in store for us."

Chisa (Remnant): "There's no need to be afraid, I have faith in all of you. I've felt this way ever since saying goodbye to you back at Hope's Peak. I honestly thought that would be the final time I'd get to see you, but now I have a second chance to enjoy my time with my precious students." She said that with tears running down her face, the remnants felt the same way. Getting to spend time with their teacher was something they never took for granted back at Hope's Peak, and it's doubtful that anything will change between them now that they're reunited.

Izuru: "Remember, we all have a job to do. With this, the plan is now in motion. Everything belongs to us, and we will do whatever we please. No one will stand in our way, no obstacles can stop us, and in honour of Junko Enoshima... everyone will fear the very mention of our names." Hiyoko, Teruteru, Fuyuhiko, Peko, and Chisa couldn't help but laugh as Izuru was making his way outside.

Without anyone seeing, something made its way onto Izuru's face, something that no one had ever seen before... a smile.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Bam! A new story, but also my final story. I know people will be confused until later on in the story, but just bear with me and enjoy the ride. For the ones who're sad that this is the final story, I'm very flattered, but there are things I need to do in my life that require me to stop making stories. Nothing too serious, but I will be leaving the platform for a while after/during this story. But rest assured, I will finish this story... I just don't know how long it'll take. This story will be up there with Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair, it'll be a very hard story to write. But I'm a completionist, and I hate it when things aren't finished. Get ready for one hell of a story, and the conclusion of the Danganronpa Trilogy.

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