The walking dead and Z nation

By swordstyle

1.6K 30 7

What if instead of 10k being born in z nation he was instead born in the world of walking dead, he has no kno... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapte 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

56 1 2
By swordstyle

Everyone stood there the dead of night it was completely silent, the survivors of the Atlanta camp were just staring at there fellow people. Most wanted to stay at the farm even its faults, Rick mainly looking at Shane, his family and 10k, he wanted everyone to stay even Shane, he couldn't risk being on the road anymore and for how much he disliked Shane in this current moment he'd never wish for him to go through this world. No one stepped up hershel speaks "you don't have to come to a decision at this moment, and even if you want to go you should wait until morning... for now you all get some rest", hershel then jokingly says "cause imma gonna work you to the bone".

Herself and his daughters leaves going into there house, Maggie giving a small smile to Glenn who felt happy that she was acknowledging him, which alot of the camp including Dale, Rick and Shane noticed. Otis stayed just a bit longer to talk with group, Lori waa the first to walk to him thanking otis for convincing hershel to let them stay.

"Well, I had to make up for what I did to your boy, and I couldn't send you folk out there, I know what it's like, seen what they can do, I had to try fighting for you to stay"

"You gave our son a chance, he may not have been given that if we had left", Lori said, otis felt happy, he knew these people were should so it's only right for them to stay.

"As long as you all chip in the work around the farm, hershel won't have a problem with you all".

Everyone agrees to this as the group celebrate this victory even if some might think it won't last long considering the situation with the barn. Otis approached Rick saying "I think we gotta talk".

Rick nods his head as the two depart from the group to talk in private, Shane staring at them as they walk off, he scratches his head as he returns to his tent. Only for moments later when he was perparing to go to sleep Andrea came in, Andrea spoke.

"Why didn't the step up".

Shane took a while to respond "Don't know, just tired I guess".

"There must be more to it, you afraid to go out there alone".

Shane scoffs at this "you don't know what your talking about, I ain't scared".

"Then why are you still doing here, I see it, tension between you, Lori and Rick its building, and it's not gonna end well".

Shane calmly says "so what, we don't try, Rick is my best friend, I can't just leave".

"You were thinking about leaving earlier, what's changed" Andrea questions.

Shane struggled to speak "that was before Carl got shoot, and Sophia died, that was with me in the group, what do you suppose what could happen to Carl if I had left".

"There safe, this place isn't perfect but they'll be safe". Andrea says trying to convince Shane to leave.

"I can't... at least yet... if you want to leave so bad i dont see why you need me" Shane says.

"I'm not an idiot Shane, I'll die out there by myself, anyone would".

Andrea sighs leaving the tent realizing the conversation wont go anywhere, Dale watching Andrea leaving, at the otis and Rick are talking.

"I think your right about the walkers, hershels ignorant to the world, but hershel a stubborn guy, it was always his best quality when he was farming now it may be the down fall of his land, I lied". Otis said pausing from Rick to process his words, and trying to come up with the words to explain to Rick.

"About what" Rick questioned

Otis answer "about letting you people stay here, it wasn't just because for your people but for mine, I'm not stupid I know any day 100's of those things are gonna walk right through this farm, and I'm not sure without people we may not all make it out alive, for my wife, hershel and his family I had to let you guys stay here".

"As long we are on this land I swear we will protect it, I'll protect the people on this land as if they were my own family, i swear it to you".

Otis nods, he wishes Rick a good night's rest, returning to the camp he approaches Dale "you've set shifts tonight".

Dale responds "yeah, it's me and Carol for a few hours, t-dog and Andrea volunteered for a couple of hours then 10k and Shane's taking over after that".

Rick thanked Dale for having taken a small burden off his shoulders, "I don't think I'll be able to sleep for the next hour or 2, I'll take carols shift".

Dale felt it was better for T-dog to get more rest anyway so Rick told Carol he'd be taking her shift, but she'll take t-dogs and Dale walked up to t-dog tent hearing him snoring already fast asleep, not wanting to wake him up he just felt.

Rick and Dale were staying up for now, both sitting staring up at the sky and the area around the farm occasionally to make sure no walkers were spotted.

"You know hershel doesn't set up these look outs every night". Rick said

"Well, hershel before us didn't have much people with him", Dale replied.

"Hershel doesn't know what's going on, that's apparent, we can't lose this farm, we just can't".

"Cause Lori's pregnant" Dale spoke.

"Yeah" Dale noticed in Rick's words there was a bit of anger.

"You shouldn't be to hard on her, she was in a difficult position, I wouldn't know what to do as well, I already let the group down being a weak old man, I wouldn't know what to do if I was in Lori's place".

"I understand that, but what would you think if your wife lied to you, having a baby that might not be yours". Rick stopped himself before he was about to say something he regrets.

Rick gets up from the chair, and begins to walk around the fences to make sure there was nothing was broken by any walkers, but before he had left he turned back to Dale "you don't let down this group Dale, and you never will".

Dale felt a surge of happiness flood into his body, he released a small smile, getting onto of the rv he begins to look around using binoculars around the farm. Stopping at Rick he wonders what's going to happen next and if rick will be ready for it, glancing at his people in there tents he thinks "if anyone is", including himself.

10k and Shane were woken up to do there shift it was nearly morning as the two prepared themselves for the day, the two were standing aroundm, in silence.

"What do you think about the barn", Shane says wanting 10k input about the circumstances that are happening.

"I think hershel doesn't know what he's talking about".

Shane was amazed about his response "that we can both agree upon... you know Lori, is teaching Carl some math, english stuff like that, I'm sure she won't mind if you tag along, if you want".

"I'm fine, I know how to read, I'm 14", 10k says.

"Sorry meant no offense", Shane spoke " I need to stretch these old legs, imma take a walk try to see any walkers broken through the fence".

Shane lightly smacked 10k shoulder as he Shane began doing exactly as he said he was going to do, walking away from the group he naturally travels to the barn, no one but 10k and himself should be up. When he arrives to the barn he slowly approaches it, faintly hearing the dead inside he ensures the barn was holding up around the sides and back he eventually stares at the front door, wrapped up in metal chains with a lock bolted between them. Making sure the door was secure softly pulling the lock to see if it would give, he places his hand on the door only for him to jump back wards when the door moved revealing the louder noices of the groans of the undead now aware of Shane. His immediate reaction had been attempting to draw his gun which had always been on his side, only for his hand to touch only his belt, his gun having been taken away. Backing away from the barn he almosts collides into otis, who had a rifle strapped to his back.

"Sorry". Shane said unable to take his eyes away from the barn.

"It's okay, you came all the over here to make sure the barn was fine, too." Otis said already inspecting the barn for any gaps or cracks within the wood.

Shane nodded not speaking otis continued "I usually wake up early anyway because of the farm and all, I always make sure it's safe for more" otis was about to say walkers however stopped himself "the you know whats, to be put in, I think the barn can only handle maybe a dozen or less of those things before they could break through".

Shane softly scoffs saying "and if the barn is unable to hold these things".

Otis pauses "I'm praying that doesn't happen".

Shane says "well looks your prayers have been answered",before hearing otis response Shane strolls away to continue his work on the perimeter around the farm.

Hours goes by and 10k is seen eating breakfast, I bowl of oatmeal with a few apples, along with him is rest of the group eating there breakfast too. Rick were discussing with the group about a chore plan mainly shane and dale were making conversation while the others listened not to bothered about the work they have to do around here. Just then Beth joined up with the group and asked "my dad needs some help in the field, he asked if any of you are willing to give him a hand".

Rick nodded looking around the group he gave anyone the opportunity to do the work, there was a brief moment of silence. Glenn speaks up first "I can do it", just then 10k raises his hand as well, Rick gestures for Beth to take them as she escorts them to where hershel is seen, kneeling down on the soil planting and harvesting the small amounts of crops that had matured enough to consume. Next to hershel was Jimmy helping Hershel, Glenn stepped closer to also lend his hand first, when he had left out of ear shoot Beth speaks to 10k.

"Sorry for being emotional the last time, it's just I can't believe how easy it is for you to kill them, and to talk about them like that, like they aren't human, it's just wrong... I understand you don't see them that way, and I know it's asking alot, but could you stop talking about them like that".

10k replied with a simple "sure".

Beth smiled, she raised her hand for a hand shake as 10k shaked her hand she said "we can be friends, I can tell your a good guy, well see you around".

Beth waved at the people working, 10k, Glenn and Jimmy under the instructions had began planting and harvesting the crops of the field. It was easier than 10k had expected, the hoe he had used felt comfortable in his hand, it felt like any other weapons, his first thoughts were how he could kill with this, what would be the best approach if a walker had managed to get. Evenually Jimmy and Glenn were away from hershel and 10k farming other crops in a different area.

"Isn't it beautiful". Hershel asked 10k.

"What is"

"The creation of production of plants, how it grows, how the plant manages to function".

"I guess so, never put to much thought into", 10k replied.

"I don't want to sound rude here, young man, but you don't give much thought to anything".

10k lightly chuckled still doing the work before hershel continued "like your name, it ain't name, it's a mission, a mission I hope you change, you add your kills like some hunter, I don't want to preach in your ear but why change the name your guardians had given to you, I think it makes you feel strong, makes you have the strength to survive against the foes you fought against before coming here, but you don't have to do that here, your safe, you don't need to kill be 10k just yourself, the person you used to be".

10k responded "I'm sorry sir but you don't know me".

Hershel spoke "judging from how your holding my tools, your treating it like a weapon not what it's supposed to be used for... farming, its a peaceful tool not something you should kill with".

10k listened to hershel, a words he never thought he would have heard after the world turned into what it did now, could hershel be right, does his mission not matter, he knows the walkers are dead and can't be saved. But would his mother and father be proud of him, turning into someone they wouldn't recognise, getting a new name ditching the one he was born with, was it disrespectful to his dad's memory. These questions plagued his mind, could hershel be right, he looked up at the farm that had so much potential, a new life, a life he never thought was a possible.

10k gripped the tool he was holding not like a weapon now but what its supposed to be used for, hershel sensed the the difference to the young boys attitude. Hershel taught 10k the farm life for the next hour, 10k is them seen digging a patch that hershel is planning to extend the crop batch. Eventually 10k had gotten too tired to continue, hershel threw a bottle of water at him.

"Thanks for the work, did better than expected, kid". Hershel spoke.

10k stood there, he took his hand for a hand shake like Beth had done to him "Thomas, that's what my mom named me".

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