じゃあね is またね (See You Later)


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"You're lying! I have to be... I'm gonna be a hero. I need to be a hero..." Or, Izuku Midoriya goes to Recove... Еще



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After their cry sesh, Izuku had fallen asleep on Aizawa, and he gave her one last squeeze, before picking her up and moving her to the teacher's dorms. Students had long since gone to their rooms and teachers were grading papers in their common room, sending him confused looks, but he mouthed that he would tell them later. He went to his room and later her down on his bed and covered her up with soft blankets and gave her his cat, Bastard, who she held tightly in her sleep, but he didn't mind accepting his fate. Shouta smiled at the sight, seeing the girl's relaxed expression, so different from the broken girl from earlier. He quietly closed the door and went back downstairs. Nemuri was waiting for him at the stairs, Hizashi not far behind. He he nodded and they went back to the couch. The only people in the room were Snipe, All Might, Nemuri, Hizashi, and him. He sat down on the couch, and Hizashi handed his friend a cup of coffee, knowing something was up. "What happened to the listener?" Shouta sighed, all attention on him, and though Yagi hadn't said anything, his eyes were begging for an explanation. "Before she fell asleep she told me I could tell the other teachers. She told me this in full confidence, and if so help me god, if you tell anyone, I'll make sure you regret the day your parents hooked up." Nemuri fake gulped, trying to lighten the mood, but Shouta just let out a shaky breath. "She has cancer." And suddenly Nemuri didn't feel like loosening the tension. Snipe cursed. Hizashi and Nem were definitely crying, and he was too. Yagi hadn't said anything. "H-how bad is it?" Hizashi said, but his voice was hoarse and thick, like he was trying not to have a breakdown. Shouta wiped his eyes, but it did nothing, as they just kept coming. "We don't know. All she's been told is that it is breast cancer that causes a tumor in the gland that produces breast milk." If it were any other situation, talking about breasts would've made the uncomfortable, but now, it just made them cry. "I'm funding every fucking bit of it." Shouta's gaze drifted towards Toshinori and, for the first time, he smiled at the man. "I knew I trusted you for a reason, even if that reason was very, very deep down." Yagi let out a humorless laugh. "Thank you for taking care of my girl, young Aizawa. You are one of the best people for her to be around." Hizashi squeezes his hands together as a grounding technique. "But what if she..." Shouta sighs sadly. "I know, Hizashi. She's one of our kindest, brightest, and smartest students. If that were to happen, I might just quit. But I can't, because she wouldn't want that. And I haven't lost a student yet, I don't plan on it happening anytime soon." Hizashi sent him a pained smile. "Shou?" He turned a soft smile towards his best friend. "Yeah, Nem?" She hugged herself and didn't bother wiping the tears from her eyes. "I don't think I can do this, she means so much to me, to you guys, to the students, if she doesn't make it, I don't know what I'll do..." Snipe, who's has been silent the whole time, puts an arm around her shoulders in an attempt at comfort. "Kayama, that girl is tough, tougher than every single fucking person I've ever met. I'm mad, not at her, or at life, but that she has to go through all this, even if I know, she'll beat every obstacle coming her way. She always has, and I know, without a doubt, she always will." Nemuri smiles, though it's sad. "Thanks." And Shouta knows he's right. For about three hours afterwards, they had finished a few movies, and were heading off to bed. All Might stopped Shouta in the hallway. "I meant what I said, Young Aizawa. The part about you being the best person for her to lean on. I don't have many years left myself, maybe seven if I stretch it and am careful. And as terrible as it sounds, I don't think her mother is the best guardian." And if that didn't make Shouta's blood boil. "You suspect abuse." It wasn't a question. Yagi nodded somberly. "If not physical than emotional. I've met the woman, and she's harsh." Shouta grimaced. "Thanks, I'll get Nedzu to look into it. Also, I appreciate your trust. It's welcoming." And then he went to his room. When Shouta walked into his bedroom, he didn't expect to see his Problem Child eating a big bowl of rocky road ice cream. He scratched his head. "Where did you?-"
She grinned really wide. "Kayama-Sensei brought it a second ago!" He smiled, walked towards the bed, and sat next to his kid. "Of course she did." Izuku handed him the bowl and an extra spoon from literally nowhere. "Where did that come from?" It was her turn to loook confused as she shoved the plastic spoon into his hand. "You mean you don't keep tasting spoons with you at all times?" Aizawa rolled his eyes and ruffled the top of her long curly hair. Her eyes narrow and she looks at the bowl. "If you're not gonna eat it, I'm always hungry." Shouta scrunched his nose. "It two thirty in the fucking morning." She smacked him in the head. "What's that supposed to mean?" He deadpanned. She was still waiting for an answer that wouldn't come. " You know I could give you detention for hitting a teacher." She hugged him from the side, murmuring into his arm, "Yeah, but you won't." He lifted her into his arms and sat her in his lap, wordlessly confirming her statement.

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