Wrapped Around Your Finger [P...

By wwemaddy

2.5K 174 32

What happens when the biggest star in the world makes a drunken mistake with someone who never wanted the att... More



470 20 6
By wwemaddy

Hey everyone! So, I'm sorry for the delay. I was not only locked out of the account but I set the date to post to 2025...Don't ask me how I did that but I did it. So anyway, here is the long awaited story that I promised!! Sorry for the inconveniences just so much happening and I couldn't get into this which was seriously killing me! But here it is finally! Wrapped Around Your Finger!
Next update will be Wednesday!

The sun peaked through the curtains, shining directly on to the pile of clothes that were thrown there last night. The sun's ray continues to shine towards the bed where long chestnut hair draped over the side with an arm just barely grazing the floor. The ray made it's way to shine on her eyelids making her roll over. She thought it would help get her back to sleep but she was put off by someone's warm breath against her forehead. "Fuck." She whispered to herself before rolling on to her back.

A breeze flew over her chest and she realized she was completely nude. She quick pulled the cover over her chest before sitting herself up. "Did not imagine my day would start like a Katy Perry song." She whispered again to herself. "There's a stronger in my bed, there's a pounding in my head." She laughed at herself after singing the verse that related to her very moment but quickly cradled her head in her hands at the actual pounding in her head.

She looked over to her right and saw a man laying on his stomach. Couldn't deny the fact that his side profile was pretty handsome and his back was clearly toned. She gave herself a pat on the back before she slid down the bed, making sure to hold the sheet against her as she bent over to grab her clothes from the night before. Though she did want a shower and wasn't sure how much of the nitty gritty her and this man got up to last night. She looked over her shoulder quickly at the man on the bed, seeing his face smushed against the mattress and covered herself with her clothes before booking it to the bathroom.

The bathroom was larger than any hotel room she had ever been in. A large glass shower, vanity mirror, two sinks, and she swore the toilet was so shimmery it was made of diamonds. She wanted to admire it all day but decided on looking at herself in the mirror, trying to see if there were any hickeys, bruises, or marks of any kind but she was squeaky clean. "What the hell?" The same shimmering she saw on the toilet was now coming from her finger. Reflecting back a strong sparkle complex at her. She looked down to see a large square diamond with two smaller ones on either side. The silver band was lined with even smaller diamonds. Her hand suddenly felt heavy from the weight of this ring she knew didn't belong to her. "Please tell me I didn't buy this." She quick grabbed a robe from the closet and snuck out to grab her phone which only had two percent left on its battery. "Shit." She tried to move fast, checking her account before her phone inevitably died. "Oh thank god. It wasn't me. This is gorgeous though." She slid it off of her finger with a bit of a tug and set it on the tv stand before heading back into the bathroom. The hot steamy water started pouring over her skin as flashes of the night started moving like a quick montage beneath her eyelids.

Dancing, drinks, more dancing, more drinks. A repetitive and what felt like endless cycle that led to the strong unknown. Just two strangers leaving their friends for a regular one night stand. Or at least that's what he was telling himself before finally opening his eyes. "Just another one night stand. I have got to stop doing these." He spoke to himself as he heard the water running from the bathroom. He dragged his hands over his face, trying to remember anything else from last night but everything was so foggy. He sat up and walked to the other side of the bed, finding his clothes in a pile on the floor. He quickly pulled his jeans up after his boxers and slid his button up over his shoulders as the bathroom door opened. "Morning." He greeted before pulling his eyes up to find his subconscious patting him on the back. She was gorgeous, more beautiful than any of his previous one night stands. Long chestnut hair that looked darker due to the water from the shower, bright blue eyes, and a sweet tight lipped smile.

"Morning to you as well." She folded up her towels and set them on the bottom of the closet before pulling out a new one and placing it on the bed. "In case you decided to shower."

"Thank you."

"No problem." She went to go back into the bathroom and prepare for her walk of shame in her clothes from last night but stopped quickly to look back at the handsome man standing at the end of the bed. His brown eyes, brown hair, and scruffy face seemed so familiar to her. It almost bothered her that she couldn't figure out where she had known him from other than quick flashes from the night before. "Oh and I left your ring on the tv stand. I know I didn't go out wearing one or have one that gorgeous so I assumed it was yours."

She watched him pick it up and examine it almost like she did this morning. "I'm sorry but this isn't my ring. Maybe you bought it last night?"

She shook her head. "I already checked my account. Nothing but bar charges."

"I'll check mine then." The man pulled his phone out as she decided to walk back into the bathroom. "What's your name by the way?"

"Shiloh." She called from the bathroom. "But you can call me Shi. And you-"

"Oh shit."

"What's oh shit?" Shiloh came out of the bathroom with one side of her head brushed and the other side still messy from the shower. She saw the man standing with his hand over his mouth he continued to scroll on his phone. "Is this a "you" problem or a "we" problem?"

"Not only is the ring charged to my account but there is also an $87 charge to my account from a wedding chapel. Now I'm just putting two and two together but I'm pretty sure we eloped last night."

"Oh fuck." She whispered before going to grab her phone. As she went to check her camera roll and location from last night it completely shut off. "Dammit. My phone died."

"I've got a charger in my bag."

"Thanks." She watched the man cross the room to his bag where he pulled out a white charger and tossed it over to her where she plugged it on his side of the bed. "What's your name by the way, I didn't get to ask you before you said "oh shit.""

"I'm Pedro. Pedro Pascal. Which makes you Mrs. Shiloh Pascal."

Shiloh's head started spinning. She knew his face was familiar but now she knew why. That face had been on her tv screen, her phone screen, her friends televisions, on magazines, billboards, posters. He was everywhere. She felt her chest cave in and her breathing stop as the realization of who he was set in. "YOU'RE THE MANDA-FUCKING-LORIAN!" She shouted while pointing at him.

"I'm a little relieved you didn't call me Javier Peña."

"Oh my god." Shiloh started running her hands through her hair. All sense of calm had left the hotel room, straight out of the building. Of course I'd marry the biggest actor in the world. OF COURSE I WOULD! "We obviously had sex. Did we use a condom? Am I going to be pregnant with Pedro Pascal's child? Oh god the world is going to hate me. I'm just a nobody but now I'm Mrs. Pascal and potentially baby momma Pascal. Oh my god I am FREAKING OUT!"

"No shit."

"You're not helping."

Pedro watched as Shiloh started to pace. "I'm also freaking out so how would you like me to help?" It was true. He was freaking out but he was doing a better job at keeping it inside. After being in the public eye for so many years it was easy for him to hide what was really going on but he did feel bad for Shiloh. Seeing her pace back and forth.

"By remembering what the hell happened last night."

Pedro cocked his head back trying to remember anything involving her face. "I remember taking about eight shots with you and then blacking out."

"That's all I remember too. So that's NOT HELPING!"

"You know what might help?" Shiloh stopped and looked at him with hopeful eyes. "If you stop screaming?"

"How are you so calm?!" Well that didn't help, Pedro thought to himself as she continued on. "Have you done this before? Oh my god are you like a drunk marriage connoisseur or something?"

Pedro rolled his eyes. "Yeah it's a kink. I love getting blackout drunk and marrying some stranger only to have them shout at me the next morning."

"Okay so I can see why drunk me fell for you." Pedro tilted his head in confusion. "I apparently have a thing for sarcastic assholes."

"So now I'm an asshole?"

"It's a general assumption based off of my type and how you are currently one half of it."

"Well I've learned drunk me has a thing for loud jumping-to-conclusions girls."

"Now I know you're not an asshole."


"You said girls instead of bitches. That's not very assholey."

"Thanks. Can we please try to figure out what's going on, what happened, and how we're going to solve it?" Pedro was becoming frustrated with how unfocused they both were. Worrying about all of the wrong things instead of how to fix this strange situation they'd found themselves in.

"That would be the logical thing to do, yes. But I'm not gonna lie to you, Mando, I'm not very logical."

"Please don't call me Mando."

"Sorry I've just always wanted to do that."

"Jesus Christ." Pedro was becoming more frustrated by the second but he couldn't deny it, he kind of enjoyed how she could lighten the moment even the slightest bit, without even knowing it.

Shiloh calmed herself down and ran her hands through her hair before tossing it over her shoulders. "Right. Logical thinking. Logical discussion." She started to think of questions that could lead them in the right direction. It was hard because she never imagined herself in this position, never even thought about someone she knew being in this position. "Okay! Did you go out with anyone last night?"

"My friend Oscar."

"Oh my god MoonKnight was out too?! Now see if he wasn't already married, he would've been."

"Charming." Pedro spoke with a sarcastic smirk. He couldn't help but feel a small ping in his chest knowing if it came down to him and Oscar she would've chosen him. But he moved passed that feeling quickly. "Were you out with anyone last night?"

"My best friend but she disappeared at the beginning of the night to meet up with some celebrity friends of hers."

"Is you friend famous?"

"Why, do you want to marry her too?"

"Aye Dios Mios."

Shiloh smirked seeing how quickly she could aggravate him. Something about seeing the veins in his arms and one on his neck flare was funny to her. "She's kind of famous. Her dads a director but we went to high school together. My parents aren't famous just rich so they can afford the fancy Hollywood schools."

"Do you know who she left with?"

"No. I've tried to stay out of the celebrity light."

"Well Shiloh, I hate to break it to you but we were spotted together last night. You're trending on Twitter as Mrs. Pascal. You're in the celebrity light."

Shiloh impulsively grabbed his phone and swiped though the photos. She saw them holding hands, in tight embraces, loving kisses, and even exiting the chapel. The one thing catching her eyes in every photo is that diamond ring that weighed her entire finger down. "I never see paparazzi photos of Oscar Isaac why couldn't I have left with him?"

"Wow, you're making it really easy for me to like you."

"Stop being sarcastic or I'm going to fall in love with you." She stated bluntly while giving him back his phone.

Pedro looked back at his phone, scrolling through and seeing all of the hashtags trending with his last name, all of the photos being shared over and over again, the things they were saying and already twisting to get views. "I did not want this kind of commitment he mumbled."

Shiloh scoffed, "Oh yeah, and I've been dreaming of this my entire life."

"Stop being sarcastic or I'm going to fall in love with you." Pedro mocked Shiloh, causing her eyes to drop in annoyance. "Hypocrite."

"Name calling and mocking is getting you into asshole territory." Shiloh crossed her arms defensively.

Pedro stopped for a moment and took breath in. He was the one being difficult now and he decided to play the part of mature again. "You're right I'm sorry. You and I didn't want this but we're stuck in it now. We'll have to come up with some sort of plan."

Shiloh nodded and walked over to the hotel phone before sitting on the bed. Pedro couldn't help himself from looking at her bare legs as she draped them over the side, her robe stopping just above her thigh. "How about over some breakfast? When I'm stressed I get hungry." Pedro nodded and looked over the menu while Shiloh called. He was going to whisper his order to her when there was a loud squeal from the phone. Pedro turned to see Shiloh with the phone a decent distance from her ear because of it. "Okay thank you." Pedro watched her hang up the phone and turn with a sigh. "She must be quite the fan of you. I gave her the room number and she squealed. I didn't even get to place an order either, she just told me not to worry about it and they'll be up in a moment."

On cue, their door was being knocked on. Pedro finally buttoned his shirt up while Shiloh followed behind him to the door. She admired how the shirt just barely squeezed the shape of his back it made her cheeks flush pink. She tried to peak over Pedro's shoulder but had a hard time doing so since he stood a bit taller than her. She ended up pushing his arm to the side as he opened the door in order to see what was going on. The door barely opened an inch before the cart was being pushed into the room and Shiloh fell directly into Pedro's side. His arm wound so tight around her waist, grasping the robe and her hip like they were his life support.

The cart and hostess pushed the cart farther into the room but soon another cart was pushed in followed by one more cart. "Wow." Shiloh whispered placing her hand instinctively against Pedro's chest as they watched the people enter their room. She turned around in his grasp, placing both hands on his arm as they watched the hosts and hostesses show them all the food they brought them. "Thank you for this but it's all too much."

"Don't worry about it, it's completely on us. And check out when you need to. Enjoy everything!" They all stared intently at them before finally leaving.

Pedro let out a breath he didn't know he was holding which relaxed his arm further into Shiloh's belly. Shiloh walked over to the carts and Pedro felt cold when she left. He followed behind her to see full plates of pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, hash-browns, fruits, yogurts, donuts, bagels, even the small to-go dishes of cereal. "I swear no regular hotel has this much food and this much decent looking food."

"When you're famous, there's some perks." Pedro stated flatly before taking a waffle, eggs, and some bacon on a separate plate over to the bed. Shiloh was hesitant to take the food at first but eventually grabbed a pancake, put some fruit on it, and dug in on the bed beside Pedro. "You want to watch TV?" Shiloh nodded and Pedro chuckled seeing her stuffing her face completely of the food that was brought to them. She had some whipped cream on the side of her lip that made Pedro laugh and handed her a napkin to wipe it off.

"Thank you."

Shiloh wiped her mouth off as she watched Pedro turn the tv on. "Pedro Pascal steps out last night as a husband. The actor is seen leaving a wedding chapel in Vegas with a woman we haven't been able to identify just yet. She was seen with Larsa Chapman, daughter of director Neil Chapman, who was later spotted out with Lily-Rose Depp and Haley Lu Richardson. We're assuming she's in a much younger age range since she's associated with Chapman and have been seen together publicly multiple times. When we have an update we'll share it with you."

Shiloh stopped chewing when she saw the close up of her and Pedro hand-in-hand exiting the chapel. That ring on her finger still the most prominent accessory. Her chest started to tighten, her heart began to race, her breathing quickened at the same pace. "Shi?" Pedro questioned seeing her grab her chest. He set his plate down and took hers away from her before kneeling in front of her grabbing her face in his hands. His coco brown eyes gripped her bright blue ones forcefully, trying to get her to focus on anything but her mind. "Breathe in." He inhaled with her. "Breathe out." And exhaled with her. "Three more times, Shi, you can do it." His soft voice broke through her intense thoughts, breathing with him. Her hands holding his to her face in order to keep him right with her. She tried to close her eyes but Pedro would stroke her cheek and pull them open. "Stay focused on me. When your breathing regulates we'll talk about what's going on?" She nodded slowly as her eyes held his intently.

Pedro noticed her chest rising up and down slowly and her eyes finally relaxing on his instead of being forced. "How are you so good at handling this?"

"I also have anxiety and have had to deal with it for a very long time."

"Thank you." It came out as a whisper as she got choked up coming down from her emotions. She tried to sniffle them back but Pedro's thumb caught her first tear with his thumb and that comforted her to let more out before she was able to compose herself. "I guess I'm just worried about how to handle all of this new attention and pressure."

Though he chose this life, he remembers adjusting to the new attention he got. Cameras everywhere, people always following you, calling out your name for an autograph or picture, the media constantly watching and questioning your every move. He truly felt for her. "I know it's not easy but it will get better. This situation isn't normal by any means but at least you married someone who has a decent heart and remembers what it's like to be human. Yes, I did compliment myself and I don't care what you think about it." Shiloh laughed at him and he smiled. Pedro went to say something else but his phone started to ring. He pulled it from his pocket and swiped over, pressing it to his ear while keeping one hand on Shiloh's face. "Yeah? Okay. I don't really know if she's up for that. Shi, my manager and publicist want to talk to the both of us. You don't have to-"

"Yes. I need to figure out what to do and they can probably help me with it."

"We'll be there by tonight so just come to the house tomorrow." Pedro put his phone back into his pocket and stood up pulling Shiloh with him. "You have anywhere to be next couple of days?" She shook her head. "I know I'm a total stranger but would you like to take a road trip with me back to the hills and stay at my house? I've got a guest room you can stay in. I just figure for the night it might be the best."

"No you're completely right. And I don't want this to come off completely weird but I don't want to be away from you. Right now you're the only person I trust to actually get me out of this situation." Pedro gave her a nod and started packing up his bag.

"Pack your stuff up and we'll leave through the back to avoid paparazzi."

"What you say goes, Mando." She saluted him and Pedro put his head down in frustration.

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