Beacon Hills Noir

De BeaconHillsBound

220 18 4

Not only are there a lot of cold cases in the small town of Beacon Hills, Oregon, but they also have to look... Mais

1. Never Underestimate a Fag
3. Undercover Twink
4. Wisteria Heights
5. Into the Ick of It
6. Are Dragons Pigs?
7. Aching for XXX
8. Hidden Memories and Hidden Feelings

2. Good Ol' Baby Doll and Wet Dick

34 2 2
De BeaconHillsBound

November 29th, 2014
3:33 PM

Forsythe Investigations, Beacon Hills, Oregon

   "I am so sorry-"

November 30th, 2014
9:39 AM

   "to tell you-"

4:29 PM

   "This but-"

November 31st, 2014
1:21 PM

   "I am afraid"

3:30 PM

   "That your suspicions were correct"

5:05 PM

   "that your husband-"

6:18 PM

   "has been unfaithful in your marriage..."

December 1st, 2014
8:29 PM
   "here are some photos Ms. Elderberry," Stiles sighed handing her the photos that he took of her husband kissing a prostitute and going into the motel. The 50-year-old lady covered her face and started sobbing, "Our receptionist can give you the number of a lawyer friend if you want to divorce your husband," Stiles said.

   "Y-You know you can be a bit more empathetic when revealing this to the wife of the man who is cheating on her," Ms. Elderberry cried.

   "Would you like me to suck your ass at that, Ms. Elderberry," Stiles said and the woman gasped, "I have done 8 cases in a row, and do you know what I told them... 'your husband is cheating on you!'" Stiles said, "You're a statistic Ms. Elderberry, men are pigs that just want to fuck... you hired me to prove he was cheating, not to coddle you if you break down. You can pay the Receptionist on your way out," Stiles said storming out of the office.

   "You are so gentle with your clients," Xavier chuckled and Stiles saw he had his bag for going out, Stiles opened the door to grab his overnight bag and followed Xavier out to his car. "No, you're not coming with me," Xavier said reaching around for his keys and widening his eyes as Stiles pulled them out of his jacket pocket.

   "I was half raised in Manhattan, I learned to pickpocket when I was 10," Stiles shrugged unlocking the door getting in, and handing the keys to his angry boss.

   Xavier looked at the boy for several seconds... he couldn't help but be reminded of his childhood best friend. Everything about Stiles reminded him of Richie, the way he talked, the way he smiled when he said something cheeky.

   "Yo sweet cheeks, you gonna start the car or let us run out of oxygen?" Stiles said and Xavier snapped back to reality.

   "Stiles... this isn't going to be fun for you, it's just a cheating case like yours," Xavier said starting up the car and looking at Stiles as he got comfortable in the passenger seat.

   "Yeah, and why didn't you pawn it off to me like the others?" Stiles said looking up at him with a no-nonsense face, "Either you are lying to me, or this case is personal," He said and then raised an eyebrow. "Or... it's a small case that leads to a bigger one?"

   "You're not gonna let me go alone, are you?" Xavier sighed.

   "Nope... step on it, Honey Bun,"

   "What are you doing?" Xavier rolled his eyes.

   "Trying to find a stupid nickname for you that I like since you keep calling me Baby Doll," Stiles said.

   He thought it was derogatory, but Xavier called him this because of his beautiful pale skin that was reminiscent of a porcelain doll... but if he was being honest with himself, it started out being derogatory.

   "What is the case?" Stiles asked.

   "It is a cheating case... though the man, Adrian Harris, was a teacher of mine when I was in high school. he was a fucking prick,"

   "So, you're doing this to get back at him?" Stiles asked.

   "No, he is wrapped up in this arson case, I am going to get evidence of him cheating to get leverage on him,"

   "Ah, good old blackmail, tale as old as time..." Stiles said in a 'swoony' tone, "What if he couldn't care less if his wife finds out?"

   "Because of how he is cheating on her, she tracked his phone to the hotel where there are a lot of queer prostitutes, she also had a friend see his car in the parking lot of The Jungle,"

   "So, you are gonna threaten to oust him?" Stiles asked.

   "Yeah, he still works for the high school, in Beacon County you can still be fired for your sexual orientation," Xavier explained pulling up to a red light, he looked at Stiles's face to try to gauge emotion. "You good with that, Baby Doll?"

   "I don't give a fuck, Wet Dick," Stiles shrugged making Xavier laugh at that nickname, "Where are we going? The Jungle is the other way?"

   "You have been?"

   "Yeah... A boy has to catch a dick somewhere," Stiles said checking his nails before starting to bite at the longest one.

   "Gotta get a few files from the Sheriff's Station, the Night Clerk likes me better than the day clerk, so I have a better chance of getting more files." Xavier said, and Stiles' face showed fear, "Oh... right, your father, Hey... it's okay just stay in here, okay?"

   "This needs to happen sooner or later, give me the list of case files and I will go in. You're not very popular with the town officials you know,"

   "Yeah, I know," Xavier said handing him the list while pulling up to the parking spot, he saw the freight yet determination in Stiles' face. "You sure you want to go-" Xavier said but Stiles got out and slammed the door behind him, "Baby Doll..." Xavier finished with a sigh.

   Stiles walked into the Sheriff's Station and waited at the front desk, no one seemed to be around. He just prayed that his father wouldn't be here this late. "Hello? How can I help you?" A Deputy popped into the waiting area, Stiles looked up at him and his heart started to flutter.

   Their eye contact had the same effect on the Deputy. They both could sense what each other was with a simple sniff in the air, Stiles closed his eyes trying to hide the glowing hue of lilac.

   "Um Hi... I need a few files, I work for Xavier Forsythe, here is my PI license," He said handing the man a card.

   "This is your souvenir card to Boston Sweets," Derek chuckled and Stiles widened his eyes, he saw Xavier frozen coming into the office. "Um... your eyes hon," Derek said and Stiles closed his eyes shaking his head and finally getting ahold of himself.

   "Oh sorry, I must have grabbed the wrong card..." He said fluttering his eyes looking down and getting the correct card.

   "Okay, Doll... I'll be right back with those files," Derek said and Stiles nodded, he walked past Xavier with a nod. "How are you doing with the case,"

   "Going on a lead right after this," Xavier said and Derek said on his way to the backroom. He looked down at Stiles and rushed over as Stiles looked down, "When were you going to tell me you are a fae?"


   "Oh shut up, Gajos, I was born and raised in Beacon Hills and I am an investigator, I know about the supernatural world," Xavier said pointing in Derek's direction, "The guy you just talked to is a werewolf and an old friend of mine, he hired me on this case we are on,"

   "Why would I tell you anything about me," Stiles snapped and then Xavier gasped pointing in his face.

   "You have been cheating all this time, you can mind tap," He yelled, and Stiles slapped at his chest to shut up. "Stiles... do you know what this means? I am guessing you take from your mother's side, am I wrong?" Xavier asked and Stiles shook his head. "Fae Blood, it's like a cure-all, it's highly sought after in the black market,"

   "My mom's murderer wasn't worried about blood," Stiles said as he had already thought about this. Xavier was about to talk more but someone walked in the front door, Stiles quickly looked away and hugged himself.

   "Baby?" Sheriff Stilinski gasped seeing his son for the first time since Claudia's funeral, he rushed to wrap him up into a hug, but Stiles quickly stepped back and told him to stay away from him with a look.

   "Hey, Stiles..." The deputy who walked in with Noah was Scott, Stiles' childhood best friend. Stiles waved at him but kept an eye on his father.

   "I am not here for you... I am here for case files," Stiles said and Noah looked at him and then looked at Xavier.

   "You're running around with this guy? He only looks out for himself, kid, you need to come to your senses... I didn't do anything to your mother," Noah leaned down to be at eye level with Stiles. The only thing that Stiles could see in his father's face was the man who killed his mother in front of him, he didn't realize it, but he reached for Xavier's hand for comfort while he kept his face unthreatened.

   "Then why can't I tap into your mind," Stiles said fighting back tears and Noah widened his eyes, "I have the same powers as Mommy, if you didn't have anything to do with her death then let me into your mind,"

   "Stiles... I will not entertain this," Noah pointed in his face.

   "If you didn't kill her then you will let me into your thoughts, and if you ever loved me then you are going to give me her case files,"

   "Stiles, those are confidential, you do not have the clearance-"

   "Just give me the goddamn files, you can find a way... if you are just going to continue sitting on your ass then someone has to solve her case," Stiles snapped and the entire station was dead silent.

   "Hey..." Xavier squeezed Stiles' hand to get his attention but he and Noah were in some sort of staring contest, "Go wait in the car," He said but Stiles didn't move. "Go wait in the car, Miecie," Xavier grabbed him by the waist pulling him away to break the staring contest.

   "Buddy, it is so nice to see you," Scott hugged Stiles before seeing him outside, Xavier looked at the Sheriff while the man gave him a glare that made Xavier's skin crawl before storming off to his office.

   'There is definitely something up with that guy...' Xavier thought to himself, he never got along with Noah but maybe meeting Stiles was the push to start looking into Noah's past.
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