Reaching for the Sky

By The-Joker-

70.6K 2.4K 941

Iris is an 18 year old hyper, fun, and loving werewolf who has two mothers, and lives in an LGBT community p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
2 girls 1 cup reaction BONUS CHAPTER

Reaching for the Sky

9.4K 187 10
By The-Joker-

Hey guys! This is a spin-off from my book My Mate's a Girl? but you don't have to read that before you read this xP

Erm this story is supposed to be set in like, 2038 or something(because it's a spin-off of a love child XD)but I'm not really going to make it seem that way, if it's okay with you all xD so, yeah.

That's all I really have to say o.o

Enjoy xD <3

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