Descendants 3 (H.S. & C.S.)

By ArianaCamilaStyles

340 9 0

Harry, Calum, Justin, and Michael return to the Isle of the Lost to recruit a new batch of villainous offspri... More

Cast and Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

13 0 0
By ArianaCamilaStyles

I can't believe how people are here just to greet the new VKs. The only greeting party we got was Becca, who nervously reminded us about curfew, and Ashton, who kept calling Cole "Coley boo" maybe things really have changed.
Pastel-clad students, teachers, and parents gathered eagerly on Auradon Prep's front lawn to greet the school's newest Isle additions. Throngs of curious Auradonians had flocked to the event and were milling about the well-groomed gardens, converging under the King Luke statue and clustering on the school steps. They were all beyond excited to welcome the second wave of villain students to their side of the sea.

The Auradon Knights marching band, wearing snappy blue-and-gold uniforms, blasted out a toe-tapping number as the school's cheer squad shook their pom-poms and rallied the growing crowd. Cole's parents, Luke and Ariana, mingled among the crowd, looking as proud as ever of their son and his efforts to rule the kingdom with kindness. The royal couple smiled at each other, noting all the electrified citizens who were waving homemade Welcome All posters, flying painted Reunite banners, and holding cheery flower bouquets.

Queen Dinah and her grandson, Ashton, son of Sleeping Beauty, stood near a row of meticulously trimmed hedges. The two looked on with considerably less enthusiasm than most. Ashton's mouth formed a serious line, and his brown eyes were unsmiling. He pulled at his long ash-brown hair—which was newly streaked with pink and blue—straightened his pink leather ensemble, and frowned at all the hoopla. Auradon Prep did not need more evil-offspring students. The first four had been more than enough for his taste.

The rest of Auradon, however, felt differently. A giant video monitor was set up to stop the school's battlements to carry a real-time feed of the Isle's barrier opening. Welcome to our new VKs blazed across its screen. A formal royal guard detail stood in their pressed gold uniforms around the lawn. The king's stretch limo, now painted purple in Harry's honor, sat parked and ready to go in the circular driveway. In a few moments it would be crossing the barrier to pick up the four new VKs.

Many Auradon students, like Becca's daughter, Jade, were eager to befriend their new villain classmates. Jade held tightly to Justin's arm as he told her all about the twins. She couldn't wait to meet them.

Liam, son of Dopey, was equally enthusiastic. He waited next to Calum in his full band uniform—complete with brass buttons and a tall gold hat—excited to finally welcome the famous Jesy. Calum had shared many stories about his precious Isle friend. Calum laughed with delight, flirtatiously took Liam's arm, then noticed something out of the corner of his eye. "Here they come," he gasped. Liam and Calum shared knowing looks filled with happy anticipation. Then Liam took hold of his drum major baton and started to lead the band in an upbeat tune.

Harry and Cole made their grand entrance into the packed festivities. Harry surveyed the bustling celebratory scene, quite pleased to see the newest VKs would be greeted with more excitement and fanfare than he and his friends had been when they'd first arrived. He was amazed by how things in Auradon had truly changed.

Cole adjusted his golden crown, which bore the Hemmings family crest, and stepped in front of the crowd to speak. Harry moved to join his crew, but Becca blocked his path. "Oooh, stay." said Becca, looking proper as always in a conservative powder-blue dress.

"Stay here?" asked Harry, taking his place by Cole's side on the stage. The couple waved to the jubilant crowd. Harry, who had once found the royal wave rather awkward, now performed it like a pro.

"Bibbidi-bobbidi, one two, one two. Can everyone hear me?" asked Becca, testing the microphone. "Cole," she said pointedly, and passed him the golden mic.

"Thank you, Becca," said the king. Then he broke out one of his trademark warm smiles that put everyone at ease. Cole had really come into his own as the leader of the country. His approval ratings were off the charts.

"What's up, Auradon?" the king belted with rock-star style. "Thank you, thank you so much for coming into to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon." His first official act as king had been inviting the children of Auradon's sworn enemies to live among them. At the time, the royal proclamation had been controversial to say the least. But Cole's courage, conviction, and risk paid off, and now all the citizens of Auradon were cheering on the arrival of more VKs.

Well, most of the citizens. Queen Dinah, clearly displeased, pulled nervously at the strand of pearls around her wrist, leaned over to Ashton, and whispered. "Not like we had a choice." Ashton nodded back, unsmiling.

"It worked out pretty well with the first four," Cole mused to the crowd.

"Especially for you," Niall, the preppy son of Maura and Bobby, shouted back. His blond curls shook as he laughed at his own clever joke.

"Yeah. Real funny," said Ashton. He snapped his fingers and Niall cowered in obedience.

Cole gazed out at his subjects, then turned to face Harry and focused only on him. "Harry," he said, smiling at his boyfriend, "this is the exact spot where we first met not so long ago."

Liam suddenly removed his matching band hat. His shoulder-length blond hair sprang free. Calum handed him a guitar and grinned conspiratorially.

Liam stepped forward, cleared his throat, and began strumming an acoustic version of "Did I Mention." It was the song Cole had serenaded Harry with when he first declared his love to him in a very public way after a tourney victory.

Cole spoke softly into the mic, addressing Harry. "I feel like I've known you my whole life. Did I mention I'm in love with you?"


I met this boy who rocked my world
Like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just for him
And I won't ever stop
I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me
But now look at what you've done
You got me, down on my knee

Cole spoke from his heart as he told Harry that he never thought love like this would happen to a guy like him. Then he bent down on one knee.

Harry gasped audibly.

Cole held out a little blue box. Inside was a spectacular one-of-a-kind vintage-style ring with an enormous purple stone encased in a dragon design.

It was by far Cole's most romantic surprise for Harry yet. "It's you and me, Harry. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you wear the crown and be my king?"

But before Harry could respond, Ashton neutered out. "No!" He couldn't stop himself. The people who stood around him glared at the interruption.

"Yes. Yes!" exploded Harry, who fortunately, hadn't heard Ashton. Happiness danced across his face. He couldn't believe he was getting married to Cole! The Auradon palace bells peaked loudly as Cole slipped the ring on Harry's finger, stood up, and embraced him. The couple kissed—a real True Love's Kiss—as if they were the only two people in the world.

The crowd instantly erupted in wild applause as a cannon released a sea of bubbles into the air.

Calum, Ariana, and Becca all had tears in their eyes. Justin, who'd thrown on Liam's band hat, chest-bumped Luke, then turned to find Michael. The two pals clapped and pumped their fists, ecstatic for their friends. Dozens of onlookers flipped their DIY welcome signs to reveal sweet congratulatory massages like King Harry, Happily Ever After, and True Love, Harry!

Liam and Calum high-fived each other for their clever signage and exceptional teamwork. They really did work well together. Liam took in the massive scale of Cole's romantic gesture and shrugged sheepishly. "It makes our movie nights seem a little tame," he said humbly.

In contract to Cole and Harry's relationship, Calum and Liam's flirtship was progressing at a measured pace. Not that they didn't spend time together or make each other happy. But there was one big bridge they hadn't crossed yet.

Calum looked at Liam tenderly and full of appreciation. "I love yo—our movie nights." He seemed to have wanted to say something else, but just smiled instead.

"Me too," said Liam. He smiled back awkwardly.

"Yeah," said Calum, turning away quickly. Why couldn't he say what he felt? He was happy to wear an oversized heart pendant around his neck, but he wasn't one to wear his real heart on his sleeve.

Ashton, surrounded by the colossal celebration of love, felt crushed under the weight of utter devastation and new heartache from losing Cole for good.

Hearing that stupid song again only made things worse. Queen Dinah narrowed her eyes and fury at her disappointing grandson, her ruffled collar framing the dour frown on his face. "A lifetime of plans. Gone," she said. "Our family status. Gone. You were supposed to be his king and you let him slip through your fingers. Your mother could hold on to a prince in her sleep."

Ashton winced and tried to hold back the tears he felt coming. He swallowed the cold lump that had formed in his throat. "Don't you think I feel bad enough already, Grammy?"

A squad of girls stood next to them, delighting loudly in the sheer romance of Cole's proposal and chatting giddy about it. "Cole and Harry are the best," said one. "I'm so excited for Harry to be our king," said another.

Ashton turned on him angrily. "You'd really rather have a VK on the throne than me?" he asked angrily. "What is wrong with you people?"

The girls rolled their eyes, laughed among themselves and took their happiness elsewhere. But it didn't matter. Everywhere Ashton looked, all Auradon seemed to be rejoicing over Harry and Cole's engagement. "What is wrong with everybody?" he fumed.

He watched with hurt-filled eyes as Calum ran to Harry and hugged him tightly. "Wait, did you know?" Harry, clearly still shocked, asked Calum.

"Everything," replied an overjoyed Calum. He couldn't have been happier for Harry or thought of a single person who would make a better king. "You're really going to rock that crown," Calum added, running his hand along Harry's long purple hair.

Then Calum turned to more important business. "I've done about a thousand sketches of your wedding tux. And Ariana's already planning an engagement party for next week," she said, enamored with the idea of all the fun wedding planning that lay ahead.

Ariana and Luke, all smiles, joined them. "Hugs, hi," Luke proclaimed, and swallowed up Harry in a giant father-in-law-to-be bear hug.

"Hugs, hi," replied Harry, glowing and at home with the royal family.

"I finally get another son," said Ariana, her face filled with sheer joy.

"I love you, Ariana," said Harry. And he meant it.

I love you, too, mouthed Ariana in return.

Harry hugged them both. He was grateful to be joining a family who loved and supported one another.

Teeming with happiness, Cole looked at the family scene and turned toward Becca. "Thank you so much for your help, Becca. I think he liked it," he said. He glanced back at Harry and felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

"Bibbidi-bobbidi you betcha," said a very pleased Becca.

No sonnet had Becca congratulated Cole with a warm pat on the back and hurried off then Calum, Justin, and Michael bounded to with goofy, exaggerated steps. Michael bowed elaborated in Harry's direction and spoke, his voice syrupy with sarcasm: "All bow to Your Royal Majesty."

Calum curtsied with overblown reverence.

Justin followed suit. "Your Royal Purpleness," he said between stifled laughs.

"Silence, annoying peasants," Harry told them, shooing away his friends with feigned disinterest.

"As you wish, my liege," said Michael, who rose from his ridiculous prostrate pose.

"Your Crankiness," added Justin. The boys continued to crack themselves up as they bowed and scraped away, happy that although Harry was the future king of Auradon, at heart he'd always be their goofy friend.

Harry turned to find Ashton staring at him with disdain. His smile immediately faded; this couldn't be good.

"Congratulations. You won him fair and square," said Ashton. Then he cocked his head. "Oh, wait, no you didn't. You spelled Cole to destroy all of Auradon. Touching story for the grandkids," he sneered.

"Okay. Let's do this," said Cole, who stood nearby, unaware of Ashton's comment. He glanced at his watch, then fist-bumped Michael and Justin with new focus. They were expected elsewhere. The king was clearly in good spirit and ready to head to the Isle to pick up Jesy, Navia, Corbyn, and Asher.

Harry flashed a fake grin at Ashton. "Speaking of kids, we have some kids waiting on us. So if you'll excuse me . . ." he said, leaving a stony Ashton behind.

With a pained expression, Ashton watched as the royal attendants opened the limo doors for King Cole, Harry, Calum, and Justin while Michael jumped effortlessly into the driver's seat. The limo's custom license plate now read Harry, in honor of the king-to-be.

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