If only...

By karadan_

98.2K 3.2K 565

"If I just had one wish ... i will wish I had a time machine, to Get rid of some of these memories. I would... More

01.no different
02.The acquaintance party
06.She is a nice person
08.I think I love her.
12.a party
13. Drunk
15. I want you
17. She cares
19.in her bed again
21.everything is clear now
22.my childhood
23. She was special.
24.She's gone
25. Visit
26- she love her !
27. she deserves better.
28. leave her alone
29.i can't leave her alone
31. you need help
32. i love you.
33. vulnerable
34. just sex
35. heaven 🔞
36. goodbye
37.who are you ?!
38. I'm losing her.

39. grateful

2.6K 91 24
By karadan_


3 years have passed since that fateful, terrifying day.

Every time I remember what happened, I feel pain in my bones and heart with horrible headache.

I would not exaggerate if i said that it was the worst day of my life.


I remember very well....at one moment I decided to reload the gun and put bullets in my head the moment it would Mon breath stop... and yeah, this was the final decision at that moment... the moment Mon's heart stops beating, I will leave everything behind and follow her wherever she is... I know I sound crazy to you while you're reading my nonsense but you can't blame me... I loved her and saying goodbye to her after I found her was not an option.

But God is kinder than I thought...In the end, 20 minutes after Mon lost consciousness, the ambulance and the police came. I don’t remember exactly what happened in detail, but the paramedics took Mon from my arms and began checking her pulse and making sure she was still breathing.

I could see that they were worried that they can't be able to do anything to make Mon survive until she reaches the hospital when they saw how she's already bled a lot of blood.

  Without hesitation, they put her in the ambulance, put an oxygen mask on her fase and called the hospital and told them that a medical team must wait for them because the victim condition was critical and she had already lost a lot of blood. 

I was next to her in the ambulance, holding her hand without being able to cry or say anything because everything was chaos for me... it was too much....
When they talked about Mon need for blood I called Dr. William and told him to try to prepare blood in case Mon needed blood because I heard the paramedics telling the hospital that she would undergo an operation and  she would need a lot of blood, so I did not hesitate to call Dr. William without telling him details.
On our way to the hospital, they were trying to stop the bleeding, but the bullet was already deep because she was shot from a short distance....the 35 minutes that I spent in the ambulance holding Mon hand, not knowing what would happen next was like a nightmare that I did not want to think or talk about it at all.

When we arrived at the hospital, they took her to an examination room and prepared her for the operation. There were many doctors around her with looks of despair and pity.... I was watching, unable to cry or say anything... I was not ready to accept hearing something bad.

I was waiting outside the examination room, waiting for something to tell me there was hope, but.... deep inside I knew something bad was coming, I could feel it.

  One of the doctors came out of the examination room and asked if she had relatives, and it was like a knife in my heart. There was no one there for her but me.

"No, I am the only person available here and I can help you with whatever you want, but please save her."
I said that while looking seriously at the doctor, who was looking at me with a frown, not understanding what was happening.

"Excuse me, but what is your relation to the patient?
One of her relatives must come and sign papers before we take her into the operation."
The doctor said that seriously.

"She has no one. I am the only one here for her, she has no family, her parents are both dead and she has no siblings or relatives so please don’t waste any more time and give me the papers to sign whatever you wants. Please... just save her."
I said that in one breath while trying to control my tears. 

"But who are you for her?.. if you ....."

"I swear to god, if you don't stop asking stupid questions now, I will make them expel you from here with one call and If anything happens to her, I will hunt you and believe me i have nothing to lose so let me sign what you want and start doing something before I lose my humanity with you."
I said that angrily cutting whatever he was trying to say while clenching my teeth which made the doctor step back and give me the papers to sign, especially since Dr.William arrived at that moment.

The papers were an agreement not to hold the hospital any responsibility if something happened to Mon, according to what I understood from Dr.William mon condition worse than I thought. 

When they took Mon into the operating room, I felt my heart break into pieces ...The fact that she might not come out alive was suffocating me.... it was painful...
I don't know how to describe to you what I was feeling, but I couldn't cry or scream or anything. I was numb and in pain, and for a moment I didn't feel the voices or people around me while I was sitting on the hospital floor in front of the operating room, hugging my knees and thinking about everything  bad things I did so God put me in that position. 
I knew that I was a bad person and that I deserved the god curse... but not Mon....I was praying to God to punish me however He wanted but not Mon.

The operation lasted for 7 hours. I was sitting and waiting in front of the operating room, putting my head between my knees and waiting for Mon to come out a live.

My friends and family knew what happened and they came to the hospital, but I was not able to talk to them about anything. It is good that the police and Dr.William were there To answer the questions.

after waiting for hours that seemed like an eternity, the operating room door opened and one of the doctors came out, looking tired and worried.

" Please tell me she will live."
  I said that while trying to prevent the tears that had gathered in my eyes from falling.
Everyone was standing behind me, waiting for the doctor’s answer with anxious.

" We did what we could, but the bullet was deep.
We were able to stop the bleeding difficulty, but the bullet caused damage and her body is very weak.
I can't promise you anything, but let us pray that she is strong enough to survive...I will not talk about the details of the problems she will face, but for now let us pray that she will pass the danger stage and wake up."
The doctor said that, leaving me in shock. I could hear him talking to Dr.William and my father who was there trying to help, but my mind was trying to interpret what the doctor said!!...

Does it mean that she will have problems even if she survives?
It doesn’t matter. I am ready to take care of her and complete any Deficiency happens. As long as she is breathing and her heart is beating, everything will be fine.

Two weeks after the operation, Mon still has not opened her eyes or shown any sign of improvement.

I remember well that everyone began to doubt that she would wake up one day... Even the doctors said that she was not strong enough, her body was weak and I had to accept the idea that she might not wake up one day and move on with my life and take care of my health and blah blah blah ....but they were like buzzing flies to me.
I was ready to wait for her until my last breath.

During that weeks, her friends came to visit her and Selena as well, but no one dared to say anything because I was in a miserable state already and it was obvious to everyone. I could see blame and hatred in their eyes, and I did not blame them, especially in rose eyes who would come and sit next to mon for one or two hours sometimes holding her hand, she kisses it and cries as if Mon was more than a friend to her... And yes, Mon was not just a friend to Rose. Mon was the impossible love for Rose and she always blamed me for her loss... I was ready to accept any blame. I would give up anything, but I would always strive to win Mon heart, and Rose knew that so she was need to acceptthat.

In the third week, the doctors started saying their expectations and negative thoughts out loud, as if they were trying to convince me not to accept the situation they thought they understood  But I wasn't buying what they said Even if it was true...I wasn't thinking about losing hope for Mon.

We were at the end of the third week, Mon wound was slowly healing. Her face was no longer as pale as it had been during the first week, but her body was still cold....  That night, I remember that I was on the verge of collapse after weeks of perseverance.... I was unable to see her in bed without moving or even opening her eyes. I missed her so much.... After hours of crying alone with her in the room, I hugged her and buried my nose in her hair, which was like a talisman that make me Calm down.

"I miss you so much. When will you open your eyes and stop torturing me?
I beg you come back... please i need  you"
I said that while he kissed her forehead and cheeks, then buried my nose in her hair. I held her hand and placed it on my heart, as it was my way to get rid of the panic attacks of the previous weeks...I was trying to find peace while kissing her head and holding her hand, I felt the fingers of the hand that I was holding move, and for a moment I felt...  I was dreaming...

" Mon!!
did you move your hand or am I losing my mind?!
Please, if you can hear me, give me a sign. I am begging you."
I said that as I cried kissing her hand and looking at her to see any sign. After a few moments, her fingers moved again and I saw her moving  Her head slowly and her eyelids move.

I cannot describe to you what I was feeling, but if someone had shot me, I would not have cared....  I was crying, laughing, and jumping unconsciously while I watched her regain consciousness and her sleepy, attractive eyes slowly open, and damnnnnn .... I missed her so much.

I immediately pressed the call button for the doctor while I was trying to talk to her and kiss their foreheads and hands....Within moments, the doctor came with a nurse, so I moved away and gave them room to examine her while I was laughing and crying like crazy and praying that there would be no more tests because I was tired and I wanted nothing but to hug the girl I love and live in peace... i wanted to see her a live again.

The problems did not end with Mon waking up from the coma....The doctors told us about the damage the bullet had left from the beginning. Despite that, I was happy to see her alive again. I remember well that when she regained full consciousness, the doctors left us alone that night, and I was like a statue sitting on the sofa and crying uncontrollably, and I swear my body was shaking... I allowed myself to collapse that night after the long nightmare I had been living for three weeks.

"You look ugly when you cry."
I heard Mon’s voice for the first time in three weeks, and damn it, it was like a pink dream I was afraid that  It ends and I wake up at any moment.

I raised my head while tears were falling from my eyes uncontrollably and I saw her face and her sleepy eyes looking at me with concern. I could not stop myself and ran towards her and buried my head in her shoulder and hugged her. I felt that the weight of the previous days without her was suffocating me. I felt her tired hand gently stroked my hair without saying anything, but feeling her heartbeat was enough to make me feel safe.

"You have to recover quickly so you can take me on date so we can choose the house in which we will live when we get married "

I said that after i calmed down while I was still laying my head on her shoulder

"WTF, and who told you that I agreed?"
Mon said that in a weak voice with a tired laugh but I know she was serious.

"You promised me that day, remember mon... and yes you will agree, because you love me and  You will not fool me again and push me away.... I will give you the time you need, but you will not be able to keep me away from you. I love you and I am ready to wait for you until the last day of my life."
I said that seriously as I sat on the chair next to her bed and held the palm of her hand between my hands and kissed it.

She had that look on her face that I know, but I wasn't ready to let her push me away this time.

"I promise I've changed. I don't want anything from you but to be around you. I only feel safe when I'm with you, so please allow me to be around you, even if just as a friend, and we'll deal with everything later."

I said that as I looked at her to see her reaction, and yes, it was clear that Mon was haunted by what happened in the past. 

"Or you can put a bullet in my head to get rid of me and be free."
I said that jokingly when I started to feel that she was uncomfortable. 

"Shut up..but why not its a good idea to get rid of you"
Mon said that in a weak voice with a laugh and squeezed my palm that was holding her palm. 
I knew it would be a long journey to make Mon get over what happened and forget, but I was ready to fight wars for her. 

"Liar, should I remind you of how you threw yourself in front of a loaded gun for me even though it was certain he wouldn't hurt you so he got his freedom... or should I remind you of what you said that day, you can't fool me again, you're stuck with me  from the moment you saved me."
I said that with smirk as I kissed her hand and looked at her. 

"Can someone help me get back into the coma?
I don't want to be stuck with a crazy woman."
Mon said that and smiled. My heart was dancing with joy to see that smile, which was like an ointment to soothe the pain caused by the previous weeks. 

"I love you .... I love you more than you can imagine, and I will love you until the last breath of my life."
I said that while my tears fell, which were present in my sadness and joy, and I felt Mon’s hand in mine moving to gently wipe away my tears with a look that told me that there was hope that Mon would accept me one day.

A week after Mon woke up, she was released from the hospital, but there were problems after that incident. Mon would never be able to be pregnant and actually that was not a problem for me. I was ready to give her a family and a child if she wanted one day and  I told  her that many times....There were constant fever that always worried the doctors because it was not a good sign.
Because of that incident, Mon had to undergo a comprehensive medical examination every month or less.

After she was discharged from the hospital, she stayed at her home and was still in need of care despite  It had been a month since the accident, and I was there for her, not as a lover, but as a friend at least.

Mon was really still having a problem accepting me, even though she admitted that what she said on the day of the accident was true, and that she still love me but she was not ready to accept a relationship with me. What I did after I heard her confession was tell her that I would wait no matter how long it took because I wanted to be around her without demanding any feelings or duties from her. 

The situation continued like this until one day, Moon decided to undergo psychological treatment sessions about a year after the incident. At that time, we were good friends. I used to spend most of the time at her house. My family even used to visit me there sometimes to check on me, and yeah...  They love Mon so much and were fully supportive of me winning her heart.... They were always grateful to her for saving me, and Mon also loved and respected them, especially my mother, who looked at Mon as if she were her little daughter. It was wonderful to see them sitting together, talking to each other as if they were mother and her naughty daughter.

After about 6 months of psychological therapy sessions which were difficult for Mon, she was in a bad mood sometimes one day Mon asked me to choose a place to take me there in the weekend and yes, that was a ray of hope for the beginning of our story after everything we had been through.

I told her that I want to go to the restaurant next to the beach that she had taken me to before...the place was not what we were used to. They had changed the decor of the restaurant, but it was still as warm and cozy as usual and yes, she is the one who paid of course.

At the end of the day on the beach, Mon took my hand and kissed it, which left me frozen... I stand there like an idiot and tears started to gather in my eyes.

"I know it took a lot of time, but I want you to know that I'm trying my best to fix myself.... I'm sorry to make you wait all this time, but I'm really trying."
Mon said that sincerely, looking at me with her attractive eyes... My tears fell and I threw myself and embraced her with joy because I could see that she was changing. I could see that she was trying to accept me, and no matter how long it took, she would accept me one day. 

"I love you and I'm ready to wait no matter how long it takes...Take your time Mon, but... can I have a kiss?"
I said that and looked at her with puppy eyes to effect her.... And yes, for the first time after everything that happened, Mon kissed me. I was surprised at that time, I did not return the kiss to her at first, but when I realized what was happening, I wrapped my arms around her neck, embraced her, and kissed her deeply and lovingly, and I felt her arms surrounding my waist and pulling me towards her.
my dream was gradually coming true.

Two months after that kiss, Mon asked me to be her girlfriend and it was the most beautiful thing that happened in my life.

You can't imagine what I felt at that moment, but I was crying, laughing, screaming, and jumping at the same time to the point that Mon was looking at me in shock, then  I threw myself at her and hugged her and distributed kisses on her face while she was laughing and hugging me...

God was kind to me even though I didn't deserve it and I will always be grateful for what I have today...

I will always be grateful for my life that was completed with Mon’s presence by my side.....


When I remember what happened  years ago while she is sleeping next to me in her messy way. I can only thank God for everything. We are together now ... finally after everything that happened, she is by my side. 

We have been married for a year and our love is growing day by day.
Mon became better after she finished her treatment sessions to the point she proposed to me immediately and here we are now in the same bed.

" You look cre with this look."
Mon said that in a deep voice and opened one eye and looked at me with sus look. 
Seeing her wake up was a joy to me every time I saw her wake up.

"I'm looking at my hubby baby...
. Do you have problem?"
I said, and I took her hand and kissed it.

"nahh....you can't look as you want my old wife."
Mon said that with a naughty smile. Then suddenly she pushed me to make me lie on my back and she came on top of me and kissed my forehead and my cheeks.

"Did you called me an old woman?!
you are rude baby"
I said that while laughing....She always call me an old woman to tease me

" I mean, wasn’t it you who fell asleep after two rounds last night?... These are the signs of aging wifey."
Mon said that without laughing, she was trying to be serious, but she burst out laughing after she saw the shock and shyness on my face.
Yes, we have been married for a year, but I am still trying to get used to the naughty kid above me.

" I was tired. I had prepared dinner after a tiring day at work.  And this is what I get!!"
I said and pretended to be upset

"come on, you know I'm kidding with you"
Mon said with a bright laugh and then she kissed me and hugged me,

"I love you but I love seeing your cheeks blush because you look cute"

"well, I know you're joking, but I like to see you pampering me."
I said that, then I hugged her and buried my head in her shoulder.

"Can we stay at home today and spend time together?
The past few days have been chaos, as we have both been busy."
  I said that and then looked at Mon who was happy with the idea,

"why not, there are new movies on Netflix we can stay here and watch whatever we want"
Mon said that and kissed my forehead and then she kissed my lips and buried her head in my neck

"can we stay like this for a while?"
I said that as we hugged and smelled her hair scent remembering everything happened ... i breathe a sigh of relief because finally the nightmare is over and Mon is in my arms. 

"I was thinking to ask the same"
Mon said and hugged me tightly while burying her face in my neck.

This was our life, simple and happy, just because we were with each other.... everything perfect and easy with her ....Despite everything that happened, we returned to each other’s arms and I will always be grateful for that.


hi there....It has been a long journey with this novel, but here it ends.
Sorry for the delay and negativity in the novel, and thank you for your support guys ❤

btw, i saw someone said today is her/his birthday... and i want to say happy birthday, i hope it will be happy and healthy year for you ❤😘

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