The Max Effect. 1

By 70EricaLanger

1.5K 68 30

Max dreams of a career in fitness and bodybuilding. She worked hard, trained hard, and competed hard, buildin... More

Relocation, Rest, Repurpose.
Life Is Good.
Is She Real.
Accidents Happen.
The Recruitment.
Little Clues.
The Files.
Seeing Red.
Langer & Woods.
I Knew You Would.
The Fake Town.
Be Polite.
First Mission Nerves.
Screw You, Langer.
You'd better give her space

The Competition.

119 5 2
By 70EricaLanger

Max didn't know who Elvis Costello was, but Lassie seemed to know all the words and emphasised the part when it went "Pump It Up" was sung. She might be the only customer Lassie had, but Max loved Lassie's gym and, selfishly, was pleased it was just her and Lassie.

"Make it count, Max; this is your last training session before the competition", he said in between, stopping & starting the mixer as he made a protein shake.

"But don't go too heavy and injure yourself", he shouted over the mixer's whir.

Again, he sang "Pump it up", perfectly in sync with the music.

Max laughed and didn't listen and went heavy anyway. She was in great shape, and her physique, after months of hard work, certainly looked competition-ready. Max felt ready and confident, and this. As far as Lassie was concerned, Max's physique would place her in the top three in any bodybuilding competition. With her strength and the numbers she could move, she would give the male competitors some tough competition in most weight-lifting categories. Max was a natural, and she was undoubtedly gifted with her genes. If she could perform as well as she was in Lassie's gym, Max would easily win. She was breaking records with little effort, time and time again.

Lassie walked in with his shake whilst Max was on the leg press.

"You know, you have a champion bodybuilder's physique, and let's not forget you also have the strength of a champion strongwoman. Where did you get those genes from? I think you're going to go far in this sport."  he slurped his shake and walked off.

"Pump it up", perfectly in sync with the music again.

Max loved Lassie, and she could see how he had been such a successful trainer. She put her air pods back in and continued with her training. Thinking about it mid-set, Max wondered where she got her genes. It must be further down the bloodline because it wasn't from her mother or dad.

Tomorrow arrived way too quickly, and after a restless night, it was now a few hours before the competition. Rob, Pam and the family were going to attend the show and unknown to Max, her parents would also be there. They are keen to rebuild their relationship with Max.

The All-Star Competition differed slightly from other fitness events as no heats existed. Instead, many athletes attended, and the events got tougher, weights got heavier, reps increased, and the time allowed got shorter. Those who didn't reach the level were out. While preparing for the competition, athletes had been advised to train for various events, and they wouldn't know which events wouldn't be revealed until the day itself. Previous competitions consisted of deadlifts, obstacle courses, push press lifts, handstand walking, sledge pushes, rope climbs, and odd-object carries, to mention a few past events. This year's competition attracted a record number of competitors. Max had trained for as much as she could; her physique was in top shape, and her strength levels were off the page. During training at Lassie's gym, she had unofficially broken many of the competition's current records. But Max would be up against previous winners, veterans with a wealth of experience, runners and other new-blood athletes like herself.

Max had trained so hard for this moment, pushing herself to the limit daily. She had faced doubts and setbacks, but she never gave up on her dream. Max wanted to prove herself and her family and show the world her capabilities. She wanted to be the champion, a first-time champion. Max entered the arena, looking around. She saw her competitors, some of them familiar faces, some of them new. They all looked strong, confident, and determined. Max knew it would not be easy to beat them, and she would have to give it her all.

The host gave the opening speech, and the athletes from all over the world were about to take part in one of the world's most prestigious competitions. Max's nerves were all over the place; she might look calm above the water's surface, but underneath, her legs were furiously paddling away. The women in the top twenty were the most challenging competition for Max, and they were all impressive, strong competitors. If Max could beat these, she had a good chance of winning.

It was time for the first event, the deadlift. Max was nervous but confident. She stepped up to the bar, gripped it firmly, and lifted it with a grunt. She felt her muscles explode as the weight rose into the air effortlessly. It was a good lift. Max repeated the motion, increasing the load each time. The crowd in the arena got behind her and cheered, showing their support. Max could hear the crowd cheering, the announcer commenting, the timer ticking, but she was too focused on her technique. Max finished on 180 kg. Lassie knew she could pull 197 kg on a good day, so he was slightly disappointed. This was her first competition, though, and Max was Inexperienced. Her lift placed second in the event. She smiled, proud of herself, a little disappointed, but knew she could lift more.

Lassie was frustrated. He knew Max could lift more. It was the atmosphere of the arena, her nerves and anxiety restricting her performance.

The next event was the obstacle course. Max was thankful she had taken Lassie's outdoor training so seriously. She felt prepared. Max would be sprinting, jumping, crawling, and climbing through the various obstacles set in the steel frame. It was a great test of speed, agility, and endurance. Max dodged the swinging balls, leapt over hurdles, slid under the nets, and scaled the walls. She felt the adrenaline pumping, the sweat dripping, and the pain burning. Max continued to push herself harder. She thought she was faster and more robust than her fellow competitors. She crossed the finish line in 3 minutes and 45 seconds. Her time was enough to place her second in the event. She was now in the top ten. She gasped, exhausted but also exhilarated, knowing she was doing well.

Even though Max was so focused, she occasionally looked towards her family, especially Rob. But this time, she did a double take. Max spotted her mum & Dad, and all the arguments and hateful things said melted away. Max was so pleased that they had come to support her. It gave her a boost, and she felt so proud.

The third event was the push press lift, where the barbell was powered overhead. Max lifted the bar from the ground, pushing it overhead, and powered it upwards. She stabilised herself, stood up, and dropped the bar. She heard the judges' approval, the spectators' applause, and the scorekeeper's announcement as if it was in slow motion. Now, all she had to do was to continue with good form and as many times as she could in the allotted time. The crowd cheered as Max took her first win. She was ecstatic but also cautious, realising that she still had a long way to go.

This next event took tremendous stamina. It was the handstand walk. Max kicked up into a handstand, balanced and walked forward. She felt the pressure on her wrists, shoulders, and core. She was moving steadily, smoothly, and gracefully. Max avoided the obstacles, followed the course, and reached the end. She had walked 50 meters, a remarkable distance, and placed first in the event. She flipped back to her feet, relieved but disappointed, knowing she had lost some ground.

The next event was the sledge push. Max grabbed the handles of the heavy sledge, leaned forward, and pushed it across the floor. Max felt the resistance on her chest, arms, and legs, but she continued at a first pace powerfully and explosively. Max pushed the sledge back and forth, covering the required distance. She had pushed 200 kg, a heavy load, and placed third in the event. She let go of the sledge, panting but determined, knowing she had to do better.

The sixth event was the rope climb. She ran to the rope, wrapped it around her legs, and rose. She felt the friction on her hands, feet, and thighs. She moved quickly, efficiently, and skillfully. She touched the top of the rope, slid down, and repeated the process. Max placed first in the event. She dropped to the floor, tired but hopeful, knowing she had a chance.

Max had one more obstacle to overcome; it was time for the seventh and final event. The event was going to be the odd-object carry. The whistle sounded, and the event began. Max picked up the heavy sandbag, hoisted it on her shoulder, and carried it across the field. Max felt the weight on her neck, back, and hips. She carried the sandbag to the other side, dropped it and went to pick up the heavier keg. She carried the keg back to the start, dropped it, and picked up the heaviest stone. She carried the stone to the finish line, dropped it, and collapsed. She had carried 120 kg, a massive load, and placed first in the event. She lay on the ground, spent but curious, knowing she had done her best.

She looked up at the scoreboard, waiting for the final results. She saw her name, her score, and her overall position. Max had scored 590 points, putting her in first place. The crowd erupted and went wild, cheering and applauding. Max was congratulating her fellow contenders when one of them mentioned the judges gathering together. It all seemed very intense. The arena speakers stopped playing the music, and an announcement came on advising of a scoring discrepancy. All the contenders looked at each other in disbelief, and the situation became tense. Everyone could sense the tension, and it became notably quieter in the arenas. One of the senior judges walked over to Max and two other competitors. He asked for all of the last eight to gather around. He explained that, somehow, there was a mistake with the scoring. The judges would need to go over the results again. It was an excruciating wait that the competitors could have done without.

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