~ { Shadow and Beauty } ~

By ChildOfApollo7

45K 1.9K 258

A fanfic where Kiara Morrigan, a daughter of Pluto, falls for Piper McLean, a daughter of Aphrodite. ON HIATU... More

The School Bus
The Skywalk
The Wind Spirits
The Chariot
Camp Half-Blood
The Tour
Cabin Nine
The Big House
Cabin Fifteen
The Campfire
The Daughter of Pluto
The Prophecy
The Bronze Dragon
The Son of Jupiter
Our Saving Grace
Cabin Ten
Leo's Dragon
Cabin One
Quebec City
The Ice Palace
The Ice Princess
Hera's Gamble
Finally Leaving the Palace
The Fall
Princess Potty Sludge
Ma Gasket and Her Ugly Sons
Fire Boy
What Kiara Remembers
Princess of Colchis
Shopping With A Princess
Organic Life Forms
The White Mansion
The Old Man And His Scary Son
Gold King
We're In A Cave
Hunters of Artemis
The Ghost
Kiara Opens Up A Little
Aeolus's Palace
The Crazy Wind God
Yep. That God Is Crazy
Piper Meets Her Mom
Piper Has A Wad of Cash
The Devil Mountain
Gaea's Gone. For Now
Tristan McLean Goes Home
Taking A Chopper To Battle
Hera Is Locked Up In A Cage But We Don't Really Care
We All Hate Khione
We Almost Die. Again
Hera's Rescued. Yay
Finally A Normal Day At Camp
The Council
Greeks And Romans
The Lost Hero-The Mark of Athena
The God of Boundaries
Seaweed Brain
Daughter of Wisdom
We Lose The Romans' Trust
Siplitting Up
The Goddess of Revenge
Blackjack And Tempest
We Talk A Lot
Getting Rid of The Eidolons
Why Nightmares?
Hazel And Kiara Officially Hate Everyone
Kate's Babies
Operation End Table
Keep It Simple
Ghosts And Gardens
Tea Party With A Goddess
Storms And Skeletons
Sailing Through The Atlantic
Fish-Horse Guys
Really Good Brownies
Non Plus Ultra
Pen And Paper
The Horn of Plenty
Dolphin Men
Golden Boy
Raphael's Tomb
Eidolons Again
Dirt Face
The Room With Water
What Happened To The Nymphs?
Fresh Water
Wonder Bread
Mr. D Is A Calming Influence
Hazel, Kiara And Nico
Breaking Through
Chinese Spidercuffs
A One-Way Trip
Friends To Save
Mark of Athena-House of Hades
Gaea Is A Bitch As Usual
Phil From 'Hercules'


226 12 5
By ChildOfApollo7


"YouTube video?" Leo asked. "What does he do in the video, sing?"

   "No, silly!" the nymph chided. "He used to be a prince, and a wonderful hunter and stuff. But that doesn't matter. Now he just... well, look!" She showed Leo the video. It was exactly what they were seeing in real life—the guy staring at himself in the pond.

   "He is sooooo hot!" said another girl. Her T-shirt read: MRS. NARCISSUS.

   "Narcissus?" Leo asked.

   "Narcissus," Echo agreed sadly.

   "Narcissus!" Kiara exclaimed. "I remember his story."

   Leo had forgotten Echo was there. Apparently none of the nymphs had noticed her either.

   "Oh, not you again!" Mrs. Narcissus tried to push Echo away, but she misjudged where the camouflaged girl was and ended up shoving several other nymphs.

   "You had your chance, Echo!" said the nymph with the iPhone. "He dumped you four thousand years ago! You are so not good enough for him."

   "For him," Echo said bitterly.

   "Wait." Hazel clearly had trouble tearing her eyes away from the handsome guy, but she managed it. "What's going on here? Why did Echo bring us here?"

   One nymph rolled her eyes. She was holding an autograph pen and a crumpled poster of Narcissus. "Echo was a nymph like us, a long time ago, but she was a total chatterbox! Gossiping, blah, blah, blah, all the time."

   "I know!" another nymph shrieked. "Like, who could stand that? Just the other day, I told Cleopeia—you know she lives in the boulder next to me?—I said: Stop gossiping or you'll end up like Echo. Cleopeia is such a big mouth! Did you hear what she said about that cloud nymph and the satyr?"

   "Totally!" said the nymph with the poster. "So anyway, as punishment for blabbing, Hera cursed Echo so she could only repeat things, which was fine with us. But then Echo fell in love with our gorgeous guy, Narcissus—as if he would ever notice her."

   "As if!" said half a dozen others.

   "That's rude," Kiara mumbled.

   "Rude," Echo agreed.

   "Now she's got some weird idea he needs saving," said Mrs. Narcissus. "She should just go away."

   "Go away," Echo growled back.

   "I'm so glad Narcissus is alive again," said another nymph in a gray dress. She had the words NARCISSUS + LAIEA written up and down her arms in black marker. "He's like the best! And he's in my territory."

   "Oh, stop it, Laiea," her friend said. "I'm the pond nymph. You're just the rock nymph."

   "Well, I'm the grass nymph," another protested.

   "No, he obviously came here because he likes the wildflowers!" another said. "Those are mine!"

   The whole mob began arguing while Narcissus stared at the lake, ignoring them.

   "Hold it!" Leo yelled. "Ladies, hold it! I need to ask Narcissus something."

   Slowly the nymphs settled down and went back to taking pictures.

   Leo knelt next to the handsome dude. "So, Narcissus. What's up?"

   "Could you move?" Narcissus asked distractedly. "You're ruining the view."

   Leo looked in the water. His own reflection rippled next to Narcissus's on the surface of the submerged bronze. Leo didn't have any desire to stare at himself. Compared to Narcissus, he looked like an undergrown troll. But there was no doubt the metal was a sheet of hammered Celestial bronze, roughly circular, about five feet in diameter.

   What it was doing in this pond, Leo wasn't sure. Celestial bronze fell to earth in odd places. He'd heard that most pieces were cast off from his dad's various workshops. Hephaestus would lose his temper when projects didn't work out, and he'd toss his scraps into the mortal world.

   This piece looked like it might have been meant as a shield for a god, but it hadn't turned out properly. If Leo could get it back to the ship, it would be just enough bronze for his repairs.

   "Right, great view," Leo said. "Happy to move, but if you're not using it, could I just take that sheet of bronze?"

   "No," Narcissus said. "I love him. He's so gorgeous."

   Leo looked around to see if the nymphs were laughing. This had to be a huge joke. But they were swooning and nodding in agreement. Only Hazel and Kiara seemed appalled. Hazel wrinkled her nose as if she'd come to the conclusion that Narcissus smelled worse than he looked.

   "Man," Leo said to Narcissus. "You do realize that you're looking at yourself in the water, right?"

   "I am so great," Narcissus sighed. He stretched out a hand longingly to touch the water, but held back. "No, I can't make ripples. That ruins the image. Wow... I am so great."

   Kiara groaned and rolled her eyes.

   "Yeah," Leo muttered. "But if I took the bronze, you could still see yourself in the water. Or here..." He reached in his tool belt and pulled out a simple mirror the size of a monocle. "I'll trade you."

   Narcissus took the mirror, reluctantly, and admired himself. "Even you carry a picture of me? I don't blame you. I am gorgeous. Thank you." He set the mirror down and returned his attention to the pond. "But I already have a much better image. The color flatters me, don't you think?"

   "Oh, gods, yes!" a nymph screamed. "Marry me, Narcissus!"

   "No, me!" another cried. "Would you sign my poster?"

   "No, sign my shirt!"

   "No, sign my forehead!"

   "No, sign my—"

   "Stop it!" Hazel snapped.

   "Stop it," Echo agreed.

   Leo had lost sight of Echo again, but now he realized she was kneeling on the other side of Narcissus, waving her hand in front of his face as if trying to break his concentration. Narcissus didn't even blink.

   The nymph fan club tried to shove Hazel and Kiara out of the way, but they drew their swords and forced them back.

   "Snap out of it!" Kiara yelled.

   "He won't sign your sword," the poster nymph complained.

   "He won't marry you," said the iPhone girl. "And you can't take his bronze mirror! That's what keeps him here!"

   "You're all ridiculous," Hazel said. "He's so full of himself! How can you possibly like him?"

   "Like him," Echo sighed, still waving her hand in front of his face.

   The others sighed along with her.

   "I am so hot," Narcissus said sympathetically.

   Kiara scoffed softly.

   "Narcissus, listen." Hazel kept her sword at the ready. "Echo brought us here to help you. Didn't you, Echo?"

   "Echo," said Echo.

   "Who?" Narcissus said.

   "The only girl who cares what happens to you, apparently," Hazel said. "Do you remember dying?"

   Narcissus frowned. "I... no. That can't be right. I am much too important to die."

   "You died staring at yourself," Kiara said. "Nemesis was the goddess who cursed you, because you broke so many hearts. Your punishment was to fall in love with your own reflection."

   "I love me so, so much," Narcissus agreed.

   "You finally died," Hazel continued. "I don't know which version of the story is true. You either drowned yourself or turned into a flower hanging over the water or—Echo, which is it?"

   "Which is it?" she said hopelessly.

   Leo stood. "It doesn't matter. The point is you're alive again, man. You have a second chance. That's what Nemesis was telling us. You can get up, and get on with your life. Echo is trying to save you. Or you can stay here and stare at yourself until you die again."

   "Stay here!" all the nymphs screamed.

   "Marry me before you die!" another squeaked.

   Narcissus shook his head. "You just want my reflection. I don't blame you, but you can't have it. I belong to me."

   Hazel sighed in exasperation. She glanced at the sun, which was sinking fast. Then she gestured with her sword toward the edge of the crater. "Leo, Kiara, could we talk for a minute?"

   "Excuse us," Leo told Narcissus. "Echo, want to come with?"

   "Come with," Echo confirmed.

   The nymphs clustered around Narcissus again and began recording new videos and taking more photos.

   Hazel led the way until they were out of earshot. "Nemesis was right," she said. "Some demigods can't change their nature. Narcissus is going to stay there until he dies again."

   "Let's just let him," Kiara said. "He's not our problem, Hazel."

   "No," Leo said.

   "No," Echo agreed.

   "We need that bronze," Leo said. "If we take it away, it might give Narcissus a reason to snap out of it. Echo could have a chance to save him."

   "A chance to save him," Echo said gratefully.

   Hazel stabbed her sword in the sand. "It could also make several dozen nymphs very angry with us," she said. "And Narcissus might still know how to shoot his bow."

   Leo pondered that. The sun was just about down. Nemesis had mentioned that Narcissus got agitated after dark, probably because he couldn't see his reflection anymore. Leo didn't want to stick around long enough to find out what the goddess meant by agitated. He'd also had experience with mobs of crazed nymphs. He wasn't anxious to repeat that.

   "Hazel," he said, "your power with precious metal— Can you just detect it, or can you actually summon it to you?"

   She frowned. "Sometimes I can summon it. I've never tried with a piece of Celestial bronze that big before. I might be able to draw it to me through the earth, but I'd have to be fairly close. It would take a lot of concentration, and it wouldn't be fast."

   "Be fast," Echo warned.

   Leo cursed. He had hoped they could just go back to the ship, and Hazel could teleport the Celestial bronze from a safe distance.

   "All right," he said. "We'll have to try something risky. Hazel, how about you try to summon the bronze from right here? Make it sink through the sand and tunnel over to you, then grab it and run for the ship."

   "But Narcissus is looking at it all the time," she said.

   "All the time," Echo echoed.

   "That'll be my job," Leo said, hating his own plan already. "Echo, Kiara and I will cause a distraction."

   "Distraction?" Echo asked.

   "I'll explain," Leo promised. "Are you willing?"

   "Willing," Echo said.

   "Great," Leo said. "Now, let's hope we don't die."

   "Great plan, repair boy," Kiara muttered half sarcastically.

Leo psyched himself up for an extreme makeover. He summoned some breath mints and a pair of welding goggles from his tool belt. The goggles weren't exactly sunglasses, but they'd have to do. He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.

   He used some machine oil to grease back his hair. He stuck a wrench in his back pocket (why exactly, he wasn't sure) and he had Kiara draw a tattoo on his biceps with a marker: HOT STUFF, with a skull and crossbones.

   "What in the world are you thinking?" Hazel asked. She sounded pretty flustered.

   "I try not to think," Leo admitted. "It interferes with being nuts. Just concentrate on moving that Celestial bronze. Echo, Kiara, you guys ready?"

   "Ready," Echo said. Kiara nodded.

   Leo took a deep breath. He strutted back toward the pond, hoping he looked awesome and not like he had some sort of nervous affliction. "Leo is the coolest!" he shouted.

   "Leo is the coolest!" Kiara shouted back.

   "Yeah, baby, check me out!"

   "Check me out!" Echo said.

   "Make way for the king!"

   "The king!" Kiara yelled.

   "Narcissus is weak!"

   "Weak!" Echo repeated.

   The crowd of nymphs scattered in surprise. Leo shooed them away as if they were bothering him. "No autographs, girls. I know you want some Leo time, but I'm way too cool. You better just hang around that ugly dweeb Narcissus. He's lame!"

   "Lame!" Echo said with enthusiasm.

   The nymphs muttered angrily.

   "What are you talking about?" one demanded.

   "You're lame," said another.

   Leo adjusted his goggles and smiled. He flexed his biceps, though he didn't have much to flex, and showed off his HOT STUFF tattoo. He had the nymphs' attention, if only because they were stunned; but Narcissus was still fixed on his own reflection.

   "You know how ugly Narcissus is?" Leo asked the crowd. "He's so ugly, when he was born his mama thought he was a backward centaur—with a horse butt for a face."

   Some of the nymphs gasped. Narcissus frowned, as though he was vaguely aware of a gnat buzzing around his head.

   "You know why his bow has cobwebs?" Leo continued. "He uses it to hunt for dates, but he can't find one!"

   One of the nymphs laughed. The others quickly elbowed her into silence.

   "That one was good," Kiara muttered to him.

   Narcissus turned and scowled at Leo. "Who are you?"

   "I'm the Super-sized McShizzle, man!" Leo said. "I'm Leo Valdez, bad boy supreme. And the ladies love a bad boy."

   "Love a bad boy!" Echo said, with a convincing squeal.

   Leo took out a pen and autographed the arm of one of the nymphs. "Narcissus is a loser! He's so weak, he can't bench-press a Kleenex. He's so lame, when you look up lame on Wikipedia, it's got a picture of Narcissus—only the picture's so ugly, no one ever checks it out."

   Narcissus knit his handsome eyebrows. His face was turning from bronze to salmon pink. For the moment, he'd totally forgotten about the pond, and Leo could see the sheet of bronze sinking into the sand.

   "What are you talking about?" Narcissus demanded. "I am amazing. Everyone knows this."

   "Amazing at pure suck," Leo said. "If I sucked as much as you, I'd drown myself. Oh wait, you already did that."

   Kiara burst out laughing. Leo was shocked, but he didn't show it. He had never seen Kiara laugh before. She seemed much more relaxed and happy this way. He made it his personal goal to make Kiara laugh more often.

   Another nymph giggled. Then another. Narcissus growled, which did make him look a little less handsome. Meanwhile Leo beamed and wiggled his eyebrows over his goggles and spread his hands, gesturing for applause.

   "That's right!" he said. "Team Leo for the win!"

   "Team Leo for the win!" Echo shouted. She'd wriggled into the mob of nymphs, and because she was so hard to see, the nymphs apparently thought the voice came from one of their own.

   "Oh my god, I am so awesome!" Leo bellowed.

   "So awesome!" Echo yelled back.

   "He is funny," a nymph ventured.

   "And cute, in a scrawny way," another said.

   "Scrawny?" Leo asked. "Baby, I invented scrawny. Scrawny is the new sizzling hot. And I GOT the scrawny. Narcissus? He's such a loser even the Underworld didn't want him. He couldn't get the ghost girls to date him."

   "Eww," said a nymph.

   "Eww!" Echo agreed.

   "Stop!" Narcissus got to his feet. "This is not right! This person is obviously not awesome, so he must be..." He struggled for the right words. It had probably been a long time since he'd talked about anything other than himself. "He must be tricking us."

   Apparently Narcissus wasn't completely stupid. Realization dawned on his face. He turned back to the pond. "The bronze mirror is gone! My reflection! Give me back to me!"

   "Team Leo!" one of the nymphs squeaked. But the others returned their attention to Narcissus.

   "I'm the beautiful one!" Narcissus insisted. "He's stolen my mirror, and I'm going to leave unless we get it back!"

   The girls gasped. One pointed. "There!"

   Hazel was at the top of the crater, running away as fast as she could while lugging a large sheet of bronze.

   "Get it back!" cried a nymph.

   Probably against her will, Echo muttered, "Get it back."

   "Yes!" Narcissus unslung his bow and grabbed an arrow from his dusty quiver. "The first one who gets that bronze, I will like you almost as much as I like me. I might even kiss you, right after I kiss my reflection!"

   "Oh my gods!" the nymphs screamed.

   "And kill those demigods!" Narcissus added, glaring very handsomely at Leo. "They are not as cool as me!"

   "Well, shit," Kiara muttered.

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