Benley:One Shot Collection

By BenleyFicWriter

4.5K 117 16

A collection of 20 Benley one-shots More

4 In The Bed
A New Nickname
He Had It Coming
A God Amongst Men
Fake Love?
Not leaving you
If You let Ben Shenan Once
He'll Shenanigan
Time Travel
Still Mine
Opposites Attract
Space Love
Doctors Make The Worst Patients


180 5 0
By BenleyFicWriter

Miranda woke up to bright lights and a sore body. She tried to focus her vision to see what was going on. She saw people standing around talking. Well one of them was yelling. She didn't who they were. Then it dawned on her. She couldn't even hear them. The circumstances that led her here escaped her mind leaving her very confused. What happened? Who are these people? Where was she? More importantly, who was she? She tried to sit up and look around but a sharp pain in her chest stopped her. She tried to focus on the people again. Two men and a woman. She looked around the room. A hospital. Finally, her vision fully cleared and she was able to hear what they were saying. 

"This damn hospital" The man yelled

"Ben you need to calm down" The other man tried to calm him down. Ben, she thought to herself. The man was vaguely familiar to me.

"If she doesn't wake up from this. Just now Grey Sloan can look for a lawsuit" He clenched his teeth

"For what" The woman spoke up "Are you alleging malpractice"

"No, I'm saying that this hospital worked my wife to near death" He yelled "and if she dies. Then this hospital will pay"
His wife she thought. She was married to him. She studied him. Unfortunately, nothing about him was familiar. She went to speak but her throat was dry and her voice was raspy.

"What happened"

"Miranda" Ben sat down next to her bed "Thank God"

"What happened" She repeated

"You had a heart attack" The woman approached her

"A heart attack" Miranda repeated in disbelief "Where am I"

"Grey Sloan" Ben rubbed her hand "How do you feel"

"Sore" She groaned

"You had surgery" He nodded "A CABG"

"A what" She furrowed her eyebrows

"You don't know what a CABG is" The woman asked

"No, I don't know what that is" She shook her head "Should I"

"Years of medical school and years residency would say yes" The older man crossed his arms

"What's happening" Ben looked at him

"Do you know us?" The woman asked

"Doctors I assume"

"Miranda, it's me. Richard Webber"

"I'm assuming I'm Miranda then"

"What happened to my wife Richard" Ben stood up

"Warren we will figure this out" Richard went to comfort him but Ben pushed his hand away "Don't. My wife doesn't know her name"

"I don't recall being your wife either" She sighed.

"What" He looked at her "You don't even remember me"

"No, I'm sorry"

"It's me, Benjamin. Your husband. We have been married for over a decade. We have a son. Well, he's your son but I love him like he's my own. His name is William. We call him Tuck" Ben's voice conveyed his worry. She felt sad because she didn't have a clue what he was talking about. She didn't respond to him and he knew she didn't know what he was talking about.

"I'm sorry" She sighed

"Don't be" He rubbed her hand "It's okay. We'll figure out how to fix this. Probably just acute amnesia or something. It'll go away. We'll get Neuro in here"

"Already on it" Richard nodded

"Dr. Bailey it's me Dr. Pierce" Maggie semi-yelled very slowly

"I can hear" Miranda looked at her

"Right" Maggie cleared her throat "Sorry"

"Don't let word get out the chief doesn't know who she is" Ben sighed "She can't remember who she is but we all do and she'd hate knowing that we brought her here" He whispered to Maggie

"Neuro consult" Amelia walked in "Chief"
Miranda stared at her and Amelia looked at Maggie

"Umm" Maggie looked at Ben

"Post-Surgical memory loss" Ben looked at Miranda "This is Amelia Shepard. She's the neurosurgeon here"

"Hello" Miranda nodded

"She had surgery" Amelia looked at Ben. He was slightly confused as to why she wasn't asking Miranda herself. He figured having her talk about what happened might help her. But he answered for her anyway. "She had a heart attack. Maggie did a CABG" He paused to take a breath "And now she doesn't know her name or any of us. She doesn't remember being a doctor or a mother or a wife" His voice wavered a bit but he sat on her bed and rubbed her hand. She rubbed his hand back. She felt bad for him. Just by his look, she knew she was his whole world. She was glad she had him here by her side even though she didn't remember him.

"Oh okay I see" Amelia nodded "So what does she remember"

"Well how about we run some tests" Ben suggested

However Richard, Maggie, and Amelia all seemed to have a plan. And rather than listen to Ben, they just talked to each other and around her head. She found herself getting irritated. She was right here. Why not ask her? She was confused but they seemed just as clueless as her. She felt the urge to yell at them.

"Listen, I don't know my name. I don't know my favorite color. I don't even know what I had for breakfast this morning" She sat up in bed despite feeling sore. "but I do know that at some point, I was somebody. You all are talking around my head about what's going on with me. But no one is talking to me. You all tell me I'm a doctor and while I don't remember my medical training, I can tell you that you can't evaluate the patient without talking to the patient"

"I'm sorry Bailey" Amelia walked over to her "What can you remember"

"This place seems vaguely familiar. I know it's a hospital but it seems like a place I frequent. You are all telling me I'm a doctor so I assume I work here. Ben seems vaguely familiar and he says I'm his wife. I have the urge to tell you all to do your job"

"Even with Amnesia you still have the urge to be the boss. That's a good sign " Richard tried to lighten the mood

"Nothing about this is good. Do you want to explain to our son that his mother doesn't know who is" Ben looked at Richard with irritation.

"Ben I think he was trying to focus on the positives" Miranda squeezed his hand. Ben looked at her and didn't say anything. He couldn't. He didn't feel like being positive right now. He almost lost his wife. In a way, he felt like he had lost her. She was alive, but he was nothing to her. Just a stranger in bed holding her hand.

"Let's get some scans" Amelia spoke up

"Finally" Ben mumbled getting up "I am going to get some air but I will be right back" He gave Miranda a slight smile and walked away. He walked to her office and looked around. He felt the urge to destroy it but resisted the urge. He stared at the pictures on her desk. Their family.

He took out his phone and called his captain. He thanked him for the opportunity but ultimately decided he couldn't become a firefighter. His captain asked him if he was sure. Truthfully he wasn't but he had to do what was best for his wife. They had been fighting about this for weeks and then she had a heart attack. He wished he could take it all back.

He sat at her desk and put his head in his hands. He thought about his wife. The countless times Miranda shared stories from her day, her eyes alight with a passion for her work. The lives she touched, the battles she fought alongside her patients, and the triumphs that have left a mark on her soul. All these scenes unfolded in his mind like a cinematic reel of her unwavering commitment.

A sense of helplessness washed over Ben as he considered the toll of stress, the physical demands of surgery, and the emotional weight that comes with leading a team in the high-stakes world of healthcare.

He reflected on the moments when he noticed the weariness in Miranda's eyes, the subtle signs of exhaustion that she bravely concealed behind her unwavering commitment to her profession. Each sleepless night, every missed meal, and the rare instances when she allowed vulnerability to surface. Could have done more to convince Miranda to take breaks, to prioritize her health, or to share the burdens that ultimately led to this critical moment? Should he have done more?

"Ben" Richard walked in

"I'm sorry I've been snappy" Ben sighed "I just" He trailed off looking at their picture again

"I know" Richard nodded "When Adele was in here I just felt so helpless. So guilty about all the things I had done"

"My wife has OCD" Ben looked at her perfectly organized desk " My wife has OCD and I just decided to be a firefighter without even discussing it with her"

"This isn't your fault"

"I certainly didn't help. My wife has to deal with the stress of this job. Running this shit show of a hospital. From day one look at what my wife has had to deal with regarding this job. Her first marriage fell apart. She was at work when a bookshelf fell on her son. Her residents keep ending up on her table. Shooting. Plane crash. I can go on and on" Ben knocked some papers off her desk in frustration. "Too much for one person to deal with"

"I understand. This job is a demanding one"

"What part of what I listed is a part of the damn job description of being chief of surgery"

"Well stress comes with the field"

"Stress comes with the field" Ben scoffed "Would you say that at her funeral"

"She's not dead"

"She could be" He yelled "She very well could have died. Then would you get up at her funeral stand before her parents and her son and say stress comes with the field"

"You're snapping again"

"I can't help it. Ben sighed shaking his head "Richard, you know, sometimes I find it hard to put into words what Miranda means to me," His gaze softened with affection. "It's like this profound, unspoken connection that goes beyond anything I've ever experienced."

"Let's go check on her" Richard ushered Ben out. They walked back to her room and Amelia was standing in there talking to her

"Ben" Miranda smiled seeing him

"You remember me" Ben felt excitement rise in him

"Oh uh no" She sighed "Just your presence calms me down though"

"Oh" He sulked over to her bed "So Amelia what's it looking like"

"So nothing showed in her scans. So I'm thinking this is temporary" Amelia nodded "Just give her some time and see if her memory returns"

"So there's a possibility she won't ever remember me, or Tuck, or her entire life" Ben looked at Miranda

"It may not seem like it now, but things will be okay" She offered him a comforting smile

"I'll be back in a while" Amelia smiled and walked out

"Tell me about us" She asked him and patted the bed next to her

"You want me to lay next to you" He asked

"Like I said, your presence comforts me" She nodded. He smiled and carefully laid next to her.

As Ben shared stories and snippets of their life, Miranda listened with a mix of curiosity and an underlying sense of familiarity. The warmth in her eyes suggested an emotional connection.

As he talked she wished she remembered everything he was telling her. The way he talked about their lives together with such passion. It was like listening to a beautifully crafted love story about two characters she didn't know. But it was her life. She lived the things he was telling her. Her heart filled with sadness that she didn't remember.

"Ben, I'm sorry, but I can't seem to remember... I'm sorry," Miranda started to speak, her gaze searching his face for answers.

Ben, with a gentle smile, reached for her hand. "It's okay, Miranda. You've been through a lot. I'm here, and that's what matters."

As Miranda's fingers interlaced with his, a subtle spark ignited within her. A flame of emotion that defied the boundaries of forgotten memories. She may not recall the shared history, the promises exchanged, or the moments that once defined their connection, but the love she feels is undeniable, an instinctive response to the presence of a kindred soul.

"I may not remember everything, but there's something in the way you look at me," Miranda says, her voice soft but certain. "I feel a connection, a warmth. It's like there's a part of me that recognizes you beyond what my mind can grasp."

Ben nodded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and reassurance. "Miranda, love doesn't always need memories. It's deeper than that. It's in the way our hearts resonate with each other, even when words fail us. Our journey is etched in the fabric of our souls, and no amount of forgetfulness can erase the love that has woven us together."
With a tender gaze, Ben leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Miranda's forehead. "We'll take this journey together, one step at a time. And no matter what you remember or what you don't remember, know that my love for you is unwavering."

"Well if our bond goes beyond memories and straight to our souls then my soul is telling me that a forehead kiss just isn't enough" She slightly chuckled.

"My Miranda is in there somewhere. And not to be nasty with a woman who doesn't remember me but I essentially have left my mark all over your body. So that may have something to do with my presence calming you" Ben laughed as he placed a soft and tender kiss on her lips.

"That felt" She paused feeling her lips "Familiar"

"Well once you are cleared we can work on getting your memory back" He smiled "For now just rest"

"Thank you, Ben. For being here"

"Of course. When I said I do, I meant I do" He kissed her hand "When I took my vows I meant them. I am going to be by your side no matter what"

"Even though I was late" She chuckled

"What did you say" He looked at her in shock

"I was late to our wedding" She slowly made the realization. She remembered something.

"Yeah you were" He nodded

"But I don't know why" She sighed

"But that means you are capable of remembering baby. This is good. This is so good" Ben smiled putting his arm around her " We will take this puzzle piece by puzzle piece until your life makes sense. And if you remember everything backwards that's okay. I'll be right here"

"I want a treehouse" She looked at him

"You want a tree house" He repeated

"Not sure why. But want you to build me a treehouse"

"I'll build you a treehouse baby. I would build you a million treehouses if I had to" He laughed " I'm just glad you're alive"

"Me too" She smiled "but just one treehouse will do"
They laughed and just enjoyed each other's company. Ben kept telling her about their lives until eventually, she dozed off.

"You're in there baby. Come back to me" He softly whispered

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