yalı [kaysun]

By lovelalixo

9.9K 212 96

kaysun scenes that happen in the yalı More

suna's fears (18+)
consoling kaya (18+)
first day of work (18+)
insecurities (18+)
suna's jealousy
a not-so-happy ending
chocolate (16+)
a perfect life (18+)

4+1 times with a pregnant suna

1.2K 27 14
By lovelalixo

Synopsis: 4 times Kaya takes care of his wife without knowing she's pregnant and 1 time he takes care of her knowing she is.

A/N: all moments are multiple days apart from each other. and, idk if Suna already knows how to drive a car and has a license, so let's just pretend she does in this fic. also, i love SBA and the cravings scene (#4) is inspired by my loves AsFer 🥹



Suna was sitting beside her husband as she waited for news about her father. She was leaning against Kaya, tired from the stress of tonight. Her hand was in Kaya's lap as he held onto it. His other hand was caressing her back. Whether that was for her benefit or his, she didn't know but she didn't particularly mind Kaya's hand on her. He seemed to always be touching her in one way or another and it somehow kept her grounded even in the most difficult times.

She sighed feeling discomfort in her chest as her mind strayed to her father who was in surgery. Feeling uncomfortable in her spot on the hospital sofa, she unconsciously pressed her palm into Kaya's leg as she pushed herself up from the sofa. She felt her husband's hand slide down from her back as she walked away from him and the rest of their family members.

As she walked to another corner of the room, away from the sad and pitiful expressions of her family, she felt her gait wobble and her head throb. Before she knew it, the room spun around her and her vision became blurry. She clutched her forehead in her palm and stuck her hand out, thinking she'd be able to use a wall to steady herself. However, instead of a wall, she found herself surrounded by her husband's cologne and in his arms as she caught herself from falling.

"Suna, are you okay?" her husband asked. His arms came around her as she pressed herself against him. Her head rested against his chest as she willed her dizziness to disappear.

She didn't respond to him for a while while she rested in his arms. When she finally got ahold of herself, she stepped back and said, "I'm fine. Just got a little dizzy for a moment."

"Do you want to sit down?" Kaya asked worriedly.

Suna shook her head, tired of sitting in one place for the last few hours. "I'm alright. I'm better now," she said, smiling slightly as she looked up at him.


Suna turned her nose as the smell of dinner wafted through the dining room. Her stomach felt uneasy as the food was set in front of her on the table. The kofta sat a few inches from her plate, as if it was mocking her with its unappealing odor. It's not like she usually disliked kofta, though it wasn't her favorite, but she couldn't recall ever having such a strong emotion against the dish.

As the bowl of kofta continue to sit in front of her, Suna pressed herself further into the back of her chair. She placed her hand in front of her mouth, discretely trying to cover her nose and block the smell. If she'd stayed at that table for anymore than five minutes, she was sure she'd vomit at the horrible scent.

Her gaze turned to Kaya who was whispering to his mother, who sat beside him. Could he move the bowl of food so it out of her line of sight? She couldn't behave so immaturely in front of him, but surely he'd understand if she was feeling uncomfortable.

Her stomach clenched and she held herself from jerking forward, stopping her reflex to throw up. Dinner is going to be unbearable tonight, Suna groaned internally. She thought she'd be able to brave it out but was unsuccessful when Kaya reached to place some kofta on his plate. Suna instinctively gripped his left thigh with her right hand, digging her fingers into his leg.

Kaya immediately turned his attention to his wife, leaving the ladle in the bowl. "What happened, Suna? Are you okay?" One of his hands wrapped around her slouched shoulders while the other held her hand in his lap.

"I'm fine," she squeaked out. "I've lost my appetite. I think I'll eat later if that's okay?"

"Okay, but are you feeling well? You look pale," he said worriedly.

"Yes, yes. I just need some air," she said and pushed her chair out as she began to stand up. "I'm going to retire to my room if you all will allow me. Enjoy your meal."

Kaya stared at his wife as she walked off to their room, rubbing her chest and throat. He knew she was most certainly not fine. Not bothering to announce his departure like his wife did, he got up from the table and made a pit stop for the kitchen to grab a green apple before following her back to their room.

"Suna?" he called out when he entered their room. He saw her sitting on the sill of their window, her legs hanging out, as she breathed in the fresh air.

"I'm okay," she sighed out from her position, not bothering to turn around.

Kaya walked over to where she was seated and straddled the sill so he was facing her. He extended the apple towards her and said, "Eat. It'll help."

Suna gave him small look of appreciation before taking a large bite of the juicy fruit. As she ate the fruit her nausea subsided and her stomach felt fuller.

Kaya cocked his head to the side and looked at her face, trying to gauge how she felt now. "Better?" he asked.

She nodded, still chewing on a large piece causing a bit of juice to trickle down her chin. "Thank you," she croaked out before diving in for another bite.

"Ya, slowly. You'll choke," Kaya reprimanded with amusement in his tone. His hand came up to caress her back as she ate at a slower pace now. "If you're that hungry...did someone upset you at the table?"

Suna shook her head. Would Kaya think she was silly if she told him she thought the kofta smelt bad? Perhaps it was her imagination, after all no one else at the table had an issue with it. "No, I just...felt a little suffocated in that dining hall," she partially lied.

From the way Suna responded, Kaya knew it was more than that but he decided not to push his wife if she didn't want to share. "Are you still hungry?" he asked instead.

"Yes," she sheepishly said.

"Okay," Kaya replied and dropped a brief kiss on her temple before rising. "I'll be back with food for us."

As Kaya left the room, Suna smiled at her husband's care for her. She knew their bond had strengthened since their unfortunate wedding day. There was no declaration of love from either her or him, but she sometimes felt that her husband understood her and loved her in ways no one else could.

However, that belief was gone when she saw her husband entering their room moments later with a large bowl of kofta sitting in the middle of the tray.

Allah, give me patience! she groaned and considered jumping out the window to escape her new bane of existence.


Suna lurched from the bed, detangling herself from blankets around her, and ran towards the bathroom. In her haste, she didn't bother closing the door as she positioned herself headfirst in front of the toilet bowl. Soon, she was emptying the contents from last night's dinner, mentally groaning at her misfortune of possibly catching the flu.

A set of hurried footsteps followed her and warm hand settled on her back as she continued to heave into the toilet. Kaya hushed voice attempted to calm her down and his another hand wrapped around her hair, pulling it out of her face.

"It's okay. Let it all out," Kaya murmured, his hand still rubbing her back.

Suna kept herself bowed over the toilet bowl as her nausea subsided. She was disgusted with the image she probably presented to her husband—red eyes, tear-stained cheeks, saliva and vomit covering her lips. The last thing she wanted to do was look into her husband's eyes and see what he thought of her. She couldn't imagine the next few weeks where she'd likely be bedridden with a fever. Oh, how embarrassing it'd be to have Kaya see her in such a state! she thought.

Suna waited for several seconds, praying that her stomach had settled. But, when she thought she could finally lift her head to rinse her face, around round of nausea had her hunched over the toilet bowl. She continued to vomit, coughing at the pressure in her throat. Her fingers were gripping the sides of the toilet seat so tightly, the tips of her fingers turned white.

Kaya, supportive as ever, continued to sit behind her as he whispered phrases to say everything would be okay. When Suna's feeling of nausea finally went away and the energy in her limbs were exhausted, she pushed herself away from the toilet.

"Come," Kaya simply said and lifted her in his arms, taking her towards the bathroom sink. He stood behind her and helped her lean down as he cupped some water in his hand for her to rinse her mouth with. As he rinsed her face and hands, he stayed close to her, noticing her low energy and pale face.

Even as he was leading her back to bed, Kaya remained silent, not daring to ask her about his suspicions and risk upsetting her. Only when she was finally seated on her side of their bed did he crouch down in front of her to broach the subject.

"Suna, are you okay?" he asked.

She pressed her hands against her neck as she nodded. "I'm fine."

"Are you...these past few days you've been nauseous and dizzy. Do you want to see a doctor? I'm worried about you," Kaya tried to tell her as gently as possible. He didn't want to outright say these were signs of pregnancy especially when he didn't know whether Suna even wanted kids or not. Whether she wanted kids with him was another conversation.

Suna shook her head. "No, I'll be fine. It's probably just a stomach bug. The food from last night did not sit well in my stomach." I'm sure there was something in yesterday's dinner, she tried convincing herself.

"Suna," Kaya stressed but tried to calm himself down. Even though the possibility of having a child with his wife was exciting, he didn't want his excitement to cause a rift between them. Besides, they didn't know for sure what the cause of her current condition was. Perhaps it really was a minor cold.

"Kaya," she snapped, her voice unintentionally harsh. "I'm tired. Please, let's not talk about it anymore." Her gaze wavered from him and her cheeks flushed red as she thought about how he saw her fall apart as she practically puked her guts out.

"Okay," he said softly and stood up. He caressed the back of her head, weaving his fingers through her soft hair.

Suna kept her gaze downcast as she thought about Kaya's concern. She replayed his words in her mind as she studied her nails. Nauseous and dizzy. She knew where he was going with the conversation but she was afraid to hear what he would tell her. They both had married for revenge, not love. Suna wanted to be a mother, but would Kaya be okay with being a father so soon? What if Kaya had plans to leave to London with his mother after they finished their revenge? If Suna and Kaya had a child, would he feel trapped with her just like Pelin had trapped Ferit?

Her eyes watered as she thought of the new direction her life could take. She hadn't meant to snap at Kaya earlier but if what she suspected was true, then how would she tell him? Pregnancy wasn't something one could hide for long nor would she want to hide it.

Suna took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. She tried to steer her train of thought and think logically. Realistically, there was a low likelihood of her becoming pregnant because her and Kaya had only been intimate once. Getting pregnant from one night seemed unlikely, at least that's what she'd read a while ago. As she thought about it more, she became more convinced that her sickness was from food poisoning instead of a pregnancy.

Kaya sighed as his wife sat silently in front of him, thinking hard as she avoided his gaze. In the meantime, he decided he'd get her some fruits from the kitchen—he didn't want her going back to sleep on an empty stomach.

When Kaya prepared to leave, Suna felt his lack of touch before she saw him step away from her. Seeing his retreating feet from the corner of her eye, she abruptly stood up from the bed and reached to grab his arm. Unexpectedly, from the sudden movement, her head spun and she groaned aloud at the sensation. She clutched her head and called out, "Kaya."

"Suna, ya, sit in one place, girl," he said worriedly after he tucked her into his arms to prevent her from swaying on her feet.

"It's just a stomach bug," she tried to convince him.

"Yeah yeah a stomach bug," he aimlessly agreed as he pressed his cool hand against her forehead.

"I'm telling you there was something wrong with yesterday's dinner," she muttered weakly, her lips brushing his chest as she spoke.

"I know," he said as he held her close to him.

"You should take care of your health too just in case," she said and rested her cheek against his shoulder.

"Whatever you say, canım," Kaya said, going along with whatever his wife said, knowing the consequences would be worse if he bothered arguing.


Suna glanced at the clock on her bedside table and saw the time: 12 AM.

She moaned at her misery and blamed her past self for not eating as much dinner that night. Like another night before, tonight Suna felt an aversion to a majority of the food items at dinner. Thus, she didn't eat as much as she usually did. And now she was paying for it, because in the middle of the night she was starving.

But she wasn't starving for any food—she specifically wanted wild strawberries. Maybe there is some in the kitchen? she hopefully thought. Carefully creeping out from under the covers to not wake up her husband, Suna slipped out of their bed and wrapped a shawl around herself to keep herself warm as she exited their bedroom. She quietly tiptoed to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator hoping to find something of her liking if not wild strawberries, but unfortunately nothing appealed to her.

With her bottom lip between her teeth and her furrowed brows, she pondered over what she could do now. There was a market that was roughly a ten minute drive from the Yalı and they probably sold wild strawberries there. She could easily go and come back within less than half an hour. Yes, she'd do that. Smiling, Suna rushed back to her bedroom, as quietly as she could, of course.

She slowly opened her bedroom door and peeked her head around to check if her husband was still sleeping. Seeing his sleeping figure, clutching a pillow, like he always did, Suna carefully made her way to her wardrobe, opening it up to grab a spare pair of clothes to change into. As she closed the door and headed to the bathroom, she heard Kaya's croaky voice.

"What are you doing?" he asked, lifting his head off his pillow to look at her shadowy figure.

Suna closed her eyes and cringed. He'd surely make some clever comment if she told him she was craving wild strawberries, especially after she didn't eat much for dinner that evening. "Just using the bathroom," she said before slipping behind the bathroom door to change her clothes.

When she finished changing her clothes and re-entered their room, Suna expected Kaya to have gone back to sleep. Instead, she was surprised to see him awake and sitting on the edge of their bed with his head in his hands. Forgetting that she was no longer wearing her nightwear, Suna rushed towards Kaya's side.

"Kaya, are you alright? Is your head hurting?" she asked nervously.

He glanced up to look at her and noticed her changed apparel. "Where are you going?" he asked, ignoring her questions.

"Oh, I." Suna took a step back. "For a walk."

"A walk?" Kaya asked, skeptical. He glanced back at the clock on her bedside and saw the time read that it was past midnight. "You want to go on a walk when it's past midnight?"

Suna nodded as she tried to come up with another excuse in case this one didn't work.

"Then why are you taking your purse?" he asked, gesturing towards her purse that she'd removed from the hook in her wardrobe. She had to take her purse if she wanted to buy wild strawberries—it had her wallet and car keys.

Ever since she'd married Kaya, she has had more freedom than when she was shackled under any other man's name whether that was her father or her ex-husband. And over the course of her marriage thus far, one of the things she'd done was gotten her driver's license. To commemorate her success, her husband had bought her a car that very day. Of course, she couldn't accept such an expensive gift from him. But when she refused to accept it, he claimed he'd already bought it and there was no point in letting it go to waste. She'd rolled her eyes at that, but now she was grateful to have her own car. Especially, because she wasn't dependent on a driver or a stranger in a taxi.

"I'm taking my purse, because...my ID, my ID! In case something happens and someone needs my ID, you know. It'll be good to take it," Suna tried to lie even more as she flitted around the room to finish getting ready.

Kaya sighed and got up from the bed. "Why don't you walk around the backyard?"

"I need a change of scenery," Suna said distractedly as she wore her coat.

"Okay. I'll come with you then," he said and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

"What do you mean?" Suna asked, panicked, at his retreating back. How will I get my wild strawberries now? she cried to herself.

She thought about how she could get out of going on a walk now. Technically, she could make him walk to the night market but that'd take more than thirty minutes to get there itself. Suna pouted at her fate. It seemed like she truly would have to starve tonight.

"Ready?" Kaya asked, interrupting Suna's thoughts.

"Kaya," Suna said with a tone of wonder. "I was going to walk till the night market. Will you walk that far? You must be tired, right?"

"I'll go wherever you go, Suna."

"What if we just drive? I'll drive! Then you don't have to come if you don't want to, you know?" she said.

"I'm coming regardless," Kaya said firmly. He knew he shouldn't doubt his wife but the way she continuously tried to dissuade him from going with her was concerning.

"Okay," Suna reluctantly agreed.

They both made there way out of the house towards their car parked in the driveway. Abidin started to walk towards them, ready to drive them if need be but Kaya shook his head making it clear they didn't need him.

"I'll drive?" Suna perked up and looked at her husband hopefully. Ever since she'd learned how to drive, she enjoyed being the one behind the wheel.

"It's your car, canım. You can drive whenever you want," he simply said and gestured for her to enter the driver's seat.

Suna grinned at his response and let him open the car door for her. Shortly after she sat in the car, Kaya was seated and Suna was driving them out of the mansion. It was a short ten-minute drive which ended up being eight minutes due to the empty roads and the temptation to speed (which Suna gave into half the time). The moment Suna placed the car in park, she jumped out of the car with her purse in hand, hurrying towards the first strawberry stall she saw.

"Brother, do you have any wild strawberries?" she eagerly asked only to be met with a remorseful "no".

By the time Kaya caught up to her, Suna had already turned around and was making her way back to the car, disappointed by the lack of wild strawberries.

"Suna? What happened? Don't you want to walk around here?" Kaya asked, referring to the various stalls lined up besides those selling fruits.

"No, we'll go up ahead some more!" she said and hopped back into the car to which Kaya followed. The moment he shut the car door behind him, she peeled out of their parking spot, driving until she spotted another stall selling berries.

Like before, Suna rushed out of the car and towards the fruit seller. And once again, the brother behind the stall told her that there were no wild strawberries. She glanced around and spotted another fruit stall a few feet away. She decided to try her luck with that one as well.

"Suna!" Kaya called out after her, barely catching up to his wife before she was running off to another stall.

"Two minutes!" she yelled back, not bothering to turn around. Her stomach with growling now and she was determined to satisfy her craving.

"Is that your wife?" the fruit seller asked.

"Yes," Kaya huffed out as he looked at his wife animatedly talking to another fruit vendor.

"She's on a mission," he chuckled out. "But unfortunately, brother, the only place you'll find wild strawberries right now is at Mustafa Amca's store down the street."

"Wild strawberries?" Kaya whispered to himself. She was craving wild strawberries and decided to spin a thousand lies and tons of chaos to get some wild strawberries?! Kaya was amused by his wife's behavior. Who knew she could behave like a little kid sometimes?

Kaya watched his wife's dejected face as she walked back towards him.

"What happened, güzelim?" he asked, feigning innocence. His hands came up to caress her face as he slid the backs of his fingers against her cheekbones and tucked any stray strands of hair behind her ears.

"Nothing," she said and moved away from him and towards her car.

"Good luck, brother," the fruit seller said as Kaya stared at Suna's frowning face.

"Thank you, brother," Kaya replied, with a slight smirk, before following his wife. "Why is my wife sad? Did you not find any wild strawberries?"

"No, and I'm hungry," she whined.

"There were some other berries over there, why don't we buy those?" Kaya asked, purposefully pulling his wife's leg.

She looked up and glared at him. "I could've had any other berry at home then. I want wild strawberries," she said stubbornly.

"Ok, then I'll get you your wild strawberries," he said, leaning forward to kiss the frown off her face.

"Kaya, wait, not in front of others," she said sheepishly, looking behind him to see the various people around them. "Wait," she said again, finally catching on to what Kaya said. "You'll get me some wild strawberries?"

"I will," he said and guided her to the passenger's seat. "Get inside. And watch how I find you the best wild strawberries you've ever tasted."

"The best ones?" Suna raised her eyebrow at that.

"And then you'll say I'm the best husband you could ever ask for," he said cheekily.

"We'll see," she hummed, fighting the grin on her lips at the excitement of finally getting some strawberries.

Kaya drove them for ten more minutes before they stopped in front of the supposed Mustafa Amca's store. "I'll be back," Kaya told Suna before he entered the store.

Suna decided to wait outside and leaned against the car door as she watched Kaya talking to the store owner. And lo and behold, a few minutes later, her husband was walking back towards her with a satisfied grin on his face. And, he was carrying a paper bowl of wild strawberries.

Suna smiled gleefully and took the entire bowl of strawberries when Kaya offered it to her. Immediately, the moment she got her hands on them, she started to eat them all one after another. She glanced up to see Kaya looking at her adoringly. She offered him a strawberry by holding it out for him to try.

Kaya, with his hands in his pocket, ate the strawberry straight out of her hands. Suna blushed at the intimate gesture and asked, "It's good, right?"

"Very sweet," he said with raised eyebrows. "Can I have another one?"

Suna shook her head and resumed eating her strawberries.

"Not even one more?" he asked.

"This one is mine," she said between bites. "Go get your own."

Kaya ignored her and reached to grab one from the bowl when Suna swiftly moved away from him. "Where are you running away to?" he said and pulled her back towards him. "Let me try some."

"No!" She laughed as she tried to escape his embrace, holding the remaining strawberries away from him.

"Let me at least get another taste," he said and kissed her, tasting the remnants of the wild strawberry juice on her lips. "Mm, this is even sweeter."

"Ya! Let go! Let me eat," Suna said, her voice full of mirth.

Her voice was soon drowned out as Kaya relentlessly placed kisses on his wife's mouth, savoring the taste of her. Eventually, Suna too forgot about her wild strawberry craving and busied herself with her husband's lips instead.


Suna was restless as she waited for her husband to return home after a long day of work. It was nearing midnight and he nor Ferit had returned home. She was worried the two had gotten into a fight with one another, knowing how the two cousins couldn't stand one another. Halis and Latif, as well as Orhan, had returned to the mansion before dinner time so dinner had ensued without any hiccup. Except Ferit and Kaya's absence could be felt yet no one bothered to mention it after Halis casually dismissed Nükhet when she asked.

Suna had texted Kaya earlier that evening and was yet to receive a response from him. With his unresponsiveness, Halis's indifference, and Kaya's lateness, Suna was worried about where her husband was. What if Ferit had roped him into one of his drinking endeavors? The two cousins weren't close enough for that, but Ferit had really lost it ever since the truth of Pelin's baby had come out. He'd gone to Seyran and begged her multiple times to return to the Yalı as his wife but she refused. Thus, he'd lost his mind ever since.

Though Kaya didn't drink, she could imagine him sympathizing with his cousin brother despite the animosity between the two. And for brotherhood, if he drank a drink or two—Üff, your worries will never end if you continue to think like this! Suna scolded herself.

But if her husband did go back on his word and came home with a drop of alcohol on his tongue, she would not forgive him. Especially when she'd been waiting all day to tell him something important.

Her hand unconsciously shifted to her belly, as if she could caress the life that was starting to grow inside of her. She had taken a pregnancy test yesterday morning after another round of morning sickness. By then, Kaya had already left for work so she drove herself to the pharmacy. When she saw the positive test result, she didn't know whether she should cry due to joy or terror. She had always wanted to be a mother but now that it was a reality, she was unsure if she'd be a good one.

Following the positive result, she scheduled an appointment with her OBGYN for the following day. And then later that night, she subtly asked Kaya what he thoughts on children were.

"Do you envision yourself having children in the future?" she had asked.

Kaya glanced over to look at her as they both lay side by side on their bed. "Yes. Do you?"

"Of course. I want to be a mother," she replied.

"One day," Kaya said, his tone holding a promise. Yet, he didn't know that "one day" was less than nine months away from now.

"Do you want a girl or a boy first?" she had asked a few moments later.

Kaya looked at his wife and propped his head up with his hand. "I just want our child to be as kind, strong, and loving as their mother is."

Suna smiled up at him. "I want a son," she answered her own question.

"Why?" he had asked. It was a good question, really.

A mini Kaya, she imagined. Fierce, loyal, and empathetic. She smiled at the image in her head. In reality, she just shrugged. "If we give Dede a grandson, he'll be happier."

Kaya eyes hardened and he kissed his teeth. "Well, I want a daughter."

"Why?" Suna asked a similar question.

"Because I want a daughter who'll have your eyes and your hair. She'll have your smile and your laugh. She'll have a heart as big as yours," he said. "Though, it is tough living with one Suna. I can't imagine two."

Suna smacked his chest at his quip but still snuggled closer to him when he laughed. "I like that. Not the second part though."

Kaya simply pulled her closer to him and hadn't questioned her sudden interest in whether he wanted children or not.

Now, Suna paced her room, twenty four hours later, eager to tell her husband that she was six weeks pregnant. She had visited the doctor earlier today and they'd confirmed her pregnancy and had done an ultrasound for her as well. The pictures from the ultrasound were nestled in an envelope that Suna had tucked into her bedside drawer the moment she came back to the mansion.

Despite feeling sleepy and feeling dizzy from walking back and forth too much, Suna was determined to stay awake. After a while, she did decide to sit down on the couch in their room though. The last thing she wanted Kaya to find when he returned home was her passed out on the floor because she'd lost her balance. But to avoid falling asleep, she grabbed a random book from the coffee table and opened it to read.

It was half past midnight when Kaya had returned to the mansion. His phone had died around 6pm that evening when Ferit and him had to go out for dinner with a client. He didn't have any time to charge it until he was in the car, driving back home. So, by the time he'd gotten Suna's and his mother's texts, it was already past midnight. Figuring his mother would already be asleep, Kaya hadn't bothered responding to her message. However, knowing Suna, she was likely awake and waiting for him so he'd sent her a text saying he was on his way home.

Once Kaya pulled into the driveway, he handed his keys to one of the drivers so they could park it in the garage. Tired from a long day of work, he headed straight for his bedroom once he entered the house. Upon opening the door, he noticed that the bedroom lights were still on which meant Suna had stayed awake for him—or at least tried to. He eyed her sleeping figure that was curled over the armrest of their couch. A book written in French laid on the floor open to a random page.

Kaya smiled at the sight before him and decided against waking his wife up. He picked up the book from the floor and placed it on the coffee table. However, the moment he moved to place his hands underneath her knees and back, she jerked awake.

"Kaya?" she said blearily and blinked her eyes a few times. Her neck was strained and her eyes burned from the lack of proper sleep. Despite having a few moments of shut-eye, Suna couldn't sleep even if she wanted to. When she was on the couch, she would wake up multiple times at the slightest noise. She hadn't meant to nod off multiple times, but she was so tired. Maybe this is another symptom of pregnancy, she thought.

"Su—" Kaya started to say her name but was interrupted by her throwing her arms over his neck.

"You're home," she breathed out, embracing him tightly. She pulled back before he could even think to wrap his hands around her. "Why are you home so late?"

"Client dinner with Ferit. Then it was followed by drinks," he said, surprised by Suna's display of affection for him. It was not often when she would throw her arms around him and reel him into a hug. To match her energy, he leaned forward to kiss her lips but she suddenly moved back.

"Drinks?" she asked, in a disappointed tone.

Kaya sighed. "The clients kept prolonging the meeting and invited us to drinks. Since the contract hadn't been signed, Ferit immediately agreed to going out for drinks. We went out—got the contract signed. That's it."

Suna didn't particularly care about why they went out for drinks. She was more curious if Kaya drank or not. Even if he had one glass, she wouldn't let him kiss her. Ever since she became pregnant, she somehow couldn't stand the smell of alcohol. "Did you drink?"


"Not even one drink? To celebrate the contract? Nothing?" she asked again.

"Yes. You know I don't drink alcohol," he said, confused by her behavior.

"I'm just being cautious..." she said slowly. Her nerves were increasing as she built up the courage to tell him about the pregnancy.

"You are being cautious?" Kaya repeated even slower.

"Yes. You should—uh, you should freshen up! Come to bed soon," she said and moved away from him and settled into their bed. She chickened out at the last second. She didn't know why. She was too nervous, excited, and had so many expectations for how her husband would react to the news.

She was in her own thoughts when she felt her husband settling into bed beside her after a while. Ok, now is the time. Suna took a few deep breaths.

Kaya looked over at her.

No, I need to stand up and face him when doing this. Suna immediately got out of bed and turned to face her husband. She wrung her fingers together as she thought about how to start the conversation.

"Suna, I already told you I didn't have a drop of alcohol. Why do you keep running away from me?" he complained, referring the increased distance between them due to Suna not laying beside him in bed.

"Hush, I need to tell you something," she said, licking her lips nervously.

"Okay, tell me," he said, ready to listen attentively.

"You know how these past few weeks I've been nauseous, dizzy, having cravings, having aversions too? And I chalked it all up to being a stomach bug or the flu," Suna started off.


"Well, I don't think it's because of that," she simply said before she opened up her bedside drawer and handed him the envelope with her ultrasound photos.

Kaya silently took the envelope in his hands and opened it up.

When he pulled out the images, Suna blurted out, "I'm pregnant."

Kaya remained silent for a while, trying to process what he wife said. "You're pregnant?"

Tears gathered in the corner of Suna's eyes as she nodded. "You're going to be a baba."

"Really?" A wide smile spread across Kaya lips as he looked at Suna like she hung up the moon for him.

She nodded again, a choked laugh escaping her mouth. Kaya immediately got up from their bed and lifted her into a hug. He kissed her shoulder as he cried happy tears. They were going to be parents.

Kaya pulled back to admire his wife—his beautiful wife. She was going to be the mother of his child in less than nine months. He noticed the signs now. He always had his suspicions but once Suna turned them down, he never revisited them. But the way she avoided some types of foods yet ate more food than normal during dinner stood out to him now. She was moodier and her body had definitely started to change over the past few weeks. She looked so enticing right now, he couldn't imagine how she would look like swollen with their child. His su perisi.

"You have given me the greatest gift I've ever received in my life. The gift of becoming a dad," he whispered and rested his forehead against hers.

Suna smiled through her teary gaze and lifted her chin up to meet his lips. Kaya met her halfway and sealed their moment of joy with a kiss.

no smut because pregnant Suna is here 😽 jk next fic is probably smut hahaha. if you all have prompts i'd be happy to accept them :)

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