It's Time For Me To Shine

By GalxyWings

13.5K 404 39

Got inspided by fanfic from A03 that does a same thing as this fanfic. What happens when A marinette hater ge... More

Heros day
Happy ending


1.3K 47 11
By GalxyWings

Lila had a feeling that this is gonna be episode where Old Lila will get Marinette into trouble.

For the framing Marinette for cheating on the test will be easy since no one can prove if it was her, since she didn't directly accused Marinette, only on paper.

So she made sure she wear gloves when she sent that note, it will be the only thing she'll be doing and Marinette will just get in trouble.

Although she can't fake her being pushed and have her Neckless being stolen by Marinette, she might need someone else to do it, well for the neckless part maybe.

Lila have been laying low a bit carefull not to cause any Akuma attacks to happen and everyone have been getting more upset with the blue hair girl and her creepy stalker behaver to Adrien, who started to think his friend is really a crazed female fan.

Even people started to noticed there some odd adout Ladybug, though Lila understood that Chat is do have a smilier problem but he only cause like way less and Copycat happen because he didn't want an man whos clearly an adult to be near a teenager.

Everyone walked into the classroom as Lila talks to Nathel adout Mangas.

Lila: I know mangas are populer in japan, I can show you some good ones I know if you want.

Soon everyone take their seats as Marinette still continues to believe Lila as a lair.

Marinette: She's such a lair!

Alya: You gotta stop obessing over her Marinette.

miss bustier: I've graded your mock exam papers.
Most of you did quite well, some of you better then others.
Before I hand them back, Marinette can you bring your school bag to me please, I need to check something.

The green eye girl put on a small but unnoticedall smirk on her face as Marinette cluelessly walk over with her school bag, not knowing adout the answer sheet in her bag.

miss bustier: Today, someone place an anonems note in my mail box, claiming you stolen the exam answers.

The teacher look through her bag until she found them and took them out to see them.

miss bustier: And it looks like the person was right.

This made everyone gasp in disblief that Marinette would cheat on a test.

Lila of course let out her fake gasp along with everyone else, pretending to be shocked as well and Marinette then trys to defend herself.

Marinette: B, But that not true!
Someone must of planed that piece of paper in my bag!

miss bustier: But you answered all of the questions correctly.

Marinette was happy she got them all right because she worked so hard.

Marinette: I did?
Yes! Because I studied!

Alya then stands up for Marinette because even though her friend have some wierd behaviour, the blue hair girl would never fheat on school work never.

Alya: miss bustier, Marinette always scores high on your tests.

Now its time for Lila to come to 'Marinette' defence.

Lila: I'm sure that Marinette would never do that, she's the most hard working person I know.

Then Marinette in her jealously accused Lila even though the blue haired girl was right, no one else knows Lila was the one since she one of the sweets hearts of the school.

Marinette: Of course.
You put the answers in my bag, your the anonmens informer!

Lila let out a fake gasp of being acussed.

Lila: I'm coming to your defence and your accusing me?!

miss bustier doesn't believe Marinette because the girl doesn't have proof.

miss bustier: But you can't accuse someone without proof Marinette.

Marinette in her anger is loosing her patsaints.

Lila: But I'm sure its her!
She stole the test answers!

miss bustier: Thats impossible Marinette, Lila got the worst grade in the class.

Lila didn't mean to get the worst ones but hey its working in her favour.

Marinette: Then she flanked on the exam on purpose!

Then everying goes to Marinette to defence.

Adrien: Excuse miss bustier but it isn't like Marinette to cheat just like Lila said.

Alya agrees with Adrien and so does everyone else, the teacher then quite the class down.

miss bustier: Marinette, Lila please go to the princaple office until we get to the bottom of this.

Lila then acted as if she was sad and open the door gor marinette to go through and followed behind shutting the door.

The two walked each beside each other to the princeble office and Lila still act nice to Marinette.

Lila: I don't know why you accuse me of framing you and flunking out on the test on purpurse.
But I'm going to prove myself to you to that by helping to prove your innocence!

Marinette: I'm not failing for that Lila!

Lila head: Too late you already have.

Lila and Marinette are by the stairs that leads to the ground and she tries to comfert Marinette.

Lila: I'm sure I can convince the Principal that you are innocent and we can sort this out.

This make Marinette loose her cool as she thinks Lila is control her and so she does something terrible.

Marinette: Stop lying!
You are not a good person!

Marinette impusily push Lila down the stairs, which surprised the green eye girl as she never expected Marinette to actaully push her down the stairs.

She fell onto the bottom floor in pain as she feel like one of her legs might be in more pain.

But of course this time someone saw what happen and everyone came when they heard Lila shouting out in pain even the princable.

Princeple: What happen here?!

Person: Marinette pushed Lila down the stairs!

Someone ran over to check on Lila and the Principal glares angrly at Marinette.

Principal: In my office!

Soon Lila, Marinette and Marinette parents.

Marinette: Sir I didn't mean too.

Lila then decide to pretend to tell everyone that she don't know why Marinette hates her.

Lila: I don't know why Marinette don't like me.
I tried to be friend but she keeps calling me a lair, trying to get others to gang up on me and now pushing me down the stairs!

Marinette in anger tells what she thinks to the princable.

Marinette: Those are tottal lies!

Principal: Go on Lila.

Lila: You can ask everyone in class if you want you can even call my mum and Auntie to prove I went on that trip with her.

Principal: I'm sorry Ms Cheng and mr Dupain but someone saw Marinette pushing the girl down the stairs and heard Lila trying to comfert the girl before getting pushed for no reason.

Lila: Un sir is it okay if you can call my mum to let her know amd see if she can pick me up and go home?

Principal: Of course and for your daughter she'll need to be send home for today for what she did.

Then the Principal made the call and Lila aunt is coming to pick her up and take her back home and her mum is busy.

But as soon Lila open her locker and check her locker amd her bag for her grandmother neckless she couldn't find it.

Lila: My grandmother neckless is gone!

Principal: What?

Lila: I thought I put it right here in my locker or my bag, I always keep my Neckless near me, Its a gift from her before she died.

Alya: We can help look for your neckless, you just have to sit right there.

Lila: Thank you so much.

But as everyone looked around the locker room, Marinette o0en her locker door to reveal Lila grandmother fox neckless falling out.

Lila gasp in surprise to see it happing, she didn't put it in Marinette locker, because she didn't want to get Marinette expelled only detetion.

Everyone gasp when they saw it too as Lila picks up her neckless as she walked over to do so.

Lila: My grandma pendent.

Lila hold her pendent close to her as she thought to herself that someone else must of framed Marinette by putting her neckless in the blue haired girl locker.

Everyone couldn't believe how terrible marinette is, accussing Lila, pushing her down the stiars and now stealing Lila dead grandma neckless.

Marinette then try to save protect herself as her parents are unhappy whats going on.

Marinette: She's making up this whole thing!
I didn't do anything I swear.
You know Lila lying, don't you Adrien.

But Adrien believe that Lila isn't Lying but that someone else is framing Marinette for cheating and now stealing thought Marinette did push the girl down the stairs.

Adrien then trys to talk to the Principal adout it but the older man stop the student from speaking any futher and decide to do something adout Marinette.

Principal: Marinete Dupian cheng you are expelled from this school!

Everyone gasp in shock as they couldn't believe that someone they trusted could be so bad.

Then suddenly the starnge almost everyone got akumatized happen but then they deakumtized which was wierd.

At least Lila isn't working with Hawkmoth is she now.

Meanwhile Master Fu wasn't happy with Marinette as she hurted someone because Lila made is being close aith Adrien.

He is thinking adout finding a new ladybug until he finds one, Marinette will have to be her for now.

Meanwhile with Marinette and Tikki back at home, they are talking adout almost getting akumtized and almost giving the ladybug Miraculous to Hawkmoth.

Tikki: If you were akumatized nothing could of stopped you from handing your miraculous over to Hawkmoth!

Marinette: And they've could of been no more ladybug.
End of story.

Tikki: We can't let that happen!

Marinette: Niether Lila or Hawkmoth will win!
I will prove my innocence! If only Alya would help.

Tikki: Alya didn't become Akumatized eariler today at school.
I'm sure it because she trust you, call her!

Marinette then calls Alya who tells what happen eariler.

Alya: Okay lets recap right?
Your accused of stealing answers to the mock exam, evidence one.
Paper with answers in your school bag.
You were then seen by some one who saw you pushing Lila down the stairs.
Lastly your were also found with Lila neckless which was at tune inside your locker.
And finally you have a motive, I know for a fact that you hated from day one Lila because she is hanging out with Adrien.

Marinette: I'm so glad I called you.
Thanks for your support.

Alya: Your my best friend Marinette I tottaly believe you but you did pushed Lila down the stairs.
And the evidence of cheating on exam and stealing is stacked against you.
The good thing is the world greatest reporter always seek the truth.
I'm gonna prove your innocent on those two things.

The gjrl sighed in relief when Alya said that hoping it would lead to Lila being exposed in her mind anyway.

Marinette: Thanks Al.

Alya: First a cuplite always leave clues thats a given and by following these it will lead us...

Marinette: To Lila!

Alya get frustared at her friend who keep insisting it was Lila for some reason.

Alya: No!
To the gulity party!
If your so quick to accuse Lila, you might just overlook another protental badie!

Alya: Whoever it was had to have to of touch your locker to put the neckless in there.
I'm gonna go to track down some finger prints.

Tom and then Sabin have a talk with their daughter adout her helping them out untill they find anothet school thay will take her in.

Meanwhile back at school,Lila was told she she picked up at the end of school because her aunt have to care of something because of co worker making some dumb mistakes.

Alya is in her dectetive mode trying to find clues on who could of framed Marinette for Lila stealing neckless and cheating on the test but it haven been going well.

Lila knew this as she silently watch and listen to her surroundings, she covered any tracks of her when Framing Marinette for stealing exam papers and cheating.

But being push was Marinette fault and some random person who seem to hate Marinette enough to frame the girl for stealing the girl she pushed Neckless.

Lila considered that it could be Chloe but Lila have been making Marinette unpopular lately so there a chance there are some others who didn't like Marinette for being mean/ a bully to such a nice girl.

Lila felt kinda bad for Marinette, because she only did one thing old Lila did and then the other things just happen by themselfs.

The giel then though she could use this to possible make Marinette have a rethink by finding the person who framed Marinette for the neckless.

She can't framed someone else for doing that and Marinette did actaully pushed her, so the sloving the stealing part is the next best thing.

And the best part is Adrien believes Lila, after all Lila makde sure she was truthful and she knew how much Adrien hated how old Lila lied.

But she not old Lila, she the better Lila and she don't need to do anything real exstream just pretend to be nice to marinette no matter what and be truthful and the bule hair girl is gonna fail.

She tells Alya everything truthfuly you know but leaving out being the one to frame Marinette for stealing answer sheet and cheating an exam.

Alya had to sadly leave a voice messge for Marinette on her investigation.

Alya: Okay, heres the skinny on my investagtion so far.
No finger prints no evidents.
Whoever did this was very thourow, I'm sorry I'll be in touch.

Soon Alya end and walks off sadly and Adrien overheard sad too he knew Marinette wouldn't cheat on a test and steal Lila dead granma neckless.

He sure someone else is trying to frame Marinette but not Lila, she comes to Marinette defence and accounding to the witness even said she'll try to help convince the Principal that Marinette is innocent before being push by the moody girl.

Lila was talking to the classmates who some of them are still upset with Marinette even though Lila is trying to tell them its not Marinette fault, saying that maybe she made Marinette feel uncomfable that caused the push.

The girl knew that was a lie but since she was known as the sweet girl who is known to blame herself for others actions imvoling her, they'll saw it as Lila being such an angel.

Adrien was going to go over and talk to Lila adout the events eariler today when he check his phone to see the news of a new villain fighting ladybug.

He of course run off to help her but then you know how the rest of tye fight if you watch the show but it turns out Maura created a sentimonster that looks like real Ladybug, real ladybug joins in, fake ladybug joins real ladybug and Chat noir but is destoyed when marua used her powers to do so.

Then hawkmoth came to rescue Mayura and the two villains g9t away.

Later on Lila was somehow able to get some kind of photo shoot with Adrien, he was shock but Lila told him she didn't know how it happen either.

But she said she guest from what the other classmate said that she was approch to do this because they wanted the sweet heart of the school and who doesn't like angels like Lila.

Soon Lila and Adrien talk to eacher before they have a photo shoot as the photophfor and make artist left them alone for a bit.

Lila: I know Marinette is innocent and that she was framed by someone and I want to help but I don't know how.

Adrien: You so kind even though Marinette pushed you down the stairs.

Lila: I know she did that but I thinm it was because if the stress of being accused and framed that got to her.
And why would Marinette would want to steal my neckless from wbat I heard from Alya see seem to be amazing at making her own.
Why I bet she got much more pretty jewary then me.

Adrien: Yeah but who would want to frame marinette?

Lila then had a somewhat think in her head.

Lila thoughts: I can't let Adrien or anyone finding out that it was me who got Marinette in trouble first today, Marinette is already in trouble for pushing me for real no worries there but maybe I see if theres someone who likes me that is enough to hate what Marinette did to me.

Lila: Maybe we can see if it one of tge other students back at school.
I mean I noticed that some people are getting annoyed at Marinette recently.
Maybe one of them have an idea

Adrien: Or maybe it could of been one of them!
I gotta tell Alya after this.

Lila: Okay.


Same day Luckily Lila, Alya and Adrien were able to find who frame marinette for stealing and were able to get evjdence to prove it.

This turn out to be an random student who seem to hava a crush on Lila and hated Marinette for treating their crush that way.

They of course confrest and they didn't hate Lila since they knew she might do this because she the sweetest girl ever!

Lila of course then somehow prove that is was someone else who stole the answer sheet and framed Marinette for that too.

But of course they weren't able to figure out who.

So Lila was able to somewhat clear Marinette named but used her skills to convince the Principal to for marinette to nkt be expelled anymore but still have some kind of punishment for hurting another student.

Marinette was happy to be allowed back to school but couldn't believe it wasn't Lila who frame her for stealing the neckless but no one ever found out who framed the blue haired girl.

Also Marinette wasn't too happ that the so called Lair help her out, still being hateful towards her as she still have to do some kind of punishment.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Let me know in the comments.

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