Thornless roses/๐“ข๐“ฌ๐“ฎ๐“ท๐“ช๐“ป๏ฟฝ...

By D1sapp01nt1ngL0v3

14 5 0

(This has been discontinued until further notice, might rewrite) ๐–ณ๐—๐—‚๐—Œ ๐—Œ๐–ผ๐–พ๐—‡๐–บ๐—‹๐—‚๐—ˆ ๐–ป๐—ˆ๐—ˆ๐—„ ๐—‚๐—Œ ๐—ˆ๐–ฟ... More

Meeting them
Becoming Friends
Valentine's day Special!

Hanging out

2 1 0
By D1sapp01nt1ngL0v3

Leo: I gave Leo a call, It was Christmas Eve night and I was feeling lonely. It took five rings before he answered, he seemed to be a bit panicked. "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry, do you need something? It's just now isn't the right time, I'm helping out at the party here at my house so...." My heart sunk, I was really hoping that he and I could spend time together today, I didn't want to be alone today, neither tomorrow, or ever. I never admitted it, but I actually hated feeling so lonely, I didn't hate being alone, just the feeling of it. "Oh. That's okay, I just wanted you to come over... I haven't had anyone around during the holidays in so long you know, so I was really looking forward to it... Maybe New Years....?", your voice cracking a little. Leo went silent for a bit and I almost thought he hung up, I heard rummaging in the background and a few angry shouts, after about two minutes I heard Leo running. "I'm coming over." "What? But, aren't you busy with the party?" "So? Fuck the party. I don't want you to be alone this Christmas or on any of the holidays, in fact you'll never have to be alone again, I'm here for you." I smiled a bit at that, I was grateful and I appreciated how he'd just shove away the party just to come over and spend time with me today. "You know you didn't have to." "Well, I wanted to. Once I heard the way you sounded over the phone, I just felt like I needed to come over. Now, open the door, I'm here." I hung up and placed my phone down, rushing to the door and opening it, my eyes brightening as I saw that he in fact was here. I just felt so happy, I didn't know what to say. "Did you decorate your tree yet, make cookies for Santa, yada yada?" I snickered, "Cookies for Santa? That's so childish." He smirked, "Hey, I never know, maybe you still believe in him. Can I come in?" I nodded, blushing in embarrassment as I hadn't noticed I didn't let him in yet. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him, "Nice it." "If it's bad just say it." "No, no, no! It's good, I actually like it. I'm just to distracted is all, my tone was off..." He looked at me with a small mischievous look in his eyes. "So...What first? Cookies, Tree, or you and me?" I blushed a bit. "What do you mean...?" He facepalmed, blushing a bit. "Crap, when I say that I mean like quality time and whatever, like video games, movies, stuff like that! Not... you know..." "Ah, well I think I wanna decorate the tree first, so when we bake the cookies they don't get cold and we can eat them fresh when we do fun stuff." I calmly guided him to my Christmas tree, proudly standing in front of it. "Now to make it have some style!" I pulled out a box of ornaments from the side and rummaged through it, handing Leo some so that he could start adorning the tree with colorful festive accessories. He hummed the tune to "Put your head on my shoulder." as we decorated the tree. I was having a great time already, just Leo's company was enough to keep me in high spirits. After placing the star on the top of my tree, I took out my phone and snapped a picture of it, giving it a look of approval before turning around. Luckily, Leo read my mind and dashed to the kitchen, turning my kitchen inside out for random ingredients and putting them out on the counter. "Sprinkles...marshmallow paste, forgot I had that, wait cinnamon? WHY DO WE NEED CINNAMON... LEO, PUT THAT PINK SALT BACK." I went around following Leo, scolding him about his weird taste in ingredients. "Relax, I'll make one batch for you with my ingredients, another with yours!" "Why're you likes this...." "You know tuna sandwiches with pumpkin chocolate chip cookies inside and mint chocolate ice cream is-" "If you keep talking I'm kicking you out." With that, he stayed quiet and worked on the cookies. When he finished he took it out after baking everything and separated the two batches. I tried one from his batch and it was suspiciously good... I gave him a small glare, "Did you poison this...?" "Huh- where'd you get poison from? Of course not." "It tastes too good to be not poisoned...." He laughed and put away all the stuff he used for the cookies, "Sure my combos are weird but they don't always taste bad." I rolled my eyes and took my plate of cookies, walking over to the living room and setting them on the tea table, grabbing the remote and turning on a marathon for Grinch movies. A few minutes later Leo came in with his cookies, raising his brow at what I picked but not questioning it. He took a seat next to me and sat cross-legged, just enjoying the show. After half and hour of peace and quiet I turned to the side and saw Leo looking at me. I hadn't noticed but he put down his plate and just kept staring at me as if he were thinking. Out of nowhere he then tackled me and tickled me on the couch, I giggled and struggled to get out of his grasp, "Leo! Hahahaha! HEY... LEO YOU-!" The rest of the night was spent finishing the movies, letting Leo braid my hair, and random gossip about people from my neighborhood. I was really starting to love Leo's company, I knew that it would be nice having him around from now on. I knew it was also much better, so much better than being all alone.

Miles: After my first interaction with Miles, I was not delighted to have to see his face again, although I did appreciate him handing me his phone. I walked into my class, knowing the lesson was gonna be hours long. I saw Miles hanging out with the stupid class troublemakers, telling them about the new kid and how he kicked his ass. I didn't know what to make of Miles, all I could see was a small pile of stinky stupid trash, I still couldn't believe he called me stinky when he looked like a ragged homeless dog. I kept continuously insulting him in my head as I headed towards my seat, which just so happened to be in front of his. I was annoyed by his continuous talking, but thankfully the professor finally called all our attention, ordering us to return to our seats so we could start our lesson. It was a pretty boring lesson to say the least, apart from the ridiculous stunts the class clown pulled, being in class made me feel absolutely shitty shockingly enough. Usually I was fine during my lessons, but today was stressing. I got paired with a group of people who wouldn't do any work and dumped everything on me, I was stressed, and my seat mates constant pleas for help on work did not help. 'God, when will I fucking leave this class? In like three more hours, I can already feel my legs falling asleep from all this stupid nonsense.' I looked back to check if there was anything interesting to put my attention on. Miles wasn't in class, that was interesting. I looked back to the professor a thought popping into my head. I raised my hand, planning to lie to the professor's face so that I could skip. "Sir... May I go to the nurse's office? I I'm starting to have unbearable cramps and  I don't think I can bare it." He nodded his head, dismissing me without a care. I smirked and grabbed my belongings, rushing out. I would've went back home, but none of my parents were free, so no one could pick me up. I didn't want to take a cab either since I was still a bit wary since people were still going missing or getting murdered. I decided that I'd hang out outside, making a beeline for the exit. Once I was out, I sighed in relief, noticing none of the staff were taking a random guard duty patrol around the college, they trusted the students way too much. 'Well maybe they're just too tired to deal with their shit, but oh well...' I made a quick decision to head to the football field, knowing no one would ever spot me there if they ever came looking for me, 'They'd quickly give up anyways, plus I can just hide behind the bleachers.' And so I went, going exactly behind the bleachers. I was about to do my own thing and mind my business as I let time pass, but I saw someone there, a few feet away, it was Miles. He looked out of it and I couldn't help but comment on it. "The fuck, are you on something right now? You look like you're on cloud nine, hell people would even say you're seeing the smoke god or whatever stoners pray to and shit." He let out a loud laugh, looking at me and covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing again. He let his hand fall and exhaled deeply, "What? No, I mean I smoked a few cigarettes but nothing more, geez do I look that bad or are you teasing me and trying to get back at me for last week?" "Nah, I mean sure I'm pissed off about your rude and not true at all comment about me stinking, but you do look like you're in another universe." He shook his head, "Yeah? You look stressed, so stressed that you'd punch me, want to try getting rid of it?", he said as he handed me a cigarette. "What can I say, you're pretty punchable.", I smirked, taking the cigarette and snatching a lighter from his pocket and lighting the cigarette. "Mm.", he replied and hummed for a little bit. I took a few puff of my cigarette, eventually just throwing it on the ground. "Not even gonna finish it? What a waste." "I'm not some hardcore smoker unlike you, hell maybe you're even a fucking druggie." "Drugs aren't my whole personality, don't insult me like that." He said, faking an offended voice and laughing afterwards. I sat there smiling to myself a bit, "Maybe you aren't so bad you know?" "Nah, I'm fucking great, I'm amazing doll, maybe I'm what all those stoners pray to.", he said smiling like an idiot. "Yeah, you're definitely high on some shit, you've got to be." "Maybe.", he said leaning his head back and closing his eyes. "Wake me up when it's time to go." I said nothing, nodding my head a bit, looking at him. 'Even if he's an ass, he's a tolerable one.'

Alexander: It was a few weeks after meeting Alexander and getting his very appreciated help to study for the finals. He actually helped way more than expected, all of my streaks for having D's and C's were gladly removed. I now had a bit more pleasant grades, a few A's and B's and one C. I hadn't seen Alex since that little study with him, I never really knew where to look for him, so I never did. But today was the day I did want to look for him, I still needed to thank him for his help. My first idea was to head to the library, he looked like a huge nerd to be honest and even sounded like one, so I thought he'd be studying there. If I ever told him I thought this I hoped he wouldn't take offense to it and smite me. I looked around and didn't see him, so I decided to look elsewhere. It was after school, so I was a bit worried that he already left. Luckily after about half an hour I found him near the back of the school, I didn't immediately go talk to him since he was already conversing with an intimidating looking guy, one who could be considered part of the mafia or some kind of gangster. I didn't want to really judge by looks, but it was hard not to when he looked so scary. I eventually approached them both, tapping Alexander lightly on the shoulder. He turned around, looking a little annoyed, but his face immediately brightened and he smiled. "Y/N, Hi! You need something?" I shook my head, "No, I don't need anything, Alex. I just wanted to thank you for helping me study, if it weren't for you I would've never passed those exams." His friend, I assumed, smirked and moved towards me, leaning forward, "Did you guys have private lessons and fuck or something?" "MILES!", Alexander shouted as as he slapped the back of Mile's head. 'Miles? Do his parents love cars or something and named him after how much they travel with them?' "Sorry, Y/N, this is my friend, Miles, he's a bit of an idiot..." I shook my head and laughed, "No, it's alright, I think it'll be fine, perhaps I'll get used to him. "Miles and I were heading to the movies, want to come with us?" I thought of it for a little and obliged, "Sure, I don't think that's a bad idea, plus I'm pretty much free for the rest of the day, so it's not a bother if I do follow you guys." They then led me to Mile's car and we all hopped in, making our way to the theaters. They never told me what movie we were watching, but now I know why. As I left the theater, my body was shaking from the jump scares I saw in the horror movie, no doubt I'd be getting nightmares tonight. Alexander and Miles looked fine, but I know Alexander was on edge because he kept trying to dodge any questions Miles asked about the movie, I'm pretty sure he was trying to get it out of his head so the movie didn't crawl into his mind when he slept tonight. I did enjoy hanging out with the both of them though, I wondered if Alexander and I could be friends, I wasn't to keen on befriending Miles though, he loved to pull pranks on me a little too much... Regardless of that, I knew I'd still be seeing them later on, I was hoping the next time I'd see Miles wasn't until after I got over his stupid pranks though. We all walked to Miles's car, laughing and chatting along the way. I smiled to myself, 'Maybe Alexander can be more than just a pastime study buddy?'

Angelo: I listened to Angelo's art tips and made sure that when I sketched I used references for poses and shape up the body. I didn't consider my art to be at satisfactory level yet, but it definitely was an improvement from where I first started so I was happy. Angelo was very helpful when it came to art, but he constantly made snarky comments about my artwork every chance he got. I was starting to think he was doing it on purpose to make me mad, I never showed any reaction to it though. Today I had no plans, so I was just passing time by trying to learn anatomy and finally try to decide on an art style I liked. It was pretty boring to be honest and I was starting to get tired of doing the same thing. 'I've been sitting here for hours now, good lord. I should get up and do something else. Mom and dad aren't home so I don't know who to bother...' I reluctantly stood up and checked my phone, quickly pressing onto my contacts and finding Angelo's number. I pressed the call button and held my breath as it ringed. 'One...Two...Three...Four...', then he picked up, "Y/N..?". I said nothing, I didn't plan this far so I had no idea what to say. "I'm kinda bored right now, wanna hang out?", I suggested. He was quiet for a few moments but replied, "Mmm, yeah that's fine with me. I'm not busy, but uh wherever we're going you'll have to pay, I'm fucking broke." I groaned, first he annoys me with rude comments on my art, now he expects me to pay for everything when we spend time together, cool, great. 'Even if you're broke you could at least make the effort to try and get some money?' "Alright, fine. I'll let you choose where we go, I guess." "How about the supermarket?" "The supermarket...? But why...?" "I don't know, you said you wanted to hang out and you let me choose, so let's go to the supermarket." "You're an idiot." "Well you're art is trash." I hung up and just decided to go shower and get ready, I was still questioning his choice of a place to spend quality time but I couldn't judge, I did ask him to choose after all. After I finished getting ready I texted him and asked if he was ready to go yet, he agreed that he was ready so I walked out off my house and started walking to his house. His mom apparently didn't have a car and he had no other way of transportation, so I just decided I'd walk over to his house grab him and go. The walk there was pretty peaceful, cars passed by, random strangers walking by causally minded their business, and I minded my very own. When I got to his house was where the chaos started, I opened up the door to witness him punch who I assumed was his brother right in the face, a dog barking at me, two cats at war while one ripped up the couch, a baby crying and stinking up the place, and his parents who were yelling at him. I questioned if I should stay or not, but I was interrupted from making a decision since as soon as Angelo saw me he sprinted out and closed his house door behind him, dragging me away from his home. "Sorry, my stepdad was being a pain in the ass and so was my brother, they kept nagging me so I cursed my father out and punched my brother." "Is your house always gonna be like that when I come by...?" "Maybe, not likely though, it'll probably be worse." "Oh god." He chuckled and smiled, "Well ignore any of that, once I go back I'll just fix it anyways, all I gotta do is clean the house up a bit and laugh at my little brother as he cries about me punching him." "Uh huh, sure. So, you sure you want to go to the supermarket...?" He nodded his head, letting go of me and walking at a normal pace. "Let's just buy snacks and eat them at a random spot I guess, maybe chat a little? I never do planning for hang-outs with my friends, sorry." "It shows, it really shows." The rest of the walk consisted of Angelo telling me about how hectic his household could get and how his whole day went, and me listening along with concern. When we reached the supermarket we headed in and got ourselves a cart, Angelo immediately making a dash for the food aisle. "Looks like someone's hungry." He ignored my comment and threw in random snacks, he paused looking at some of the marshmallows. He looked at me and smiled, putting it into the cart. "You should get some snacks for yourself and drinks too, I mean we are using your money after all." I sulked as I remembered that Angelo was penniless and couldn't pay for his stuff, but soon got over it as I picked out my favorite treats. Since Angelo wasn't really getting stuff anymore I told him to get us drinks as I chose the last of what I planned to devour later. He came back, putting the rest of our stuff into the cart and humming a tune. I payed for all our stuff and grabbed the grocery bags holding all of it, carrying them outside the supermarket as Angelo helped me look for a spot to eat them all at. We ended up choosing a talk oak tree and just sat under it chatting for a bit while eating to our hearts content. "Marshmallow.", "What?", "You,Y/N, You're a marshmallow." I stayed quiet wondering if he was joking. He leaned forward, squishing my cheeks and stomach, "See, you're squishy like one. I think you're a little bit of a sour marshmallow though because you're so mean." I rolled my eyes, "You're the one to talk." He smirked and laughed, "That's a good thing though, I hate sweet stuff, they make me nauseous and they're too sweet for me." I was a little shocked to know this and wondered why he put the marshmallows in our cart if he wasn't gonna like them due to their sweetness. "Then why the marshmallows is what you're thinking right? Well, it reminds me of you, and I thought it'd be nice to buy them for you, you'd like them more than me anyways, am I right, Marshmallow?" I facepalmed at the new nickname, "That my new name now?" He chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, it is. Marshmallow." "OH SHUT UP WILL YOU?"

Valentinas: After my calming day off from my stressing days of work and meeting Val, I felt a bit of my anger come off from my shoulders nowadays. Meeting Valentinas really did impact me quite well, so I was obviously planning to meet up with him again some time. I had no idea where we would've went together at first, but I decided that going to Karaoke later would've been nice. For now I planned to just chill and have some self-care. The first step was to take an everything shower, which was one of the best showers ever according to my friend, so I thought about trying it out for once. I turned on the shower, letting it run and become warm as I picked out an outfit in my room. Once I found a cute outfit I went back into the shower undressing myself and hopping in. I began to rinse my body and wash my hair, doing well everything as I took my shower. By the time I was done, I found that my friend was indeed right, I felt more refreshed than I ever have after taking my first everything shower. 'I should start doing this more often.' Since I planned to head out at seven o'clock it was easy to pass time due to it being six. Soon enough I found myself in my car, driving to the Karaoke place that Valentinas and I picked together. I wondered what song I should sing when I arrived there, finally choosing to sing one of my favorite songs. I was a little nervous I had to admit, 'What if he thinks my singing is trash or something, damn now I'm kinda feeling insecure....' I pushed away my negative thoughts and got out off my car, entering the Karaoke building, glancing at it's name quickly before I fully came in, 'Timberland singing battle arena? Why would they name it that...? Don't tell me we have singing battles here... I never even realized what the name of this place was when I was picking it with Valentinas.' Apparently he also made it here earlier than me because the front desk woman told me I had someone waiting for me in "my" reserved room. I nodded in response and headed to the room Valentinas had reserved for us. When I opened the door I was a little surprised though, it was a spacious room full of clothing and wigs even some accessories and props laying around. My eyes landed on Valentinas and I burst out laughing, he was dressed up as Princess Peach and was putting on some lipstick. He heard me laughed and whipped his head in my direction, "Crap, didn't expect you to come so soon, I was planning to play around without you knowing but now you caught me..." "Didn't know you were into that kind of stuff." "Hey! Don't shame me, it's a cosplay! And it is a very good one!" He pouted and I smiled back in response, "Well, we clearly didn't read up about this place because I didn't expect cosplays and this being a battle arena." "Mhm, I didn't expect it either, but here we are, no? So let's make the best of it. Wanna order some food before we start our battle?" I nodded my head, "So if we are gonna battle, do we use swords or something or maybe just some flashy outfit along with our singing?" He chuckled a little and shook his head, "Now that seems like a good idea, an outfit battle and a singing battle, I like it!" We ordered food and had an amazing singing battle for two hours, also having fun with the cosplays and taking pictures together. In the end we both exited the Timberland Singing Battle Arena laughing, exchanging a few more words and saying goodbye. "Valentinas, I enjoyed our time spent together, thanks for giving me this opportunity!", I said with a huge grin on my face. He squished my cheeks and laughed, "No problemo, Y/N."

Allen: Today was gonna be fun, Allen and I planned to have a picnic together today and I was looking forward to it. I'd be bringing Auburn and he'd bring his own dog too! After the picnic we planned to also pass by we also planned to go to a concert afterwards. I was too excited, most of my friends didn't really have pets or if they did they'd didn't have dogs, so I never really got to bring Auburn along with me. I packed some delicious sandwiches and made some lemonade, adding a few chocolate chip muffins into the basket I was bringing with me. Auburn barked and jumped up and down excitedly as she waited for me at the door. "Yes yes yes, I know you're excited Auburn, and I am too! In fact, I'm just as excited as you are." She barked back at me as if to say "Really? Well then let's go!" I giggled and packed up everything neatly, carrying them along with me as I walked to my car, Auburn following close behind. I set everything into the car and opened the backseat so Auburn could come it, I could tell she'd enjoy our picnic today, I wasn't so sure about the concert though since she wasn't a fan of loud music, or loud noises in general. I texted Allen before starting the car and driving to our planned meet up spot. By the time I was there, I saw him waving as I got out and let Auburn out of the car. He happily did a little silly dance and yelled out "HEY Y/N HEY!!! EHEHEHEH HI!" I smiled, 'He's so damn silly. I love that about him.' Topher's ears perked up and he immediately starting barking when he saw me and Auburn, Auburn barking back loudly and racing towards him. I took the things I packed out the car and headed up the hill where Allen was, still smiling as he start rambling on about how happy he was to see me. I took a seat next to him and placed down the basket of food and drinks, admiring the little stock he brought while doing so. He had taken cranberry juice, scones, garlic bread, beef jerky, and some random fruits. "I'm glad to see you as well, Allen. Auburn was itching to go see you and Topher, she kept whining all day until I finally let her out so that we could go." "Well, Topher is glad to see you both as well, just look at the both of them playing over there." I turned around watching Auburn and Topher play around, rolling over and jumping around the place. "They look absolutely adorable, they're the greatest of friends i've ever seen in any pair of dogs." "Mhm, my thoughts exactly. Also about the concert, I decided to cancel it since it'll be loud, dogs don't fancy loud noises, so it wouldn't be a good idea, the music might scare them off." "Yeah, but then what'll we do later...?" He put his finger to his lips and shushed me, "That's a little secret for later.~" I giggled and shook my head, "You're so childish." "Well, let's eat, there's nothing stopping us is there?" I nodded my head and began to dig in, handing Topher and Auburn some of the beef jerky. When we had finished eating the sun was beginning to set, the view was nice from the hill, but not as nice as it would've been when seeing it from the beach. "Alright, the sun's setting, that's perfect for my surprise! Bring Auburn over and I'll bring Topher, follow my car and we'll get to see the surprise." I did as he instructed and got into my car, bringing Auburn along as I followed his car. He ended up driving to the beach, which surprised me a little, I didn't expect him to bring me here. 'Woah, the sun's practically gone already how long have we been driving?', I asked myself as I look up and saw a little bit of the moon coming out. 'He wanted to show me the surprise at night? Maybe it's bioluminescent waves! Those are super cool!' I took Auburn down and walked her down the stairs of the parking lot, my feet hitting the beach sand. I saw Allen sitting with Topher, his arm wrapped around him as they booth looked up at the sky as if expecting something. I trotted towards them and sat next to Allana ne Topher, wrapping my arm around Auburn. I copied Allen and looked at the sky, "So what're we looking at?" "Just!" As soon as he reached three fireworks exploded in the air, a beautiful view engulfing my eyes as I stared forward in awe. "It's beautiful, but why...?" Auburn whined at the loud popping noises, burying her head into my chest, Topher following along with her and growling at the noises. "Silly, didn't you look at the calendar? It's the FOURTH OF JULY!" Realization dawned on me as I remembered I didn't check the date these past few days. "Well no wonder you wanted to take me here. It's beautiful and nice yeah but we should go, the dogs aren't as fond of the fireworks as we are." He looked at me and facepalmed, "Oh yeah, fuck, I forgot fireworks are loud as well. I'm so sorry, I'm just an idiot sometimes." "Hahaha! No, it's fine really, this was nice, now come on let's go, Auburn is starting to bite on my shirt and drag me." He laughed and got up, holding out a hand to help me, I gratefully accepted it, getting up as well. We dusted the sand off of us and nodded at each other in acknowledgement before parting our ways. 'Well that was fun.'

Marcus: Ever since the volleyball incident, Marcus felt extremely guilty and constantly apologized about it everyday. I didn't mind that much, but he insisted that he take me out to pay me back somehow. Which was why I was now standing in front of the entrance to an aquarium which was also part of a pretty fancy resort. "I didn't know what to pick out so I chose and aquarium. Don't worry I'll make sure to take you to the buffet later in the resort so we can eat! He took my hand and led me inside the aquarium. He showed me around, letting me see the wonderful interior of everything before we moved on to see the animals. I was in awe at what I had seen, there wasn't just fish but jellyfish as well, they let out beautiful colorful glows as they floated around their containment. There were some shark attractions as well, and even a ginormous tank with some huge fish like sunfishes. I was a little intimidated by how large they were so I asked Marcus to take us to see the other sea life. Surprisingly we had spent two hours in the aquarium, looking around, taking photos, and having trivia quizzes about all the animals we had seen. We were both getting hungry so we made a beeline for the buffet. As we made a small entrance in we got a table for two and ran around filling up our plates so we could eat. Although it was a fancy place, we both made the decision to eat away with our hearts content without a care, not minding the looks other guest gave us as we ate. When we finished up all our food, Marcus paid for everything and we went out. "Do we really have to go now?" "Huh? Who said we were leaving? I felt a little too bad and may have even rented us a room and stuff..." "You're joking." "I wish, this was expensive." I smiled and gave him a hug, "You're the motherfucking best man! So where to next? Do they have a spa here? Let's go take mud baths and get a massage! Oh! THEN LET'S GO SWIMMING AT THE POOLS!" He hugged me back and smiled, "I mean I did pay a lot for this so let's make the most of it I guess." For the rest of the day I had the best time ever, I got a Thai massage, took a fancy spa mud bath, swam in the pool, got to see the luxurious rooms, took a shower in the wonderful bathrooms, got to most amazing room service, and in short had the best day ever! Marcus and I just laid in bed watching Big Mouth and Bojack Horseman while laughing and chatting with each other. I spent too much energy today so I was a bit exhausted. "Thanks for the awesome day, and if this is how it'll always be when a you fuck up, feel free to knock me out with a volleyball anytime." He chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind, but my card's not gonna appreciate it if I continue to do so." I smiled and yawned, "Well, goodnight, I'm gonna sleep and enjoy my last few hours in this place, I'll pretend it's my new house or something." He laughed and pat me on my shoulder, "Alright, goodnight, sweet dreams. I'll be awake for a few more minutes, I think I've got a message on my phone saying I'm in debt or something." I giggled, "I'm a little concerned, I don't know if this is for real or not." I giggled some more, "Y/N...I'M ACTUALLY KIND OF SCARED, I THINK IM PENNILESS AND BROKE BEYOND THE UNIVERSE... PLEASE DON'T LAUGH AT ME..." I smiled and closed my eyes, "Not my fault! I didn't put you up to this.", I giggled one last time. "Y/'ll help me pay the bank back right?" "..." "RIGHT..?"


Word count: 5937

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{โšกCOMPLETEDโšก} 4th๐Ÿ’•Bm : one shots # 4th: I .... don't think so I will be just satisfied with just one day. Bm: Ummmm Then I will le...
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๐ป๐‘œ๐‘ค ๐‘ค๐‘–๐‘™๐‘™ ๐‘๐‘’ ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘œ๐‘› ๐‘–๐‘“ ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข ๐‘”๐‘’๐‘ก ๐‘Ž ๐‘โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘๐‘’ ๐‘ก๐‘œ ๐‘š๐‘’๐‘’๐‘ก ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ ๐‘“๐‘Ž๐‘ฃ๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘’ ๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘‘๐‘Ž...
11.7K 369 26
" ๐˜๐˜ฎ ๐˜ด๐˜ถ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ ๐˜ข ๐˜ฅ๐˜ถ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฃ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ด. ๐˜ ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ. " in this u guys were in love and too dumb to realize it lol - >Kaiisyourhomie x Read...