Those Winter Days (A Winrina...

Від xKawaii_Girlx

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When Winter Kim is accepted to attend a prestigious university for the performing arts in Seoul with ambition... Більше

- Story Note -


396 25 3
Від xKawaii_Girlx

Saturday 2pm (1 week later)

Winter's P.O.V.

It had been a week since the party and Karina and I had been talking a lot more. She had been calling and messaging non-stop, making me question those feelings of nostalgia that continued to resurface with the subtle things she'd say. Sometimes it was surprising knowing how busy she was how barely a second would pass and she'd always instantly reply as if laying in waiting.

As I pushed my phone back into my jacket pocket, I continued with my rehearsal time in one of the studio rooms of the music department. It had quickly become my favourite time of the week where I could indulge in rehearsing songs in karaoke style whilst spending time relaxing with my friends.

A few hours later and it was mid in the afternoon when I'd planned to meet Karina at the library on campus for her to help me with my exam preparations. I'd tried to rearrange but she was adamant to help and she'd messaged me a short while earlier asking to go to her dorm instead.

After having spent much of yesterday preparing for my exam, I'd hardly slept but I was determined to catch up having started the semester later than everyone else. I had my books clutched tightly in my hand, my bag over my shoulder as I wandered around the grounds.

Nervously, I made my way to the far side of the prestigious university campus to an elite dormitory exclusively for senior members of the student council. Entering the lobby, it seemed the building was divided into 6 floors with Karina's room behind on the top floor.

As I went in the elevator, listening to the music like I was in an elegant hotel, I finally arrived to a lavish hallway. At the end stood a lone door. In disbelief, I realised Karina's dorm room was in fact an entire floor all to herself.

I barely knocked once on the door before it was immediately opened revealing the student council president herself looking effortlessly beautiful as always.

"Wow... you answered that really quick. Were you waiting for me?" My hand still mid-air from literally just knocking on the door.

She smiled widely, leaning against the door casually whilst leaving a gap to invite me in. "Evidently. Come in, Winter."

Karina's dorm room was a world of it's own. It was more like a lavish apartment with chic features and much larger than the average dorm room, representing more of a penthouse suite style. There was artwork scattered across the walls, a large lounge that lead off to the bedroom and a marbled ensuite bathroom decorated with trimmings in tones of light grey and gold. It was clear that unlike most of us on campus that had roommates, she lived here alone.

"Make yourself comfortable." She stated cheerfully in the background, opening the fridge to get a bottle of wine before pouring us drinks in the nearby open plan kitchen.

I slowly admired the lounge in curiosity. There were candles lit around the room, a faint scent of fresh roses and mood lighting slightly dimmed creating a somewhat relaxed and romantic atmosphere. At the far side, the curtains from the nearby balcony fluttered gently in the distant breeze.

"It might be hard to read the books with the dim lighting." I stated awkwardly, confused by the ambient setting as I reached to search for the light switch.

"If you insist. You can use the desk, it's okay." She said, turning the lights slightly brighter and pointing towards a desk in the corner that was surrounded by books on the wooden shelves beside it.

I wandered across the room, putting my books and bag on the desk before noticing a grand piano elegantly situated in front of the balcony doors. "You play the piano?"

Karina returned beside me, placing our drinks down as she took my hand, guiding me to the piano. "Yes, sit with me."

Nervously, I sat beside her as her fingers began to flow effortlessly across the piano keys. A melodic tune began to play while I watched her in wonder entranced by the music.

The minutes passed and it filled the air with a sweet symphony so hypnotic as Karina played the music so beautifully. When the tune finally faded, I felt totally wrapped up within a spell. "That was beautiful."

She smiled gratefully, closing the piano lid gently. "I wrote it with someone special in mind."

"Well they're very lucky." I stated back, noticing her hypnotic gaze upon my lips.

"I'm the lucky one." She replied somewhat flirtatiously, leaning closer to me as I quickly shuffled back shyly.

"We should... start studying." I muttered, changing the topic as I got up from the piano quickly before she could protest. Hearing her chuckle behind me, we made ourselves comfortable around the desk.

For a few hours, I absorbed the information as Karina quizzed me on various facts. We reread important passages, highlighting and memorising crucial notes and ideas.

It must have been a long while until the usual routine returned and I found myself staring aimlessly ahead at the wall. Above the desk was cluttered with landscape photographs capturing my attention until Karina suddenly tapped my shoulder. "Winter?"

"Hmm?" I stated somewhat dreamily.

"I think you were zoning out, you started drawing a snowflake in the corner of your notepad." She tapped the corner of the page where I hadn't realised I'd been sketching for the past 10 minutes.

"I did? Sorry..." I muttered quietly, embarrassed by my lack of attention.

She giggled and ran her fingers through the ends of my hair, seemingly so naturally. "Don't be, it's cute."

I stared at the corner of the page and then back at Karina in confusion. "The snowflake?"

"No, you." She replied adamantly with her eyes flickering between my eyes and my lips, making me blush red.

"I... we should finish this last chapter." I said, attempting to change the conversation again when I noticed Karina scooting closer.

Another half an hour passed and as if by some miracle, I was retaining the notes and felt more confident answering the final practice questions. Karina handed me a drink, checking the last few answers. "Excellent, this is is perfect. You know you don't give yourself enough credit."

"It's just... music theory is hard. It's easier for me to just sing or play my guitar. The essays and exams are always more complicated." I complained with a pout.

"Have confidence, you did brilliant." She stated again reassuringly.

"Thank you for helping me." It was fair to say that without her help, I'd have spent the rest of the next few days in the library endlessly studying to no avail.

"You're welcome, shall we have dinner now? It's almost ready." Whilst I'd been busy studying, Karina had been simultaneously helping me whilst preparing a meal for us. She hummed happily in the kitchen before setting the table and leading me towards the mouth-watering dishes.

As we sat down to eat, she smiled widely pouring us both a glass of sparkling wine. I couldn't help but be somewhat intrigued by how different her lifestyle was here compared to the other students at the university.

"Why do you have such a big dormitory?" I asked as we began to enjoy the small feast she'd made.

"It's one of the assets of being the student council president as well as having connections with the board of the university." She stated while I looked around noticing photographs of Karina in various destinations, proudly placed in a nearby glass cabinet.

"Is the food okay?" She asked slightly nervously as I smiled back cheerfully.

"This is amazing! What can't you do?" I chuckled, taking another bite of the delicious home-made ramen.

She rested her chin in the palm of her hand, staring deeply into my eyes with a flirtatious smirk. "Resist you."

I coughed nervously, taking a sip of water as I glanced back at her in surprise before letting out a small awkward laugh. The way she spoke suggested she was serious but there was a smug smile on her lips that never faded.

My phone buzzed as I noticed an incoming message on the group chat between Ning Ning, Taeyeon, Wendy and I. They were casually discussing the fun karaoke earlier in the day while making plans for next weekend. I set my phone to silent not wanting to interrupt the meal as I glanced up happily only to notice Karina scowling while playing with the food on her plate.

"Karina, is everything okay?"I asked, placing my hand in hers that was resting in the table.

It seemed to gain her attention as she stared at our intertwined hands with an emotionless expression. "Where were you today?"

"Today? At my dorm in the morning and then I went to the recording studio Ning Ning, Taeyeon and Wendy before I went here. Why?" I asked somewhat curiously.

She didn't reply, glaring at my phone that was continuing to illuminate on the table. I sensed an awkward atmosphere that I'd noticed with her whenever I mentioned the others.

"You know you're always welcome to go too if you want to join us." I replied with a smile but she remained enotionless.

"Hmm... maybe." She whispered until I nudged her shoulder playfully to cheer her up and her mood dramatically changed once again with a warm and gentle smile. We continued to talk for another hour as she asked me about my home in Busan and my aspirations of becoming an idol. She listened in fascination before I glanced at my wristwatch, realising it was getting late.

Helping her finish clearing the table, I made my way back across the room to the desk to grab my bag. "I guess I should go, it's getting late."

She furrowed her eyebrows, perhaps saddened by the notion of being here alone. "Don't go. Stay here and we can watch a movie or just talk."

Noticing the sun was setting and the stars were beginning to emerge from the nearby window, I hesitantly bit my lip. I didn't like being outside on my own when it started to get too late. "But... I hate walking at night and I didn't bring my airpods so..."

"I'll walk you home later so you won't be alone." She stated warmly, taking my bag and placing it back down before I had a chance to protest.

"Well... I guess I can stay a bit longer then." I muttered, making her relax. She took my hand in hers and guided me to sit in the lounge on the large, comfy couch as she turned on the plazma TV, surprisingly playing one of my favourite movies. It seemed an odd coincidence that she knew my favourite food and movie despite having never told her.

Half an hour later, as I was engrossed in the plot of the familiar movie, I felt Karina shuffle closer to me again. Her hand was resting against mine, brushing the edge of my hand with her fingertip.

Gazing to the side, her hawk-like eyes were analysing every part of my face instead of watching the movie that continued to play in the background. I gulped nervously. "You're staring at me again."

She smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "It's a habit but one I enjoy."

"Well... stop it. It makes me shy." I blushed, covering my face with my hands.

The sound of her laughter was infectious as she pried my hands gently away from my face and whispered. "I like shy Winter."

A comfortable silence developed between us until I suddenly broke the moment with a question that had been on my mind for the last few weeks. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She replied casually, reaching for the TV remote to lower the volume.

"Why did you introduce yourself to me as Karina when everyone calls you Jimin?" I asked and when she didn't reply, it seemed as if maybe I shouldn't have spoke all all.

After a minute, she bit her lip before taking a gummy candy from the packet on the table in front of us, casually returning to intertwine our hands together, making me subconsciously smile. "Because I don't consider you to be like everyone else."

"Why?" I asked again curiously.

"Because you're Winter." She stated back matter-of-factly like she'd known me all her life.

"Okay? Now you're just speaking riddles." I chuckled, returning my attention back to the movie.

She sighed, running her thumb across the back of my hand as she spoke quietly. "You like riddles."

"Yes but not when I'm the subject of them! Wait... how do you know that?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her, bewildered by how she seemed to know me so well. It all seemed so odd and yet somehow familiar.

"Because I listen to the things you say, I find you fascinating." She replied in a whisper, staring deeply into my eyes with so many unspoken emotions.

"But I never told you that... you're such a mystery but I sort of feel like I understand everything you say on a deeper level. Is that random?" I chuckled as she smiled sweetly.

"Not random, it's special like you and me." She moved closer, the scent of her perfume invading the air around me making my heart race. I felt myself leaning closer towards her until suddenly we were both startled and interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. The look on Karina's face turned thunderous in seconds as she stared at the caller on the screen before quickly excusing herself from the room to answer.

Karina was on the phone for a while and as the movie continued to play it wasn't long before I found myself yawning and becoming tired and exhausted from the busy day. Before long, I'd fallen asleep snuggled against the comfy cushion on the couch with a blanket tucked up around my shoulders.

As I drifted to sleep, I became happily lost within in a thousand dreams. All the while I was unaware to the pair of eyes watching me from afar, smiling in the distance.

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