Summoning Japan: Flights of t...

Von KageNishi

24.2K 1.1K 153

That day, iron and blood rained down on the Folk Strait... This is a fanfiction of Minorou-sensei's "Summonin... Mehr

Part 1: Strait of Iron and Blood | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Pearl Harbor in Another World
Chapter 3 - Border Sea
Chapter 4 - A Spinning World
Chapter 5 - Operation Saiyuki In Effect
Chapter 6 - Pearl Harbor Interception
Chapter 7 - Glory and Setbacks of the Gra Valkas Empire Naval Air Force
Chapter 8 - Common Sense and Uncommon Sense
Chapter 9 - Grade Atlastar Ablaze
Chapter 10 - A Fleet of Patchworks
Chapter 11 - The Injured Overlord and the Watchdogs
Chapter 12 - A Man's Flowery Road
Chapter 13 - Hybrid Front
Chapter 14 - The Hyūga Gets Hit
Chapter 15 - All Weapons Free
Chapter 16 - Strait of Iron and Blood
Final Chapter - Japanese Celgaia
Extra Chapter - ASM-2X Development Secrets
Part 2: Civilization in the Wake of War | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Dolphins That Crossed the Sea
Chapter 3 - The Birth of Yamut
Chapter 4 - Aluminum Storm
Chapter 5 - Dancing Meetings and People
Chapter 6 - Naguano's Adventure
Chapter 7 - The Depressing Party
Chapter 8 - Creeping Ones
Chapter 9 - Each of the Four Is Different
Chapter 10 - Second Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 11 - Geopolitical Recommendations
Chapter 12 - The Superpower's Pride
Chapter 13 - Japan's Confession
Chapter 14 - Dragon Carrier Izumo
Chapter 15 - Leiforia, Nightmare Again
Chapter 16 - Fall of Valkyries
Chapter 17 - 1:48
Chapter 19 - The Witching Hour
Chapter 20 - Operation Super Hammer II
Chapter 21 - Eve of the Storm
Chapter 22 - Ancient Weapon Pal Chimera's Fierce Might
Chapter 23 - Footsteps of Ruin
Chapter 24 - Air Raid on Ragna
Chapter 25 - The Enemy Overhead
Final Chapter - Political Turn
Part 3: Irnetia Crisis | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Operation Ragnarök
Chapter 3 - Misplaced Buttons
Chapter 4 - Shadow of the Pal Chimera
Chapter 5 - Battle of Irnetia
Chapter 6 - The Blue Rainbow of Death
Chapter 7 - Titan of the Dawn
Chapter 8 - Red Coast
Chapter 9 - Hymax
Chapter 10 - Out of Competition
Chapter 11 - The Lone Wolf Captain
Chapter 12 - The Lone Wolf and the Wolfpack
Chapter 13 - Excessive Interference
Chapter 14 - Magic Bulge
Chapter 15 - Stuck in Hell
Chapter 16 - Hell with a Chance of Silver Lining
Chapter 17 - Fire, Smoke, and Magic Bullets
Extra Chapter - The Secret Behind the Magic Bulge's Creation

Chapter 18 - Shaking Bridge

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Von KageNishi

"Captain, the distance with the enemy is now under 39,000 meters," Myrus urged Minilar.

"Gunnery officer, load torpedoes."

"Already loaded, water intake complete. Shall we fire all six, sir?"

In response to the officer's question, Minilar nodded.

"Of course."

The gunnery officer commanded his subordinates.

"Open the firing ports."

"Ports open, ready."

"Launch the torpedoes."

"Launching the torpedoes."

Two torpedoes were launched. The crew of the La Kasami Kai repeated the same operation two more times, firing a total of six torpedoes.

"It will take a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 23 minutes until the torpedoes hit," Myrus announced.

. . .

On the surface, the artillery battle continued.

The La Kasami Kai had its sights on the Canis Major-class cruiser Furud.

The first shot missed by about 3 meters, but the next one hit near the waterline. Although small, a hole was created, and water started to seep in. It wasn't enough to sink the Furud, but its speed decreased. The ship would continue to be bombarded with more shells.

. . .

"Fucking disappointment!"

Maynard, watching this situation from the bridge of the Meissa, gritted his teeth. Despite being overwhelmingly superior, they were being played in a one-sided game by the enemy.

"Have the Amateru support the Furud. Meissa, continue advancing toward the enemy, close the distance in the shortest range possible!"

"We are already advancing at full speed towards the enemy, sir," Captain Othniel replied.

. . .

"It's not sinking easily," Minilar muttered. The Scorpius-class destroyer sank with 3 to 4 hits, but the light cruiser Furud, hit by nearly twice that number of Type 93s, refused to go down.

The Taurus-class cruiser Amateru attempted to interpose itself between the two, but just a moment earlier, the Furud took its tenth direct hit. Though there were already holes in the Furud's first turret, a Type 93 shell entered the breach, exploded internally, and triggered an explosion in the magazine. The Furud snapped in two and rapidly sank to the seabed. The torpedo officer attempted to aim at the Amateru, but Myrus held him back.

"The torpedoes are already heading towards that heavy cruiser. We should prioritize the remaining two light cruisers."

For a moment, the La Kasami Kai's bridge fell silent.

"Engineer, I think you started to interrupt too much," Rohat finally retorted. Just as tensions seemed about to escalate, Myrus gracefully backed down.

"My apologies."

With Myrus stepping back, the torpedo officer adjusted the aim towards the Amateru. Minilar silently observed the situation.

Later on, Minilar would regret not speaking up during that silence.

. . .

The Sōryū-class submarine Ōryū was heading north off the coast of Otaheit. Ōryū, mingling with a convoy escorted by Escort Flotilla 1, was en route to the Mu Continent.

The Ministry of Defense, in preparation for overseas deployment, had considered the possibility of submarines being deployed abroad. The inspiration for this came from a certain manga: a submarine disguised as a tanker. Borrowing that idea, they secretly constructed one submarine disguised as a civilian ship. Ōryū was part of that convoy, transported to the Mu Continent by the submarine tender.

"The Muish Navy has planned quite a foolhardy operation," complained Captain Shimanaga, commanding officer of the Ōryū. "Even if it's practically made in Japan, sending only one ship to face a fleet... I can't even call this a proper strategy."

"That's because the value of the Japanese brand is so high," responded Commander Izumi, his second-in-command.

"In the end, it's the user that matters."

If Minilar had heard this, it would surely have stung his ears.

"I hope we make it in time."

"Of course, but naval warfare in unknown waters is still quite unsettling."

The Ōryū headed towards the combat zone to support the La Kasami Kai.

. . .

The Amateru was in a moderately damaged state, but it was not rendered completely inoperable. The deck and upper structures had holes, one turret and numerous anti-aircraft guns and machine guns were crushed. However, there was no flooding, and the engines were still functional. Despite being hit by explosive shells, it continued to charge towards the La Kasami Kai.

"This one's not sinking easily either," Minilar's mutterings were heard by Myrus, who naturally thought it was to be expected. There was no reason a heavy cruiser would be more vulnerable than a light cruiser. So, if anything, it was their fault for not heeding the warning. However, Myrus had another concern.

'It's almost time.'

Thinking this, he glanced at the Meissa just after it fired its main guns.

"Enemy battleship firing!" The radar operator reported. The time for power play was over.

"Predict the impact location. Full speed ahead!"

"Full speed ahead!"

The noise from the four gas turbine engines increased. The La Kasami Kai demonstrated an acceleration comparable to the Gra Valkas navy's destroyers.

'This should lower the accuracy of their main guns.'

Thinking so, Myrus considered advising to temporarily cease the bombardment but refrained. It wasn't because he had been cautioned earlier; it was because he recalled a certain fact.

"Captain, we're out of Type 93 (long-range shells)," the gunnery officer reported in place of Myrus.

"The maximum range for standard shells and experimental armor-piercing shells is 30.000 meters."

This time, Myrus offered advice. However, Minilar's next order was unexpected.

"Dodge the shells and charge towards the enemy fleet!"

Myrus had no naval spirit. He was a rationalist who judged based on expected values. "Captain, we should retreat from here," he couldn't help but make the suggestion. "The torpedoes are definitely heading towards the enemy ships. We should wait for the torpedo hits, just 10 more minutes."

Minilar glared at Myrus.

"Do you have a guarantee that the torpedoes will hit? Do you have a guarantee that the enemy battleship will sink if they hit?"

Myrus understood. Convincing a gunner without experience in torpedo attacks wasn't easy. However, the lives of Otaheit citizens and his own were at stake. He couldn't give up on persuasion.

"There is a high probability that they will hit since they are guided torpedoes. If they hit, a heavy cruiser will definitely sink. Battleships have unknown factors, but at least we can expect them to be inoperable even if they don't sink. It will be easier to handle that way."

"While we're running around, the enemy battleship's shells might hit."

"The enemy is firing at their maximum range, and we can predict the impact location using radar. It would be insane to get hit."

For a moment, Myrus' words caused a momentary hesitation in Minilar's heart. But—

The Meissa's shells landed on the sea surface, creating a large splash. Though modest compared to the 46 cm guns of the Grade Atlastar, it was considerably larger than the 30,5 cm guns of the La Kasami-class. The water column was about 150 meters away from the La Kasami Kai, enough to instill a sense of crisis in the crew.


Myrus couldn't comprehend Minilar's shout. He wasn't a naval officer instilled with naval spirit.

. . .

A light debate unfolded on the Meissa's bridge. They did not understand the La Kasami Kai's intention in ceasing bombardment and charging at them.

"That's rapid fire. They've probably run out of shells," Meissa's captain Othniel expressed his opinion.

"Then why did they charge at us?" Maynard inquired.

"They probably switched to torpedoes."

The Gra Valkas navy didn't possess guided torpedoes; their torpedoes always traveled in a straight line and left a visible wake. If discovered by the enemy early, they could easily dodge them. In the Gra Valkas navy, it was common sense to get as close as possible to the enemy before launching torpedoes.

"But I've heard there are no torpedoes in this world," Maynard fired back, causing Othniel to reconsider.

"What about the shells that were reported to have shot down the attacking planes earlier? Those were guided shells used against the Grade Atlastar."

"That ship was equipped in Japan... I see, that ship was outfitted in Japan. But during the battle against the Grade Atlastar, it should have been a long-range shootout."

"What if they provided Mu with guided shells that have a shorter range? In that case, even if Mu ends up in conflict with Japan, it won't pose a threat to Japan."

Maynard found this reasoning acceptable.

"I see. Then there's no reason to conserve the destroyers. Meissa, slow down and advance the destroyers."

"Half speed!"

When Othniel gave the order, the Meissa slowed down from 30 knots to around 16 knots. Meanwhile, the column of destroyers that had been hidden behind the Meissa emerged forward, skillfully evading the battleship. This turned out to be unfortunate for the La Kasami Kai. The time until the torpedoes hit the Meissa had extended by about three minutes. The La Kasami Kai used its predicted impact to dodge the Meissa's gunfire while continuing its charge.

. . .

"Captain, the distance to the enemy heavy cruiser is now below 30.000 meters," advised XO Rohat.

"Main guns, use armor-piercing shells. Commence firing!" Minilar ordered the resumption of gunfire. Prototype armor-piercing shells designed for the La Kasami Kai were fired from the gun barrels. The first shot missed. The FCS3 Kai started feeding back results and adjusted the aim.

. . .

"Enemy ship firing!"

Upon this report, the Meissa's bridge fell into slight confusion.

"I don't get it! They have shells left, so why haven't they been firing until now?" Maynard questioned, and there was no one to provide an answer. Othniel countered with his own question.

"Do we accelerate the Meissa to conceal the destroyers?"

"No, in just about two more minutes, our destroyers will also catch the enemy within the main gun's range. Keep advancing as is."

. . .

The La Kasami Kai's shells tore holes near the Amateru's waterline. Flooding began from there. Although it wasn't enough to sink the Amateru, its speed significantly decreased.

'It's almost time.'

Thinking so, Myrus reluctantly gave advice. "Captain, enemy destroyers are approaching. They will soon be within the firing range to counterattack. Before that, we should sink as many destroyers as possible."

This time, Minilar accepted his advice.

"Gunnery officer, change the main gun's target to the destroyers."

"How about setting the short torpedoes with the screw noise of the light cruiser and firing them? It's not the intended use, but if they hit, it might cause some damage. Also, considering the worst-case scenario, keeping unused ammunition on the ship is not a good idea."

"Understood. Gunnery officer, launch the short torpedoes."

"We have six short torpedoes. Is it okay to use three on each ship?"

"That's fine. Go ahead."

The La Kasami Kai dropped six short torpedoes into the water from the on-deck launchers. This scene could also be observed from the Meissa's bridge.

. . .

"The enemy ship dropped something like torpedoes."

"What? Mu shouldn't have torpedoes!"

In response to Maynard's question, Othniel replied. "It's probably made in Japan."

"...I see. Japan is not to be underestimated. What about the torpedo wake?"

"W-we can't see it!"

"The fuck!? Don't tell me that those Japanese use oxygen torpedoes that our forces are still developing!?"

The La Kasami Kai's short torpedoes were Type 97 torpedoes. The Type 97 utilized a closed-cycle steam turbine engine, leveraging the heat generated from the reaction between lithium and sulfur hexafluoride. As it was a closed cycle, it didn't emit exhaust. In terms of stealth, it outperformed diesel engines that expelled nitrogen and oxygen torpedoes that emitted carbon dioxide.

"Order all ships to be vigilant on the sea surface."

Maynard's command was immediately transmitted to all ships.

. . .

The La Kasami Kai managed to sink two destroyers, but in doing so, it entered the firing range of all enemy ships. Subjected to gunfire from nine ships, it desperately maneuvered left and right. The immature FCS3 Kai couldn't cope with this situation, and the La Kasami Kai's shells no longer hit anything. The Gra Valkan destroyers, not content with just gunfire but also aiming for torpedo attacks, approached the staggering La Kasami Kai like drunken revelers. Inside the shaking bridge, Myrus desperately made a countdown while enduring the seasickness.

'Six more minutes. If we endure for six minutes, the long-range torpedoes will hit the heavy cruiser. One minute later, the short-range torpedoes, and two minutes after that, the battleship will be hit.'

"Engineer, why aren't the main guns hitting anymore?" asked Minilar.

Myrus, almost choking on something that had refluxed into his esophagus, managed to swallow it down and replied.

"Perhaps the FCS3 Kai didn't anticipate this situation. Or maybe it exceeded its expectations."

In fact, the latter was a rephrasing of the former.

"If we stop the evasive maneuvers, will the main guns hit again?"

"Even that Gra Valkan God Hand wouldn't be able to hit in this situation."

If Bragston heard that, he would have answered, "The premise of the question is wrong." Bragston would have considered the issue of the ammunition storage collapsing before the gunfire, worrying about the potential for a catastrophic explosion. Of course, gunfire in this situation was unthinkable. The reason why the La Kasami Kai was able to fire artillery shells was because of its autoloader. If Bragston had known, he would have surely envied it.

"But we can't stop the evasive maneuvers. The enemy's shells are larger than ours. If even one hit, the ship could sink!"

That's why I told you to run, Myrus retorted but didn't say it aloud.

"We somehow need to lure the enemy into the range of the guided missiles."

"Surface radar, how much time until the enemy destroyers enter the range of the guided munitions?"

"Approximately six minutes."

The La Kasami Kai's multi-purpose guided missiles were the modified version of the Ground Self-Defense Force's medium-range missiles. Since it was a ground weapon, there were concerns about insufficient power and range. However, due to the short delivery time, there was no time for modification, so they were installed as is. In the end, the weapons newly built for the La Kasami Kai were only the first turret and the experimental armor-piercing shells. The rest was a makeshift assembly of available resources. For Japan, which had lost battleship design and manufacturing technology, there was no other option, and Maynard's opinions were not entirely off the mark.

'Another six minutes. If we endure these six minutes, the La Kasami Kai might have a chance.' Struggling with intense heartburn, Myrus felt that these six minutes were an eternity.


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