the peaceful Tennyson

By PiratePhox4

16.6K 471 257

When an elderly man and his three grandkids go on a summer road trip, they encounter mysterious, and other wo... More

S1E1: And then there were ten
S1E2: Washington B.C.
S1E3: The Krakken
S1E4: Permanent Retirement
S1E5: Hunted
S1E6: Tourist Trap
S1E7: Kevin 11
S1E8: The alliance
S1E9: Last laugh
S1E10: Lucky girl
S1E11: A small problem
S1E12: Side effects
S1E13: Secrets
S2E2: The big tick
S2E3: Framed

S2E1: Truth

610 19 3
By PiratePhox4

Somewhere in the woods at night, an army base of operations rests. A small control building overlooks three large platforms, each with a big sealed hatch. Suddenly, yellow beams shoot down at the hatches, electrifying them to open up. Missiles are lifted out and travel up the beams.

A decorated man bursts into a control room. A light is flashing red; his less-decorated colleague is sitting at a console, worried.

Intercom: "Security breach! Red Alert!"

Army Higher-Up: "I didn't authorize a launch... Abort! Abort!"

Army Worker: "We're not launching the nuke, sir. Something's pulling them out of their silos!"

The missiles rise up in pairs to a gigantic spaceship floating in the sky.

In the base's hangar room with missiles and rockets, an explosion in a doorway startles the armed men inside. Clouded by smoke, a familiar robotic pincer fires lasers at the men, knocking them back.

Two Mechadroids fly forward into the room. Behind them steps Vilgax. looking much younger. He walks around the room, observing. While his back is turned, a blast suddenly blows up a Mechadroid next to him. Vilgax spins around and blocks the next shot with his arms, pushing him back. He lowers his arms.

Vilgax : "You..."

Two men in blue and black suits face him, both in helmets and carrying serious-looking weapons.

Plumber1: "It's over, Vilgax!"

Plumber2: "You're going down!"

Vilgax : "Many have tried, NONE have succeeded!"

Plumber2: "Until now, slimeball!"

The second one runs forward.

Plumber1: "Phil, wait!"

"Phil" keeps running. As Vilgax leaps in the air, Phil plants his feet down and shoots at him with his rapid-fire gun. Vilgax avoids all the shots and lands a kick to his head. His helmet falls to the ground. Phil's partner looks up to see Vilgax trap the youthful man with jet-black hair in a headlock, pointing his own gun at him. As they stand off, a Mechadroid hacks a small console on a missile. It displays "LAUNCH READY" and an alarm sounds.

Vilgax: "Back away, or watch one of your cities be destroyed!"

Phil's partner looks up as a door in the ceiling opens directly above the missile, aimed at the peaceful night sky.

Their standoff continues.

Vilgax : "Put the weapon down. NOW!"

Phil's partner drops his rifle.

Phil : "You can't just let it get away!"

Plumber1: "Never said I would, kid"

Out from his arm, Phil's partner fires a surprise laser blast. It knocks the gun out of Vilgax's hand, giving Phil the opportunity to get out of Vilgax's grip and push him away. Vilgax steadies himself, as his Mechadroid behind him finishes the hacking sequence. The console now reads "LAUNCH" and the missiles starts spewing smoke.

Vilgax : "You're too late"

Plumber1: "Wrong. My timing's perfect"

The man kicks his rifle up into his arms and fires a green projectile at Vilgax. It opens into a net and pushes Vilgax and his Mechadroid into the missile, sticking them to the side of it. Vilgax tries to wrestle out of it as the missiles starts launching.

Vilgax : "NOOO!"

The missile rises out of the hangar.

Phil : "What are you doing?"

The man takes off his helmet, revealing himself to be Max Tennyson, with a youthful face and dark ginger hair.

Max: "Sending Vilgax out with a bang"

Vilgax : "TENNYSON!"

The missile flies straight into Vilgax's ship, exploding it.

Max: "And then, kablamo. No more Vilgax"

Max, in the present day, tells the story to his grandkids while driving the Rust Bucket.

Max: "Or so I thought, until today"

Ben: "Woah! You were a hero?"

Max: "I was just a guy doing a job..."

Gwen: "Excuse me, but exactly what was that job?"

Max pauses, then looks on.

Max: "We called ourselves the Plumbers. Officially, we didn't exist. We were the guys who fixed the problems no one else could. Extraterrestrial. Extrasensory. Extraordinary"

Ben: "So, all this time I've been going hero, I've really been following in your footsteps! I'm a Plumber in training!"

Gwen: "And you knew about the watch the whole time?!"

Max: "Not really, just rumor and scuttlebutt. I was surprised as you guys when it turned up on Ben's wrist"

Gwen: "You always told us we could tell you anything, Grandpa. Guess you didn't feel the same..."

Y/n: "there is one question... Where do I come in..?"

Gwen: "that is a good question. And the amulet too"

Max: "well... I found you on the side of the road. You were alone. I couldn't find your parents. So I took you in. As for the amulet. I'm no more knowledgeable about it as he is"

Y/n: "it almost felt like muscle memory when I first used it"

Y/n takes off his amulet, and held it out, as a hologram of the two woman appeared.

Y/n: "and these two... I don't know who they are... I don't remember.."

Gwen: "think one of them is your mom?"

Y/n: "I.. I don't know..."

Sirens are heard behind them. Max pulls the RV to the side and lets ambulances and police cars pass him.

Ben: "All right! Could be a chance for the Plumbers to go 'back to work'!"

Gwen: "Ugh. You should start by unclogging that hairball from your brain, "Mr. Plumber""

Ben: "Ahh, you're just jealous 'cause you're not part of the family business!"

He sticks out his tongue.

Max"There is no "family business". My hero days were over a long time ago"

Y/n: "I have to agree with them Ben. Let's just keep going and-"

Ben ignores him, and jumps out of the RV.

Ben: "Well, my hero days are just getting started!"

Max: "Ben, wait!"

Ben: "Time to XLR8!"

Ben activates the Omnitrix, turns the dial to XLR8, and slams it down. He looks at himself in the RV's side mirror.

Ripjaws: "Aw! Ripjaws?! What a rip-off!"

Y/n sighed, and put his amulet back on, and cups it.

Y/n: "Water element. Type four"

In a flash of blue, y/n became Gill grunt. Jumping out the RV, he grabs ripjaws hand, and flew off behind the passing fire truck.


The fire truck arrives at a very large hotel. Some people are outside, having been evacuated. The driver gets out of the truck and speaks with the manager.

Hotel Manager : "There's s-some kind of creature inside, tearing up the place-"

The manager suddenly feels water raining down on him. The driver looks behind him and sees Ripjaws and gill grunt on top of the truck, the hill grunt spraying water upward and letting it rain down.

Gill grunt: "apologies for my Friend. Unlike me, he needs external water"

Ripjaws: "not my fault. Least you got my back"

Gill grunt: "yeah, yeah. Let's get moving"

They both jump down, and approach the hotel entrance. They open the door, and look inside. Aside from the water fountain in the middle of the room, everything has been tossed and turned over.

Ripjaws: "Okay, who's the punk giving us creatures a bad name?!"

A burgundy-colored alien with red eyes and a drooling teethy mouth rises to Ripjaws' words. It stands up and roars ferociously! ...Except it's about 2 feet tall and not threatening at all.


Ripjaws laughs and laughs and laughs. Eventually, the alien picks up a rock and throws it at his head, knocking him over. Gill grunt completely unamused by this.

Ripjaws: "You picked the wrong day to be an alien, pal!"

Ripjaws leaps toward it, but the alien dodges and Ripjaws goes sliding across the floor, knocking into the fountain. Gill grunt sighs, and aims his harpoon gun at the alien, with it dodging by jumping onto a pillar. A few more are shot, and the aliens small size made it hard to hit. It then snarls and leaps into the fountain. It spits a mouthful of water at the twl, but they didn't even move.

Ripjaws: "Ahhhh. That's just a breath of fresh air to me!"

Gill grunt: "not very smart"

The alien retreats, and climbs up a pillar, snarling at the fish men then leaps into the darkened room.

They both go after him, carefully exploring around. Neither notice a man with a rifle, also exploring around.

As gill grunt strolls around, aiming his harpoon gun, ripjaws backs up, and bumps into the rifle wielding man. They both turn around and gasp.

Both: "AAH! Who are you?! Who am I? Who are you?!"

The man quickly blasts Ripjaws back with his laser rifle. He lands in the room service desk.

Man: "Looks like today's my lucky day. Two aliens for the price of one"

Ripjaws groans.

Man: "Just sit tight, 'fish stick'. I'll be back in a minute"

The man walks away, only to see gill grunt holding the small alien, who was writhing in his hand.

Man: "correction. Three for the price of one"

The man aims his rifle, but gill grunt drops the alien, and shot his harpoon gun, knocking the rifle out the man's hands. He then turns to the now retreating alien, and changing his harpoon's shape into that of a claw, and shot it, trapping the alien against the wall.

Ripjaws then walked up to Gill grunt.

Ripjaws: "nice moves"

But he became confused, as gill grunt counts down with his fingers. And as he's done, the omnitrix starts to beep, before it times out, and returns to Ben.

Ben: "your way too smart for only being six"

Gill grunt: "better being smart and young than old and dumb"

Ben: "...hey!"

Gill grunt looks at the man, who just grabbed his rifle. So he picks up Ben, and runs towards the door, where max and Gwen were now standing. Gill grunt puts down Ben, and reverts to y/n.

Max: "are you two all right?"

Ben: "Barely! Some nutjob in there nearly roasted me!"

Y/n: "he nearly did the same to me. But I am faster"

Y/n then smiled.

Gwen: "huh. Never thought I'd see y/n act cocky. Even it's just a single sentence"

The man looks around, before looking towards the door, when he did, His eyes light up.

Man: "Max?!"

Max: "Phil!"

The two run to each other, hugging and laughing.

Ben: "You know this guy, Grandpa?"

Phil: "Well, you could say that. We used to be partners!"

Max's grandkids exchange looks.


Outside the hotel, Phil shows the Tennysons his sleek blue car.

Phil: "Yeah, she's not much to look at, but it's better than that old rust bucket of an RV you used to drive!"

Max: "So, how are you?"

Phil : "Pretty good, considering I just bagged a Havoc Beast. Seems like old times"

Ben: "You bagged it?! As if! It was gill-"

Max stops him and steps forward.

Y/n: "thanks for trying to stand up for me Ben"

Ben: "hey, you got that by yourself! I wanted to make sure he knew that"

Max: "Havoc Beast, huh? I haven't seen one of those since the one we caught terrorizing Denver years ago"

Phil closes his trunk, with the boxed alien inside.

Phil : "Yeah, well, good thing I was around. You know, "once a Plumber, always a Plumber". You ever think about getting back in the game, Max? You know, relive the glory days?"

Max: "No thanks. I'm retired. And so are the Plumbers"

Phil : "Yeah, thanks to you! Once you took Vilgax out of the picture, the work just seemed to dry up"

Max: "Eh, just doin' my job"

Phil : "Yeah, anyway... Looks like things are picking back up again. In fact, I'm starting my own freelance Plumber business!"

Phil looks over to Ben and notices his arm.

Phil : "Wow. Cool watch! It looks so familiar..."

Ben: "It ought to, it's the Omni-"

Max: "-Oh, look at the time! Well, we need to go!"

Max steers Ben away. Gwen follows. Y/n stared at Phil for a moment before doing the same.

Max: "Nice catching up with you, Phil. Happy plumbing!"

Phil raises an eyebrow as they leave.


In the Rust Bucket.

Ben: "I don't get it! How come you didn't tell Phil about the Omnitrix?"

Max: "That's on a need-to-know basis only, Ben. The less people know, the better"

Gwen: "Guess that's your answer to everything, isn't it, Grandpa?"

Ben: "Hey... Why don't we start up the Plumbers again? You, me, y/n and Phil! We'd be super alien butt-kickers!"

Max: "Ben, I'm flattered you appreciate what I did, but you can't bring back the past"

Y/n: "and as much as I would love to assist... I would prefer to focus on my own situation"

A monitor suddenly opens up from the drink compartment and shows a broadcast from Phil.

Phil: "Max! If you're out there, I need help! Two Vulpimancers, tearing up a meat processing plant on Highway 44!"

Max: "Vulpimancers?"

The Rust Bucket makes a U-turn and drives down the other road.

Ben: "All right! The Tennysons are back in plumbing business!"

Max looks at him worriedly but doesn't correct him.


They park at the plant, its front doors torn wide open. As they get out, roaring can be heard from inside.

Gwen: "I don't like the sound of that.."

They walk through the plant. Max opens a curtain to a room with conveyor belts and hung-up meat carcases. Inside is Phil, on the ground.

Max: "Phil!"

Max helps him up.

Phil : "Max! Thank goodness you showed up. Two aliens, nasty! We're gonna need a little of that ol' magic!"

Ben: "No worries, we're on it!"

Through a door and a cloud of steam come two big orange mutt-like creatures.

Y/n: "those are... Unsettlingly familiar"

The creatures approach them. They have stripes on their back and long tails, but their orange fur and neck gills leave no trace of doubt: they're the same species as Wildmutt.

Ben: "Wildmutts! Maybe I can talk with them!"

Max: "Ben!"

Ben has already slammed it down and turned into Wildmutt.

Phil : "That's why I recognized that watch... It's the Omnitrix!"

Wildmutt "nods" to Phil and leaps in front of the two mutts. They exchange a few growls and snarls. One of them extends its slobbering mouth, shakes its head and extends it again. It slams the ground and seemingly ends the conversation.

Gwen: "What did you say?"

Max: "Vulpimancers never were big on small talk, even with their own kind!"

Wildmutt starts running away. The two mutts chase after him. As they give chase, one leaps at Wildmutt. He senses it with his gills and leaps up, catching a chain suspended in the air. After missing, the mutt hits a metal crate, tipping the barrels sitting on top of it. The mutt looks up as the barrels spill pink liquid and guts all over its face.

Gwen Gross!
Meanwhile, Wildmutt looks to the base of his chain. A piece of meat is attached to it. The second mutt walks up to it and grabs it with its mouth, pulling the chain apart. Suddenly, the mutt is tackled away by bash, who smacked the mutt into a wall with his tail.

Wildmutt jumps down next to bash, and nods. The rock dragon nods back. But the other mutt jumps back, and charged the two. But a chain with meat on it smacks the vulpimancer away. They turns around to see Phil be the one in control of the chain.

Phil: "What are partners for?"

Bash scoffs, as they meet up with Gwen and Max and run for the curtain door. The other mutt suddenly leaps in front and blocks their way. As they back up, Gwen spins around and gasps.

The other mutt is right behind.

Gwen: "Don't suppose you've ever...considered becoming vegetarians?"

The two mutts have them cornered. Right as they leap in for the kill, a piercing sound wave fills the entire room. The two mutts fall to the floor and grip their heads in pain. The source of the sound comes from a device in Phil's hand.

Phil : "Sorry about that, Ben"

Wildmutt is also reeling

Phil : "Only way to bring down the Vulpimancer"

Max: "Yeah. Lucky for us, you had a Sonic Pitch Whistle with you"

Eventually, the Omnitrix times out and Wildmutt turns back into Ben, still holding his ears. Following his lead, bash returns to y/n.

Phil: "So...all the stories are true. The Omnitrix really does exist. And Ben, pretty good moves out there! You remind me of your grandfather back in the day...!"

Ben: "Really?"

Max sees in the corner of his eye

Max: "Phil! Look out!"

Behind them, one of the mutts gets up and bats them to the ground. Phil's pitch whistle drops to the floor, immediately crushed under the foot of a mutt. The two roar at him when something catches their attention.

Max Why don't you pick on someone with more meat on his bones?!
Max angrily drives a forklift into them and jumps out as it speeds and crashes into another room. As Max gets up, so do the two mutts. Max quickly presses a button and a blast door comes falling down, trapping the mutts in the room for good.

Phil : "Just like old times, eh? I think this is gonna be the beginning of a new partnership"

Phil extends his hand. Max looks at him a little hesitantly.


Back at the now lit-up hotel, Phil relaxes in his room with the Tennysons.

Phil : "It's fate that we all met up"

Ben excitedly digs into a bowl of shrimp. Gwen reads to herself. Y/n sits with his eyes closed, and bubble gum in his lap. Max is the only one standing, as he looks around the very fancy-looking room.

Max: "Wow, ritzy suite. Had to cost a pretty penny..."

Phil : "Just a little 'thank you' I negotiated for helping the manager out with his alien problem. And trust me, this is just the tip of the old alien iceberg! You know, Ben, you'd make a great Plumber!"

Ben: "I would?"

Phil: "Sure! A real chip off the old block! We'd all make a great team. With your powers, Max's experience, and my instincts, we'd be an unstoppable team. What do ya think?"

Max: "I'm thinking "what an odd coincidence for a 'hyper weasel' and two 'megamutts' to turn up on the same day"

Phil : "Aliens...go figure!"

Max: "I, uhh, need some fresh air"

Max walks out of the room, frowning. Phil glares and walks out as well. But puts on a quick happy facade.

Phil : "Hey kids, order whatever you'd like off the room service menu!"

Ben: "NOW we're talking!"

Gwen keeps her eye on Phil as he leaves them.

Gwen: "Something's going on that Grandpa's not telling us about. Come on!"

Ben keeps stuffing his mouth.

Ben: "And pass up free room service? No way, I'm staying here!"

Gwen: "...Ah, you're right! It's probably just some secret Plumbers' mission! Better if we just stay out of it..."

Ben immediately ran out the room. Gwen follows behind him. Y/n sighs, and gets up, doing the same.

Once outside, they look around the parking lot, the Rust Bucket and Phil's car are nowhere to be seen.

Gwen: "No Grandpa"

Ben: "And no Phil. But where would they go?"

Gwen: "If Grandpa thinks that alien weasel and those space mutts are connected, there's only one place to check out around here"

Ben quickly turns into XLR8 and picks Gwen and y/n up.

Gwen: "Hey!"

Y/n: "in going to hate this"

XLR8: "Hang on! Pedal to the metal!"

He puts down his visor and carries them away.

At the Plumber base in Mount Rushmore, Max walks into a darkened room. He looks to an empty pedestal.

Max: "It's gone!"

Phil: "Looking for this?"

Phil stands behind him, holding up a handgun-like device with a large lens at the end.

Max: "The Null Void projector. I thought all those aliens were familiar"

Phil smiles smugly.

Max: "You stole the Null Void projector to release the ones we caught back in the old days!"

Phil : "You always were too smart for your own good, Max. But not wanting to join up with me was just plain dumb!"

Max: "Why are you doing all this?"

Phil : "Job security! I release an alien, then get some hotel manager or mayor or whoever to pay me to catch it! Easy money..."

Max: "I'm not gonna let you get away with this"

Phil : "Yeah, I figured you might say that. Too bad, we could've made quite a team again!"

Phil points the projector at him and fires it. Max drops to the ground, dodging a yellow beam. Behind him, the beam forms into a circular portal. A giant green monster with spiked legs suddenly steps out from the portal and roars at Max.

Phil : "And don't worry, I'll be sure to tell Ben how your last words to me were how you wanted him to follow in your footsteps as my partner!"

Max looks at Phil, then back to the beast's jagged roaring teeth. The roaring beast raises its claws at Max, ready to kill him. In the blink of an eye it swipes, hitting...the ground. Max is gone.

Phil: "What the-?!"

XLR8 rushes past Phil, who turns around to see him having saved Max.

XLR8: "You're no Plumber! You're nothing but a big drip!"

Phil : "Ben! Listen to me, we don't need your grandpa! We could start back up the Plumbers again! Just you and me...!"

XLR8: "Forget it! And there's nothing you can do to change my mind! Besides, I already have a partner!"

Phil : "...Sorry to hear that"

The beast finally rips its claws out of the ground and roars.

Phil : "Say hello to an old friend: a Wigzelian Org Beast!"

As the creature approaches the three on its pincer legs, Phil runs away. It watches him go, but puts its attention back on XLR8 and Max. The two back up and angrily look to Phil opening a door.

Phil : "I'd love to stay, but I've got lots of work to do"

The door shuts behind him. The Org Beast swipes at the two; XLR8 rushes him and Max away. XLR8 puts Max down and turned back to the beast.

XLR8: "well, meet my old friend! Slam bam!"

The giant four armed yeti roared, and dropped on top of the beast, and starts repeatedly punched it into the floor until it was unconscious.

Max: "y/n, calm down..."

Slam bam: "I am calm"

Max looked at his lower left hand, and saw him holding bubble gum close to his chest.

XLR8: "wait-"

Just as he speaks, he times out.

Ben: "where's Gwen?!"

Max and slam bam look around, not seeing her in sight. They quickly retreat to the rust bucket, and see Phil's car gone. So they left the only way he could have.

The Rust Bucket quickly rises out as well. As Ben and y/n put on their seatbelts, Max presses a button on the cup holder, which flips over to a panel with a lever.

After he pulls it down, all of the satellite equipment on the top of the RV folds up and retracts, as two big jet exhausts with extendable fins take its place. The hung-up wheel in back splits open and reveals a main thruster, and some other fins and thrusters extend on the sides. The entire affair spews out flames, as the Rust Bucket goes absolutely FLYING down the road! Ben, y/n, and Max are stuck to their seats. Their audibly straining as they spoke.

Ben: "So, how many aliens did you store in that "Null Void" thingy?"

Max: "At least a couple hundred. But it's a portal to an alternate dimension! In theory, it could have millions inside of it!"

The Rust Bucket uproots a speed limit sign as it flies past.

Meanwhile, Phil is calmly driving. Gwen, who had snuck inside, lifts the cloth off her head and sees the Null Void Projector on the seat up front. She checks that Phil's not moving, silently takes a breath, and goes for it... Phil's eye darts to the side. As she grabs the projector, Phil grips her arm.

Phil : "Oh no, you don't"

They wrestle for the projector, Phil's one hand on the wheel shaking and moving the car. Suddenly, a truck, coming right in front, honks at them.

Phil is forced to let go and steer the car out of the way. Gwen tumbles back in her seat, the projector in hand. rolling down the window, she pokes the projector out.

Gwen: "Better start thinking about a new line of work, because this thing is going 'bye-bye'!"

Quickly thinking, Phil presses on the brakes, causing the car to sputter and for Gwen to drop the projector back inside. He lightly presses the horn, which flashes white.

Computerized Voice: "Autopilot mode engaged"

Phil unbuckles himself and turns to the backseat. He grabs the projector right as Gwen does. As they tug back and forth, the projector is accidentally triggered. A yellow beam shoots out of the open window and creates a portal outside the moving car. Something out the back window catches Phil's eye: the Rust Bucket is now catching up to them. Max is angrily driving at the wheel.

Phil : "Good idea! We could use a distraction"

They both look at the portal, which finishes forming. A great flying creature shoots out; white with wings, tentacles, and a face with nothing but a mouth.

Ben: "Something tells me that's not the state bird of South Dakota!"

It flies into the Rust Bucket's windshield, blocking the view and flinging its tentacles inside.

Ben: "We need some muscle to stop this thing! Four arms of muscle!"

He slams it down and shrinks in his seat...

Grey Matter: "Grey Matter?! I said "muscle", not "miniscule"!"

The creature's tentacle breaks through one of the windows. Grey Matter runs up it to the top of the creature and observes the "quills" on its back.

Grey Matter: "Triggering the correct sequence of synapses should allow me some rudimentary motor control! Um... Sure wish I knew what I was talking about"

Nonetheless, Grey Matter grabs a quill in each hand and pulls them back. The creature shrieks and flies off the Rust Bucket. Grey Matter tries to steer the creature away as it flails in the sky, making its way to Phil's car.

Y/n: "he needs backup out there"

Y/n jumps out the broken window, and transformed into Spyro, flying up by grey Matter.

In the car, Phil finally yanks the projector out of Gwen's hand and turns around. The creature is now in front of them and flies straight into his windshield. It breaks off the rear-view mirror (among other things) and causes the car to spin out of control, slamming into the side railing of a bridge. Both Grey Matter and Phil are jerked out of the car and land on the perilously bent railings. They lock eyes.

Phil : "Back off, 'small fry', or I'll release every alien in this thing!"

Grey Matter: "Then you'll be out of a job"

Phil: "It doesn't have to be this way! We could all work together!"

Grey Matter: "No way! This is one hero who's NOT for sale! And like I said! I already have a partner!"

Gwen, still in the car, looks over to the rear-view mirror next to her. Phil warms up the projector.

Phil: "Well, then, you're all gonna be very busy"

Grey Matter: "Sorry, I'm on summer vacation!"

The yellow glow from the projector illuminates Grey Matter's face. But right before Phil pulls the trigger...

Gwen: "Ben!"

Gwen throws the mirror to Grey Matter. He catches it and reflects the yellow beam, shooting it back at Phil. The projector sucks in Phil's body.

Phil : "Noooo!"

Spyro swoops in, and grabs the projector before it fell down.

Gwen: "See ya!"

Grey Matter: "And I definitely 'wouldn't want to be ya!"

Spyro: "who's next on our butt kicking list?"


Now, back at Mt. Rushmore, the still unconscious Wigzelian Org Beast is hit with the projector's beam and sucked back into it.

Max: "And that's the last of 'em"

Max holds the projector and looks to Ben, y/n and Gwen standing next to him.

Max: "..I'm sorry I had to keep my past a secret for so long. I should have known I could trust you guys"

Gwen: "It's okay..."

Max: "And for what it's worth, Ben, you would have made a great Plumber. All of you"

Y/n: "biological or not... We're still your grandkids. What else would you expect from us?"

Max smiles.

He then puts the projector back on the pedestal. It floats in place.

Gwen: "What about Phil?"

Max: "I think there are some things about this job we're better off not knowing"

The Tennysons take one last look at the projector, before walking out.

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