S1E12: Side effects

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A red sports car speeds down a road. The driver checks his rear-view mirror with a smile on his face.

Robber: "Ooh, they'll never catch me!"
The Rust Bucket drives after him on that same road. Gwen, sitting in front with Max, looks out her window.

Gwen: "There he is!"

Max: "You sure?"

Gwen: "Totally"

Max smiles. A motorcycle with no driver passes the Rust Bucket and drives off after the car. The motorcycle is black with green stripes and has an eye in front. Upgrade. Joining him from behind was drobot in the sky above.

As the robber's car whips through dense traffic, Upgrade decides to steer away and take the sidewalk, as drobot kept the eye in the sky.

Back on the road, Upgrade notices a car-carrying semi behind the car. Upgrade pulls a wheelie and aligns with the back ramp of the truck, using it to launch himself in front of it. The robber sees him and steps harder on the gas. Coming up for both of them is a light going from green to yellow to red. The robber decides to run it, and makes it just before an RV starts driving in front. Upgrade slides underneath the RV and catches up.

Upgrade: "Hey!"

Robber: "Huh?"

Drobot swoops in for the assist, and flies evenly with upgrade. He then shoots a quick laser at the trunk, blowing it clean off. Stolen bills come flying out of the trunk.

Upgrade: "Some people just can't hang on to their money!"

Out of the side of upgrade's front wheel, Upgrade forms an energy spike. He speeds up to the car's back wheel and drives the spike into it, causing the car to spin out of control and safely crash into some parked cars. Upgrade drives himself up to the reeling driver to show himself, no driver and all.

Robber: "No way!"

Upgrade burns rubber, pushing exhaust in the robber's face. He runs off once police cars start coming in the distance. As he turns the corner, he stops at a parked ice cream delivery truck.

Upgrade: "Well, I did just nab a bad guy..."

Upgrade gets out of the motorcycle and opens the back hatch. There's tons of boxes of ice cream.

Upgrade: "Now we're talking!"


Max and Gwen watch the robber get arrested, y/n walking up to them from the side.

Robber: "Look, I'm telling ya. Tha-that motorcycle, i-it was driving itself!"

Max: "Where's Ben?"

Y/n sighed, and points behind himself, and right at the ice cream truck. They walk up to it, as Max opens up the back, inside is a shivering Ben holding a partially bitten popsicle.

Max: "You okay?"

Ben's nose is dripping. He sneezes and rubs it.

Max: "I'll, uh, take that as a no"

Later, Back inside the Rust Bucket, Ben lies in bed and Max takes a thermometer out of his mouth.

Max: "Well, 101. Sorry, Ben, it's official: you have a summer cold"

Gwen: "Maybe from now on you'll think twice before having snack time inside an ice cream truck!"

Ben feels a sneeze winding up. He grabs some blue clothing and uses it to rub his nose.

Gwen: "Hey! That's my new blouse!"

He sneezes right into it. His voice is stuffy.

Ben: "Maybe from now on you'll think twice about leaving your new clothes just lying around!"

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