S2E1: Truth

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Somewhere in the woods at night, an army base of operations rests. A small control building overlooks three large platforms, each with a big sealed hatch. Suddenly, yellow beams shoot down at the hatches, electrifying them to open up. Missiles are lifted out and travel up the beams.

A decorated man bursts into a control room. A light is flashing red; his less-decorated colleague is sitting at a console, worried.

Intercom: "Security breach! Red Alert!"

Army Higher-Up: "I didn't authorize a launch... Abort! Abort!"

Army Worker: "We're not launching the nuke, sir. Something's pulling them out of their silos!"

The missiles rise up in pairs to a gigantic spaceship floating in the sky.

In the base's hangar room with missiles and rockets, an explosion in a doorway startles the armed men inside. Clouded by smoke, a familiar robotic pincer fires lasers at the men, knocking them back.

Two Mechadroids fly forward into the room. Behind them steps Vilgax. looking much younger. He walks around the room, observing. While his back is turned, a blast suddenly blows up a Mechadroid next to him. Vilgax spins around and blocks the next shot with his arms, pushing him back. He lowers his arms.

Vilgax : "You..."

Two men in blue and black suits face him, both in helmets and carrying serious-looking weapons.

Plumber1: "It's over, Vilgax!"

Plumber2: "You're going down!"

Vilgax : "Many have tried, NONE have succeeded!"

Plumber2: "Until now, slimeball!"

The second one runs forward.

Plumber1: "Phil, wait!"

"Phil" keeps running. As Vilgax leaps in the air, Phil plants his feet down and shoots at him with his rapid-fire gun. Vilgax avoids all the shots and lands a kick to his head. His helmet falls to the ground. Phil's partner looks up to see Vilgax trap the youthful man with jet-black hair in a headlock, pointing his own gun at him. As they stand off, a Mechadroid hacks a small console on a missile. It displays "LAUNCH READY" and an alarm sounds.

Vilgax: "Back away, or watch one of your cities be destroyed!"

Phil's partner looks up as a door in the ceiling opens directly above the missile, aimed at the peaceful night sky.

Their standoff continues.

Vilgax : "Put the weapon down. NOW!"

Phil's partner drops his rifle.

Phil : "You can't just let it get away!"

Plumber1: "Never said I would, kid"

Out from his arm, Phil's partner fires a surprise laser blast. It knocks the gun out of Vilgax's hand, giving Phil the opportunity to get out of Vilgax's grip and push him away. Vilgax steadies himself, as his Mechadroid behind him finishes the hacking sequence. The console now reads "LAUNCH" and the missiles starts spewing smoke.

the peaceful Tennyson जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें