If only...

By karadan_

98.3K 3.2K 565

"If I just had one wish ... i will wish I had a time machine, to Get rid of some of these memories. I would... More

01.no different
02.The acquaintance party
06.She is a nice person
08.I think I love her.
12.a party
13. Drunk
15. I want you
17. She cares
19.in her bed again
21.everything is clear now
22.my childhood
23. She was special.
24.She's gone
25. Visit
26- she love her !
27. she deserves better.
28. leave her alone
29.i can't leave her alone
31. you need help
32. i love you.
33. vulnerable
34. just sex
35. heaven 🔞
36. goodbye
37.who are you ?!
39. grateful

38. I'm losing her.

1.7K 64 10
By karadan_


We didn't wait long until I heard the sound of a car stopping behind me.... I was praying to every god I know that it wouldn't be her who was chris  talking about... I turned my face and.... unfortunately....it was her.

She got out of her car and looked at me in shock.

"WTF, this was not what we agreed on it!!
why she is here?"
I said that with anger and tension because I was losing my mind.
Mon looked at who I was talking to and she looked shocked as well.

"What is happening here??...and why  Sam is here?
You said that you want to talk to me!"
Mon said that in a deep, cold voice, and she looked angry.

"hello Mon, it's good to see you after a long time... Look at you, you look attractive now dude."
Chris said that with a malicious smile, then he laughed as if he was enjoying what he saw. He had made a deception Both of us

"shut up motherfucker and say what you want to say."
Mon said that angrily, which made Chris' expression change and become serious...Then he sighed and got up from where he was sitting and stood up. He looked at both of us with hatred and anger and then said:
"Okay, let's talk now. ...from where do you want me to begin?? ....oh, yeah, let's start from where it all started. Five years ago, Sam took a reckless step just to impress the girl she was having sex with and I'm talking about you Mon and played dirty with me and destroyed my future, my dreams, and my family, and made me lose everything. Did you?
is his a good start to our conversation for you?”
Chris said angrily, his voice gradually rising as he looked at the two of us with sparks in his eyes.

" I don't understand Mon's role in all of this. I was behind everything that happened to you. If you want to take revenge on someone, i'mhere, leave Mon out of it."
  I said that while trying to look normal and hide the state of panic I was feeling while Mon was leaning on her car and looking at us both with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you think that I don't know, that you did all the bullshit that you did to me because I tried to have sex with her that night when she was drunk?! you know about everything that I did with many many  girls, but suddenly you became an angel of justice and decided to bring justice to
^my victims^ as you claimed...bunche of girls who were throwing themselves on my to ride my dick... so Mon, the main character in our story Sam, she should get her share too also my sister know one of your ex and guess  what..she spilled the tea" Chris said that, then he started his cigarette and put it in his mouth, and I saw the weapon that he was hiding behind him on his waist. My heart almost stopped and my hands started to sweat because at that moment I realized that he was more despicable than I expected. 

"You are delusional. Why do you think that I cared about that silly girl?
We had sex several times.... oh wait...let me correct what I said. I fucked her several times and then I got rid of her...by the way, you did not miss anything."
I said that without looking at Mon, who I felt looking at me while I try to try to act cool when every word I said hurt me and made me hate myself more and more, but in that moment I was ready to do and say anything to protect her. 

"I understand what you're trying to do, Sam, but I'm not stupid.
What do you think, Mon?"
  Chris said that while smoking his cigarette,

"well what can I say, lying is one of Sam's habits... I mean, she did what I asked her like an obedient girl 5 years ago, as I remember I talked to the girls who were rumored to be dating you and it didn't take  So long that I had more than one accusation to build a case against you and then came the turn of Sam and her lawyers and bro, you flew to prison within hours. I still remember your scandal"
Mon said that with confidence and seriousness smirking while put her hands in her pocket ...i looked at her unable to say anything. I was in shock.

" What are you really talking about?  Hey, she's lying. Chris doesn't believe her."
I said that nervously and fearfully. She wasn't helping me protect her. What the hell was she thinking?

"The love birds are trying to convince me that they don't care about each other, well let's see"
Chris said that and took out his gun and then prepared it and pointed it at me, then he said:
"Mon what do you think, do you have something to say?"

"do it and clean the world of her dirt while the police are in way so they can imprison you on a new charge."
Mon said it calmly, but I could see that she was worried about me. Her body was tense, but she was good at hiding her feelings.
Damn, what did she say? I shook my head to get out of my pink dream and looked to Chris, who was looking at Mon with wide eyes in shock and clenching his teeth angrily,

You called the police to come even though I warned you?"
Chris said that and then pointed his gun at Mon and swore that my legs were not able to carry me at that moment.

"She is lying to confuse you"
I said that to try to get his attention, but he was getting angry.

"I asked you, did you really call the police?"
Chris said that loudly, gritting his teeth angrily as he looked at Mon, who was acting as if she didn't care.

" Let me think, when you called I was eating my lunch, then I took a nap, took a bath, called my friend for, prepared my hot chocolate"

"Do you want me to blow your fucking head?
Do you think I'm kidding here?"
Chris shouted, getting angrier and angrier,

"Mon, stop that, for god sake stop lying...Chris, she's crazy. She's been saying anything since her father died. The girl needs help, don't mind whatever she say"
I said that while looking at her to make her understand that she had to stop, but she didn't care. 

"okay...now I understand.... you are both trying to waste time while protecting each other, but do you know what, let me think....if I kill Mon, I will hurt Sam, but no one will know about that because in the end, who knows a reckless orphan girl... but if I kill Sam, I will take revenge on her family, who insulted and abandoned my family In the worst time, I will also take revenge on you, Mon....I know that all this bullisht you are doing is to protect her.... so I have made my decision."
Chris said that and then pointed his gun at me, and that made me breathe a sigh of relief. In the end, I was ready to die for Mon. I looked at her, praying that she would not doing something reckless. It was clear that she was nervous and that there was something on her mind.

"If you want to do that, you have to hurry because the police will be here at any moment....By the way, can I come next to you and enjoy the view while you do that?... I mean, I didn't see anyone being killed so thiscwill be a new experience for me"
Moon said that while stepping towards Chris stupidly and damn she was making my blood boil, she was trying to kill herself or what?!

" stay where you are you bitch, don't try to play smart with me, when the police come you will be my get out card"
Chris said that and looked at her with smirk and then turned his gaze back to me

"“Do you have a final word, Sam Moore?”
Chris said with a malicious smile.

last world my ass, she’s miserable. You’re betting on a losing horse. You won’t get the buzz you want from killing her.”
Mon said that and stepped towards him with indifference and stupidity.

Chris pointed the gun at her.

" wait... ignore her and let her live, do not harm her, and I will guarantee that you will leave the country so that you can continue your life wherever you want."
I said that nervously, trying to attract his attention again.

"I don't need your help. Now I'll be done with you and this bitch will be my ticket out of here."
He pointed his gun at me and warned Mon not to move.
I looked at Mon, who was looking at me with wide eyes and clear tension, and yes, that's all I wanted to see before I died, but  I wouldn't let him kill her.

"She'll be your exit ticket, but you have to get her safe and  sound without hurting her to Alex Watson, that woman will give you whatever you want i promise but you have to keep Mon safe.

"hmm, okay...Thanks for the information, but that won't save you."
Chris said that with smirk
I looked at Mon for the last time, then closed my eyes, awaiting my fate.
i wanted to be mon the last one i see.

But suddenly I froze in my spot and my heart nearly exploded when I heard Chris's voice struggling and cursing mon trying to control the weapon in his hand while Mon was above him trying to take it from him. I didn't know what to do and my limbs were shaking. I tried to step towards them with heavy steps and suddenly...  I heard the sound of a bullet. My heart stopped beating and I was praying that the one who received the bullet wasn't Mon, but suddenly Chris threw Mon over him while he was holding his nose, which was bleeding so bad

I heard the voice of Mon, who was writhing on the ground while placing her hand on the wound in her stomach and Chris was shaking his head trying to concentrate and focus while the gun was in his hand.
Without thinking, I took out the gun that was in my waist and shot Chris, who was trying to raise his gun to shoot me when he heard what mon said but i was faster than him....i don’t know how many bullets I shot at him, but I was not stable at that moment.  when the bullets ran out, I threw the gun and ran towards Mon, trembling with fear after I saw how she was drowning in her own blood and in pain.

i called the ambulance while i was crying holding mon hand and i don't know how i make it and told them our location.

"What did you do!!?
Why didn’t you let me save you?"
said that while I was crying hysterically. After i put her head in my lap

"good shot.... I ....i didn't know you could .... could use a weapon.....fuck it's hurt"
Mon said that while looking at me with a smile while she was writhing in pain.

"If something happens to you, I won't live without you, please hold on, you still have to forgive me and give me another chance to win your heart.... Don’t dream that I will leave you without a fight after everything you did for me becausei know you still love me ."
I said that through my tears, trying to keep her focused on me so she wouldn’t lose consciousness while I was caressing her cheek. 

"Shut up, I saw you like a frightened chicken and saved you."
Mon said that and laughed painfully. She was bleeding severely and in pain, and that was making me more and more terrified.

"Try to gather your strength. I will put you in the car.  And I took you to the hospital. We can't wait for the police and ambulance to arrive."
I said that between my sobs and heavy breaths. I would not allow myself to lose her.

"No no no no..... I can't move.... It hurts and I ... i can't ...move at all."
Mon said this while she was clenching her teeth in pain, then she raised the hand that was pressing on her wound and to look at her wound then she brought it back to press hard in pain.

The sight of the blood was terrifying. She was drowning in her own blood. I did not know what to do. I was trembling terrified, trying to get rid of negative thoughts In my head, I put her head on the ground quietly and then ran to my car where there was a scarf. I took the white scarf and ran towards her.
I gathered my strength and raised her hand and placed the scarf on the wound. She immediately moved her hand to put it on her wound because she probably felt that I was not able to .... I wasn't brave enough to put pressure on the wound and I hated myself because I was so weak at that moment and I wouldn't be offended if you called me a coward, but losing her meant the end of the world for me.
Her body temperature began to drop and her face turned pale and she could barely open her eyes.

"Please hold on, I know you are tired and in pain, but you have to stay with me. Please, you have to live and get well quickly so you can take me on a date...and I will choose the place and you will pay."
I said that and hugged her tightly in my arms while I felt her weak breath on my neck.

"I am the one who is....who is... dying here and ...And yet you are trying to encourage me to live to pay for date with you, what is the logic?"
Mon said that in a weak voice and chuckled in pain

"I'm old woman and I am thinking of retiring, you have to take care of me, and you can't run away even if I become ugly and My teeth fall"
I said that while trying to attract her attention so that she would not lose consciousness while I was looking in horror at the white scarf that had turned completely red.

"We both ...know that you...you have always been beautiful and will always ...remain beautiful."
Mon said that and then buried her nose in my neck.
I dreamed of holding her in my arms and feeling her breath, but not in that state. She was dying and I was helpless.

"I will always try to be beautiful for you so that you don't look at Selena or anyone else. I will seduce you and cast my spell on you to make you love me again as I do...as I love you more  than anything and anyone else in the world.... please hold on, I promise that everything will be fine and I will give you the love and happiness that you deserve. I promise that I will do the impossible to make you forgive me and love me again...please... i can't live without you"
I said that while trying to be cheerful to lighten the atmosphere and hide my panic, but who am I deceiving? I was collapsing at every moment... I was losing her and losing myself.

Mon moved her head and looked at me with her  attractive sleepy eyes.
"I forgave you ... long time ago. it wasn't only your....your fault... The biggest sin was .... was me...my fault because I wanted to impose my feelings... on you.
At first I was angry and hurt because.... because I loved you. I loved you so much that loved you...and  It had become a part of me and I would be lying if ... if I said I stopped loving you one day....
I don’t know if I will survive but...but I want you to promise me... that you will forgive yourself and move on if this day didn't end...well."
Mon said that in a weak voice as she tried to wipe away my tears that were falling abundantly because  I was in shock... I was trying to comprehend what she said, but the last part made me panic more and more, she was saying goodbye or what?!!!

"No, no, no, please don’t say that... You will survive and you will have a long life ahead of you. I will not promise you anything If something happens to you, I will catch up with you because there is no meaning to my life without and you need to understand that"
I said that between my sobs and I hugged her while crying uncontrollably as if she would disappear at any moment. And yes, she was disappearing at every moment... I was losing her at every moment.

"If...if you love me...promise me,  Please do not argue with me and say what I want to hear"
Mon said that and buried her face in my neck as if she was looking for warmth.

"I will promise you....but on one condition.... Promise me that you will allow me to be with you until my last breath if you survive... if we survive today"
I said that while burying my nose in her hair and hug her to keep her warm,

"you are too confident...but yeah, whatever as long as you keep your promise."
  Mon said that in a weak and pained voice

" We will get married and have our own house and you can choose the design and furniture.... I will accept anything... You can be the husband and I will be the obedient wife I don’t care....I will cook for you and take care of you but you have to take me for dates to the places I love and of course you will pay"
... I was talking nonsense while kissing her head, holding her and crying.
She had already lost consciousness but I kept talking to keep my sensate...to keep my
mental stability at that moment.
I was trying to hold myself together and be strong as long as I could feel her weak breathing while I waited.  The ambulance arrived........

it was the worst day of my life...literally.

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