Flawless love

By Jadenliyana

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A young lovely finds herself breaking a powerful friendship all because of love. Three guys one girl. Who d... More

Basketball player
the 4r33k 40D
Miss Richwood
Sleep over

My game your wish

0 0 0
By Jadenliyana

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There I was looking at Ocean crying not knowing what to say.

"I can't believe it. Why did I have to be stupid" she said crying on Angelic's shoulder.

A week ago Angelic told her that the guy was playing her but Ocean didn't listen to her now, she is crying on her arms.

This is why I don't trust men. Angelic seemed to be the one to be wise about all men.

"I'm so sorry for not listening to you Angelic. You were right. He is actually older then he said he was. He even had a wife. A wife!"  She couldn't stop crying which made me wonder how much she liked this guy.

"Ugh that bastard. Don't worry about him Ocean. You didn't deserve him in the first place. Let's go to the game with Tiamo and Angela." Angelic said wiping Ocean's tears.

Ocean nodded in response to what Angelic's words. She then got up and went to the bathroom.

"How did you do that?" I asked Angelic as I always wondered how she is able to calm her all the time.

A week ago they were having  a huge fight that lasted till now. They have been avoiding eachother for a whole week which was torture for me and Angela because they always made us choose between them.

For a full week they didn't speak to eachother or even look at eachother untill today. Ocean just ran inside crying. Angelic didn't even bother to ask what happened. She was the first one to comfort her.

Their friendship is so amazing. I couldn't tell that the smile on Angelic's face was her being happy that she was right about the man or if she was happy that her friendship with Ocean was okay now.

Angelic just smiled and shrugs. "I guess it's a gift" she responded to my previous question.

I laughed and continued to eat the ice cream that Ocean left on the table. 

"Did Reggie really say those things to you?" Angelic asked looking at the floor. She looked sad for some reason then I remember that she couldn't take her eyes off Reggie at the park. Does she think I like him? Is she jealous? I wondered how she felt about this. I could tell from her facial expression that she wasn't too happy about this.

"Hmm well yeah, why? Do you think he is playing me too?" I asked jokingly trying  to cheer her up but I felt stupid for saying that. I mean  I knew she wasn't happy about the bet and I was asking a stupid question. Her  serious was more then enough  to tell me that that was on
a bad joke.

"No, I don't think that at all. Well, I do not know yet." She said with a down voice. She's always cheerful. I felt like I broke her.

"Are you okay Angelic?" I asked worried about her.

"Hmmm oh don't worry " she faked a smile. " I was just thinking about something else."

She smiled facing me but I wasn't convinced. I know Angelic. I've known her for weeks now which is enough to know when she's happy and sad.

I was about to say something but Angela walked in spinning, showing off her new purple dress. "Do you like it girls?" She asked with a big smile on her face. Unlike her sister, she looked happy about this game.

The only reason she's happy is because she thinks I'm lying and she can't wait to prove herself right.

"You look like 'Sofia the first'" Ocean said in her brown tight dress. It looked a little like my Light blue dress.

"Ugh. You guys are negative. Tiamo? How do I look. I know that you are honest." She smiled trusting me to not disappoint her.

I looked at her carefully. She did honestly look like Sofia the first but I can't say that to her.

"Like a human version of Sofia the first?" It came out like a question. I couldn't help it. I didn't know what to say. She rolled her eyes and looked at her twin.

"Angelic? Come on!' she yelled expecting a different answer but man was she disappointed.

"Like Sofia the first's twin." Angelic laughing causing all of us to laugh.

Angela just rolled her eyes and took her bag. "Whatever. I know I look cute. Let's go." She said walking to the door excitedly.

"What's with her" Ocean asked taking the keys and her bag.

"She thinks I'm lying and now she can't wait to prove me wrong." I explained walking out.

"Oh I can't wait to see this." Angelic said locking the door and we all walked to watch the basketball.

When we reach there the game had already started. We tried to find Brooklyn and Lisa. They were our friends that we met in class. I've worked with Lisa on a project and she introduced me to Brooklyn and I introduced them to my friends.

We sat on the fourth row and watched the game eating the snacks Brooklyn gave to us. I just had spotted Reggie on the field and he waved at me. All the girls around me waved and I waved along with them.

I guess all the girls thought he was waving at them but what if he was. I mean, I'm sure I wasn't the only one he made the bet to. I couldn't help but noticed that mostly of the people there were girls.

Wow there were only a few boys but also enough boys. I couldn't believe how popular this guy was. I just hope I wouldn't be singled out. The last thing I need is another girl threatening my life because of a boy.

Just as I was eating I saw Eric there and he was starting at me. When he noticed that I was looking at him he looked away like he always did for the past week.

A week ago he went to my drom drunk and told me that he was going to protect me. I didn't even have a chance to ask questions he just ran out the drom laughing.

After that day I tried to talk to him all week but he kept avoiding me. I tried everything but he always manages to stay away from me. I tried not to pay attention to him. I already knew he was going to avoid me anyway. I focused on the game.

The game was good and they won. Ugh now I started to regret why I made the bet. I honestly thought they wouldn't but a bet is a bet.

Angelic was very happy about the win because she thought she was right. Everyone was celebrating the win when Reggie walked out of the basketball court and towards me.

Oh no. He wasn't going to single me out, was he? Oh my heart started racing again. I was scared that he would single me out but at the same time happy that he was coming to me. What the f*ck is wrong with me.

"Hey, I'm so glad you came." He said to me who was smiling and not knowing what to say. I didn't think he'd say that out loud like that. "I told you we would win if you came" he said kissing my hand.

Oh my god . What was this boy doing to me. My heart was now really fast. It was like my heart was in a race with a cheater and it was winning.

"I don't think that's why you won. You just a really good player." I said blushing.

"Oh it makes me happy hearing you say that. Well what about my wish?" He asked and I opened my eyes widely. I was afraid that he might say something daring Infront of everyone.

At this point everyone was watching us. Some jealous, some thought it was sweet, some just left.

" Are you going to tell me here?" I asked and he smiled them came closer to my ear.

"I want you to come on Eric's birthday party, tag your friends along" he said making me shocked. He wants me to go to Eric's birthday party.

He knows my relationship with Eric isn't the best but he wants me to come to his party. Does he know about that day? Maybe he wants me to go because of that drunk day. What game was he playing? I wondered quietly not taking my eyes off of  him.

"I know you probably don't want to but it is my wish and you lost a bet"

I sighed and smiled. "Okay, I will"  I said thinking about regretting it. I knew I was going to regret it but what else could I do.

He gave me a piece of paper then he kissed my hands one more time before walking away.

I looked at the paper to see it was his number. I can't believe this dude.

"You were right? All along?" Angela asked me shocked. I looked at the girls to see all 4 of them shocked. Angela, Ocean, Annalise and Lisa. Angelic was on the basketball court dancing with the rest of the cheerleaders.

I laughed at their faces and fold my arms proudly  "I told you so."

It wasn't like I was bragging. I just loved being right. They rolled their eyes and continued eating the snacks and cheered for Angelic.

After a while everyone went out to some party to celebrate the win but me and the girls stayed behind waiting for Angelic.

After a long time waiting she finally walked to us and we took our bags to leave but when we reached the door I felt a hand on my arm. I turned to look and saw Eric with his head down looking so innocent.

I turned to him and waited for him to say something but it looked like he wasn't planning on saying anything so I started with a small "hey"

He looked up at me and asked "can we talk alone? Please?" He looked behind me as I followed his gaze to see my friends looking at us.

"Oh I'm  going to catch up with you guys. You can leave without me" I cleared my throat and followed Eric to the basketball court.

It was just the two of us standing in the middle. He didn't say anything. All he did was look at me then bounced the ball then looked back at me.

"Isn't there something you want to talk about?" I asked getting annoyed by his acting.

"You know..." He started then cleared his throat. He walked closer to me until he was only an inch away from me. I looked up at him as he looked down at me. "On that day. I said somethings."

He paused bitting his lips and closed his eyes. Then he sigh as his hot breath touched my bare face. "Everything I said was just because I was drunk. I say a lot of stupid things when I'm drunk that doesn't make sense so please don't mind that day. Let's continue like usual. " He finishes then open his eyes.

"So you didn't mean anything you said back there?"

"Well. Not really" he sighed and I took a step back. I don't know why I was so disappointed. I mean, why would he want to protect me anyway. We enemies anyways.

"Okay fine. Then let's act like non of that ever happened." I said and didn't even give him a chance to say anything. I just walked out in anger.

But why was I so angry. I mean it's not like I was expecting him to care for me enough to want to protect him but a part of me did want to hear him say he will protect me. I don't know why but I did want to hear him say that. Now that he didn't I was a bit upset.

I went back to the drom and went to my room seeing how there was no one home. I called the girls but they said they decided on going to the party. Last thing I want to do is to go to a party right now.

I stayed him and convinced myself to forget about what happened. But of course that didn't work. So I decided to pretend like that day and today did not happen.


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