Flawless love

By Jadenliyana

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A young lovely finds herself breaking a powerful friendship all because of love. Three guys one girl. Who d... More

My game your wish
the 4r33k 40D
Miss Richwood
Sleep over

Basketball player

0 0 0
By Jadenliyana

"Hey don't look now but I think Reggie is looking at us" Ocean said looking behind Angela and I. When we looked behind us no one was looking at us. Both Angela and I looked back at Ocean confused.

"You weren't supposed to make it obviously guys" she said rolling her eyes.

"Who is Reggie?" I asked looking at Ocean and she just looked at me shocked. It seems like I was the only one who didn't know Reggie because Angela and Angelica were also shocked.

Okay, I didn't know anyone at school. I only knew a few people but I don't really know the names of those people. To make this short I was the one left in the dark when the girls were talking about people. It didn't bother me though. I didn't like listening to other people's business.

"Oh my gosh, you don't know Reggie?" Angelic said putting down her drink on the table.

It was a sunny Saturday so we went for a picnic at the park. The 4 of us have been busy all week that we didn't spend any time together. The picnic was Angelic's idea and honestly I was shocked that she wanted to spend a sunny day outside but now I think I knew why.

"How you you guys know him?" I asked annoyed because it seemed like they knew a lot of people that I don't.

"Reggie is our star Basketball player. He is also friends with Eric. Both the hottest and players." Angelic explained showing me a picture of Reggie on Instagram. That's why she wanted to co e to the park. Because she knew Reggie would be here.

I won't lie he looks handsome. I smiled scrolling through his Instagram page. "Wow. He is hot"

"Hot, handsome and rich" Angelic corrected it seemed like she was still starting at him. I guess that was his crush.

Me and Angela looked at eachother then looked at Angelica and laughed.

"You seemed to be day dreaming about our hottie" Angela chuckled as she woke up Angelic from her day dream.

"We should head back before I get late for my date." Ocean shocking us with the news.

We knew she had a boyfriend but didn't know who that person was. Angelic knew who she was dating but ma and Angela were kept in the dark. It seems like me and Angela are always kept in the dark.

"You have a date?" I asked "with who?"

She grin and showed me a picture of his boyfriend. "His name is Louis. He is a bit older but I really like him"

A bit older? This guy was handsome but he was clearly way older then Ocean but who am I to judge.

"Ocean, I thought we talked about this. This guy is probably just playing you" Angelic said looking worried. She held Ocean hand but Ocean moved her hand away and stood up.

There goes another one of their fights. It's always something stupid. They always fight about the smallest thing and then 3 minutes later they are back to best friends. I think it's cute sometimes but sometimes it was really annoying.

"Oh you don't think a handsome man would like me for me?" Ocean defended herself angrily.  "I'm old enough to make my own decision Angelic and I like this guy. Can you just let me have this! Ugh!". Just like that she walked away angrily.

Angelic sighed before running after her. It was just me and Angela packing up to go back to our drom.

"I swear those two are siblings." I said jokingly.

"You know what's weird?"Angela said grabbed my attention. "I never fight with Angelic like the way they fight. I'm worried that they might be the twins."

I laughed as I finished packing up. Ocean and Angelic's fights made me wonder if I would ever fight like that with them. I hate to admit it but, as much as their fight are annoying from time to time I really want to be a part of them. Why? Well... I don't know exactly why but I just felt like jumping in but I never interfered them.

"We should get pizza before we leave. I don't want to eat anything cooked by Angelic when she's angry" I said hearing my stomach grumble. It meant that I was hungry.

We didn't get to eat much at the park since the picnic wasn't planned. We just grabbed a few snacks and went to the park.

Angelic laughed and said "ugh. Her food taste like shit even without the anger. I'll go buy it. You wait here, I'll be back soon." She took out some money then ran to the Pizza place which was not far from the park.

I sat down with the picnic basket on the table and just went through my phone. Well I went through Reggie's Instagram page. He was so good looking and seemed to really like Basketball, car racing and hanging out with Eric and another guy named Aries. Aries was also as handsome as Eric and Reggie.

Curious, I went to Aries's Instagram page to see the other hottie. It looked like he also liked car racing, swimming, basketball and hanging out with his friends Eric and Reggie.

Those three looked inseparable. That's what I call true friendship. I wish my friendship with Angela, Angelic and Ocean would be like that one day.

I scrolled down Aries's page to see another picture of three of them and another  guy I was unfamiliar with shirtless. I couldn't believe how they were built. They looked handsome and had abs like a chocolate bar. They were sweating which made the abs shine.

It was clear that they liked the gym. It's funny how all four boy were looking like models without even trying. In the picture they were just chatting with eachother. I'm sure it was an unexpected shot.

"I look good, don't I?" A voice came behind me. I turned around to see Reggie. I turned off my phone and faced straight feeling embarrassed. He must've seen me stalking him.

He chuckled and sat next to me. "You the girl Eric was crying about aren't you?"

Crying about? Eric was crying about me? Did all that fighting/auguring made him cry? I looked at Reggie confused. How did this guy even know me.

"He said you get on his last nerves. I wonder why I haven't seen a cutie like you before?" He said causing me to blush. I wondered why I haven't seen a hottie like him till today.

"I'm not that out going, I guess" my voice was all of a sudden sweet and positive. What the hell was wrong with me. A smile  creeped on my face as I looked at his beautiful sweating face.

He chuckled and looked at me with one elbow on the table and placed his head on his hand for support. He smiled at me making me more nervous then I already was.

American boys are so handsome and charming. I swear they'll make your heart pounding. Feeling nervous again I looked down at the table.

"I'm really glad I met you sweetheart. Are you coming to the game next week?"

"What game?" I asked curious as I turned my head to look at him again. I didn't even know there would be a game next week.

"The basketball game. You know what? Why don't you go and we'll make a bet." He said grabbing all of my attention.

"A bet?" I asked curiously as I noticed that I was starting to feel a bit more like myself. "What kind of bet."

"See... Well... We haven't won against Wildwolfs in years but I think we will win if you come."

Oh my gosh. He is so charming. Any girl would be on their knees right now. I smiled interested in the bet.

"I highly doubt that." I said shyly.

"I don't. This is were the bet comes at. If I'm right and we win because of your presence then you get to grant me a wish." He said smirking .

"And if you loose in my presence?"

He paused thinking for a while then he came closer to my face making my heart beat faster. "I will grant you any wish you like"

I moved back a little and looked at him. I didn't know what I was putting myself into. I smiled and shook my head. "Okay. As long as I can bring my friends with."

He smiled and kissed the back of my hand standing up. "Bring the whole world if you want to. As long as you are there. I really do  hope to see your beautiful face there." He winked then walked away.

I know he was hot and made my heart beat but I wonder how many girls he has told the same  thing he told me. I mean he was clearly a player so that means he has done things before and I wasn't stupid. I can see a player from a mile away. I wonder how many girls would be there because of him, because of this bet.

I did feel a little special. I mean it's not everyday a handsome face like him gets to flirt with me like that. He left me there smiling like crazy or should I say blushing like crazy.

As soon as Angela came back with the pizza I told her about Reggie and she couldn't believe me. She thought I was lying.

I tried to convince her but I had no evidence of my word so I begged her to come with me to the game next week. She also didn't like sports like me but she wanted to see if I was telling the truth.

We packed up and get to the drom to see Ocean and Angelic still mad at one another. Angela and I looked at eachother worried. They never took this long fighting. This must've been something serious.

I placed the picnic basket on the table and sat next to Ocean as Angela sat next to Angelic.

They were both facing opposite direction as if that would help avoid one another.

"What's going on" Angela asked in a worried tone but the two girls didn't say anything.

"Come on guys. Talk to us." I said and Ocean stood up.

"I'm going to get ready for my date. I don't care what jealous people think of me." Ocean stated before walking away. Her heels fading away was the only sound I could hear in the room. That's how tense it was.

Angelic also stood up and said "what a drama queen" then also walked to her room.

Angela and I didn't know what to do. This was the first time they had a fight like this.

"Should we go check on them?" I asked after a moment of silence and Angela shook her head from side to side.

"I think it's best to lit them solve it. In the meantime I will go and practice my victory dance when I  get you for lying about Reggie." She then moonwalk away to her room making  me laughed.   

I also went to my room and received a call from Eric. I wondered why he was calling me. I honestly hated unexpected calls from someone in they usually meant bad news.

I sighed and slowly answered the call. "Hello! Tiamo! I'm at your door. Open up." He was breathing heavily like he was running or something.

I went to get the door to see him all sweaty and drunk. He couldn't even stand up straight. His face turned red when he looked at me and smiled before walking to hug me. I did not expect this from Eric.  The one boy that hates me is now hugging me.

I stood there in shock as he squeezed me lightly. He smiled again and went to our couch without saying a word. I was so confused and didn't know what to say or do. I closed the door and went up to him as he looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked seeing that he wasn't planning to tell me.

"Why? Do you also not want me here? I don't blame you." He laughed a little but it was so sad. I could tell he was hurt. "if my own parents don't want me. Why would you?" He continued.

I looked at his face as it was still smiling. How could he say something so painful and still be able to smile.

"Eric, you need to get some rest. I'll go get you water." I stood up but he held my hand causing me to stop and look at him.

He pulled me down until I was on my knee facing him. He smiled looking at my eyes.

"What did you do to me?" He asked biting his lip and not taking his lips off of my lips. He cleared his throat and kissed the back of my hand. "I promise to protect you from him. He won't hurt you. I won't let him "


Hey there. Please forgive me for the errors.

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