Insert Where I Asked

By dann1isg4y

37 5 5

In a world where most of the worlds population has supernatural powers that can go from world breaking, to wo... More

Blood and tears
Prime cafe'
Untitled Part 5

You saying that your glad i'm British?

27 3 3
By dann1isg4y

Hello! This is my personal au inspired by the creator of "Tommyinnits cafe for supervillains"

I have used the names of the hero's and villains as i am too dumb to come up with my own.


I can't use my original account at the moment so i'm writing here! My original account is Covid413

Anyway i hope you enjoy this!


TW: Self harm and sewerslide talk. As well as, abuse, pills, self medicating, taking others prescription, hints of starving oneself, unwanted touching, hints at r4pe.


Tommy's staff slams into the ground as He uses the momentum to fling himself over the ally and to the rooftop in front of him. The wind hits his face and blows hair into his eyes but he laughs it off. Adrenaline pups through Tommy's limbs as He throws his feet forward and prepares to land but he didn't move fast enough. The toe of his shoe catches the ledge and he trips forward. His stomach catches the ledge and he groans as his chest scrapes roughly against the ground.

"Fuckin' hell." He grumbles as he pulls himself fully onto the roof to stand up fully. He turns to the building he had just jumped from and grimaced at the hero who was four buildings away from him. Which is still way to close because that fucker can throw knifes. But his goggles are still cool. Well, technically his entire getup is just pog.

Checkered vans, White dress pants that rest on top of the shoes, mid tone blue long sleeve shirt adorned with a white box outlined in red that sits in the middle of his chest. Then to the white fluff that's sewn into the shoulders with a red cape with white dots resembling a mushroom that falls from it. His white rimmed goggles sit right above his nose, they cover his upper cheek and part of his forehead. The blacked out lenses keep anyone from seeing his eyes to.

Tommy turns on his heel and jogs across the rooftop. The night sky makes it hard to know where in the city he is but he's pretty sure that the café is close by here. Tommy swallows and prays that he's right about what building he's on as he jumps off the roof. He twists in the air while grabbing the ledge of the building, he uses the momentum of the fall to slam his feet into the window smashing it to pieces. He flicks his wrist to store his staff in his inventory while pushing himself off the floor. He takes a quick glance around and Tommy was very glad he has this face mask as part of his costume because oh, the room he broke into had a guy who was ehm, playing with himself. (ew)

Tommy excuses himself by running to the door and slamming it open. He's quick to run towards the elevator that was in the building and press a button to close the door. But right as Tommy pressed the button a boom echos down the hall from the door he had previously closed. It was open now and 404 was stepping out of the room. He turned to look at the elevator and Tommy swears to god that he could see murder in the hero's eyes as he stared at Tommy with flushed cheeks.

Although Tommy wasn't originally planning on breaking his finger today he thought it was necessary to continuously slam his finger against the button as the door closed slowly. 404 pulled out a knife as he ran and oh fucking shit this is where Tommy dies. The knife flies from his fingers and cuts right through Tommy's cape and plants itself into the wall right as the door closes. A slam is heard right after the doors close and Tommy can only assume that he couldn't stop running in time.

Tommy lets out a laugh as he turns to grab 404's knife before pausing because He can't just touch that right after 404 did. Because his power is stupid strong. With the ability to not only make someone fall asleep by touching them but also the fact that he can manipulate those dreams to collect information. Also with the added factors of being able to infect what he touches with his power, Like say that his knife would've hit Tommy right after he used his power on it then it would've transferred to Tommy and he would've passed out.

Tommy swallows and carefully wraps his cape around the knife. Then he flicks his left wrist and drops the knife into his inventory with a sigh before slumping against the wall of the rickety elevator. He takes a deep breath in only to immediately regret it when the smell of dried piss enters his nostrils. Tommy gags slightly and looks around the Horribly small metal cage that he's unintentionally trapped himself in and he flicks his wrist again.

A square grid appears in front of his hand and he lets it float as he reaches up to the metal piece on the cape and presses the button on the clasp. It falls to the floor behind him and he leans down to grab it whilst also taking off his black face mask with one hand. He places them both into his inventory and watches as the items seemingly disappear from existence. Tommy then grabs the dark green hoodie for the floating grid and pulls it over his head and flicks his wrist to shoo away the floating inventory. He pulls the hood over his head and pull the strings a-bit to tighten the hood as he watches the elevator doors slide open to reveal the second floor.

The second floor you ask? Well that's because 404 would most likely go to the lobby to get Tommy instead of the second floor. He wouldn't expect Tommy to be smart enough to know that 404 would be waiting for Tommy, and sadly we were on the top floor when we broke into that apartment. Meaning Tommy couldn't escape back to the roof. Tommy yawns and stretches his arms over his head as He step out of the elevator only to slip on the wet tile.

"Fuck!" Tommy screeches as his legs split all the way down and he's stuck doing the splits with half of his body still in the elevator. He whimpers at the slight pain and for once, One god forsaken time, he is happy for the fact that he's not a cis man cause he might've split his balls doing that. Tommy falls to his side and get both his legs out from under him before trying to stand up and ouch.

Tommys legs shake slightly under his weight as he walks down the hallway to where a small window sat. His shoes squeak against the wet tiles as he walk up to the window. Tommy presses his hands firmly up against the window and smiles as it slides up. He run a hand through his shaggy hair that he most definitely needed to cut again at some point before gripping the frame of the window. He shimmy's his way down the bricked wall with shaking hands because oh my prime he almost got caught by the infamous sleep hero 404!

He is literally one of the coolest hero's and definitely one of the scariest ones. He's been trying to catch me for some time now. Plus some other vigilante's that he don't know. But- Wait why was he blushing when he ran out of that room? Is he, Like. The drops hand to show off nails kinda guy? Oh that would be so sick!

(In a good way not a bad way.)

Tommy's feet finally thud against the pavement and he makes his way out to the street. A cars headlights blind him from the left as it parks against the sidewalk when he steps out of the ally. Tommy rolls his eyes at the car before turning to his right to start walking back to the orphanage which was where he was originally going before 404 appeared out of nowhere. He's annoyingly good at just appearing, It's kinda like bro's a ninja.

Tommy shakes his head and flicks his wrist to summon his phone into his hand with the earbuds already plugged in. The track starts playing and he presses the shuffle button. Tommy hums softly and dodge the shoulders that bump into him to the best of his abilities as he speed walks because he has to get back before eight. That's when Tommy's "Interview" starts even though he's been told that it is not an interview and that he shouldn't call it that because it makes the process of fostering a kid sound like an investigation.

But what would she know? Tommy's been to a mental hospital before and Mrs. Dillsly hasn't so, yeah! (Dill-s'-lee) 

"Fuckin' hell." Tommy mumbles under his breath as his chest tightens and he can no longer breathe properly. He must've done a number on the binder with all that running, then falling against the roof... He swallows and subconsciously presses his thumb up his right arms sleeve and shove his nail against the bandages in an attempt to distract himself from the pain in his ribs.

Once he's in front of the orphanage he pulls his hand away from his arm and pushes the door open only to be met with yelling.

"Abby innit! Why the fuck are you so late! It's already seven fucking thirty!" Mrs. Dillsly screams in Tommy's face as he shove past her while trying to focus on the music leaking through his earbuds. Although she continues to yell all the way up the stairs and into his "Room". Tommy grabs his clothes and pushes past her again as he heads for the bathroom, And lucky enough but the second he closes the door she instantly pipes down and Tommy can hear her heels clack against the flooring of this building as she supposedly walks away.

His hands grip the wired earbuds and he pulls them out of his ears then puts both his phone and earbuds into his inventory. He then grabs the faucet of the tub and twist the two jobs to get it to the perfect temperature, just on the edge of boiling but not hot enough to hurt. He pulls the plug up to send the water up to the shower head then takes a step back. 

Once Tommy is done showering he decide that he'd be fine to wear his binder for a little longer since it probably wont hurt. Well, he's only gonna wear it just until the "interview" is over and the family decides they don't want him because he's too boastful or some shit. Tommy grips the adhesive bandages from the first aid kit and re-wraps his arms slowly as to make sure he doesn't miss a spot.

He yawns into a stretch before exiting the bathroom with his dirty clothes in his inventory and he heads toward the "interview" room, while checking his phone to see that its 7:53 PM meaning that he is not late and is actually right on time. Which is good for Tommy's standards but apparently not for Mrs. Dillsly because when Tommy opens the door he's met with the sight of her apologizing over the fact that Tommy was "late". which he's not.

"Heyo." Tommy say in a voice that doesn't try to hide the fact that he's taken hormone blockers in the past and is currently taking testosterone. AKA meaning that he sounds like a guy, and a hot one at least to Tommy.

The man sitting in between the other two guys stands up with a smile and extends his hand toward Tommy. He has bright blond hair with light blue eyes that mimic Tommy's own perfectly. His shirt is a sleeveless skin tight shirt that's plain black except for the pixilated heart on his left breast. With dark green pants that hang loose around the ankles that lead down to sandals.

"Hello mate, It's nice ta' meet you." The mans grin grows wider when Tommy takes his hand from across the table and give it a light shake. "My names Phil. The pink haired boys name is Techno and the emo is Wilbur, They are both my sons." He explains while gesturing with his head to the two brothers. But his voice sounds so caring and it's aimed towards Tommy in such a way that it makes me wanna take a step back from him. But instead Tommy stays put and snorts at the joke about one of his sons being a emo.

"My names to-"

"ABBY! Her names Abby." Mrs. Dillsly buts in with a smile but the way her voice appeared so suddenly that it scared tommy and made him drop Phil's hand. Tommy instantly plays it off by putting his hand in his jeans' pocket as his face stays unchanging except for the smile that just died. "She's seventeen, about to be eighteen in a few months." She says with a friendly smile towards Phil.

Tommy grits his teeth and grabs the back of a chair to sit down in it as bitch face blabbers on about Tommy's medications and mental "illnesses" to Phil because she knows Tommy wont say shit about his issues to others. But Phil just smiles and nods patiently to her as if she didn't just interrupt the kid he's supposed to talk to. But Tommy is suddenly kicked out of my thoughts from someone literally kicking me. I look up and am met with a pair of brown eyes. The man also known as "Wilbur" (Like who names their kid wIlbUr?) raises his eyebrow at me before nodding over to his brother.

Tommy's eyes follow his gaze down to the pinkettes hands and he starts to sign something. 

"Do you sign? If so then are you okay? You seem kinda pissed." His hands stop moving as he finishes and Tommy looks up into his eyes. Their blood red and match well with the tan color of his face. He has sharp looking hog ears and tusks that gut out from his lower jaw. His pink hair is turning brown at the roots but is braided all the way down and rests on his left shoulder. He's wearing a simple pink long sleeved shirt with a Minecraft pig in the middle with black pants to hold up the nerd appearance. Even if he looks buff as fuck.

Tommy smiles though and brings his own hands up. "Yeah im good, just wish she wouldn't interrupt me like that." Tommy signs then places his hands back onto his lap to show that he has no more to say. Techno nods and looks over at his brother then to Phil.

Tommy takes this time to study Wilbur's appearance. He is wearing a yellow sweater over a black button up with a collar that sits over the sweatshirt that has a blue Minecraft sheep embroidered on the right side of his chest. With ripped jeans that look older than himself (or he's just worn them everywhere or some shit.) and blue converse that don't look that bad. Did he get this from a Pinterest board? Ehh anyway, His hair is a dark brown color that has wavy curls throughout all of his hair. It has a diagonal split where the majority of his bangs end up falling in front of his right eye. (which he's constantly blowing it out of.) He's not exactly pale but more in the sense that he doesn't go outside very often.

"Okay." Mrs. Dillsly's voice perks up suddenly. "Im gonna go so you all can get to know Abby." She announces in a chipper tone and Tommy can't help but cringe at the use of that name. Phil thanks her and returns to his chair at the table and gives me a polite smile.

"So, what kind of things do you like?" Phil asks kindly.

"Do you like music? Or art? Or playing video games? Or all three?" Wilbur immediately asks as he smiles and leans forward a bit.

Tommy smiles at how enthusiastic Wilbur sounds because no one ever sounds this interested when it comes to him. Not even the news reporters. "I like all three but i do have my own YouTube and twitter account where i draw hero's and villains along with a few vigilantes every now and then."

"Really? I think I've seen a couple posts." He mumbles as he pulls out his phone. "They pop on my twitter feed all the time. Wait- here, is this you?" He turns his phone around to show me my profile pic which is my favorite drawing of the hero Zephyrus with the username "Innit.To.Win.In" in white bonded letters next to it.

"Yup that's me." Tommy nods while reaching forward to tap the follow button which earns a snort from Wilbur who pulls his phone away.

"Do you like Greek mythology?" A deep monotone voice asks and Tommy looks over to the person who asked the question and wow, never expected that voice from a nerd.

But Tommy gives the question some deep thought before answering. "Yeah, but i only know about the big three gods who were brothers, then the name Zephyrus because a villain uses the name." He pauses for a moment before continuing. "But the guy is pretty cool so I'll let it slide." Tommy shrugs and techno nods in a response.

The sound of fingers tapping lightly on the table makes me look up at phil.

He smiles politely and crosses his arms on the table. "Who's your favorite superhero?" He asks softly and oh, no one has ever asked Tommy this before. Normally its the questions 'can you ever shut up?' Or 'do you know how annoying you are?' But this question is so mundane and so simple and yet Tommy pauses. Who was his favorite hero? 404? No he tried to kill Tommy with a knife today. Monarch? Wait- no he's a vigilante. Oh wait he knows who;

"The Captain." Tommy nods ant his own answer and continues. "Her power is so fucking cool! I mean, matter manipulation can be dangerous but she learnt how to use it without hurting others and that is so fucking poggers! Plus she was the only hero who could actually do their job. She didnt go after villains or vigilantes unless they were causing trouble. Even though she's retired now, she's still one of da' best heroes to ever exist!" Tommy says really quickly with a wide grin because she really is the poggest and Tommy could go on for years about how pogchamp she is.

"Does that mean you dont like heroes now?" He asks and tilts his head to the side which is eerily reminiscent of a bird as he cocks his head to the side. 

"Well i mean," This has to be a trap. "None of the hero's now, they dont help people like they used to. Now they just patrol the neighborhoods and parts of the cities where the rich people are. Plus they literally get payed, not just by the hour but also every time they turn in someone. Like; do you know how many people have been falsely accused of simply steeling from a vending machine!? The whole hero system is ran by a bunch of rich fuckers who couldn't care less about the society as a whole, just the people and places that give the most money. Then they try to arrest vigilantes for helping which makes no sense because they are helping and getting nothing in return so why get mad at them?" Tommy explains and rambles a bit with furrowed eyebrows fully expecting one of the three to spit in his face and say he's a piece of shit just like the villains. (Yes, that has happened before.)

Phil nods and seems to be thinking about how to respond before speaking. "Ya' know, not a lot of people would agree with you there." He starts softly and Tommy can't help but swallow because here it comes. "But I do." He grins wider. "How would you like to be a Soot Abby?"

Tommy instantly winces at the use of that name but finds himself nodding at Phil's question because they are pretty decent people, from what he's seen in the past ten minutes. "That would be really pogchamp. I like you Phil you're cool for an adult." Tommy says and Phil smiles and gets up to walk out of the room.

"Okay kiddo's, help Abby get her stuff while i handle the paper work real quick." Phil says then steps out probably to walk down the hall towards the front of the building.

"Okay, what does pogchamp even mean?" Techno asks softly.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." Tommy says with an evil grin on his face to act like its something dangerous. "Also," Tommy starts as he leads them out of the room. "Are you two twins?"

"Yes we are." Techno hums.

Tommy turns towards Wilbur as they walk through the hallway. "Gon' be honest with you here, but im really glad im not being stuck with a full American family again." He turns the doorknob to his door when they get to it and push it open.

Wilbur snorts as Tommy turns on the lights. "You saying that your glad im British? What, did the last place that adopted you not have any tea?" He jokes lightly in an attempt to tease but he's right.

"Yeah, they didnt have any tea and they wouldn't let me go buy any either." That wasn't all a lie, They wouldn't let him go buy any T. Or tea. Or anything else for that matter. Tommy shrugs as he grab his backpack off the floor and walks up to the wall over his bed where the trans flag was hanging. He gets on the bed and pulls the thumbtacks out of both it and the wall. He didn't care if the two saw the flag, even if it would make them hate him. He folds the flag carefully then shoves it into his bag which was sitting on his bed.

He gets off his bed then goes over to the small dresser and he pulls out two full sets of clothes and shove them both into his bag. He makes sure to grab the red socks with pink polka dots since they were a gift from his best friend Tubbo. And they were his favorite colors. And anyone who says that a trans guy can't like pink is an absolute piece of shit.

Techno grabs my art book off of my dresser and offers it to me. I take it with a grin and i pack it in with all my other belongings. I pull the zipper from one side of the bag to the other. I grip the strap and flick my opposite wrist and i put it into one of the spots in the nine by four grid. 

"Where the fuck did it go? Was that you power?" Wilbur immediately asks and yeah, Tommy forgot that he was the only one who could see his power. Which was still hovering in front of my left hand as he grabbed his stuffed lion and also put it into his inventory.

"Y'know, it's very rude to ask a person if they have powers right? Especially what the said power is." Tommy grumbles as he sorts his inventory a bit with his left hand.

"Yeah, but like... that just looked really cool." Wilbur mumbles as he looks down at Tommy. Reminding Tommy of a past experience where his friend Tubbo had said that the power was "The coolest thing ever" after Tommy had smuggled extra snacks from the snack table at Sunday school. They both had laughed happily and ate the extra granola bars in secret as the teacher had told them about god giving this guy a bunch of fish because they were all hiding on the other side of the boat or some shit like that. Tommy couldn't be bothered to remember stupid shit like that.

"It's just my power. I call it my inventory because it's a space that only i can see and access." Tommy shruggs as he looks up at the two siblings. Techno looked unbothered by the new information but Wilbur looked like he had just been told fish could walk on land.

"What, wait- can you put people in it?"

Tommy grins at the question and reaches out toward him. "Wanna find out?" He teases and watches as Wilbur takes a quick step backwards and hides behind techno slightly.

"Nah im good. Don't feel like being killed by a child right now." He laughs with a small smile. Techno shoves him away and then makes eye contact with me. 

"You got all your stuff kid?" He asks in monotone.

Tommy fumes and glares at the two with no real threat behind it other than the promise of biting one or both of the twins. "I am not a child." He growls before pausing to think about the question.

He has all his extra items in an extra bag that's in his inventory. His binders as well as the mass amounts of T and tea that should both last about four months. He also has a small mason jar of shaving razors and pencil sharpeners. Then the extra bag that had a med kit as well as ten rolls of self adhesive bandage wrap.

"Yeah, all my other stuff normally stays in my inventory." Tommy shrugs. It also has his vigilante gear in it as well.

"Okay cool, i think dad should be done with all the paperwork by now so we should probably head back to the entrance." Wilbur suggests with a smile as he looks over to his twin whom of which was staining right at the wall where Tommy's flag was just hung up. Tommy dared him silently in his own head to say something about his flag, say even the smallest transphobic word so that Tommy would be aloud to deck him in the face.

But the man doesn't say anything and instead just turns and walks out without a word. Wilbur follows instantly and Tommy is quick to trail behind the two. He was almost released that he didn't have to punch a guy today, well, not techno. He did punch 404 earlier today when the hero was on patrol. Phil was standing at the door waiting for us with his phone in hand but when he looked up at us his frown deepened slightly. And he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Where's your stuff mate?" He asks as he pockets his phone. His other hand shifting slightly to reveal a ziplock bag with all my medications in it.

"I have all the stuff i need." Tommy shrugs and doesn't elaborate further which makes Phil tilt his head to the side but he doesn't say anything more as he shrugs tiredly and turns to walk out of the door. He walks through then holds it open for the three of us. We all walk through and follow Phil to where he parked their car.

But once Tommy realized what the brand was his jaw dropped and he glared at the car. It's a fucking Cadillac van thing. Of all the vehicles this family could've owned, it had to be a mother fucking Cadillac.

"You guys own a Cadillac." He mumbles softly as he walks behind the three family members.

"Yeah they're like, the coolest cars ever." Wilbur grins back at Tommy as he grabs the passenger side door.

"Abby is sitting in the front Wil. Not you." Phil says from the other side of the car as he closes his door. Wilbur grumbles something and instead climbs into the backseat which techno had already went through. Tommy climbs into the passenger seat and pulls the seatbelt over his chest which sends him a not so friendly reminder that he has worn his binder for way too long today. He can't help but wince slightly and lean back into the seat as he presses the metal into the buckle clamp till he hears a satisfying click, indicating that he's good to let go of it.

He knows full well that once he gets to their house he will need to take off the binder. Although he's very nervous about the fact that he might be able to stay with this family, because they all seem genuinely nice. But he's met people like that before; For all he knows, the second they get out of the public eye they might turn into bitches who were only doing this for the money. Or maybe to make a kids life a living hell. Tommy's been to plenty of homes like that before. People who have hit him and laid their eyes on him that only sent more proof of what gender he truly was...

Adults that have let their children swing their hands towards to new kid who was uncomfortable in "Her" own gender assignment. Adults who wouldn't give him his medications that he needed for his anxiety and depression and instead would keep them for their own needs since one could technically be considered a painkiller.

But the second he got a job at a small gas station he had instantly started saving up for medication. Since he didn't have the ability to ban adults from buying his prescription and he couldn't get himself he had to do something to dull everything. So he went to google. He found that aspirin and ibuprofen were some of the good ones that were normally used for headaches and muscle pains but they helped a lot when he tried them. But maybe that was because it had been half a year with this family and him not having his medication.

Although one could argue that that was not the reason that Tommy had once been addicted to painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Instead they could simply claim that he was a fourteen year old teenager. And apparently that was all that the authorities needed to know as they took him away from that family and brought Tommy back to the orphanage with them saying that they should've watched for him taking drugs. But no one ever found out that the adults of that family were taking his medication and not letting him have it. Tommy never said anything about it either for fear that they'd lay hands on him again.

Tommy rolled his shoulders subconsciously and eyes the clear bag of medication that was sitting in the cup holder before turning his head to look out the window. The car pulls to a stop as it settles itself next to a curb. Tommy blinks and clicks the seatbelt then he pushes the door open.

His shoes hit the cool pavement of a sidewalk as he looks up at the five story building that sat in front of him. Cold air blew lightly against his body as he closed the door that colored his cheeks a light pink.

"Holy shit" Tommy whispers to himself as he stares at the structure. A light tap on Tommy's shoulder brings him back to reality as he turns to look at Wilbur who smiles and leads the way to where Phil and techno were already at the door with a key in hand and how long did he space out for? Oh god that's so embracing. 

"Phil turn it to the left." Techno huffs out as he watches his father struggle with the doorknob.

"I already did." Phil scoffs.

"Move old man." Techno grumbles as he lightly pushes Phil out of his way and he turns the key. The door pops open without any resistance. "Told ya'." He says as he takes the key out and walks through the door.

"Told ya'" Phil mocks as he follows his son through the door.

Tommy and Wilbur follow the two in and Tommy takes a quick glance around and freeze up at how beautifully modern it all looks.

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