CROSS ROADS (Kinnporsche X Ho...

By Bluephoenix52

4.1K 190 66

Kinn is the oldest son of the Theerapanyakun family and the CEO of Theerapanyakun empire. He is a ruthless bu... More

game of Surviving


287 15 3
By Bluephoenix52

    The University semester commences next week Monday I'm telling you in advance I'll probably be too busy  to focus on any of my stories so I request be patient and unless said otherwise by me do not request updates please

Biu bit her lip looking outside the window as Jean drove them in his car. She looked at the night sky worrying about what her siblings were thinking , she knew Maki would be the most furious , Chay would be disappointed and Porsche her favorite brother would be the most upset with her for this decision. But this was necessary true love didn't come everyday and she had to

     Biu turned to face her prince charming / soulmate   "Jean? Where are we going?"

                  Jean faced  the girl who was dressed as a bride , Kinn's ex bride the mere thought he had accomplished stealing her from his darn half brother made him proud. Ironic that the bride had feelings for him why he didn't exactly understand but Biu's infatuation with him worked in his favor.

     He smiled a bit , "somewhere no one can think to find us."

         "I'm happy to be with you Jean."

      Jean didn't understand why he felt oddly warm when she smiled at him like that and held his other hand.

    Meanwhile the newly weds were still going on with their raging war.

   "Fuck you." Porsche spat at Kinn.

    Kinn growled before a vicious smirk appeared on his face , "don't worry. I'm the one doing  the fucking."

       Porsche was so not going to have sex with a guy especially when said guy was Kinn! Quickly remembering what Big had told him , Porsche head butted Kinn right on the head.

       "Fuck!" Kinn hissed clutching his temple , "what the hell Porsche!"

   Taking advantage that his wrists had now been released , Porsche got on top of Kinn instead  pinning him down to the bed

          A cheeky smile planted itself on Porsche's face , "I told you , don't you dare think i'm not going to let you bully me in this marriage. Don't you think you dominate me Kinn"

    Kinn was angry and baffled of course he had no intention of trying to sleep with Porsche. But never before had any man pinned him like this - fucking Porsche was on top of him trying to be dominant . Not even the men he slept around dared to dominate him.

          "Get off me Porsche." He growled

    Porsche's smirk only grew , "or what?"

    Kinn tried to take control again but instead Porsche proceeded to use his weight against him resulting in the former falling off the bed .

           "Ahh." He groaned, he glared at his husband wasn't Porsche just a rookie bodyguard in training yet how did he over power him.

    "Don't forget I'm not just a body guard." All those years of fighting in the fight club Porsche took on alot of big guys so Kinn was nothing in comparison.

    Kinn was about to yell at Porsche but decided to yell at the person who knocked on his door ,"who is it!"

    "Oi!" Kim walked in and then noticed the two shirtless , the youngest Theerapanyakun observed the messy bed and why was his brother on the floor.

    "Kim!" Kinn snapped , "is there a reason you are here."

      Kim  looked at them with a cheeky smirk ,"dad sent me to see how Porsche is doing. I know it's your wedding night hehe but can you keep it down , there is no need to be so wild. " Kim decided he wasn't done teasing the newly weds , "Kinn don't be so rough with   brother-in-law that he find him limping tomorrow."


       Kim ignored his brother's shout and walked out with a smirk. Porsche scoffed  what was it with them thinking he was the bottom. Kinn on the other hand was fuming.

       "Will you get out of my room."

     "No and if you try to kick me out I'm going to tell Khun Korn."  Porsche smugly said ok it wasn't right to invoke his now father-in-law but he knew he could count on him.

            Kinn snarled , "you little bastard . Get off my bed."

       Porsche spread his arms and legs over the bed , "no. If you want to sleep on it , either share or I take it all."

        "I rather sleep on the couch."  Kinn went to his wardrobe and took out the spare blankets - he was supposed to share his bed with Biu not her older brother . As he decided to sleep on the couch Kinn saw the tattoo imprinted on Porsche's back but he didn't exactly see what it was of.

       At the Kittisawasd residence , the atmosphere felt different for the two siblings who were still residing home.

       "Hold on pi sau Maki," Porchay couldn't believe what exactly his big sister was explaining to him. "Biu really did that?"

            The two were in the brothers, scratch that currently now in Porchay's room. Maki had explained everything to the youngest that had occured

         "I don't know what the hell I'm going to do to her if I see her again."

     Porchay knew Maki was serious and felt bad for Biu because their big sister had caused a huge mess that Maki was probably not  going to show mercy like she said if she saw her again.

    He grabbed his guitar as a way to distract her , "Maki. I need your help with a song."

          Maki felt her anger sublime , unlike Porsche and Biu , music always bonded her and Porchay. "What song."

       "Phi Kim asked me to write a love song.."


       "Hrs my mentor ."  And now brother-in-law for some reason that made him feel fuzzy , " Anyway , it's been four weeks and I haven't come up with anything." Porchay was afraid of disappointing Kim

       Maki thought of the youngest Theerapanyakun son , she wasn't oblivious to his flirty nature towards Porchay during the engagement and other events.  Seemed flirts ran in the blood of the Theerapanyakun men , she shook her head now was not the time to dwell on Tibet and his ' friendliness ' at her.

       "He's your mentor?" She found that suscipious

    Porchay smiled , "chaai. He is a surprisingly good one."

            "Why is he asking you to write a love song."

          Porsche innocently shrugged , "he's my mentor. All the mentors are giving a task to their mentees to write something and that's the task ," he struck a few strings and hummed .

    Maki smiled - he had the talent for music just like her where as her power laid in her voice Chay was blessed with a both a melodious and a fodness of the guitar.

     "That's the idea of the sound but I still don't know what lyrics to write. Coming up with a love song is hard." Porchay whined ,if there was anything he didn't like it was lack of his inspiration. He had a crush on Pheng , Biu's best friend but he hardly doubted that counter as first love

             Maki sat back , "you're having difficulty because you haven't had a first love ja?"


    "Why does a love song have to be the romantic type of love ?" She shrugged taking the guitar from him and played a few strings of her own. "It can be about friends or family."

          "You think so? I want to write a romantic one though "

      "I'm just giving you my opinion. But if you write a romantic love song than it has to be genuine Chay. It must come ," she pointed at his chest , "from here."

         "How can it come from there  when I don't even know what it's like to have a first love." For a strange reason his brain instantly thought of Kim's teasing and the older's smile.

        Maki brought his head over to her chest patting his cheek , "I'm sure."

           The oldest and youngest Kittisawasd took in the moment of each other's company and although they didn't say it outloud - it was odd not having Porsche and Biu's presence.


   "Did you get all my luggage?" Porsche asked his best friend who had returned back from his home .

   Pete nodded  "I did , your sister had already packed everything when I got there."

            Porsche smiled , "thank you Maki." He hadn't carried anything during the departure from their house and of course he hadn't even planned on going anyway.

   "Is this some drama ?" Pete said to Porsche , "your sister  Biu was supposed to marry Khun Kinn but you ended up becoming his husband."

           Porsche let out a childish groan , "don't remind me." He looked at the ring trapped on his finger - an indicator he was bound to Kinn for who knows how long.

      Porsche made his way to the dinning room wondering what banter he and Kinn would engage in ; in less than the twebty four hours they had married they had atleast argued for forty five minutes.

      He saw Kinn buttering his toast , the tycoon eyed him dangerously . Porsche did not appreciate how Kinn clutched onto the knife he was using - the older wouldn't exactly murder him with a butter knife of all things would he???

    "Living in this house with him will be like a battlefield. I cannot drop my guard no matter what." He mumbled to himself maintaining his own  hawk like gaze at Kinn not willing to back down it be intimidated

     Korn saw his son-in-law and son were engaging in a silent stare off. Regardless of the manner in which the two had gotten married he stuck to his word ; he knew Kinn and Porsche suited each other regardless of their bickering

       "Porsche ," Korn smiled at his son-in-law disrupting the two's stating contest , "sit next to Kinn .come have breakfast ."

         Porsche and Kinn exchanged a look , neither wanted to sit close to the other. The eldest son and second child of the Kittisawasd was about to decline politely but Kinn cut him off.

        "I already wed him , I'm being forced to share my room and bathroom with him. Does he need to sit next to me ?" Kinn glared at his father

     Korn was unbothered , "Porsche is your husband now so he can sit next to you can't he?"

      It was  Porsche's turn to interrupt his husband , "I'm not hungry Khun Korn." That was a lie he just didn't want to be at the breakfast table with Kinn ,"and I came here to review some things with you."

        Tibet watched his new found brother-in-law , red's younger brother , walk over to his father with a tablet most likey regarding work  . The second son of the Theerapanyakun family studied how neither  Kinn nor Porsche made eye contact.

       "Can we discuss what happened last night?"

      "Thank you  Tibet ," Kim said ignoring Kinn's threatening glare , "Kinn and Biu were supposed to wed so how did Porsche marry in his sister's place ."

      KinnPorsche become uncomfortable when they were each reminded by the means they had tied the knot.

     Korn explained to his sons the situation Kinn and Porsche had to get married and why.  The Patriarch was happy that he had gotten to form a relation with Nampheung's children - the world was a small place indeed.

          Kim let out a whistle , "Biu really abandoned you ?"

     Kinn knew it was his brother's nature not to take things seriously but he was in no mood for his nonchalance , "what part of she absconded the wedding didn't you comprehend ."

          "Damn ," Tibet said this time running a hand in his hair , "this is why I don't do relationships. Girls break your heart ." He thought of Maki , the eldest Kittisawasd , he doubted she would do the same thing as her younger sister.

      Kim nodded , "chaai. I can't believe she had the nerve to break Kinn's heart." The youngest son couldn't believe someone like  that was  related to his angel ,"did she meet someone richer or something??"

         "Can we reframe from having this topic ?" Porsche stared at the Theerapanyakuns , his brother-in-laws , " Biu is my sister " no matter what she was his princess and he couldn't tolerate snide remarks at her.

      Kinn hissed , "not discussing it won't change the truth that your sister played with my heart and broke my trust along with it. That too by running off with some man."

                 "And pointing it out won't change the situation either ." Porsche didn't say anything because as much as he hated his husband , he understood the man's anger at what Biu had done to him.

      "Don't fight you two ," Korn said , "this is Porsche's first morning here with us." He looked at his son-in-law , "Porsche we can discuss work later. Sit down next to Kinn and have your breakfast."

          Porsche didn't want to sit and neither did Kinn but based on Korn's glare the two had no choice but to sit next to one another.  Tibet and Kim exchanged mischevious grins.

    "Tonight will be the reception ," Korn said immediately breakfast was served

     "What reception?" Tibet asked

    "Kinn and Porsche's reception. After what happened , people will start talking if they haven't already , the reception will be held to introduce Porsche to all of our associates as Kinn's husband."

         Kinn did a double take , "is it neccessary father?" He didn't want to formally  introduce Porsche to their associates it was bad enough those at his wedding saw him.

           It wasn't being married to a man was a problem he had male lovers before in the past and even if he hadn't met Biu , Porsche wasn't the type Kinn usually looked for in a man.

           "I agree. I don't think it's neccessary ," Porsche added , he remembered all the times his parents introduced him and his siblings to their friends whenever they were invited to a party or they threw it. Mingling with elites and upper class was one thing he didn't miss from his former life.

       Korn saw right through them - knowing his son and  son-in-law were trying to find excuses of getting out the reception.   

         The head of the Theerapanyakun family  smirked in a way none of them understood , "it is necessary. I had planned this reception...for Biu , but now it'll be for Porsche instead."

     The newly weds glared at the other even though Korn was the one who planned this the two were blaming the other for it

     Biu woke up in the luxurious hotel she was in. The first face she woke to up was her prince charming , "he's do cute." He looked angry in his sleep but yet it was adorable. She was sharing a bed with her soulmate

          Jean slowly opened his eyes feeling a hand on his face , "what are you doing."

        "Admiring you." Biu smiled at him.  "I want to wake up to you like this everyday."

           Jean found the smile she sent at him beautiful. No wonder Kinn had a thing for her. But her words made him feel something uneasy not in a bad way , just in a way he wasn't used to. And as she kissed his nose he felt his heart rate spiking .

      He cleared his throat , "I need to shower then get us breakfast."

               "Don't go yet " Biu grabbed his wrist , "let's stay like this for a moment."

                Jean wasn't the type to blush or feel sentimental but seeing Biu smile at him like that as of he was the most important person made him feel warm


       "Porsche won't be able to find me."  Maki whispered to herself  with a cheeky smile. Her brother was always  good at finding her and Biu. The two were playing hide and seek him being the seeker

      Maki was hiding under the dinning table . The only people at home were her , Porsche and their mother. Their father had taken Biu out for the day as a special treat for his princess.

      Maki then heard voices arguing one she could distinctly hear as her mother's but the other she had never heard of before. She moved closer under the table to investigate.

"No. I don't want to talk to you. Get out of my house before my husband comes back  " Her eight months pregnant mother yelled at the other voice.  Maki was surprised to hear the level of anger in her mother's voice.  

        Her mother would be angry particularly when she was pregnant with her younger siblings her moods were unpredictable.  but this was a tone that shocked the young girl - who was her mother mad at?

    Eight year old Maki saw a man who was facing her mother. She couldn't see his face but he wore a fancy gold ring.

"Nampheung," she heard the man talking to her mother. The stranger tried to move closer , "please. Just let me -."

      "I said no!" Her mother yelled , "get out of my home!."

         Maki flinched under hiding spot. She heard the man sighing before he left. She saw her mother fuming rubbing her hand over her round belly .

      "Why can't he just leave me alone." Her mother muttered in a tone that sounded very upset and hurt .

Maki awoke with a gasp  , she turned to her left and found Porchay still asleep undisturbed  , she was glad he didn't wake up.  What was that ? A dream or memory or both?

"Who was that man?"  Maki whispered to herself  - the man who made her mother angry , "and why did his voice sound familiar?"

Clearly the man in Maki's memory is Korn. What's the connection with Korn and Nampheung???

Like I said earlier , university semester starts next week and I'm sure you can understand school is very hectic so please bare with this story

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