cursed with touch ∆ Jasper Ha...

By olismyname17

23.8K 899 62

"I don't wish to hurt you," "You could never hurt me," In which Stephanos Volturi is cursed with the abilit... More

ONE | a dreaded moment
two | a contrast in response
three | a tense beginning
four | slowly igniting the flame
five | nature brings comfort
six | I want you there with me. . . please
seven | my memories laugh at my future
eight | it would seem confusion is among us
ten| meet my family?
eleven| if i can't have happiness, I'll give it to you

nine| lost without you

1.1K 41 1
By olismyname17

Finding a suitable personal guard for Stephanos had come to be a huge challenge.

Stephanos was a complicated vampire. It was hard to find someone who could put up with his many traits. The prince tended to have many mood swings and difficulty in expressing what he felt from the environment he lived in during his human years.

There was always something new when it came to him. You never knew which Stephanos you would be dealing with. Angry, sad, scared, overwhelmed, cautious, etc. When it came to the prince you had to be able to deal with all sides of him and help him through it all.

But all the previous guards were unsuccessful in most of not all aspects of that. They never knew how to react to his mood swings. They never knew how to calm him when he had his bad days. They never understood what to do when he was overwhelmed and in need of comfort.

They were practically useless even when it came to protecting him.

And then there was Alec who had no problem understanding the prince. Had no issue reacting to his mood swings, calming him on a bad day, knowing just what to do when he was overwhelmed. Even when touch was a problem, Alec still had no difficulty.

From the moment they met it seemed to be a perfect fit.


It had been two weeks since Alec was appointed Stephanos's personal guard, and in those two weeks the prince had been very closed off.

Stephanos struggled meeting new people even after hundreds of years living with the Volturi. He was still getting used to being free and having free will. His human life was still fresh on his mind as the trauma was hard to forget and it made his vampire life hard.

During those two weeks all Alec knew I'd the prince was what his kings told him and that wasn't much. Stephanos only knew Alec's name.

Even though they had to be near each other at every moment, they had yet to communicate because of Stephanos's nerves and Alec refused to push the prince's boundaries.

Though one day changed their dynamic forever

[Centuries Ago]

Stephanos was sitting in his maze garden, a maze he created himself and because of it happened to be the only person who knew each exit. He could walk through with his eyes closed. It was his special place where he could actually be alone without 'protection' from his guard or cautious eyes of his fathers.

In the garden he could find a corner or sit in the center, like now, and relax while he avoided any conflict or questions he'd rather not answer. No one ever entered the maze because no one knew their way around, so in a way it was his safe space. Just him, the sculptures he created, the flowers he planted, the fountains and water which flowed through them, his books, and on occasion small birds that lightened his day as they chirped and flew by him. Landing by him, sitting on his book and sometimes even landing on his hand, keeping him company.

Now, the sun basked against his skin, the prince enjoying warmth as it gave him a sense of relaxation. He sat upon the grass leaning on a fountain that was marked in the middle of the maze , a soft smile on his face as he read his book showcasing the fulfillment he felt in the moment when he felt another presence close to him.

Glancing up, he noticed Alec who walked from behind the bush that led to the center,"Hello," the prince murmured the greeting, his voice soft as he hid his surprise of another being able to find him in the maze

Bowing, Alec smiled gently,"Good afternoon, my prince. Sir Marcus advised me to keep you company," he told him, taking in the prince's appearance.

The sun shined upon him causing sparkles to appear on his skin, and to Alec he was absolutely beautiful. His red eyes were soft and had this innocence in them that made it seem as though they belonged to a small child. Everything about Stephanos was beautiful and entrancing, it was a blessing he was chosen to be his guard.

"If that is not something you're comfortable with you do not have to stay here with me," Stephanos replied, his still soft as he looked back down to his book

He was so used to his guards being reluctant to stay with him that he chose to give each a choice after so many. His father's would force them to talk to him or try to create a friendship with him but it was obvious none of them wanted that. Most were scared of him after the rumor of his gift spreaded throughout the kingdom, others disregarded his struggles and were annoyed by his cluelessness or naiveness. He found it was easier to just let the guards do what they chose and keep his distance.

"I don't mind, I actually would like to know you better," Alec responded, surprising the blonde,"I find it strenuous to hold such an important role in your life yet have no knowledge of who you are. If you are comfortable with it, I'd love to engage in a friendship with you," he told him, the prince pausing in shock as his eyes widened slightly

"Friend?" Stephanos questioned, his voice small as he kept his gaze down not believing what he heard

"You sound surprised," Alec commented, he honestly didn't understand why his prince seemed so shocked that he wanted to actually gain a friendship with him

"I've never had a friend before," Stephanos muttered, glancing up quickly at the blacknette and then avoiding eye contact

"Ever?" Alec asked, surprised at this new information as the prince shook his head in response

"That's a bad thing isn't it?" Stephanos questioned, a small chuckle leaving his lips though his eyes were sad

"Can I sit?" Alec asked, gesturing to the space beside the blonde and sitting down after he got a nod,"It's not a bad thing, if anything I do believe this is a good thing," he said sincerely

"How so?" Stephanos questioned, looking at the vampire curiously

"I now have the honor of being your first friend," Alec responded, smiling softly at the prince who looked up at him with pure admiration

"What do friends do?" Stephanos whispered, almost as if he was ashamed that he had to ask and in reality he was. He felt stupid as that was how he was treated in the past when guards tried to form a connection. Having never experienced friendship, let alone any type of moral relationship with anyone besides the kings, he didn't know too much of anything about them or how to start one.

"Talk, get to know each other and keep them company. They find hobbies of similar interest and do them together," Alec stated, giving the prince a gentle look,"The give each other advice and are always there for each other. I like to think friends are quite essential to life because no one deserves to be lonely," he told him

"Does my friend like to read?" Stephanos questioned, earning a nod from Alec

"I do," Alec said, watching as the prince put his current book down and grabbed another

"Would my friend like to read with me?" Stephanos questioned, a small smile rested on his lips as he waited for a response

"I would love to, my friend," Alec replied, and that moment marked a beautiful friendship between the both of them


[Present Day; A week later]

"Hello, dear brother," Jane greeted as she walked into his room, her brother sitting on his bed look quite miserable

"Sister," Alec replied, glancing at her when she sat next to him,"What do you want?"

"Have you talked to him?" Jane asked, she was aware of what the two had discussed as Alec told her everything. She couldn't help but think her brother was not thinking logically.

Alec and Stephanos were not mates and to Jane that meant that no level of attraction or love really mattered. She had to guess that it meant something entirely different, the connection they had. She believed that maybe their bond was not a mating bond but perhaps something more platonic.

"He hasn't left his room and I only leave mine if ordered," Alec said, giving his sister an indirect answer

"And you look awful, you need to talk to him," Jane told him, she didn't want her brother in such a state when the cure was simple,"You both are being affected by this 'figh-"

"It is not a fight, Jane," Alec cut her off, nothing but sadness in his tone as he thought of the last time he and Stephanos talked,"I have simply requested he tell me what he truly wants. And before you say, I'm fully aware we are not mates but that does not take away the fact that before Jasper came into the picture we had something," he stated surely, giving his sister a heart felt but also desperate expression,"W-we had something, Jane. It was unspoken but it was there, it was there," he whispered, venom consuming his irises as Jane embraced him

"You're in love with him aren't you?" Jane asked softly, feeling her twin nod on his chest and her dead heart tightened,"Alec..." she trailed off

"Can you blame me?" Alec retaliated, looking up at her with pure sadness on his face,"And now I've messed up the friendship that we had. I'm sure he thinks I am mad at him and I've been avoiding him, which is half true but I could never be angry at him. Especially for something he can't control. After eons of living he is still absurdly naive and oblivious to the messages he sends, and I've fallen victim to it," he vented

"Alec," Jane spoke clearly, offering her brother a gentle smile,"Jasper and Stephanos are mates," she said, causing her brother to look away from her,"But that doesn't mean that you and Stephanos do not hold a special connection. What I'm trying to say is that you should not see this as what he wants but what's written in stone,"

"You've lost me, dear sister," Alec said, giving his sister a confused glance

"You may love him and he may love you but the universe has written in different people for you two to love for eternity. There is no doubt that you and Stephanos hold an important type of soul bond but I believe that perhaps you are platonic soulmates, not mates," Jane told him softly, her brother taking in her words intently,"We can't change what the universe has written for us and no matter what you two want, eventually you both will have to accept the path that was made for you. And I do suspect being apart of his life, even as his frien-

"Closest friend," Alec interrupted, causing her to smirk

"Closest friend," Jane corrected, rolling her eyes fondly at her brother,"is better than nothing. You both are miserable without the other, you both need each other and it's been shown this week," she stated, earning a small nod from Alec

"You're right," Alec muttered, earning a cheeky grin from his twin

"As always," Jane teased, causing Alec to nudge her with a chuckle,"Now go fix this," She told him seriously


[Four Days Ago]

After his talk with his son, Marcus had requested Jasper take a walk with him but he hadn't said anything to the blonde after which made the Cullen nervous.

Jasper was always nervous when the Kings were around him. They made him feel small and as if one wrong move and he'd have his head taken off his body to be burned. He was lucky enough to never encounter Caius who seemed to glare into his soul with pure hatred each time he caught his stare. Aro on the other hand checked in regularly, mainly to give him insights on the prince and tips of how to get in his good graces. But even in those moments Aro had this energy about him that scared Jasper to his core. His eyes were piercing and his smiles were wide with insanity. The king was hard to follow as it seemed he already had the conversation planned as if he could see the future and dared Jasper to steer off.

Marcus on the other hand, had a very calming aura about him. Jasper could always feel ataraxy from the king anytime he was around. This didn't stop the nervousness that he felt when he was around though. It was truly the silence that scared him. It caused him to overthink what the king may have wanted. He wasn't aware of what Marcus and Stephanos talked about, thanks to the room being soundproof, but he felt their emotions clearly. That room was filled with nothing but negativity from both men. And the worst part of it all was the fact that after, Marcus requested a walk which only ever led to a talk.

But the talk hadn't come until. . .

"How are you feeling of all this?" Marcus questioned suddenly, the two vampires entering a room Jasper had never been in before. It was dimly lit with six candles spread across the room, there were no windows, a medium sized table accompanied by four chairs.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean," Jasper muttered, watching as the King sat and gestured for him to do the same

"I understand that no one has bothered to question how you feel about this whole ordeal," Marcus clarified, causing Jasper's eyes to widen slightly as he didn't expect any of them to care,"And I do not just mean what has happened recently but everything over the course of this month,"

"I guess it has been a bit difficult for me," Jasper said, looking down at his hands as he rubbed them together,"I don't know how to get through to him, and I don't exactly want to push him. He's just.." he trailed off not really having a word for it

"Mystifying, perplexing, difficult to understand," Marcus listed, causing Jasper to chuckle with a nod,"Stephanos can be quite difficult and for that I sincerely apologize on his behalf. He does not mean to be that way. He struggles with things that most would find simple and fundamental. He didn't have the best human life and because of his experiences he is detached, oblivious of things most learn throughout their life,"

"He mentioned he didn't have the best human life," Jasper muttered,a sad feeling among him as he thought of anything bad happening to his mate

"Yes but the details are something I have to leave to him to tell," Marcus replied, confusing Jasper as he was told that Stephanos hadn't remembered what happened to him

"He told me he didn't remember," Jasper whispered, an indifferent feeling passing through him. He knew they hadn't known each other long but he didn't expect Stephanos to lie to him. He had been truthful and there was a pang in chest to know that Stephanos hadn't returned the favor.

Pausing, Marcus sighed knowing his son didn't like to talk about his past life,"Don't take it to heart, young one. I'm sure he'll come to tell you when you grow closer," he told him gently

"I don't see that happening," Jasper stated, shaking his head,"Everytime I think that we're getting closer he surprises me with another wall I must break down or he bulbs them back up. I try to communicate with him but he shuts me out and I don't know how to get through to him. I don't want to be for-"

"Perhaps you should be a little more forceful," Marcus suggested, shocking Jasper, the blonde giving the King a confused look,"He will continue to push you away, no one can change that. He tends to do that with everyone including me and his fathers. Alec is the only one who exceeds that part of him. But perhaps if you are more forceful and refuse to give in into his advances he'll have no choice but to allow you in. You are as much a part of the bond as he is and you shouldn't have to abide by his wants only," he stated, his words connecting with the blonde closely

"You're right," Jasper nodding, thankful that Marcus had this talk with him,"Thank you," he thanked softly


[Present Day]

Stephanos was sitting on his window ledge, looking out into the gardens below. He hadn't left his room in a week and refused to let anyone into his room.

That was until Jasper came in through the open window and refused to leave, insisting Stephanos needed company and that it would help him feel better than being alone at a time like this. His mates presence did help him feel slightly better he had to admit. He wasn't entirely miserable with him there. He had someone to talk to and even comfort him in his time of need. He didn't feel completely lonely with Jasper.

During their week alone together, they were able to get a little bit closer. Stephanos wasn't too open but didn't shut down as often. Jasper's main priority was to try and help the prince get his mind off of whatever was bothering him. He didn't tell him and he didn't push him to. He wanted to make that friend mark once more and maybe even more, and he was aware pushing Stephanos too much was not the way. So he'd wait until his mate was ready for more.

The prince was suffering greatly from his last conversation with Alec. He never liked conflict and Alec was his closest friend, his only friend, and now he was angry at him. And the worst part was that Stephanos was necessarily sure why.

There was a knock at the door suddenly causing Stephanos to roll his eyes and keep his gaze to the outdoors below, while Jasper went to the door to see who it was.

Opening it slightly, Jasper made eye contact with Alec who visibly tensed,"I need to speak with Stephanos," he stated, the sound of his voice causing the prince to freeze from his spot,"Alone," he added, slightly glaring at the blonde before him

Looking back at his mate, Jasper could see and feel Stephanos's emotions rising rapidly,"Steph-" he started to ask

"It's okay," Stephanos questioned, already knowing what Jasper was going to ask and with that the blonde left to give the two privacy

Walking into the room, Alec closed the door behind him and turned to look at Stephanos who kept his back turned to him. He observed his body language and could tell he was anxious about what was about to unfold,"There is no reason to be nervous, my prince,"

"Why have you come here?" Stephanos questioned, keeping his back turned as his hands shook slightly

"My sister advised me to converse with you of our previous engagement," Alec replied softly, desperately wishing Stephanos would turn around and face him, his words giving the prince a sense of deja vu

"If that is not something you are comfortable with you do not have to converse with me," Stephanos whispered, trying his hardest to keep his emotions at bay causing Alec's eyes to widen as he recalled their official moment together

"I don't mind," Alec murmured, shaking his head even though Stephanos couldn't see,"I do believe it's best to talk things out and not wallow in loneliness and sadness. No one deserves to be alone, that's why we have friends," he said, causing Stephanos to scoff

"I've only ever had one friend," Stephanos stated in a small voice, more than sure that his friendship with Alec was now over because of this ordeal,"But I've lost him. He's angry at me and I'm afraid nothing will change that,"

"You haven't lost him," Alec told him sternly, causing Stephanos to turn in shock,"I'm not angry at you, Stephanos. I could never be angry at you," he whispered passionately

"I haven't lost my friend?" Stephanos questioned in a tiny voice, his eyes filling with venom as he looked at Alec

"No, of course not," Alec told him, a gentle smile one his face,"I wouldn't be able to live a life without you now that I've found you," he whispered, causing Stephanos to break into a small smile as he walked as close as he could to his friend

"I missed you, mio Alec," Stephanos cried, giving Alec a desperate look,"Please never leave me again," he whimpered, Alec nodding in immediately

"Never," Alec whispered, his eyes filling with venom as he silently wish he could hold his closest friend to him

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