By havennoelle

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📖 He walked closer to me, causing me to back into the elevator wall. ❝You do things to me, Desire,❞ he purrs... More

1: Meeting Rooms & Hallways
2: I Wanna Touch You
3: Filthy Tips & Crazy Tension
4: I Know You Feel It Too
5: Another Woman & Crazy Demands
6: I Knew It Was You
7: Ramen & Showers
8: My Sexy New Assistant
9: Working Hard & Getting Rewarded
10: All Of His Other Girls
11: Not So Soon & What Am I Doing?
12: I Want You, All Of You
13: Savor & Fuck
14: Edging At The Office
15: Getting Mad & Making Up
16: Friday Feels
17: Over The Desk & On The Couch
18: Tell Me How You Really Feel
19: Loving You & Ruining You
20: Worth The Celebration


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By havennoelle


Two years later...

"Who's momma's good boy, huh?" I tease Kai as I feed him his eggs and bananas in his highchair.

He giggled at me, babbling as he took in a spoonful of banana. I was sitting in a dining chair right across from my one-and-a-half-year-old, early in the morning.

Kai has been doing well with his sleep training now, but I guess he had a rough night last night because he wanted to get up early at 7 am. It was now almost eight, and I made us some eggs and sliced him up his favorite, banana.

Where do I even start?

Me and Jimin got pregnant from our unprotected island sex, even though he pulled out. We were both surprised yet elated when we found out...weeks later. When I missed my period, I didn't think too much of it, because Jimin had pulled out. But we went really rough that time, and we were so carefree.

Before I had taken the at-home tests, Jimin actually popped the question the weekend after his birthday. I wasn't expecting it that fast, but he had had it planned for many weeks, so I knew his intentions were right.

When I told him that I had unusually missed my period, he suggested maybe taking a test. We were nervous, but we realized we were both not only grown adults, but we knew that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

He told me the days following his birthday that he and all of the boys were going on a weekend trip to his hometown, Busan, for that weekend, and of course wanted me to join. I was already stressed with a million things running through my mind, including missing my period.

That Saturday night, he proposed to me on the beach when all of us were doing fireworks. I was beyond taken aback but teared up like crazy. Everyone was there to see it, including Mr. Park. Everyone at the firm had slowly become my friends, so it was super special.

After dinner and the proposal, which of course I said yes to, accompanied by a gorgeous honking oval diamond ring, we headed back to our beachfront hotel room, and I knew I had to tell him. When we were getting ready for bed, I quietly told him that I was over a week late for my period.

He wasn't mad, he was just a little puzzled. When we got back to Seoul the next day, he ran into the convenience store and picked up a few tests for me before we headed back to my place. I immediately took two, and they were both positive.

We were astonished, not believing it at all. We went over the possibilities of when we conceived, but when I went to the doctor, she told us the date, which we found out was the island sex on his birthday.

Nine months later, came our beautiful and healthy son, Kai. I always loved that name for a boy, and of course, Jimin loved it. Kai Park, or Park Kai. We also made his middle name in honor of my late father and discussed that if we ever had a girl, we would also make her middle name in honor of my late mother.

I also wanted to incorporate Jimin's mother, too, so maybe we'd just have to have two girls. We've discussed how we would want more kids, and in fact, I was currently pregnant with our second child.

It's seriously such a blessing, and we're so excited. We recently found out a few weeks ago, because I again, was late for my period. We never really used protection, but sometimes he would pull out.

We were married now, and our goal was to create a beautiful family...We didn't want anything to stop us from that if it was God's will. We try to incorporate the natural family-planning method, and it's worked so far this year as Kai has grown, but we've had a spurt of horniness these past few months...Well, welcome child number two.

Jimin and I had a small gender reveal and baby shower for Kai with all our friends, but for this child, we just wanted to do everything on our own, and maybe a small baby shower. We were just gonna let our OBGYN tell us the gender at our upcoming doctor's appointment.

We're hoping for a girl but would be blessed to have another big boy in the house. I moved into Jimin's penthouse after we married, considering it had plenty of room and bedrooms for a couple of kids. Eventually, we may move into a real house, but we are comfortable here for now.

We had a small wedding in Seoul a few months after the engagement, with of course all of our friends and Jimin's family. He knew I didn't need it to be big and grand, but it was still beautiful. That's when we announced that we were pregnant, and everyone was so happy for us.

Now, our baby boy was the light of our world. Everything revolved around him. I had taken my maternity leave but found out that I enjoyed being a stay-at-home mom. Jimin supported it beyond belief and encouraged me to.

I didn't need any money; Park Investment Firm was on top of the world, and Jimin was the biggest hotshot in Seoul, let alone Korea. I was so proud of him, he didn't even know. He hired a male secretary to take my spot because he knew I would be uncomfortable with a female.

I didn't even express that, but it was the little things like that, that he still made an effort for. We fell in love more and more every day, and Kai was just the cherry on top. Seeing Jimin as a father melted me every damn day.

During the weekdays, he went to work from nine to five but always came home to spend quality time with us. I made us dinner, packed Jimin's lunches, took care of Kai all day, cleaned the house, etc. I loved it, and Jimin never forgot to show his appreciation for it all.

I knew it was gonna get more busy with two kids in the house, but I knew we could do it. Kai was such a good baby. He was now walking around, babbling here and there, and showing his goofy personality.

I loved taking him to the grocery store, walking in the park, and all of that. He loved the outdoors, so on the weekends, or when Jimin took a day off, we would all go walk around the city, go shopping, out to eat, get ice cream, or something along those lines.

I was tired this morning, but Kai always came first. I had slipped out of bed this morning to leave Jimin sleeping. Kai was whining on the baby monitor, so I peed, brushed my teeth, and headed across the hall to his nursery to get him up.

After I changed his diaper, I took him into the kitchen for his bottle, which was filled with my breastmilk, and gave him that to start with. He still liked to breastfeed here and there, but I'm glad he was also slowly accepting and enjoying solids.

A few minutes ago, I heard Jimin start the shower down the hall in our bedroom, so I knew he was up and getting ready for work.

I turned around, grabbed his lunchbox, a banana, and a bottle of water out of the fridge, and sat it on the island. He was putting on quite the muscle since I've been packing him lunches. He'd been eating more and working out more, and damn could I appreciate it in the bedroom.

He always wanted sex, and lucky for him, I was usually pretty horny. Especially when he was gone all day and he was all I could think about.

And like it was on cue, Jimin came walking into the kitchen dressed in his usual business-causal attire.

"Big boy!" he coos to Kai, making him bounce up and down in his highchair when he saw his Appa.

Then Jimin turned his attention to me as he saw his lunch already set out on the island. "My beautiful wife, what would I do without you?" he hums sexily, grabbing my waist and pulling me in for a kiss.

"Babe, not in front of him," I mumble on his lips, but that just made him kiss me again.

"I'll kiss his Eomma all I want because she was mine first," he sasses under his breath, spanking my ass.

"Ahh!" I squeal, pushing on his chest.

Jimin chuckled, making me shake my head in amusement.

Nothing has changed between us.

He walked over and kissed Kai on the top of his head softly. "I love you, Kai Kai, be a good boy for Mama today, okay?" he coos before giving me a mischievous look.

I crossed my arms over my matching silk pajamas. "He always is," I retort, smiling at my baby boy. "Today we're gonna play and do some sensory activities, right?" I ask him, booping his little button nose that was identical to Jimin's.

Kai giggled, squirming like he wanted out of his highchair.

Guess he's done eating. I'll clean this all up after.

I took off his bib and unbuckled him, taking his little chunky butt out and resting him on my hip.

"I wish I didn't have to go to work, because I just wanna be home with you two," Jimin whines, brushing Kai's hair to the side.

"Maybe find more ways to work at your home office?" I suggest, raising my brows.

"I'm gonna try to see if I can do some client meetings through video call or something because I feel like I'm so overwhelmed when I'm there," he sighs, shaking his head. "It's not that I'm not grateful, but...I have a family now, and with this one," he hums, rubbing his hands on my lower stomach, smiling sweetly. "I wanna be here."

I was barely even showing, yet he was still rubbing around. I kissed his forehead, making him kiss me on the lips. Kai babbled at the movement, making us both laugh.

"This is how you love your woman, Kai...give her the whole world and more, then you'll get whatever you want from her in return," Jimin teases, pointing towards me.

I shoved him playfully. "You're insane," I giggle. "He's not even allowed to have a girlfriend until he's eighteen."

"Sixteen," Jimin argues, smirking at me.

"You better get to work before you're late," I grit, readjusting Kai on my hip.

We all walked over to the island, where Jimin grabbed his lunchbox, banana, and water. "Thank you for lunch as always, doll," he coos, kissing me again. "Love you both," he whispers, kissing Kai on the forehead.

"A-Ap-Appa," Kai babbles, making us both smile.

Then he reached his arms out to Jimin, and of course, I couldn't just let him walk out the door. Jimin took him and snuggled him into his chest softly. My heart melted, and if I wasn't already pregnant right now, I would be begging Jimin for another baby.

"You're always so warm and cozy, buddy," Jimin claims softly, rubbing the back of Kai's head as he snuggled into Jimin's chest.

"He loves his Appa," I reply, grinning at my boys.

"Not more than his Eomma."

Jimin patted his back a few more times before gently handing him back to me. Kai had fallen asleep in Jimin's arms in just that one minute.

"I guess he's gonna have his first nap a little early today," I whisper, rubbing his back softly to keep him asleep.

"I still can't believe he's walking...We gotta get this place baby-proofed this weekend," Jimin chuckles, grabbing his briefcase.

"Sure," I nod in agreement. "Okay, well, be safe, and let me know when you get there."

"As always, my angel," he hums, kissing me on the forehead one last time as he heads out of the kitchen.

I followed him with Kai to the front door, where Jimin picked up his keys out of the side table porcelain tray. "Let me bring dinner home tonight, it's Friday," he pleads. "You guys have been busy and so have I...I don't want you cooking tonight."

I ran my hands through his ash locks, loving him even more. "Ramen, japchae, or something good please," I coo, caressing my hand down his cheek.

"Anything for you, baby girl."

Then he was gone, out the door for work.

A week later...

Nervous would be an understatement. Jimin and I were pulling into the doctor's office for our check-up, and to find out the gender of the second little muffin that was growing inside of my tummy.

I was almost twelve weeks along, so I was starting to show a bit. We of course brought Kai with us, and I was getting a bit emotional. My parents and Jimin's mother would've loved these little babies; it sucks that they never got to meet them here on earth.

Jimin parked the car and we both got out. Kai sat behind Jimin, so he went to unbuckle and carry him in as I got my purse and the diaper bag. Jimin locked the car and we headed in. We were only about five minutes early, so the receptionist sent us back to a room to meet with our doctor, Mrs. Yang.

Jimin was bouncing Kai on his knee, making him giggle up a storm. I smiled at them, thinking about how blessed I was.

Mrs. Yang came in, greeting us as usual. She was the sweetest, and of course was excited to see Kai too, considering he was growing now.

"Today's the day, huh?" Mrs. Yang teases, knowing that we are also coming in to find out the gender.

"Mhm," I smile, nodding to her and looking over at Jimin.

He winked at me, scooting his chair closer as he held onto my hand with his free one, holding onto Kai with the other.

Mrs. Yang was setting up all of her equipment as I laid back on the patient table. "Mr. Kai boy has gotten so big since I saw him a couple of months ago," Mrs. Yang coos, turning off the lights and coming back over.

I giggled, nodding. "We swear he changes all of the time. He accomplishes something new every day."

Jimin tickled Kai, making him fall into Jimin's chest. "He's a handful, but Y/N makes it look easy, I swear," he remarks, laughing with Kai.

"You guys are amazing parents and I know you're excited for this next one, too," Mrs. Yang retorts, lifting my shirt and rubbing the jelly on my lower tummy. "Are we ready to find out if you're having a boy or a girl?" she asks as she turns on everything.

"Yes, we're beyond ready," I whisper, squeezing Jimin's hand tighter.

"We've been talking about it all week," he replies to her, but was staring into my eyes; the most dreamy and magical look in them.

Mrs. Yang slid the scanner over my belly, trying to find the baby. Seconds later, we heard a heartbeat loud and clear on the monitor...and me and Jimin lost it.

I gasped, putting a hand over my mouth as tears started streaming down my cheeks. I looked over to see Jimin with glassy eyes as he nodded; it fully hitting him that our second baby was talking to us.

He held Kai tight to him as Mrs. Yang rolled the scanner around. We were on the edge of our seats as she was rambling on about how the heartbeat and vitals and everything looked good.

"Ouu," she stops, making us look at the monitor. "It looks like a...girl!" she exclaims, smirking at us.

Both of our breaths hitched as we looked at each other, thinking we were in a dream. "A-A girl?" I stuttered, swallowing hard, but the tears just kept flowing.

"A girl," Mrs. Yang repeated, but me and Jimin just couldn't believe it.

"Wow," he whispers, shaking his head. "We dreamt of this...We prayed for this," he swallows, then kisses Kai on the top of his head.

He was too busy playing with Jimin's shirt, but we were elated. We were gonna have a baby girl!

"Congratulations, you two," Mrs. Yang coos, cleaning me up and putting all of the equipment away.

"Thank you." I pulled my shirt down and carefully sat up. "Kai Kai, you're gonna have a baby sister!" I cry, rubbing his little back.

He looked over at me, chewing on his lips. "M-Mama," he babbles, reaching out for me.

I wiped my tears, looking at my now eldest child, but he wasn't even two yet. 

I stood up and grabbed him from Jimin, bringing him close to me. "You're gonna have a baby sister, big boy," I murmur, then Jimin comes closer to wipe my cheeks.

We stared at each other and he gave me a quick yet loving peck. "We did it," he whispers. "And he's gonna be the best big brother ever," he chuckles, patting Kai's back.

"Here's your sonogram pictures, you guys," Mrs. Yang interrupts, handing Jimin the pictures. "You know where to find me if you have any questions. I can't wait to see how much bigger baby girl has gotten in there in the next few months," she adds, gathering her clipboard and heading towards the door.

"Thank you, Mrs. Yang," I coo. "See ya next time!"

She nodded and smiled at the two of us and headed out to give us some privacy.

Jimin hugged me so tight...really like a family group hug. We just stood there as he reached down and touched my lower stomach. I held onto Kai with one hand and hugged Jimin with the other, joining all of our souls together...all four of us. So much love filled the room, and I was thanking God for everything.

"Baby girl is craving Starbucks," I mumble into Jimin's shoulder, making him back away and smirk at me.

"Anything for my girls," he coos, reaching down to grab my purse and the diaper bag.

I was smiling ear-to-ear as we left the doctor's office and headed out for a midday snack and drink from Starbucks; me and Jimin's favorite. Now that I knew I had a baby girl in my tummy, I was gonna milk that for the rest of my pregnancy.

I was of course nervous, just like I was when I was pregnant with Kai, but I knew I could do this...we could do this.

Jimin buckled Kai in his car seat and gave him his little stuffed bear. He came around to get my door but I was already in the car. He playfully rolled his eyes and got in. Starting the car, he handed me the sonogram out of his pants pocket and backed out of the parking garage.

I smiled at the sight of my little baby girl. She was still so small, but I knew she was growing every day.

Jimin pulled out onto the busy roads and headed towards the nearest Starbucks drive-thru.

A bit later...

As we made it through our penthouse door, Kai was still asleep in Jimin's arms from his nap in the car. And I felt it; the sexual tension between Jimin and me the whole way home.

We haven't had sex in days and I think the appointment, and him knowing that he put another child in me, made him beyond horny. We even fucked for days after we took the tests because it was an ego thing for him.

"To the bedroom," Jimin growls as we take our shoes off.

"Yes, sir," I whisper seductively, biting my lip so he could see it.

He twitched his jaw and we both headed upstairs. I left my purse and the diaper bag on the couch in the living room as we passed it. Jimin took Kai to his nursery so he could keep sleeping and I hurried to our room.

I sat down on the bed and seconds later, Jimin came storming in, locking the door behind him. I leaned back on my hands, seeing the hunger in his eyes.

"It's been like a week," he huffs, unzipping his jeans.

"Yeah," I breathe, pulling my sweatshirt over my head.

I wore a comfortable matching sweat-set to the doctors today, so my undergarments weren't anything too fancy. Jimin threw his shirt over his head and walked towards the bed, his chest heaving up and down. I stood up and slipped out of my sweatpants quickly, my breathing shaky.

"Lay your stomach on the bed and stand on the floor," he demands, ripping his underwear down.

I licked my lips at his bulging cock, turning around immediately and doing what I was told.

He massaged my ass with both hands, breathing heavily down my back. "Such a good girl," he whispers devilishly, nibbling on my shoulder.

"Jimin," I beg, laying my cheek on the mattress.

"You wanna fuck me, Desire?" he teases, making me bite my lip.

"Will I get a good tip?" I role-play back.

"You'll get me for the rest of your life."


Then he pulled my panties to the side and pushed into me, expanding my depths and shoving me into the mattress. I submissively arched, accepting him fully as I moaned wildly. He spanked my ass and started thrusting in and out slowly, creating friction between our two bare bodies.

"F-Faster," I beg, gripping the sheets in front of me.

"Begging little slut," he grits, spanking me again.

I rolled my eyes back and screamed as he rammed into me hard, rough, and possessively. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him over and over until we were moaning and slurrying incoherent words.

He kept up his pace while love, lust, and sweat filled our bedroom. "Fucking you as my wife is way better than fucking you as my girlfriend," he grunts, his strokes getting sloppy.

My high bun was a mess and my legs felt like they were gonna collapse at any moment.

"Fill your wife up with your cum," I tease, my face flushed and my body numb.

He thrust hard and pulled out slow, teasing me over and over again, knowing we were both close. A few more strokes later, I was shaking, trembling around him. He stopped, letting his body ripple and fill my walls with his essence.

He held me as we orgasmed together, filling the air with heavy breaths and sweet nothings. He pulled out and collapsed next to me, panting for oxygen. 

"I love you," I whisper, staring into his sparkling eyes.

"I love you...my sweet sweet Desire."



A/N: ANDDD WE'RE DONE! OMG! What did you think, babes? What a journey of a story, but I hope you enjoyed it! How cute what this second Epilogue? I hope you loved it, and the whole story. Thank you so much for reading, adding, voting, commenting, sharing, and following. You guys are the best, and I'm so thankful for every one of you. Feel free to re-read if you want, borahae! 💜

© All Rights Reserved


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