white crimson ninja beyond vo...

By HunterHall478

2.5K 2 0

17 yrs old megan Ketchum, the daughter of former white crimson ninja, may Ketchum joined her aunt section 27... More

megan Ketchum bio (debut)
seven titan pokemon
ash's team dark aura
ash's pokemon team
talk between current and former
league of section alliances space station
sections battle armor
unexpected surprise visit
zofia bio (debut)
vs tera zangoose
fifteen dna digivolve forms for heroes part 1
the letter (Sasha braus)
section 33 vehicles
fifteen dna digivolve forms for heroes part 2
anne unexpected surprise
anne bio (debut)
section 41 vehicles
gabi romantic plans
fluttershy breeze bio (debut)
debut of Co-captain juniper montage
juniper's shadowbolt strike alpha
assistances interns
juniper montage bio (debut)
section 27 vehicles
new pokemon professors
section 46 vehicles
section 32 vehicles
boss nass offered
zofia's wonderful news
1st Titan pokemon team
boss nass first wild tera pokemon
Heidi weinerman bio (debut)
Heidi first love sight
nifa love first sight
nifa bio (debut)
Megan Ketchum costume
the captain depends [edited]
the francois twins bio (debut)
vs tera hyeniark
Sasha Ackerman jr bio (debut)
Heidi Wienerman ten norrisville leg style moves
lina sharp bio (debut)
team dark aura vehicles
mistress fluttershy bio (debut)
debut of ghost dragon ninja
anne first wild tera pokemon battle
anne surprise award
gabi proposed
interrogation #1: rita loud
rita news
Jedi temple locations
the decision
the dash's daughter
boruto uzumaki bio (debut)

falco grice the dino handler

45 0 0
By HunterHall478

Pokemon universe three: paldean winds

In middle of area one in West province, paldea region during 10:30 am

Inside the pen a piglet was running for its life, squealing as it ran. The rapid footfalls, and hungry growls of a Velociraptor aren't far behind, quickly join by three more. As the Raptors break from the dense foliage of their pen into the open a familiar voice, "hold!" The voice stopped the Raptors in their tracks, the lead one tapping the ground with it driver claws in aggravation while the pig escape into a small compartment that slides shut behind it with double lock. High above on a boardwalk a twenty five years old falco grice to hold a small plastic device in his left hand and raised it right over his head. He click the device rapidly.

Falco: "okay, all eyes on me...blue...blue."

He eyes the Raptor at the front of the group, distinctive for the blue streaks down her face, and flanks.

The four Raptors hissed and snarled up at Falco, but surprisingly came to stop, "hey! Don't give me any of that crap! He snapped at them, "blue, eyes on me! Charlie, square it up! That's it Delta."

When he's sure he has their undivided attention he clicks the clicker rapidly, "good....Aaaaaaannnnnd we're moving!" He starts walking to the intersection of the catwalk, and the Raptors keep a eyes trained on him. They take a few steps at each other when they get too close, but otherwise keep their focus on Falco grice.

He stops in front of a bucket connected to the railing, and eyes the information of a perfect square the raptors makes as they stare intently at him, "gooood." He calls, and blue curls her lip a little at him in as he clicks the clicker rapidly.

He pulls out segments of flesh one at a time, tossing them to raptors like treat, "very good Delta, echo, Charlie... And blue?" The beta female raptor's eyes bulge a bit as he pulls out a large whole white rat, "this one's for you." He toss it to her and happily snaps it up right out of the air."

Falco: "okay."

Clicking the device to get their attention again, "eyes up!" He raised his hand with a palm up, and on cue the Raptors all stand a little taller, "aaaaaaannnnnd... Go!" He dropped his hand, and the Raptors take off as a group, free from their training exercises. Off to the side on the catwalk several workers begins applauding on how Falco handled the raptors and Twenty two years old udo walk up to him begins patted on the back  and said, "Falco, you finally did it man."

Falco: "thanks dude."

"Well done Falco."

They saw thirty one yrs old dictator  nemona of naranja academy, duke l'Orange and carmon Watanabe approach them with a smile on her face and he said to her in kindness, "thanks nemona."

Nemona: "your family will be proud."

Falco: "yup."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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