Gifts Of A Pokemon (Leon X Re...

By Comet_star101

1.7K 64 15

Y/n left her home with Riolu long ago, to relieve her poor family of having to feed too many people. While in... More

Brief introduction.
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13

chapter 3

162 5 0
By Comet_star101

Within the first few days I'm hearing good things about this book so I'm just going to prepare you for what will either be really slow or really quick updates.

Please prepare for the longest chapter so far!


"We've packed a few extra berries for you if you ever get peckish, dear." The Blissey and Chansey who would always take extra precautions for the girl's needs handed over a small backpack. "Ribombee was also sweet enough to make your favourite pollen puffs."

"Thank you." Y/n looked gratefully at all of her friends. Tears were falling, and they weren't just hers. She chuckled at the sight. The teen kneeled down and hugged all the little Pokemon one last time.

Caterpie, Sobble, Scorbunny, Wooper, Eevee, Pikachu and so many more. Then she bid adieu to the older Pokemon.

Syther, Altaria, Pidgeot, Ampharos. She'd miss this place, and it's inhabitants. She waited for Lucario to return from training, and when he did, he offered to carry her bags.

He saw her upset state and whispered, "we will return. Whether it's by choice or not."

She took one last look at the green land. The tall trees. The clapping leaves. And felt the last of the gentle breeze.

They turned, and, in front of them, was a village. Or town. We hadn't quite judged how big it was. Let's assume, by how modern it is, that it's a small town. Taking a deep breath. She stepped onto the cold pavement.

I can see why humans wear shoes!

She eventually got used to the sensation, her partner beside her for every step, and they kept moving. She was greeted good morning every now and then and began to think there was nothing she had to worry about.

She passed many polite humans, and a few young, excited children. She saw a group of three gathered around a device with Rotom-like eyes and leaned over to see the moving image of a man in a cape. Even Lucario was curious.

The bright colours of a Charizard stood to his left. He flicked back long, purple hair and smiled proudly. He'd just won a battle it seemed. He held up his hand in a pose that matched the action his Charizard was doing.

The point of view switched to the audience, who did the same. Then one of those watching cried, "Leon is the best!"

She turned to her friend and asked, "My parents didn't have one of them, did they?"

"I've never seen one before. Strange how it can capture live images. I don't like the sense of it though." The girl chuckled and moved on.

The success of their trip was short lived as a distressed Murkrow began shrieking. "Team Rocket have my friends! Those cursed people. Oh I hate it here! Can't ANYONE UNDERSTAND THAT I NEED HELP?!"

Yes, was it not obvious he was upset? Why can't anyone think to investigate?! But soon, even the screams of humans could be heard from elsewhere. Y/n saw there to be no choice but to help him.

She sped over to the bird Pokemon and crouched down to his height. "Take me to them."

"Huh? You talkin to--"

"Yes take me to your friends!"

"Gladly kind madame! This way please." He fle higher than expected, and so she leapt with great strength onto one of the building's roofs. "May I say, you're quite unusual."

"Noted. Lucario! Follow us from the ground. We need an ambush from every direction."

If she were a Pokemon, she'd be using volt tackle to match the dark type's speed. She leapt from building to building with the help of the flying-type.

She soon ran out of roof and looked down into a town square. In the centre, Pokemon were being held by nets. Including many Murkrow. By the looks of things, some Pokemon belonged to the bystanders.

How could some people be so cruel?! The ones doing this were dressed weirdly in white with a big R on their uniform. "Who are they?"

"Team Rocket!" The bird responded. "They have them! Those lazy, rude--"

"Quiet! I get that you're freaked out, but you might've been able to deal with this without my help. Now hush, I'm thinking." She took a close look at the situation. Then took a deep breath. "Those nets don't look that strong. You know Arial ace?"

"Nope. Sorry to disappoint... Uh... What's your name?"

"Y/n." She tried to stay on topic and recall a Murkrows moveset. "How about wing attack?"

"Now that is something I can do!"

"Good. Use it on the nets, but try not to hurt the Pokemon!" She turned to her friend below the roof where she stood. "You deal with the humans causing this. I'll make sure Murkrow doesn't get distracted. We've got to free them all, not just his friends."

She inhaled deeply and ran towards the edge. She kept going and began to fall. But at her command, translucent feathered wings appeared and caught her fall. With them, she followed the bird Pokemon.

She was right to follow the bird, as it had indeed only saved the net of Murkrow. She lifted her arm, which glew as a metal like material shaped into a 'metal claw'. As she sliced the net, the colourful creatures chittered their thanks.

Looking over at Lucario, who had held the group of three in a shadow claw for the majority of the movement, y/n paid attention to the crooks. One had long, pink hair, the other's was scruffy and purple. Then there was a meowth?! This needed an explanation.

Their screams were pathetic. The girl kept the metal blade on her hand to threaten them, and psychically levitated towards them. "Why would you do that?"

"What on earth?!" The lady screeched horribly as she saw a girl hovering in a cloud of blue, psychic mist before her.

"Why would you want to do that to them?! How could you be so cruel? And why the heck is a meowth on your side?"

"You're floating!" The purple one said.

"We don't know anything we swear!" The pink one followed.

"We do it for money." We all awkwardly looked at the meowth that ended the conversation.

The psychic drifted towards the scratch cat Pokemon. "Your kind suffer because of these two and you follow them for affection?"

"Perhaps?" She spent time trying to understand how their bond worked, but couldn't ever get her head around it.

"I don't quite --" ugh! Focus! "You cannot harm these friends of mine. I won't allow it. Don't let me see you again."

With a nod as a signal, Lucario swung them in a circular pattern within the shadow claw, and released them in the direction of the sky. They called something out that neither of them could make sense of.

"So what was their deal?" After their high pitched voices, she was glad to hear the soft tone of her partner.

"They must be working for someone. And they're using Pokemon to achieve something."

"What could that be?"

"Maybe one of the many ideas of becoming the strongest person in the world." She chuckled. "Or to rule the world. Good luck with that. Hey?"

"Uh... Y/n?" She followed his gaze and saw all the terrified looks of the passerby.

They looked so scared. Children were kept hidden and the released Pokemon had the right to be confused in many ways. But she hadn't done anything wrong, why was she being watched like a villain?

"She's dangerous!" Why would they think that? I've just saved their Pokemon!

"She was talking to that Pokemon!" Doesn't everyone?

"What did she tell that Lucario to do to those people?" One person stepped out of the crowd. She never took notice to how he looked as she panicked. "We can't let her do that again!"

"No, no!" She finally spoke for herself. "They were the ones hurting your Pokemon! I tried to help!"

That man continued to try and convince the others. "She is a danger to everyone in this town. What if she becomes trouble to our region? Get her!"

Soon a mob of people were after her. Everything was suddenly so wrong! She heard Lucario growl beside her, and the two were backing away.

Can't I do anything?

No, that'll seem threatening now.

But where can we go?

Lucario began to pull her in one direction as he pushed some of the watchers out of the way.

Trust him.

"Don't let them leave!" Who was that guy?!


After so long running, they were cornered in a dark alley. Many new people had joined the chase , only increasing the pressure. Her heart was pounding. And her companion was out of ideas.

She took one last precaution, to protect them. She raised her hand and concentrated. Stone tiles were being pulled out of the ground and forming a protective dome.

They were drawn into complete darkness, yelling could still be heard from outside and the girl was suddenly exhausted from using so much power. The Lucario caught her in his arms as she collapsed.

They were trapped, and that mob would definitely be able to get through somehow. Lucario pulled her back against a wall, and pulled a berry out of the backpack he'd kept in an unreachable void. One of his many abilities.

"Why won't they leave?!" The distressed young woman asked for wisdom and comfort.

"Because, I suppose you're something they've never seen. You don't have the energy to teleport huh?"

"I--I can't! I'm so sorry!"

"No. This is my fault. We were wrong to think the world was ready for you." The being sat beside her and rested his head on her, also tired. "We will wait a while. Then, when you or I are ready, we can get out of here."

Though there was so much noise, they were both able to get a good amount of rest.


"I'm through!" The leading man finally broke through, making a gap in the wall. "Dig at this spot!"

The command was sent to a pair of Drilbur, who obeyed quickly. They tore through the rest of the wall and revealed... An empty alleyway...

Little to the horde of humans' knowledge, the victims had been given enough time to recover, and had teleported out.

They were safe. For now. They were still being searched for, and still in hiding.

But they couldn't leave. The brother Pokemon had said that there was work to be done. Lessons to learn.

But how could they ever be accepted?

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