
By EliNeDe20

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Eudaimonia (n.) lit. "human flourishing"; a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous 🤍 Pipe... More

Notes... like always + first characters
Proloog - ♪ Things fall apart, but nothing breaks like a heart ♪
Chapter 1 - ♪ We're alone now ♪
Chapter 2 - ♪ Look what you made me do ♪
Chapter 3 - ♪ Pink flamingos in the pool ♪
Chapter 4 - ♪ She loved him, yeah ♪
Chapter 5 - ♪ Sorry seems to be the hardest word ♪
Chapter 6 - ♪ Remember everything will be alright ♪
Chapter 7 - ♪ You sit in class next to a red-head named Abigail ♪ (Adalind)
Chapter 8 - ♪ Do you want to know a secret ♪
Chapter 9 - ♪ You're in the mood for a dance ♪
Chapter 10 - ♪ Oh, come sail away with me ♪
Chapter 11 - ♪ As we felt this magical fantasy ♪
Chapter 13 - ♪ Baby, you light up my world like nobody else ♪
Chapter 14 - ♪ And you're here in my heart ♪
Chapter 15 - ♪ Just how fast the night changes? ♪
Chapter 16 - ♪ Please don't ever become a stranger ♪
Chapter 17 - ♪ You're not my homeland anymore ♪
Chapter 18 - ♪ What's up with my heart when it skips a beat ♪
Chapter 19 - ♪ Oh, girls, girls just wanna have fun ♪
Chapter 20 - ♪ Time To Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro) ♪
Chapter 21 - ♪ So goodbye, please don't cry ♪
Chapter 22 - ♪ Now you tell me you need me ♪
Chapter 23 - ♪ I hide in my music, forget the day ♪
Chapter 24 - ♪ But this is gonna take me down ♪
Chapter 25 - ♪ I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal ♪
Chapter 26 - ♪ I'll do my crying in the rain ♪
Chapter 27 - ♪ But I know just what you runnin' from ♪
Chapter 28 - ♪ And I'd give up forever to touch you ♪
Chapter 29 - ♪ Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day ♪
Chapter 30 - ♪ Something in you lit up heaven in me ♪
Chapter 31 - ♪ Tear me to pieces, skin to bone ♪
Chapter 32 - ♪ And all at once, you are the one, I have been waiting, waiting ♪
Chapter 33 - ♪ I want more, impossible to ignore ♪
Chapter 34 - ♪ If you never try you'll never know ♪
Chapter 35 - ♪ In the shadow of your heart ♪
Chapter 36 - ♪ Living in the memory of our song ♪
Chapter 37 - ♪ It's a new dawn - It's a new day - It's a new life - For me ♪
Chapter 38 - ♪ Maybe I just wanna be yours ♪
Epilogue - April 12, 2039 - 9 years later
epilogue 2 - 9 years of love *

Chapter 12 - ♪ And they could never tear us apart ♪

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By EliNeDe20

Adalind and Hailey came home with me. Jessica was dancing with Julia and found it too early to go home so we left her behind. Nick promised us to watch over them.

"I'm going to bed," Hailey mumbles and walks to her room.

"Me too, goodnight," Adalind says and follows Hailey.

I take a bottle of water and go to my room, braid my hair and put on some PJ's. Earlier at the party I wanted to go home. But walking back home in the cold evening air I'm back wide awake. I turn on some music and sit down on my bed with my notebook. I feel like writing and some sour gummy bears. I pull a bag out of my backpack and pop one in my mouth. 

I skip some songs to Time of my life, and instantly feel Damian's hands back on my body. It felt really nice. I liked how warm he felt. I liked how he looked at me. I like his brown eyes, or how they darkened. His scent. His bare feet that for some reason I like seeing.

I start writing.

A soft knock on my door pulls me out of my thoughts "Yeah?" I call out.

Adalind pops her head in, "You are still up? I thought you were tired."

"I was tired, but the walk home woke me up."

She smiles and plays with one of the bracelets I gave her over the years.

"Why are you nervous Adalind?" I ask her.

"I'm not," she mumbles and runs a hand through her hair a couple of times.

"Huhu— you sure about that?" I ask and her arm drops next to her body.

She shakes her head and takes a deep breath in, "fine, can we talk?"

"Sure," I shut my notebook and place it on my bedside table. "Bear?" I ask, holding the bag of sour bears in front of her. She takes one without thinking and pops it in her mouth. She makes a face when it touches her tongue, she never liked the sourness.

"Sit down Adalind and tell me, what is making you so nervous?" I ask her and shift under my coverlets, placing some pillows behind my back and head. I want to be comfortable for this. I think— I hope that she is going to say something about Nathan. I can feel the giddiness already bubbling inside me. She sits down next to me and sighs, her arms around her knees.

"I met someone—" she starts.

"Really?" I try to sound nonchalant and take another bear. Finally, she is going to tell me about her and Nathan. I'm so happy for them.

She hums, "I fell for him without knowing and tonight I realized that— that—" she shakes her head.

I nod and ask, "that you like him very very much?"

"No," she groans and places her hands on her cheeks, "I love him."

"You do?" I ask surprised, I hadn't expected to hear that from her. I'm not sure since when this thing between them is going on. Maybe a lot longer than I thought. I sit up on my knees and wrap my arms around her. "I'm so happy for you Adalind."

"I'm not sure what I'm doing," she mumbles.

"You think that others do? He won't hurt you. And even if he does, I'll kill him for it. I don't care that he's my friend—" I shut my mouth, I said too much. She didn't tell me it's Nathan. I pull back, trying to act nonchalant, maybe she didn't hear my slip up. But no, she looks at me with wide eyes.

"What? You know?" she asks.

"Uh— I came in his bedroom a while back and heard you and him talk. Once I heard you, I left the room immediately, I promise."

"When was that?" she asks.

"One of the first parties at their house at the start of the school year."

"You aren't mad?" she asks.

I frown, "why would I be mad? I'm happy for you and Nathan."

"He's been asking me for weeks to tell you and I kept postponing it. I thought you would be mad at me for being with him."

"Adalind, I promise with my hand on my heart, I'm really happy for the two of you. If it would have been just sex— maybe I wouldn't be happy with that. Two of my best friends love each other. When I found out I did a happy dance. It was quite embarrassing."

"Why?" she chuckles.

"Damien caught me. When did all off this happened?" I ask.

"Last spring break," she smiles. "I was already at the airport when I got a call from mom and dad canceling our plans. I didn't want to go home to be alone there. I knew you would be occupied with your granny; I didn't want to intrude."

"You wouldn't have done that. Never think that Adalind, you are my best friend. Now tell me more, I'm so curious." I clap my hands excitedly.

She smiles and her eyes sparkle with happiness, "I was standing in front of the airport ready to order an uber when Nathan passed by me in his car. He asked me if I needed a lift back and what my plans were. We spent the whole spring break together, made dinner, watched movies, talked about school, families and— our one-night stands. I went back to my dorm after that and missed him like crazy. I always found him hot, but I never looked at him like that since he was a friend. But when the weeks passed, I noticed that I was looking out for him. Found excuses to stay longer after practice. During parties I started to stay close to him, flirted even. And when I saw him walk up the stairs with another girl, I knew I was fucked."

I suck in a breath, "you should have talked to me Adalind. Is that that night you were so drunk that you jumped in the pool and tried to kiss Nick?"

"Yeah, it was the first time in my life I felt jealousy. I just wanted to get rid of that feeling. It hurt so much when I saw him walking away with that girl."

I smile, "he didn't do anything with her, I walked in on them."

"You did?"

"Yeah, I just came when she was screaming at him for 'pushing her away'. She was annoyed seeing me, but he seemed relieved. I remember that I told him how wasted you were. I went to his bathroom, and he was gone when I came out. And when I asked Jessica, she said that Nathan brought you to your dorm."

She blushes, and that's a first. "Hailey was with Charles, so Nathan stayed the whole night with me. He took care of me and the next day we talked. I never dared to ask what happened between him and that girl. And ever since we are together."

"I think nothing happened, but you should ask him."

"I know."

I smile at her, "so 5 months?"

She smiles and blushes even more, "my first real relationship."

I smile at her, "I have never seen you blush over a boy."

She places her hands on her cheeks "I know" she mumbles.

"I'm happy for you Adalind and for Nathan. Truly."

"Nathan is going to be happy that you know. He was sick of hiding."

"I can't wait to see you together as a couple. Oh!" I lower my voice "how is he treating you?"

"Good, really good," she smiles.

"I bet he is a good kisser," I smirk, and she's blushing again.

"The best I had."

I squeal seeing the expression on her face "I'm so happy!" I smile. "What about the rest?"

"Even better. Remember the first day we met?" I nod. "You asked Emma if it was enough, the casual sex. I never understood that question till Nathan. It was never enough Piper, you were right about that."

"I'm glad that you found it Adalind," I say and get up from the bed.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"I'm going to brush my teeth," I start brushing them while Adalind leans against my bathroom door frame and looks at me. "What?" I mumble with my mouth full of toothpaste.

"How well do you know Damien?" she asks.

"Not well," I mumble and rinse my mouth. "I went to school with him till I moved. In the few classes we shared he tried to talk to me but at the time I was so insecure and shy." I put my toothbrush away and look back at her.

She hums, "what happened with him during the lift?"

"Nothing," I say.

She crosses her arms over her chest, "are you sure? You should have seen how he looked at you."

"How did he look at me?"

She shrugs and says, "I don't know. I'm going to bed."

"Adalind?" I whine but she leaves my room and waves at me. "I'm tired, goodnight."

Adalind's words linger in my head for the rest of the night, and I do not sleep well. What did she mean with 'how he looked at me'?


It was the evening before winter break and since we were all going home, we, the girls, decided to throw a little dinner party at our apartment with our friends.

Emma arrived yesterday after her last class, and this morning, after breakfast we went grocery shopping. When we come back it's already close to noon and Hailey, Jessica and Adalind are watching gossip girl, while eating breakfast.

"Where were you guys?" Jessica asks.

Emma holds up our grocery bags "what do you think?"

"Sorry" she mumbles, her eyes not leaving the screen.

"Do you need help in the kitchen?" Hailey asks.

"No but you can move the furniture. We need place for 10 people—"

"11! Nathan asked Damien too," Adalind pulls her eyes away from the television "if that's alright."

"Yeah, we bought for 15 anyway. The boys tend to eat a lot."

"Okay, I let Nathan know. Did you hear from Chris?" Adalind asks.

"Yeah, Nick is picking him up in an hour."

After Emma and I place the groceries away I take my apron and put it on. It was Granny Alice her favorite apron. When I put it on, I feel closer to her, especially when I'm cooking. I can hear her muttering at me for being a messy cook.

"Where do we start?" Emma asks.

"With the dessert, I prefer it cooled down."

"Dessert? What are you making?" Hailey asks when she places the bowls in the sink, starting the dishes.

"A red fruit crumble, and last night I made chocolate mousse for those that don't like the sourness of the crumble."

"I'm going to eat both," Hailey says licking her lips. Whatever dessert I make, she loves it.

"Okay" Emma claps her hands "what do you need Chef?" Emma loves to cook but isn't really good at it. I don't mind, I love it that she stays with me and tries to help.

"You may take out, the frozen fruit, butter, flour, oatmeal, brown sugar, vanilla sugar, lemons, that baking dish I got last year from your parents and a mixing bowl."

"I'm going to take a shower," Hailey says and leaves the kitchen.

When everything is standing on the table, "okay, I'll do the fruit?"

"Yes, you may mix the red fruit with 2 lemons and 8 sachets of vanilla sugar," I say, as I begin to weigh the ingredients in my bowl. As I mix the ingredients into a slightly crumbly dough Emma makes us some tea and plays some music. I spread the crumble over the fruit and place it in the oven.

"Hailey looks happier," Emma says leaning against the kitchen island.

I hum, "she does. I think she's content— , maybe even relieved for breaking up with Charles."

"How is your love live?" She asks next.

I snort while I clean the kitchen island. Granny would scowl at me seeing the mess I already made in 20 minutes. "Non-existent," I reply anyway.

"What happened with uh— Brad?"

"Last time I saw him was in June, he was a good kisser but meh in bed."

"That bad?" she asks surprised.

"Yeah, I faked the whole thing and ran out once he fell asleep."

"Damn, I had high hopes of Brad."

"Me too. How is Michael?" I ask and start with the dishes.

Emma grabs a towel and sighs. "I ended it last week."

"Why? I thought you liked him."

"I did. His British accent got me every time, he was fun and good in bed. I told him from the start that I never wanted more than that. Fun in bed. He wanted more so I ended it."

"Emma," I groan. "They aren't all like him you know. Maybe Michael is worth it to open your heart again."

"I doubt it. They are all the same."

"You know that's not true. One day you will meet someone who will make you think differently. He will make your heart beat faster. Someone that will love you."

She snorts but stays silent.


The girls came back with decorations and Julia. "Sorry for being so early, I was bored at home and thought you could use some help?" Julia says, standing behind Jessica.

"Come in Julia, you are more than welcome." I smile at her.

"Okay, what are we making?"

"For appetizers, we are making some chicken fajitas tacos. For the main dish I opted for alfredo's chicken, Eggplant Parmesan and a lasagna."

"I'm in charge of the cocktails," Emma says.

"See that there is also something non-alcoholic," I say.

"Non-alcoholic? Why?" Emma asks.

"I think Damien doesn't drink. And Jeff and Hailey don't drink that much either." 


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